Javassist overwriting existing annotations - javassist

Already existed annotations present at the top of class are removing and whatever i added using Javassist are adding but not taking any effect.
class Master
//getters and setters
What i need is to add extra annotation #Table(name="Master",schema="Master_Database")
to be added via Javassist dynamically to the above class 'Master'.
What i'm facing is #Entity is removed and #Table is successfully added.
This causes loss of functionality of eclipseLink auto generation of entity classes.
Plz help me

It should be as simple as:
That should not remove existing annotations. For helping you further we would need to know how you added the annotation.
But are you bound to Javassist? Have a look at Byte Buddy (I am the author) which makes adding annotations a rather easy excercise:
TypePool pool = TypePool.Default.ofClassPath();
TypeDescription type = pool.describe("name.of.class");
Class<?> enhanced = new ByteBuddy()
.redefine(type, ClassFileLocator.ForClassFile.ofClassPath())
.annotation(new Table() {
.load(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER)


Adding a property using Jackson MixIn's?

I know we can use Jackson MixIn's to rename a property or to ignore a property (see examples here). But is it possible to add a property?
The added property can be:
A constant (such as a version number)
A computed value (e.g. if the source class has properties for getWidth() and getHeight(), but we want to ignore both and export a getArea() instead)
Flattened information from nested members (e.g. a class has a member Information which in turn has a member Description, and we want to have a new property for description and skipping the nesting structure of Information)
From documentation:
"Mix-in" annotations are a way to associate annotations with classes,
without modifying (target) classes themselves, originally intended to
help support 3rd party datatypes where user can not modify sources to
add annotations.
With mix-ins you can:
1. Define that annotations of a '''mix-in class''' (or interface)
2. will be used with a '''target class''' (or interface) such that it
3. as if the ''target class'' had all annotations that the ''mix-in''
class has (for purposes of configuring serialization /
To solve your problems you can:
Create new POJO which has all required fields.
Implement custom serialiser.
Before serialisation convert POJO to Map and add/remove nodes.
Use com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializerModifier to extend custom serialisers. See: Jackson custom serialization and deserialization.
For example, to add a constant version to each object you can wrap it in Verisoned class:
class Versioned {
private final String version;
private final Object pojo;
public Versioned(String version, Object pojo) {
this.version = version;
this.pojo = pojo;
public String getVersion() {
return version;
public Object getPojo() {
return pojo;
Now, if you wrap an Arae(width, height) object:
Area area = new Area(11, 12);
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(new Versioned("1.1", area));
output will be:
"version" : "1.1",
"width" : 11,
"height" : 12

How to iterate Apache velocity template variable attributes

As title, is there any way to iterate or display Apache velocity template attributes?
for example, I have following code :
And I want to know how many other attributes the variable ${ctx} has
It's only possible to discover and to loop on an object properties (that is, the ones with getters and/or setters) if you can add a new tool to your Velocity context. If you can't, you're rather stuck.
There are several ways to do this, I illustrate below how to do this with commons-beanutils.
First, add Apache commons-beanutils in your class path, and add it to your Velocity context from Java:
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
context.put("beans", new PropertyUtils());
One remark: if you do not have access to the Java part, but if by chance commons-beanutils is already in the classpath, there is one hakish way of having access to it: #set($beans = $foo.class.forName('org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils').newInstance()).
Then, let's say that I have the following object:
class Foo
public boolean isSomething() { return true; }
public String getName() { return "Nestor"; }
which is present in my context under $foo. Using your newly $beans properties introspector, you can do:
#set ($properties = $beans.getPropertyDescriptors($foo.class))
#foreach ($property in $properties)
$ ($property.propertyType) = $property.readMethod.invoke($foo)
This will produce:
bar (boolean) = true
class (class java.lang.Class) = class Foo
name (class java.lang.String) = Robert
(you'll need to filter out the class property, of course)
One last remark, though. Templates are for coding the View layer of an MVC application, and doing such a generic introspection of objects in them is rather inadequate in the view layer. You're far better of moving all this introspection code on the Java side.

How do I create hypermedia links in custom serializer with Spring Data Rest

I have a abstract class and two implementations:
public abstract class Attribute {
// some properties
public class CustomAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property1;
public class DefaultAttribute extends Attribute{
private String property2;
There's another class, which includes these attributes:
public class Step{
private List<Attribute> attributes;
Now when Step gets serialized, the self link is missing. I need the self reference, since I want to update the attributes. According to the documentation, jackson needs a little help deciding which class to use. But that does not help, because I need to use both classes. So I build a custom serializer (and registered with a module) for Step and now I wonder how I can construct the link myself. I couldn't find anything in the Spring Data Rest docs regarding this. Since Spring Data Rest adds these links automatically, I think there might be a way to have the protocol/hostname/port information available in the JsonSerializer. How do I get the information in my custom serializer?
Ok, now I use the linkTo() function to get the hostname and port and I manually set the rest of the resource URL in my custom serializer.
final Link attributeLink = linkTo(CustomAttributeRepository.class)
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("href", attributeLink.getHref());

Dozer BeanFactory: How to implement it?

