Do clustered index on a column GUARANTEES returning sorted rows according to that column [duplicate] - sql

This question already has an answer here:
Does a SELECT query always return rows in the same order? Table with clustered index
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am unable to get clear cut answers on this contentious question .
MSDN documentation mentions
Clustered indexes sort and store the data rows in the table or view
based on their key values. These are the columns included in the
index definition. There can be only one clustered index per table,
because the data rows themselves can be sorted in only one order.
The only time the data rows in a table are stored in sorted order is
when the table contains a clustered index. When a table has a
clustered index, the table is called a clustered table. If a table
has no clustered index, its data rows are stored in an unordered
structure called a heap.
While I see most of the answers
Does a SELECT query always return rows in the same order? Table with clustered index
answering negative.
What is it ?

Just to be clear. Presumably, you are talking about a simple query such as:
select *
from table t;
First, if all the data on the table fits on a single page and there are no other indexes on the table, it is hard for me to imagine a scenario where the result set is not ordered by the primary key. However, this is because I think the most reasonable query plan would require a full-table scan, not because of any requirement -- documented or otherwise -- in SQL or SQL Server. Without an explicit order by, the ordering in the result set is a consequence of the query plan.
That gets to the heart of the issue. When you are talking about the ordering of the result sets, you are really talking about the query plan. And, the assumption of ordering by the primary key really means that you are assuming that the query uses full-table scan. What is ironic is that people make the assumption, without actually understanding the "why". Furthermore, people have a tendency to generalize from small examples (okay, this is part of the basis of human intelligence). Unfortunately, they see consistently that results sets from simple queries on small tables are always in primary key order and generalize to larger tables. The induction step is incorrect in this example.
What can change this? Off-hand, I think that a full table scan would return the data in primary key order if the following conditions are met:
Single threaded server.
Single file filegroup
No competing indexes
No table partitions
I'm not saying this is always true. It just seems reasonable that under these circumstances such a query would use a full table scan starting at the beginning of the table.
Even on a small table, you can get surprises. Consider:
select NonPrimaryKeyColumn
from table
The query plan would probably decide to use an index on table(NonPrimaryKeyColumn) rather than doing a full table scan. The results would not be ordered by the primary key (unless by accident). I show this example because indexes can be used for a variety of purposes, not just order by or where filtering.
If you use a multi-threaded instance of the database and you have reasonably sized tables, you will quickly learn that results without an order by have no explicit ordering.
And finally, SQL Server has a pretty smart optimizer. I think there is some reluctance to use order by in a query because users think it will automatically do a sort. SQL Server works hard to find the best execution plan for the query. IF it recognizes that the order by is redundant because of the rest of the plan, then the order by will not result in a sort.
And, of course you want to guarantee the ordering of results, you need order by in the outermost query. Even a query like this:
select *
from (select top 100 t.* from t order by col1) t
Does not guarantee that the results are ordered in the final result set. You really need to do:
select *
from (select top 100 t.* from t order by col1) t
order by col1;
to guarantee the results in a particular order. This behavior is documented here.

Without ORDER BY, there is no default sort order even if you have clustered index
in this link there is a good example :
SET #ID = 1;
WHILE #ID < 100000 BEGIN
INSERT INTO Data.Numbers(Number)
SET #ID = #ID+1;
CHARFiller CHAR(1000))
CREATE VIEW dbo.WrappedRand
SELECT RAND() AS random_value
SET #ret = (SELECT random_value*1000000 FROM dbo.WrappedRand);
RETURN #ret;
INSERT INTO Data.WideTable(ID,RandomInt,CHARFiller)
SELECT Number, dbo.RandomInt(), 'asdf'
FROM Data.Numbers
CREATE INDEX WideTable_RandomInt ON Data.WideTable(RandomInt)
SELECT TOP 100 ID FROM Data.WideTable
As you have seen, the optimizer has chosen to use a non-clustered
index to satisfy this SELECT TOP query.
Clearly you cannot assume that your results are ordered unless you
explicitly use ORDER BY clause.

One must specify ORDER BY in the outermost query in order to guarantee rows are returned in a particular order. The SQL Server optimizer will optimize the query and data access to improve performance which may result in rows being returned in a different order. Examples of this are allocation order scans and parallelism. A relational table should always be viewed as an unordered set of rows.
I wish the MSDN documentation were clearer about this "sorting". It is more correct to say that SQL Server b-tree indexes provide ordering by 1) storing adjacent keys in the same page and 2) linking index pages in key order.


