How to use Web services in .Net - wcf

I have requirement to fetch images and data from US based client's server then do work on it and then again save data on there server.
How do I start work on it.

follow below for link for ur answer


Connecting to an API using Power Bi

I am trying to connect to an API using Power BI. I am doing this by clicking on the Get Data then choosing Web, typing the URL address of the site. It comes with the list of API links created when I drill to any of them I cannot see anything. Is this the correct way of doing it? Many Thanks for your help
For querying REST APIs, that's the correct way of doing it yes. But in your case, it might be an issue with the API itself or that you need more details in the query? It's hard to troubleshoot without vieweing the API documentations.
If you then press on Advanced, you can then include further details for your request if needed.
I will include some screenshots below of how to choose the Web connector.

How to set up a server for my app

At the moment I am making an app. I am relatively new but have experience with a lot of different languages like PHP and SQL. My app needs to communicate with a server to post/retrieve data for everyone to see. People also need to be able to login and register. Right now I am using parse because it gives a lot of the requirements in an easy package but parse is retiring soon and I have no experience with setting up my own server.
I was thinking of making my own 'server' from an old computer but not use parse because it will no longer support push notification. Then of course the app needs to communicate with this server. I started looking online and found a lot of terms but not a real clear explanation on how to proceed. I need it to be able to communicate with iOS and Android. Furthermore I was wondering how to execute a script on the server itself. I want to do something with time, once someone uploads something it needs to disappear after 48 hours, but of course it also needs to do this even if the app isn't active on a smartphone
Can anyone tell me how I need to proceed, what to use and where i can find useful info.
My plan for now is creating my own server with something like MongoDB but then i still need something called a backend and different SDK's to communicate with the apps. Maybe its possible to install parse on my own server and add something so i can still use Push and run a script on the server itself.
All help would be very much App-reciated ;)!
The reason of a backend service or framework is to let developer focus on front end app development. Maybe you can check other options like firebase, meoter, or even leancloud. Don't be hurry jump to the decision to make your own backend.
Parse Server is already supporting Push Notifications. I think should keep using Parse. It will become the best framework for backend and API development in a short time. You can also use services like that helps you in all process of configuration of your server.
Do you mean by create your own server running a personal derver pr you mean create your own back end application?

Connecting Google Adwords with QlikView 11 without using the QVSource Connector

I'm working on a project to connect Google Adwords with QlikView 11, i want to know if there's another way to do that without using the QVSource Connector which is not free.
I did some research and i found Adwords API, but i don't know how to use it.
If you have an idea please help me.
Thank you,
You need OAuth2 to authenticate against Adwords. Qlikview support only very simple authentication method (against web sites). Also QV doesn't support data in JSON format.
For this reasons you are unable to connect to Adwords directly from QV. You will need some tool/service that connect and extract the data in format the QV can load.
QVSource is working on this principle. Taking the authentication, extraction and transformation (if needed) of the data to csv format.
So you need to go with QVSource or write an app that will "link" QV with Adwords.

live sandbox containing multiple apis

I remember once seeing a site that contained all the popular apis and it displayed sample data when you fetched or inserted content via REST. I cant remember what site it was on so if anyone knows let me know thanks
You are probably looking for this.
This site is a directory to all API Services provided by companies.

Android MySQL php+JSON alternative

I have written a simple database driven app in C# which uses a 2 table MySQL database. This is all a learning curve for me (except c#, which I am now comfortable with)
The app is small, has a couple of datagridviews, uses a few sql select/inserts statments to populate the datagridviews and also update records.
I want to port this app to Android. All of the internet sources I can find recommend a middle php sript which accepts http requests in order to fetch the data from MySQL and then return the results back to the android device where it is parsed with JSON etc etc.
This method is a little out of my reach since I dont have php experience, all of my attempts to implement the php layer have failed, speciially the android app was not receiving any data back, I'm assuming I messed up somewhere inside the php file.
Is there an easier (more noobproof) way to interact with the MySQL database from within android which doesnt require the need for php + JSON? Any ideas are appreciated, thank you in advance.
If you are comfortable with C#, why not use ASP.Net MVC for the middle man?
MVC is especially easy to deal with JSON, and you actually only need to create those "controllers" (as models should already be there from your existing app, and JSON don't need the View to display).
You can create a Web Service with C# that handles the data retrieval from the database; no need to go with PHP. Try create one with WCF API (check this question in order to create one). In order to create an Android client that consumes JSON on Android check this link.
If your mobile application have to access a database over the network you should indeed build a web service fronted to the database.
By putting a web access layer on top of the database you can expose the required queries in an abstracted, secure and convenient manner.
Though this sort of web service architecture can be implemented with PHP + JSON other technologies can be used as well. If you feel more comfortable with C# you can use it to build the web service instead. By doing so you may even be able to reuse some of the code from your existing application.
Actually, it would be better to take php in middle of android & mysql, due to the security concern and by the way this is the most easiest & comfortable method. here is link link. I hope you like it.