iCarousel currentItemIndex doesn't change - objective-c

So I'm using iCarousel to display some images in my app and I need a label to show current image index when I scroll (e.g. "3/10"). This is my code:
- (void)carouselCurrentItemIndexDidChange:(iCarousel *)carousel
NSLog(#"index: %i", currentItemIndex);
imageNumber.text = #"";
imageNumber.text = [[[imageNumber.text
stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", currentItemIndex+1]]
stringByAppendingString:#"/" ]
stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", carousel.numberOfItems]];
Although this method is being called whenever I scroll, the currentItemIndex never change. It remains 0.
Does anybody know why is this or can suggest another way I can update the index when the user scrolls the carousel?

First, you need to have
and not currentItemIndex.
Second, you may also implement carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation: delegate and check for the index:
- (void)carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation:(iCarousel *)carousel
NSLog(#"index: %i", carousel.currentItemIndex);


SpriteKit Removing sprites to redraw

Currently in my application I've been adopting a technique to remove/re-draw certain sprites.
in example, the app is a poker app. So when a call/raise/check is made, there is a chip that is placed in-front of the player with an SKLabelNode containing the bet,check etc.. However, removing the previous to then re-add the new is inconsistent and causes a lot of EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors. Now, I guess I could program it to nest search for that node and alter the value instead of redrawing. However, it's used in multiple occasions and will at some point rely on removing the child from it's parent.
What I'm asking is what is the best technique to achieve this without the possibility of inconsistent crashes..?
-(void)removePreviousChips:(NSString *)player {
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"chipLabel:%#", player];
SKNode *node = [tableSprite childNodeWithName:string];
[node removeFromParent];
-(void)updateChipStacksAndPlayerPositionsWith:(NSDictionary *)dict {
// [tableSprite removeAllChildren];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
//loop through seats taken if value then draw.
if (![[dict valueForKey:_seatNames[i]] isEqualToString:#""]) {
[self drawAvatarWithPlayerName:[dict valueForKey:_seatNames[i]] withSeatPosition:[[seatPositions valueForKey:_seatNames[i]] CGPointValue] withChipStack:[[dict valueForKey:#"startingChips"] intValue]];
if ([self displayStartGameButton]) {
[startGameBG runAction:[SKAction fadeAlphaTo:1 duration:0.5]];
} else {
[startGameBG runAction:[SKAction fadeAlphaTo:0 duration:0.5]];
Them two examples are consistent ways to crash my app.
for example, a better approach would be to detect whether the node is present before the requirement to remove it from it's parent and redraw it. However, something to detect it's presence is not working out for me
SKNode *node = [tableSprite childNodeWithName:[dict valueForKey:_seatNames[i]]];
if (node) {
NSLog(#"node for %# exists", [dict valueForKey:_seatNames[i]]);
} else {
NSLog(#"node for %# doesn't exist", [dict valueForKey:_seatNames[i]]);

Making a simple quiz game. Stuck with the arrays part

I'm trying to make a game with 2 views, the first view has buttons which segues to another view. Depending on the segue identifier, it loads an image which the player has to guess.
I also have a an array which lists hints for the 4 images.
With the array, i made a button which shows the hints on the view, but the problem I have right now is that I don't know how to set the correct array to the image/puzzle.
A code that works right now is this:
if ([self.thePuzzle.name isEqual: #"lion"])
NSArray *hints = [lines[0] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
self.hintLabel.text = hints[0];
But after adding another line for the second image/puzzle, the app crashes.
2nd UPDATE: code that crashes
After entering this code
if ([self.thePuzzle.name isEqual: #"penguin"])
NSArray *hints = [lines[1] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
self.hintLabel.text = hints[1];
The hint button works for the 1st code, which has the lion picture, while the second part of the code, for the penguin pic, crashes when the Hint button is pressed.
3rd Update: Additional information
I made xcode access a file from the internet which contained the words for my array.
This is how i coded it.
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:self.thePuzzle.imgFileName];
NSString *urlString = #"http://m.uploadedit.com/b032/1395295852132.txt";
NSString *contents = [TextFileManager readStringFromURL:urlString];
//parse contents
lines = [contents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
for( int i = 0; i < lines.count; i++)
NSString *line = lines[i];
NSLog(#"%d: %#", i, line);

retrieving UITextField position on screen

How can I retrieve the position of my UITextField??
I can create many UITextFields proprammly and then move them on screen. then in the following way (by tag), I detect fine the writing, but I also want the position (es: GRect 0,0,0,0).
for (UITextField *text in array2) {
int touchedtag = text.tag;
NSUInteger tagCount = touchedtag;
switch (tagCount) {
case 1:
size = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", text.frame];
object = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#", text.text, size];
I tried this (using size) but it does not work. Thanks in advance for the help
The position of the textField should show in textfield.frame. But if you wan't to NSLog the frame you need to use NSStringFromCGRect(textField.frame).

MKMapView: show or hide an array of annotations without looping

I have an array of annotations.
NSArray *annotations = [mapView annotations];
I can show or hide them by looping through the array.
for (i=0; i<[annotations count]; i++)
annotation = (AddressAnnotation*)[annotations objectAtIndex:i];
[[mapView viewForAnnotation:annotation] setHidden:YES];
But is there any way to do that without looping?
We can add annotations by the method
- (void)addAnnotations:(NSArray *)annotations;
Also we can remove the annotations by like below:
- (void)removeAnnotations:(NSArray *)annotations;
But i cant find out any method to show or hide an array of annotations :(
not sure if you solved this, but in MapKit you can use
NSArray *annotationsOnMap = mapView.annotations;
if ([annotationsOnMap count] > 0) {
[mapView removeAnnotations:annotationsOnMap];

IKImageBrowserView Moving items doesn't animate

I have an IKImageBrowser setup which appears to be working well. I have set it up to allow reordering and also set animation to YES (in my awakeFromNib), however whenever I select and try and reorder the images I get strange behaviour:
1) They don't reorder most of the time
2) If they do they don't animate
3) Sometimes the images land on each other, if I scroll away and back they are back where they started.
If I highlight an image and delete it, it animates and disappears as expected...
Is this a problem with Core Animation? Do I need to add a core animation layer to the object in interface builder? I followed this tutorial from Apple to get these results: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/ImageKitProgrammingGuide/ImageBrowser/ImageBrowser.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004907-CH5-SW1
Here's the code in question:
- (BOOL) imageBrowser:(IKImageBrowserView *) aBrowser moveItemsAtIndexes: (NSIndexSet *)indexes toIndex:(NSUInteger)destinationIndex{
int index;
NSMutableArray *temporaryArray;
temporaryArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for(index=[indexes lastIndex]; index != NSNotFound;
index = [indexes indexLessThanIndex:index])
if (index < destinationIndex)
destinationIndex --;
id obj = [mImages objectAtIndex:index];
[temporaryArray addObject:obj];
[mImages removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Insert at the new destination
int n = [temporaryArray count];
for(index=0; index < n; index++){
[mImages insertObject:[temporaryArray objectAtIndex:index]
return YES;
Interestingly, this line throws a warning
for(index=[indexes lastIndex]; index != NSNotFound;
comparison is always true due to
limited range of data type
As mentioned above by NSGod, changing int index to NSUInteger index solved the problem