Performance impact of view on aggregate function vs result set limiting

The problem
Using PostgreSQL 13, I ran into a performance issue selecting the highest id from a view that joins two tables, depending on the select statement I execute.
Here's a sample setup:
joincol VARCHAR
joincol VARCHAR
CREATE INDEX ON test1 (id);
CREATE INDEX ON test1 (joincol);
CREATE INDEX ON test2 (joincol);
CREATE VIEW testview AS (
test1.joincol AS t1charcol,
test2.joincol AS t2charcol
FROM test1, test2
WHERE test1.joincol = test2.joincol
What I found out
I'm executing two statements which result in completely different execution plans and runtimes. The following statement executes in less than 100ms. As far as I understand the execution plan, the runtime is independent of the rowcount, since Postgres iterates the rows one by one (starting at the highest id, using the index) until a join on a row is possible and immediately returns.
However, this one takes over 1 second on average (depending on rowcount), since the two tables are "joined completely", before Postgres uses the index to select the highest id.
SELECT MAX(id) FROM testview;
Please refer to this sample on dbfiddle to check the explain plans:
My real environment
On my real environment test1 contains only a hand full of rows (< 100), having unique values in joincol. test2 contains up to ~10M rows, where joincol always matches a value of test1's joincol. test2's joincol is not nullable.
The actual question
Why does Postgres not recognize that it could use an Index Scan Backward on row basis for the second select? Is there anything I could improve on the tables/indexes?
Queries not strictly equivalent
why does Postgres not recognize that it could use a Index Scan Backward on row basis for the second select?
To make the context clear:
max(id) excludes NULL values. But ORDER BY ... LIMIT 1 does not.
NULL values sort last in ascending sort order, and first in descending. So an Index Scan Backward might not find the greatest value (according to max()) first, but any number of NULL values.
The formal equivalent of:
SELECT max(id) FROM testview;
is not:
The latter query doesn't get the fast query plan. But it would with an index with matching sort order: (id DESC NULLS LAST).
That's different for the aggregate functions min() and max(). Those get a fast plan when targeting table test1 directly using the plain PK index on (id). But not when based on the view (or the underlying join-query directly - the view is not the blocker). An index sorting NULL values in the right place has hardly any effect.
We know that id in this query can never be NULL. The column is defined NOT NULL. And the join in the view is effectively an INNER JOIN which cannot introduce NULL values for id.
We also know that the index on cannot contain NULL values.
But the Postgres query planner is not an AI. (Nor does it try to be, that could get out of hands quickly.) I see two shortcomings:
min() and max() get the fast plan only when targeting the table, regardless of index sort order, an index condition is added: Index Cond: (id IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY ... LIMIT 1 gets the fast plan only with the exactly matching index sort order.
Not sure, whether that might be improved (easily).
db<>fiddle here - demonstrating all of the above
Is there anything I could improve on the tables/indexes?
This index is completely useless:
CREATE INDEX ON "test" ("id");
The PK on is implemented with a unique index on the column, that already covers everything the additional index might do for you.
There may be more, waiting for the question to clear up.
Distorted test case
The test case is too far away from actual use case to be meaningful.
In the test setup, each table has 100k rows, there is no guarantee that every value in joincol has a match on the other side, and both columns can be NULL
Your real case has 10M rows in table1 and < 100 rows in table2, every value in table1.joincol has a match in table2.joincol, both are defined NOT NULL, and table2.joincol is unique. A classical one-to-many relationship. There should be a UNIQUE constraint on table2.joincol and a FK constraint t1.joincol --> t2.joincol.
But that's currently all twisted in the question. Standing by till that's cleaned up.
This is a very good problem, and good testcase.
I tested it in postgres 9.3 perhaps 13 is can it more more fast.
I used Occam's Razor and i excluded some possiblities
View (without view is slow to)
JOIN can filter some rows (unfortunatly in your test not, but more length md5 5-6 yes)
Other basic equivalent select statements not solve yout problem (inner query or exists)
I achieved to use just index, but because the tables isn't bigger than indexes it was not the solution.
I think
CREATE INDEX on "test" ("id");
is useless, because PK!
If you change this
CREATE INDEX on "test" ("joincol");
to this
CREATE INDEX ON TEST (joincol, id);
Than the second query use just indexes.
After you run this
REINDEX table test;
REINDEX table test2;
you can achive some performance tuning. Because you created indexes before inserts.
I think the reason is the two aim of DB.
First aim optimalize just some row. So run Nested Loop. You can force it with limit x.
Second aim optimalize whole table. Run this query fast for whole table.
In this situation postgres optimalizer didn't notice that simple MAX can run with NESTED LOOP. Or perhaps postgres cannot use limit in aggregate clause (can run on whole partial select, what is filtered with query).
And this is very expensive. But you have possiblities to write there other aggregates, like SUM, MIN, AVG stb.
Perhaps can help you the Window functions too.