I have looked at the Dozer's FAQs and docs, including the SourceForge forum, but I didn't see any good tutorial or even a simple example on how to implement a custom BeanFactory.
Everyone says, "Just implement a BeanFactory". How exactly do you implement it?
I've Googled and all I see are just jars and sources of jars.
Here is one of my BeanFactories, I hope it helps to explain the common pattern:
public class LineBeanFactory implements BeanFactory {
public Object createBean(final Object source, final Class<?> sourceClass, final String targetBeanId) {
final LineDto dto = (LineDto) source;
return new Line(dto.getCode(), dto.getElectrified(), dto.getName());
And the corresponding XML mapping:
<class-a bean-factory="">com.floyd.nav.core.model.Line</class-a>
This way I declare that when a new instance of Line is needed then it should create it with my BeanFactory. Here is a unit test, that can explain it:
public void Line_is_created_with_three_arg_constructor_from_LineDto() {
final LineDto dto = createTransientLineDto();
final Line line = (Line) this.lineBeanFactory.createBean(dto, LineDto.class, null);
assertEquals(dto.getCode(), line.getCode());
assertEquals(dto.getElectrified(), line.isElectrified());
assertEquals(dto.getName(), line.getName());
So Object source is the source bean that is mapped, Class sourceClass is the class of the source bean (I'm ignoring it, 'cause it will always be a LineDto instance). String targetBeanId is the ID of the destination bean (too ignored).
A custom bean factory is a class that has a method that creates a bean. There are two "flavours"
a) static create method
SomeBean x = SomeBeanFactory.createSomeBean();
b) instance create method
SomeBeanFactory sbf = new SomeBeanFactory();
SomeBean x = sbf.createSomeBean();
You would create a bean factory if creating and setting up your bean requires some tricky logic, like for example initial value of certain properties depend on external configuration file. A bean factory class allows you to centralize "knowledge" about how to create such a tricky bean. Other classes just call create method without worying how to correctly create such bean.
Here is an actual implementation. Obviously it does not make a lot of sense, since Dozer would do the same without the BeanFactory, but instead of just returning an object, you could initialized it somehow differently.
public class ComponentBeanFactory implements BeanFactory {
public Object createBean(Object source, Class<?> sourceClass,
String targetBeanId) {
return new ComponentDto();
Why do you need a BeanFactory anyways? Maybe that would help understanding your question.

