retrieving UITextField position on screen - objective-c

How can I retrieve the position of my UITextField??
I can create many UITextFields proprammly and then move them on screen. then in the following way (by tag), I detect fine the writing, but I also want the position (es: GRect 0,0,0,0).
for (UITextField *text in array2) {
int touchedtag = text.tag;
NSUInteger tagCount = touchedtag;
switch (tagCount) {
case 1:
size = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", text.frame];
object = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#", text.text, size];
I tried this (using size) but it does not work. Thanks in advance for the help

The position of the textField should show in textfield.frame. But if you wan't to NSLog the frame you need to use NSStringFromCGRect(textField.frame).


NSTextStorage - How to find return chars (new line) in a text

In an NSTextStorage I insert time strings at the current pointer location like this :
NSMutableAttributedString* attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: #"00:00:00"];
[attrString autorelease];
int pos = [self selectedRange].location;
[[self textStorage] insertAttributedString: attrString atIndex:pos];
So far so good, it works perfect. But now I want to position the pointer at the beginning of the next line. Obviously this is right after the next return char.
Now how to find the next return char in textStorage and position the pointer there ?
I have not found any hint in the web for this task. Please help ...
You won't find a method to set the cursor (more precise: selection with zero length) in NSTextStorage's API, because it is a storage, having no selection. The selection is a property of the text view. This is the result of MVC. Simply do a check: You can have many text views displaying the same text. Obviously each one needs its own selection.
What you have to do is to get the position of the next paragraph (this is better than searching for \n) and set this as a selection for the text view.
NSMutableAttributedString* attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: #"00:00:00"];
[attrString autorelease]; // You should *really* use ARC
int pos = [self selectedRange].location;
[[self textStorage] insertAttributedString: attrString atIndex:pos];
// Get the next paragraph
NSString *text = self.textStorage.string;
NSRange restOfStringRange = NSMakeRange( pos, [text length]-pos );
NSUInteger nextParagraphIndex;
// You have to look to the start of the next paragraph
[text getParagraphStart:&nextParagraphIndex end:NULL contentsEnd:NULL forRange:restOfStringRange];
NSTextView *view = self.textView; // Or where ever you get it from
view.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(nextParagraphIndex, 0);
Typed in Safari, not tested, just to show the basic approach.

iCarousel currentItemIndex doesn't change

So I'm using iCarousel to display some images in my app and I need a label to show current image index when I scroll (e.g. "3/10"). This is my code:
- (void)carouselCurrentItemIndexDidChange:(iCarousel *)carousel
NSLog(#"index: %i", currentItemIndex);
imageNumber.text = #"";
imageNumber.text = [[[imageNumber.text
stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", currentItemIndex+1]]
stringByAppendingString:#"/" ]
stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", carousel.numberOfItems]];
Although this method is being called whenever I scroll, the currentItemIndex never change. It remains 0.
Does anybody know why is this or can suggest another way I can update the index when the user scrolls the carousel?
First, you need to have
and not currentItemIndex.
Second, you may also implement carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation: delegate and check for the index:
- (void)carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation:(iCarousel *)carousel
NSLog(#"index: %i", carousel.currentItemIndex);

Making a simple quiz game. Stuck with the arrays part

I'm trying to make a game with 2 views, the first view has buttons which segues to another view. Depending on the segue identifier, it loads an image which the player has to guess.
I also have a an array which lists hints for the 4 images.
With the array, i made a button which shows the hints on the view, but the problem I have right now is that I don't know how to set the correct array to the image/puzzle.
A code that works right now is this:
if ([ isEqual: #"lion"])
NSArray *hints = [lines[0] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
self.hintLabel.text = hints[0];
But after adding another line for the second image/puzzle, the app crashes.
2nd UPDATE: code that crashes
After entering this code
if ([ isEqual: #"penguin"])
NSArray *hints = [lines[1] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
self.hintLabel.text = hints[1];
The hint button works for the 1st code, which has the lion picture, while the second part of the code, for the penguin pic, crashes when the Hint button is pressed.
3rd Update: Additional information
I made xcode access a file from the internet which contained the words for my array.
This is how i coded it.
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:self.thePuzzle.imgFileName];
NSString *urlString = #"";
NSString *contents = [TextFileManager readStringFromURL:urlString];
//parse contents
lines = [contents componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
for( int i = 0; i < lines.count; i++)
NSString *line = lines[i];
NSLog(#"%d: %#", i, line);