MS SQL: Performance for querying ID descending

This question relates to a table in Microsoft SQL Server which is usually queried with ORDER BY Id DESC.
Would there be a performance benefit from setting the primary key to PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Id DESC)? Or would there be a need for an index? Or is it as fast as it gets without any of it?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Items] (
[Category] INT NOT NULL,
[Name] NVARCHAR(255) NULL,
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [dbo].[Items]
WHERE Catgory = 123
Would there be a performance benefit from setting the primary key to PRIMARY KEY
Given as you show is: IT DEPENDS.
The filter is on Category = 123. To find all entries of Category 123, because there is NO INDEX defined, the server has to do a table scan. Unless you havea VERY large result set, and / or some awfully comically bad configured tempdb and very low memory (because disc is only used when running out of memory for tempdb) the sorting of hte result will be irrelevant compared to the table scan.
You are literally following the wrong tail. You are WAY more likely to speed up the query by adding a non-unique index to Cateogory so that the query can prefilter the data fast based on your query condition.
If you would analzy the query plan for this query (which you should - technically we should not even ANSWER this quesstion without you showing SOME effort, and a look at the query plan is like the FIRST thing you do) you would very likely see that the time is spent on on the query, NOT the result sort.
Creating an index in asc or desc order does not make a big difference in “ORDER BY” when there is only one column, but when there is a need to sort data in two different directions one column in ascending order and the other column in descending order the way the index is created does make a big difference.
Look this article that do many example:
In your scenario I advise you to create an index on Category Column without include “Id” because the clustered index is always included in non-clustered index.
There is no difference according to the following
I'd suggest defining an index on (category, id desc).
It will give you best performance for your query.
As others have indicated, an index on Category (assuming you don't have one) is the biggest performance boost possible here.
But as for your actual question. For a single order by query like you have, it does not matter if the query/index is ordered by desc or asc as far as performance goes. SQL Server can swap those easily (starting a the beginning or the end of the data structure)
Where performance becomes an issue for performance is when you:
Have more than order by column
Your index has more than one column
Your order by is opposing the order on the index.
So, say your Primary Key had ID asc and Category asc, and then you query by ID asc and Category desc. Then SQL Server can't use the order on the index to do the search.
There are a few caveats and gotchas. After searching a bit, this answer seems to have them listed:
SQL Server indexes - ascending or descending, what difference does it make?

SQL Server Update Where clause performance with clustered index

I have an update query like below to update AccessDate only when the current date is less then the passed one. The table has a clustered index on Id.
Is there any use to have another non clustered index on Id, AccessDate?
Update Person
Set AccessDate = #NewAccessDate
Where Id = #Id
And AccessDate < #NewAccessDate
Under most circumstances, I would say that the update would be faster without the index. The key consideration is that the index itself would also need to be updated by the statement.
The one mitigating factor is when each id has lots and lots of AccessDates, and very, very few that are less than #NewAccessdate. For instance, if there were 10,000 rows per id and only 1 matched the condition, then updating the index is probably faster than scanning all the access dates.
Or, similarly, if most ids had no matching records for the WHERE clause.
I'm not sure what the cutoff value is for when one is better or not -- it would depend on other factors, such as your hardware and the number of records per page. But given that there is a trade-off, you are probably safe not putting in the index.

Getting RID Lookup instead of Table Scan?

