How to install Drupal on OpenShift Origin from console command. and deploy my website on it.
using rhc :
rhc app create drupal php-5.3 mysql-5.1 cron
I cloned my Symfony app to my server and when I want to open the website I get the error:
You don't have permission to access this resource.
Apache Server at Port 80
What does that mean?
I would check the owner of the files in terminal.
I would check vhost file, on my local Ubuntu the location is /etc/apache2/sites-available/
You could check if you didn't miss any important step from the webserver configuration documentation
Configuring a Web Server
like installing the apache Symfony pack or manually set an .htaccess
I had to link my domain to the public folder instead of the root folder
I'm gonna need more information about the system. Which symfony version do you have? Have you seen the loggers? Have you deployed the system on a docker container? Which version of PHP are you using? Maybe you are missing some dependencies.
I would like to have a simple httpd server on my codenvy machine in order to run a front-end web app. How do I install it?
Create a workspace with the template "php-default", then a php project. Try run, access the url the "start apache" gave you, and it should work ! I got a running app in less than 3 minutes.
I'm having an issue with my local laravel server. I'm building an API, and I need to test from another device, but the only url which is working is:
If I try
or using my machine local IP
I have a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED from chrome (I tried with safari too).
There is no 'blocking' extensions
I found the answer: artisan serve isolates the host, so if I want to specify it, I need to do:
php artisan serve --host=
Depending on what project you may in! In our case we had a bought project!
And https is configured by default! So https://..../app.css will not be accessible!
When you visit the link again in chrome it switch to http://.../app.css and it will work!
For our bought base code an env variable was setup and i just disabled it as bellow:
You may like to disable it in development!
This link may be helpful too!
How to force Laravel Project to use HTTPS for all routes?
Otherwise you can setup https to work well! Check how to do that with apache! Or nginx !
Otherwise know that you can't do it with php artisan serve! And you'll need to disable force https!
See the option bellow! (check the first answer to see if you can still use php artisan serve! And read the second one! To get why php artisan serve doesn't support https)
Laravel php artisan serve to mimic HTTPS
I hope this may help some! That fall on the same problem! Which is a line of things to check to add to the list here!
php artisan serve :
Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8000/
so you can only access to this server by http://localhost:8000/
I had that problem because I forgot to execute npm run devto launch Vite server.
Open up the terminal window in your working directory and run
php artisan serve
You will then be able to access your laravel local development through your browser by using the URL http://localhost:8000
Running ionic serve (ionic serve --lab) allows to run the app on http://localhost:8100/ionic-lab
Trying to access https://localhost:8100/ionic-lab results in:
SSL connection error
Is there a way to run the app on https?
I followed the instructions from the link to overcome SSL error, but couldn't figure out how to use it with ionic (i.e. I don't know how to use cert.pem & key.pem files while starting the server with the command ionic serve --lab)
use --ssl option:
ionic serve --lab --ssl
Have you tried the steps from the official Github issues thread?
To create a self signed cert and run it with a go proxy script
I tried my best to deploy rails website on ec2, Unfortunately, I got some weird error like "Symbolic link not allowed" More details here ->
Deployed rails site on ec2 using capistrano, but it doesn't show up on the browser, here is the site ->
Question: Is there a better way to choose ubuntu ami? Will that make the difference?
You have configuration issue. Just fix it.
Have you set Options FollowSymLinks in your HTTPD config?