InvalidClassException and serialization issues - serialization

So i have an exercise given from my lecturer to build a registration system.
My job is to test the program. My friends gave me the source code, but i cant seem to get it running, although one of my friend can open it without any problems
Here is the error message javax.swing.JComponent; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -3424753864000836906, local class serialVersionUID = 3742318830738515599
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(
at gui.MainWindow.initComponents(
at gui.MainWindow.<init>(
at srs.Driver.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Component must be non-null
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.<init>(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.<init>(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.addComponent(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup.addComponent(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup.addComponent(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.addComponent(
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup.addComponent(
at gui.MainWindow.initComponents(
at gui.MainWindow.<init>(
at srs.Driver.main(
Java Result: 1
In one of the package i have this class called "", and "MainWindow_creditsField2.ser". This package is for GUI purposes.
I am assuming the error has something to do with the .ser file. When I asked my friend what that file is, he did not know what that file is, and said that it's
automatically generated
When I clicked on 3 of the last errors,
Driver tells me the line MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();
MainWindow tells me line initComponents();
I think that is all the leads I can give you

The problem is with the serialization . Here is the link where it is described nicely why it occurs. Go through this thoroughly to understand how that field is used to make sure the serialized version and what the JVM wants to create from the serialized object are the same.


Upgrade to Java 17 throws java.lang.RuntimeException: Error creating extended parser class: Could not determine whether class has already been loaded

I am using jtwig lib and the code was working fine but when we upgraded to Java 17, I am getting the below mention runtime exception.
Below is the method and throws RuntimeException while calling template.render()
String renderDescription(String templatePath,String userId, String caseId) {
JtwigTemplate template =
JtwigModel model = JtwigModel.newModel()
.with("userId", userId)
.with("caseId", caseId)
return template.render(model);
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error creating extended parser class: Could not determine whether class 'org.jtwig.parser.parboiled.base.BooleanParser$$parboiled' has already been loaded
at org.parboiled.Parboiled.createParser(
at org.jtwig.parser.parboiled.ParserContext.instance(
at org.jtwig.parser.parboiled.ParboiledJtwigParser.parse(
at org.jtwig.parser.cache.InMemoryConcurrentPersistentTemplateCache.get(
at org.jtwig.parser.CachedJtwigParser.parse(
at org.jtwig.JtwigTemplate.render(
at org.jtwig.JtwigTemplate.render(
I was facing a similar issue after upgrading JVM version, and I found that adding this environment variable helped:
JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS=--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED
I believe it has something to do with stricter default limits on reflection when trying to inspect built-in classes.

Using Optaplanner for VRPPD

I am trying to run the example "optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment" developed by Geoffrey De Smet and when I run it it throws me the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The entity (MY) has a
variable (previousStandstill) with value (MUNO) which has a
sourceVariableName variable (nextVisit) with a value (WERBOMONT) which
is not null. Verify the consistency of your input problem for that
sourceVariableName variable.
I have not made any change, I have only cloned and executed it, I import and solve it and it throws me this error.
Do you know what could be happening?
I am applying it in the development of a variant of VRP with multiple deliveries and collections, but it throws me the same error. I have activated the FULL_ASSERT mode and nextVisit, previousStandstill, visitIndex are always null
It's been a long time since I looked at that code, so it's using an old version of optaplanner. Our goal is still to clean it up and offer an out of the box example for VRPPD (and probably remove some boilerplate along the way, using the upcoming #CollectionPlanningVariabe etc). That being said, we have multiple users&customers who used that optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment to successfully build VRPPD implementations.
Which dataset did you try?
FWIW, that IllegalStateException says that when A.previous = B, the is not A. So either the dataset importer didn't import it correctly - before calling solve() - especially if it fails before the first CH step in FULL_ASSERT. Or one of the custom moves corrupted the model.