SQL Fiddle:!3/23cf8
In this query, when I have an In clause on an Id, and then also select other columns, the In is evaluated first, and then the Details column and other columns are pulled in via a RID Lookup:
--In production and in SQL Fiddle, Details is grabbed via a RID Lookup after the In clause is evaluated
--Generate a numbering(starting at 1)
--,Row_Number() Over(Partition By ForeignId Order By Id Desc) as ContactNumber --Desc because older posts should be numbered last
FROM SupportContacts
Where foreignId In (1,2,3,5)
With this query, the Details are being pulled in via a Table Scan.
With NumberedContacts AS
--Generate a numbering(starting at 1)
,Row_Number() Over(Partition By ForeignId Order By Id Desc) as ContactNumber --Desc because older posts should be numbered last
FROM SupportContacts
Where ForeignId In (1,2,3,5)
Select nc.[Id]
From NumberedContacts nc
Inner Join SupportContacts sc on nc.Id = sc.Id
Where nc.ContactNumber <= 2 --Only grab the last 2 contacts per ForeignId
In SqlFiddle, the second query actually gets a RID Lookup, whereas in production with a million records it produces a Table Scan (the IN clause eliminates 99% of the rows)
Otherwise the query plan shown in SQL Fiddle is identical, the only difference being that for the second query the RID Lookup in SQL Fiddle, is a Table Scan in production :(
I would like to understand possibilities that would cause this behavior? What kinds of things would you look at to help determine the cause of it using a table scan here?
How can I influence it to use a RID Lookup there?
From looking at operation costs in the actual execution plan, I believe I can get the second query very close in performance to the first query if I can get it to use a RID Lookup. If I don't select the Detail column, then the performance of both queries is very close in production. It is only after adding other columns like Detail that performance degrades significantly for the second query. When I put it in SQL Fiddle and saw that the execution plan used an RID Lookup, I was surprised but slightly confused...
It doesn't have a clustered index because in testing with different clustered indexes, there was slightly worse performance for this and other queries. That was before I began adding other columns like Details though, and I can experiment with that more, but would like to have a understanding of what is going on now before I start shooting in the dark with random indexes.
What if you would change your main index to include the Details column?
If you use:
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SupportContacts_ForeignIdAsc_IdDesc]
ON SupportContacts ([ForeignId] ASC, [Id] DESC)
INCLUDE (Details);
then neither a RID lookup nor a table scan would be needed, since your query could be satisfied from just the index itself....
The differences in the query plans will be dependent on the types of indexes that exist and the statistics of the data for those tables in the different environments.
The optimiser uses the statistics (histograms of data frequency, mostly) and the available indexes to decide which execution plan is going to be the quickest.
So, for example, you have noticed that the performance degrades when the 'Details' column is included. This is an almost sure sign that either the 'Details' column is not part of an index, or if it is part of an index, the data in that column is mostly unique such that the index accesses would be equivalent (or almost equivalent) to a table scan.
Often when this situation arises, the optimiser will choose a table scan over the index access, as it can take advantage of things like block reads to access the table records faster than perhaps a fragmented read of an index.
To influence the path that will be chose by the optimiser, you would need to look at possible indexes that could be added/modified to make an index access more efficient, but this should be done with care as it can adversely affect other queries as well as possibly degrading insert performance.
The other important activity you can do to help the optimiser is to make sure the table statistics are kept up to date and refreshed at a frequency that is appropriate to the rate of change of the frequency distribution in the table data
If it's true that 99% of the rows would be omitted if it performed the query using the relevant index + RID then the likeliest problem in your production environment is that your statistics are out of date and the optimiser doesn't realise that ForeignID in (1,2,3,5) would limit the result set to 1% of the total data.
Here's a good link for discovering more about statistics from Pinal Dave:
As for forcing the optimiser to follow the correct path WITHOUT updating the statistics, you could use a table hint - if you know the index that your plan should be using which contains the ID and ForeignID columns then stick that in your query as a hint and force SQL optimiser to use the index:
FYI, if you want the best performance from your second query, use this index and avoid the headache you're experiencing altogether:
create index ix1 on SupportContacts(ForeignID, Id DESC) include (Details);

In SQL Server, is TOP deterministic by default when used on a table with a clustered index?

