How can I obtain and then change MAC address using objective-C? The solution was suggested only for iOS: How can I programmatically get the MAC address of an iphone
This is setup a startup script to modify the MAC address each time you restart the computer.
. /etc/rc.common
StartService () {
networksetup -setairportpower en0 on
networksetup -setairportpower en1 on
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport -z
/sbin/ifconfig en0 ether 00:`openssl rand -hex 5 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'`
/sbin/ifconfig en1 ether 00:`openssl rand -hex 5 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'`
networksetup -detectnewhardware
StopService () { return 0 }
RestartService () { return 0 }
RunService "$1"
Not directly using Objective-C but you can run a shell script from Obj-C using NSTask. More on that here.
I compiled this into a little installer a while back for a buddy. If you want the package, it's available here.
I have followed every single step in this tutorial. Double Checked. Double Installed.
But I get the error :
[3974:0912/] Unable to open X display.
The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
The Test Runner unexpectedly exited via a exit event with signal SIGABRT
I had a similar issue, but there was a line before that same error message about Authentication. For me, I had to Disable Access Control after first ensuring all other running instances of VcXsrv were terminated:
If you've configured an external nameserver, then following the steps of Nicky Meuleman's tutorial, the DISPLAY variable will be set wrong. The tutorial says to add this to your .bashrc:
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
... but if you've configured an external nameserver, DISPLAY will end up pointing to that server, and it won't work. Instead, you should do this:
export DISPLAY=$( cmd.exe /C netsh interface ip show addresses "vEthernet (WSL)" | grep "IP Address" | sed -e "s/\sIP Address:\s//g; s/\r//" ):0.0
This will set DISPLAY to (e.g.) instead of
On a real device, running an iOS app, via Xcode the following lldb commands output to the Xcode console as expected:
(lldb) exp (void)NSLog(#"hello from NSLog");
(lldb) exp (int)printf("hello from printf");
On a real device + Terminal, these commands send no output to the screen. Even if you flush the screen (as recommended here: How can I see printf output when evaluating an expression using the `expr` command in lldb?).
Am I missing a lldb settings command or environment variable?
That said, on a real iOS device + Terminal you can still use the python-lldb scripting commands:
(lldb) script print("hello")
PS - I tried with both zsh and a default bash terminal.
When testing iPhone apps that connect to my local machine's server, I need to enter my computer's local IP address as opposed to localhost in order to test with devices other than the simulator. This gets annoying with dynamic IP addresses and when multiple developers are testing. Is there a code snippet that can get the IP address of the computer that is compiling code, and NOT the IP the address of the device that the application is running on (preferably in C or Objective-C, and not Swift)?
1) Add a "Run Script" in the "Build Phases" tab of your Xcode project that contains this:
export SERVER_IP=`ipconfig getifaddr en0`
Note: change "en0" to whichever interface matches your machine. en0 is the wifi on my machine and my hard-wire is en3. Do an "ifconfig -a" in Terminal to get the list of all of your adapters and see which is which for your machine
2) Go to your project file. Click the Project itself in the left menu then Build Settings in the right side. Go to "Apple LLVM 6.0 - Custom Compiler Flags". Under "Other C Flags" -> "Debug" define a new value called -DSERVER_IP=${SERVER_IP}
This will map your build script's results into a #DEFINE in your project
3) In your code use SERVER_IP just like you would any other #DEFINE and it will always have the value of the computer that built the code.
I got this working by having a run script set the computer's IP address in the app's plist, then reading the plist value in code.
1) In your Info.plist file, add a key/value pair that will contain your computer's IP address. For this example, we'll add a key of "CompanyNameDevServerIP", of type "String". Note that this key/value pair should be prefixed uniquely, so that it doesn't conflict with Apple's keys (see here for more info).
2) In the "Build Phases" tab, add a run script that contains the following:
if [ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]; then
echo -n ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_PATH} | xargs -0 /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CompanyNameDevServerIP `ipconfig getifaddr en0`"
echo -n ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_PATH} | xargs -0 /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :CompanyNameDevServerIP"
This sets the computer's IP address in the plist that gets bundled with the build, but only in debug builds. (It's removed from the plist file in release builds.)
Hat tip to this blog post for providing this technique.
You may need to use a different interface other than en0 (see here for more info).
3) In code, retrieve this plist value to get your computer's IP address:
NSString *serverIP = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:#"CompanyNameDevServerIP"];
If you need this at compile time, you can just add a "Run Script" in the "Build Phases" tab of your Xcode project. Putting this into the source code will naturally return the IP address of where the code is running, not where it was built.
This script will return the primary IP address. You can modify the script to edit a Plist or whatever you need from there. PlistBuddy works well for modifying plist files at build time.
ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''
Can anybody please guide procedure to setup tool-chain for MSP430 in Linux (particularly Ubuntu) ? I am using MSP430 launchpad (MSP-EXP430G2), and I need to setup compiler/build tools and debugger drivers.
If you install Texas Instruments' CCS IDE, Linux version, it will install the tool-chain. There are, however, other problems in developing for MSP430 in Linux. The bugs and fixes are detailed in my post here:
MSP430 / eZ430-RF2500 Linux support Guide
"Compile code using Code Composer Studio (CCS)
Download CCS for Linux.
Create a new CCS project with a Custom MSP430 Device or any other.