debugging vxworks loadModule failure

I have a VxWorks Image Project project without a File-System on MPC5200B, using DIAB tool-chain.
I need to dynamically load a module from flash.
I allocated memory on my stack char myTemporaryModuleData[MAX_MODULE_SIZE]
and filled it with the module data from Flash.
(checked that the binary data is intact)
then i create a memDevice('/mem/mem01', myTemporaryModuleData, moduleReadLength)
open the psuedo-stream int fdModuleData = open("/mem/mem01", O_RDONLY, 777);
when i run int mId = loadModule(fdModuleData, LOAD_ALL_SYMBOLS);
did not see anything in the console after running loadModule();
but mId = 0 which indicates failure :(.
getErrno() returned 0x3D0004 (S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT)
NOTE: it didn't take long at all to fail => timeout?
i tried replacing the module with a simple void foo() { printf(...); } module but still failes with same issue.
tried loading an .out instead of .o
unfortunately, nothing got me nowhere,
How can i know what caused it to fail? (log, last_error, anything i should check?)
Apparently, it was a mistake in the data read from the flash.
What I can contribute is that 'loadModule()' from memDrv device is possible and working.

Using JNDI Connection pool as Datanucleus PersistenceManagerFactory

I am developing a web application using DataNucleus as DAO layer (mainly due to historical reasons). It runs inside Payara server (a Glassfish 4 fork)
It works fine, but now I'd like to use a JNDI db connection pool to obtain the PersistenceManagerFactory for DataNucleus.
From the documentation, it seems that the following code would suffice:
pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory( "jdbc/HxWmDb", context );
but this way I obtain an error starting the application (DbSession is the class which implements the DAO layer, and the error line is exactly the one above):
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException
at javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
at javax.jdo.JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(
at javax.jdo.JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(
at ejb.DbSession.<init>(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.gjc.spi.jdbc40.DataSource40 cannot be cast to org.omg.CORBA.Object
Any suggestion?
Little update, as requested by DN1:
As a first approach, I tried exactly what is described in the link:
Properties properties = new Properties();
PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(properties);
And the error is, as already said, that a URI is anyway required:
Caused by: org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException: You haven't specified persistence property 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL'

What are possible causes of Multiple ID-statement Exception in Sesame?

I would like to know what are possible causes that can rise the following Exception ?
org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigException: Multiple ID-statements for repository ID test_3
It rises when i try to query the test_3 repository. Another fact is that after that there is two repository with the same name displayed in my web page http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench/repositories/NONE/repositories
any help is welcome !
I'm using Sesame 2.7.7
Providing more details about the code which cause the Exception
public void connectToRepository(){
RepositoryConnection connection;
RemoteRepositoryManager repositoryManager = new RemoteRepositoryManager("http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame/");
try {
SailImplConfig backendConfig = new NativeStoreConfig("spoc,sopc,posc,psoc,ospc,opsc");
RepositoryImplConfig repositoryTypeSpec = new SailRepositoryConfig(backendConfig);
RepositoryConfig repConfig = new RepositoryConfig(repositoryID, repositoryTypeSpec);
Repository myRepository = repositoryManager.getRepository(repositoryID);
connection = myRepository.getConnection();
catch (RepositoryException | RepositoryConfigException e) {
The Exception is cause by the following line in the code:
Here are details
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
Custom NTriples/NQuads Parser
Custom NTriples/NQuads Parser
org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigException: Multiple ID-statements for repository ID 10m7_m
at org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigUtil.getIDStatement(
at org.openrdf.repository.config.RepositoryConfigUtil.hasRepositoryConfig(
at org.openrdf.repository.manager.RemoteRepositoryManager.createRepository(
at org.openrdf.repository.manager.RepositoryManager.getRepository(
at soctrace.repositories.OLDSesameRepositoryManagement.connectToRepository(
at soctrace.repositories.OLDSesameRepositoryManagement.queryInRepository(
at soctrace.views.Main.main(
[sesame in memory] connection to repository 10m7_m done , 444, ms
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at soctrace.repositories.OLDSesameRepositoryManagement.runQuery(
at soctrace.repositories.OLDSesameRepositoryManagement.queryInRepository(
at soctrace.views.Main.main(
Your code creates a new repository (by adding a new repository configuration to the repository manager) every time you execute the connectToRepository() method. Since you use the exact same repository configuration (including the actual id of the repository) every time, naturally this causes an error the second time you execute it: you are trying to add a repository with an id that already exists.
You should rewrite your code to make sure that it only tries to create the repository when a repository with that id doesn't exist yet - if it already exists, it should just use the existing one.