So I was trying to explain to some people why this query is a bad idea:
SELECT z.ReportDate, z.Zipcode, SUM(z.Sales) AS Sales,
(SELECT TOP (1) GroupName
FROM dbo.zipGroups
WHERE (Zipcode = z.Zipcode)), 'Unknown') AS GroupName,
(SELECT TOP (1) GroupCode
FROM dbo.zipGroups
WHERE (Zipcode = z.Zipcode)), 0) AS GroupNumber
FROM dbo.Report_ByZipcode AS z
GROUP BY z.ReportDate, z.Zipcode
and suggesting a better way to write it, when my boss ended the discussion with, "Well, it's been returning the right data for the last year and we haven't had any problems with it, so it's fine."
At which point I thought to myself, how in the world is that even possible?
After some digging, I discovered these facts:
This query is supposed to group sales by Zipcode and date, and link those to the largest Group (by population size) that a Zipcode is assigned to by way of the zipGroups table.
Each Zipcode can be assigned to 0 to many Groups, and if a Zipcode is assigned to 0 Groups, it's simply not in the zipGroups table.
A Group is a geographical area, and the GroupNumbers are ranked by largest to smallest by population (for example, the group covering the NY-NJ-CT tri-state area is GroupNumber 1, and North Platte, Nebraska is GroupNumber 209).
The zipGroups table has not changed in at least 2 years.
The zipGroups table has a clustered index with Zipcode, GroupNumber (ascending) as the keys.
The combination of Zipcode, GroupNumber is unique in zipGroups.
So my question has 2 parts.
A) Even though there are no ORDER BY clauses in those SELECT TOP queries, are they actually deterministic because the clustered index is basically providing it a default ORDER BY?
B1) If that is true, is the query, however precariously, actually doing what it's supposed to do?
B2) If that is not true, can you help me prove it?
Note: I've already re-written this to use joins, so I don't need the SQL to fix it, I need to get it into production so I stop worrying about it breaking.
SQL Server makes no guarantees about the ordering of records in the absence of ORDER BY. It might yield the correct results 999,999 times and then fail on the millionth try. Don't do it.
Always use an order by with a TOP statement. The order is not guaranteed to be in the order of the clustered index as demonstrate in this blog post (complete with a query that disproves it):
Without ORDER BY, there is no default sort order.
Even if it did go by the clustered index, I wouldn't write queries that depend on undocumented behavior of the DB engine and it is better to be explicit for readability.
If you're relying on a clustered index rather than the collation, then getting the right order is coincidental, not deterministic.
In the real world, indexes can be changed from one kind to another, for good reasons, bad reasons, or no reason at all. And, in the real world, you don't necessarily get to choose which index SQL Server will use in executing a query. (Or whether it will use an index at all.)
Technically, the collation can also be changed for good reasons, bad reasons, or no reason at all. But everybody knows changing the collation will change the sort order--that's its job, after all--so it's not a surprise. (Ever heard of "the principle of least surprise"?)
The link by JohnFx is good, although long and hard to follow. Here's a small snippet on it's own that will show the data returning in non-clustered index order.
INSERT INTO t1 (x,z) VALUES (1,4);
INSERT INTO t1 (x,z) VALUES (3,3);
INSERT INTO t1 (x,z) VALUES (2,2);
INSERT INTO t1 (x,z) VALUES (4,1);
SELECT x, z FROM t1;
Output (you should get)
x z
----------- -----------
4 1
2 2
3 3
1 4
The execution plan shows it using the Unique (or other) index instead of the clustered index.
Even if the clustered index is chosen, it may not sort correctly if the data is being merged from parallelism, if the TOP N count is high enough.
Having said that, since you are only using TOP(1) and if the table has only one index available, it can be considered deterministic since it will only use that index and pick the first entry in the index pages.
A) Even though there are no ORDER BY clauses in those SELECT TOP queries, are they actually deterministic because the clustered index is basically providing it a default ORDER BY?
B1) If that is true, is the query, however precariously, actually doing what it's supposed to do?
When top is specified without ordering, the ordering is a side effect of the method of access chosen by the query optimizer. Since the query optimizer would use the clustered index to resolve this query, you get a quite nice side effect.
I wouldn't use the word deterministic, as the query optimizer might not be deterministic. However in the case where the optimizer choses the clustered index, yes - the query does what it is supposed to do.
ORDER should still be specified, so as to lock the correctness into the query. One should separate correctness ("What do you want") and implementation ("How do you get it") into query and optimizer plan, respectively.
B2) If that is not true, can you help me prove it?
Assuming there are more columns in the ZipGroups table, a Nonclustered index containing the only two relevant columns could be added that would be preferred over the clustered index. If the nonclustered index had a different ordering (Zipcode asc, GroupNumber desc), then the query would break.