Persistence classes in Qt

I'm porting a medium-sized CRUD application from .Net to Qt and I'm looking for a pattern for creating persistence classes. In .Net I usually created abstract persistence class with basic methods (insert, update, delete, select) for example:
public class DAOBase<T>
public T GetByPrimaryKey(object primaryKey) {...}
public void DeleteByPrimaryKey(object primaryKey) {...}
public List<T> GetByField(string fieldName, object value) {...}
public void Insert(T dto) {...}
public void Update(T dto) {...}
Then, I subclassed it for specific tables/DTOs and added attributes for DB table layout:
[DBTable("note", "note_id", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer)]
[DbField("note_id", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer, "NoteId")]
[DbField("client_id", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer, "ClientId")]
[DbField("title", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text, "Title", "")]
[DbField("body", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text, "Body", "")]
[DbField("date_added", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Date, "DateAdded")]
class NoteDAO : DAOBase<NoteDTO>
Thanks to .Net reflection system I was able to achieve heavy code reuse and easy creation of new ORMs.
The simplest way to do this kind of stuff in Qt seems to be using model classes from QtSql module. Unfortunately, in my case they provide too abstract an interface. I need at least transactions support and control over individual commits which QSqlTableModel doesn't provide.
Could you give me some hints about solving this problem using Qt or point me to some reference materials?
Based on Harald's clues I've implemented a solution that is quite similar to the .Net classes above. Now I have two classes.
UniversalDAO that inherits QObject and deals with QObject DTOs using metatype system:
class UniversalDAO : public QObject
UniversalDAO(QSqlDatabase dataBase, QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~UniversalDAO();
void insert(const QObject &dto);
void update(const QObject &dto);
void remove(const QObject &dto);
void getByPrimaryKey(QObject &dto, const QVariant &key);
And a generic SpecializedDAO that casts data obtained from UniversalDAO to appropriate type:
template<class DTO>
class SpecializedDAO
SpecializedDAO(UniversalDAO *universalDao)
virtual ~SpecializedDAO() {}
DTO defaultDto() const { return DTO; }
void insert(DTO dto) { dao->insert(dto); }
void update(DTO dto) { dao->update(dto); }
void remove(DTO dto) { dao->remove(dto); }
DTO getByPrimaryKey(const QVariant &key);
Using the above, I declare the concrete DAO class as following:
class ClientDAO : public QObject, public SpecializedDAO<ClientDTO>
ClientDAO(UniversalDAO *dao, QObject *parent = 0) :
QObject(parent), SpecializedDAO<ClientDTO>(dao)
From within ClientDAO I have to set some database information for UniversalDAO. That's where my implementation gets ugly because I do it like this:
QMap<QString, QString> fieldMapper;
fieldMapper["client_id"] = "clientId";
fieldMapper["name"] = "firstName";
/* ...all column <-> field pairs in here... */
I do it in constructor so it's not visible at a first glance for someone browsing through the header. In .Net version it was easy to spot and understand.
Do you have some ideas how I could make it better?
As far as I know there is nothing ready made that gives to this facility directly in qt. There are some possible approaches.
Implement the fields as Q_PROPERTY, the are then reflected through the Metaclass system and can be used to implement generic DAO functionality
You could still use the QSqlTableModel but encapsulate writes with transactions, if a transaction fails, refresh the model from the DB. Feasibility depends on the size of the data that you hold in the the model.
We currently use a TableModel/QSqlRecord based approach for reading and writing, there is no ORM mapping done in our system. I have been trying to engineer a more generic approach but the refactoring work that we would have to do to get there is to costly at the moment.
This link is not Qt related but a good overview of implementation patterns
If you want an ORM which only depends on Qt and builds upon Qt's Meta-Object System to provide instrospection, you might consider trying QDjango. On top of the basic create/update/delete operations at the model level, it provides a queryset template class (modeled after django's querysets) which allows to build fairly complex lookups. QtScript integration is also underway.
Tegesoft has recently release a new version of its library named CAMP that provide C++ runtime reflexion as you are using in .Net. I think this will allow you to achieve your application like you have done in .Net.
There is also a new open source ORM C++ library : QxOrm. QxOrm is based on QtSql Qt module to communicate with database and boost::serialization to serialize your data with xml and binary format. The web site is in french but quick sample code and tutorial code is in english (a translation is in progress...).
...And one more new Qt ORM: QST: QsT SQL Tools (latest stable version - 0.4.2a release).
QST provides mechanism to generate simple SQL queries: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UNPDATE and EXECUTE. Version 0.4 uses T-SQL; new version - 0.5 - will use PostgreSQL by default. You will find, this ORM based on original, unusual conceptions. For example, it integrated with Qt Interview system, so you can setting up view representation (column widths, titles) much easy.
There are example projects for versions 0.3 and 0.4: TradeDB 0.3, TradeDB 0.4. TradeDB 0.4 should be useful to start learning QST.
This seems like an excellent technique. I am, however, having some problems getting my prototype to compile n link....
I've implemented the basics as you describe and call the DAO class to retrieve an instance of one of my DB-resident objects.
Here are the statements calling this these model classes:
_db = <create QSqlDatabase>;
dao = new UniversalDAO (_db);
AddressDAO * aDAO = new AddressDAO (dao);
Address addr = aDAO->getByPrimaryKey(QVariant(1));
In my AddressDAO.cpp, I have:
template<class Address>
Address SpecializedDAO<Address>::getByPrimaryKey(const QVariant &key)
{ }
At link time, I get the following:
undefined reference to
`SpecializedDAO<Address>::getByPrimaryKey(QVariant const&)'
How would I correctly implement the methods in the SpecializedDAO class?
Stupid me, stupid me, stupid me.... I mostly got this to work. The issues....
My model classes (DTOs) are wrapped in namespaces and I use macros to define and use these namespaces. Plus, I tried to use a good hierarchy for these classes and found that moc has a reeeeal problem with class hierarchies wrapped in namespaces....
I fergot that function definitions of template classes need to be in the header file - can't be in separate compilation units.
qmake doesn't deal with (header file) dependencies very well when crossing library boundaries. I have my model stuff in a shared lib and the 'main()' function (in a separate directory) was trying to read a record from the DB. The 'main()' C file wasn't getting re-compiled when I changed my model class header file...
Here are more details:
In SpecializedDAO.h:
template<class DTO>
DTO SpecializedDAO<DTO>::getByPrimaryKey(const QVariant &key)
throw (FlowException)
DTO obj;
dao->getByPrimaryKey(static_cast<QObject &> (obj), key);
return obj;
In UniversalDAO.cpp:
UniversalDAO::getByPrimaryKey (QObject & dto, const QVariant & key)
<retrieve properties from 'dto' n build up QSqlQuery>
<execute QSqlQuery 'SELECT...' to retrieve record>
<call dto.setProperty() on all fields>
A current outstanding issue is use of user-defined types for property types in my DTO classes. I'm trying to use std::string vs. QString, but no matter what I tried (Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::string), qRegisterMetaType<std::string>(), etc., nothing seemed to work.... had to revert to Qt-based types. bummer....