Compile the code. The result binary image will be in the workspace. The workspace path can be found in “File” / “Switch workspace”.
The file that should be programmed to the device is the project-name.out file.
Program and run device using mspdebug
Download and Install mspdebug
From the directory with the file project-name.out run:
$ sudo mspdebug rf2500
Now you are in mspdebug’s command line shell. Run the following to program and run the device:
(mspdebug) prog project-name.out
(mspdebug) run
Use Ctrl+c to pause run and get command line back.
Fix a Linux Kernel bug that prevents Minicom to communicate with device
The device path in /dev is /dev/ttyACM0. Currently, connecting to it
serially using utilities such as minicom is not possible, and you get the message “/dev/ttyACM0: No such file or directory”.
The bug is in Kernel module “cdc_acm”. The solution is to fix the bug in the source code, recompile the module and plug it instead of the existing one.
Find out Linux version:
$ uname -r
cdc_acm’s source is the files cdc-acm.c and cdc-acm.h. They are under the Linux path drivers/usb/class/.
Download these two files from a repository that matches your Linux version. Such repos are available in and
Create a new directory and move the files to it.There are two code segments need to be removed or commented out:
The next lines appear in function “acm_port_activate()” on newer versions and in “acm_tty_open()” in older ones:
// if (0 > acm_set_control(acm, acm->ctrlout = ACM_CTRL_DTR | ACM_CTRL_RTS) &&
// (acm->ctrl_caps & USB_CDC_CAP_LINE))
// goto bail_out;
The next line appears in function “acm_port_shutdown()” on newer versions “acm_port_down()” in older ones:
// acm_set_control(acm, acm->ctrlout = 0);
Create a Makefile and compile:
$ echo 'obj-m += cdc-acm.o' > Makefile
$ make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=$PWD modules
You should have a new cdc-acm.ko file in the directory
Replace the existing module (This change will be discarded after boot):
$ sudo rmmod cdc-acm
$ sudo insmod ./cdc-acm.ko
Communicate via the serial port using Minicom
Launch minicom setup from command line:
$ minicom -s
In the menu, choose:
Serial port setup
Press ‘A’ (for “Serial Device”).
Replace Current device path with:
Press ‘E’ (for “Bps/Par/Bits”).
Set the correct data rate for your device.To lower the rate (to 1200, for instance), keep pressing ‘B’ (for “previous”) until the top line shows:
Current: 1200 8N1
Press “Enter” until returning to main menu, there, press “Exit”.This will exit the setup menu and start running on the device. From now on you should see messages over the serial connection: It is up to you to program the device with such messages."
Download the pre-compile tool-chain (.run file) form
Execute chmod +x <downloaded file>
Run the installer
How to symbolicate the ios crash report after uploading to server in a linux environment where iOS development tools and scripts will not be available. I know Apple uses atos and some other tools to map the hex addresses to symbol along with .dYSM file.
I can upload .dYSM file along with crash report to server. Refered QuincyKit, but they are doing symbolication locally. But other's like HockeyApp and Critterism are doing it remotely.
Pls recommend the possible ways to do it in server.
It is possible. You can take a look at
I got it working under Linux. (Ubuntu Server) However, it takes some time to get it up and running.
Installing atosl
First, you need to install libdwarf-dev, dwarfdump, binutils-dev and libiberty-dev.
E.g. on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libdwarf-dev dwarfdump binutils-dev libiberty-dev
Download or clone the atosl repo from GitHub:
$ git clone
CD to the atosl dir
$ cd atosl
Create a local config which contains a flag with the location of your binutil apps. (in Ubuntu by default that's /usr/bin). If you're not sure, you can find out by executing cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/binutils.list | less and copy the path of the file objdump. E.g. if the entry is /usr/bin/objdump, your path is /usr/bin.
So in the end, your should look like this:
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/bin
Compile it:
$ make
Now you can start using it:
$ ./atosl --help
Symbolicating example
To show how atosl is used, I'll provide a simple example.
Now let's take a look at a line from the crash log:
13 ErrorApp 0x000ea294 0xe3000 + 29332
To symbolicate this, we will need the load address, and the runtime address.
In this example the runtime address is 0x000ea294, and the load address is 0xe3000.
Now we have everything we need:
In this example:
$ ./atosl -o -l 0xe3000 0x000ea294
Which returns the symbolicated line:
main (in ErrorApp) (main.m:16)
Your vmaddr, which usually is 0x00001000, you can find by looking at the segname __TEXT Mach-O load command of your binary. In my example, this happens to be different, namely 0x00004000
To find the address, we need to do some math.
The address is found by the following formula:
address = vmaddr + ( runtime_address - load_address )
In this example our address is:
0x00004000 + ( 0x000ea294 - 0xe3000 ) = 0xB294
I haven't played around with this that much yet, but for now it seems to give me the results I needed. Maybe it will work for you too.
You need to implement your own linux compatible versions of atos, otool and dwarfdump (at least the functionality needed for symbolication). The Apple tools are not open source and only run on Mac OS X.
None of the services provide a solution that can be used by 3rd parties on non OS X systems. So your only chance, besides implementing the required functionality to run on your linux system, is to do it on a Mac like QuincyKit does it, see or use a third party service.
Note: I am the creator of QuincyKit and Co-Founder of HockeyApp.