Truncate a string

I have a NSTableView that shows the path of files in one column. When the user resizes the tableview I want the pathname (e.g. /Users/name/testfile.m) to be resized, but I want the end of the pathname (e.g. to be visible and not the start (e.g. /Users/test/te...) of the path as happens by default. I wrote a function that successfully does what I want to do, but the tableview flickers while redrawing as the user scales the tableview. I think there must be a better, more elegant algorithm for doing this, but I have looked into the documentation for NSString and on Stackoverflow and I cant find anything that gives a better solution. If anyone has a more elegant solution to this problem that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Cheers, Trond
My current function:
-(NSString *) truncateString:(NSString *) myString withFontSize:(int) myFontSize withMaxWidth:(NSInteger) maxWidth
// Get the width of the current string for a given font
NSFont *font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:myFontSize];
CGSize textSize = NSSizeToCGSize([myString sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey: NSFontAttributeName]]);
NSInteger lenURL =(int)textSize.width;
// Prepare for new truncated string
NSString *myStringShort;
NSMutableString *truncatedString = [[myString mutableCopy] autorelease];
// If the available width is smaller than the string, start truncating from first character
if (lenURL > maxWidth)
// Get range for first character in string
NSRange range = {0, 1};
while ([truncatedString sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey: NSFontAttributeName]].width > MAX(TKstringPad,maxWidth))
// Delete character at start of string
[truncatedString deleteCharactersInRange:range];
myStringShort = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"...%#",truncatedString];
return myStringShort;
The typical approach would be simply:
[tableViewCell setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingHead];
As Dondragmer noted, this property may also be set in Xcode's NIB editor.

CS193p-Adding backspace to a calculator

I recently started following the online course on iPhone development from Stanford University on iTunes U.
I'm trying to do the homework assignments now for the first couple of lectures. I followed through the walkthrough where I built a basic calculator, but now I'm trying the first assignment and I can't seem to work it out. It's a follows:
Implement a “backspace” button for the user to press if they hit the wrong digit button. This is not intended to be “undo,” so if they hit
the wrong operation button, they are out of luck! It’s up to you to
decided how to handle the case where they backspace away the entire
number they are in the middle of entering, but having the display go
completely blank is probably not very user-friendly.
I followed this: Creating backspace on iOS calculator
So the code is
-(IBAction)backspacePressed:(UIButton *)sender {
NSMutableString *string = (NSMutableString*)[display text];
int length = [string length];
NSString *temp = [string substringToIndex:length-1];
[display setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",temp]];
My question is shouldn't I check whether my last is a digit or operand? If operand, no execution and if digit, remove it...
First of all, there are several unnecessary steps in that code... And to answer your question, yes, you should check for an operand. Here is how I would write that method with a check:
NSString *text = [display text];
int length = [text length];
unichar c = [text characterAtIndex:length];
NSCharacterSet *digits = [NSCharacterSet decimalCharacterSet];
if ([digits characterIsMember:c] || c == '.') {
NSString *temp = [[display text] substringToIndex:length-1];
[display setText:temp];
I'm also going through the fall 2011 class on iTunes U.
The walk through gives us an instance variable userIsInTheMiddleOfEnteringANumber so I just checked to see if that is YES.
- (IBAction)backspacePressed {
if (self.userIsInTheMiddleOfEnteringANumber) {
if ([self.display.text length] > 1) {
self.display.text = [self.display.text substringToIndex:[self.display.text length] - 1];
} else {
self.display.text = #"0";
self.userIsInTheMiddleOfEnteringANumber = NO;
I used the approach taken by Joe_Schmoe, which is straightforward. (just remove characters in the dispaly until you reach the end).
If the user continues pressing 'Clear Error', I removed an item from the stack as well.
I have just started on the course myself, this post is quite old now but my solution might help others, food for thought if nothing else:
- (IBAction)deletePressed:(id)sender
NSString *displayText = [display text];
int length = [displayText length];
if (length != 1) {
NSString *newDisplayText = [displayText substringToIndex:length-1];
[display setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",newDisplayText]];
} else {
userIsInTheMiddleOfEnteringANumber = NO;
NSString *newDisplayText = #"0";
[display setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",newDisplayText]];