Brackets startup is very slow due to opening in root folder - osx-yosemite

The title pretty much states it. When I open brackets it opens with the root folder "/" by default and it takes some time before it fails indexing files:
I can get it to work, if I wait long enough, but is a most annoying issue. Is there some way I can change the startup folder or something?

Simply use File > Open Folder... to select the folder that contains the project or files that you want to work with, then close Brackets, and restart it.
Brackets will restart using the folder that you selected, and its structure will be shown on the left side of the screen. That's really all there is to it.
One other thing that might impact startup time is leaving a lot of files open when closing Brackets, since Brackets will reopen all those files when it is restarted. Your open files are listed under Working Files in the top left of the screen.


VB.Net remove lock attribute from files in directory

I am making a little program and I need to be able to remove the Lock attribute from all files (no matter the extension of those files) in the specified directory. I haven't find any way to do so on the web so far, so I really have no idea how to start a basic code for that job, so all I can really do is give you the elements of my Windows Form:
txtDirectory: This is where the directory is being
displayed/selected. All files in the displayed directory needs to be
getting the Lock attribute from them - see btnConfirm to know more.
btnSelectDirectory: This button opens the directory seletion
dialog. This section does not need any code - but feel free to add
code if you think it could improve my program.
btnConfirm: This
button is where, when clicked, all files in the specified directory
will be removed from the Lock attribute. This is what I really
need help with.
How can I do so?

How to remove non-project files from refactorings in Idea?

For some reason when I try to do a rename refactor, idea picks up code that is not even remotely close to my project. Furthermore, this code is read-only and I can't edit it! And Non-Project Access dialog is almost mockingly "ultimate" in its options: I can only choose whether I want to edit the non-project files this time or I want to do this ALWAYS. No option to skip these files altogether.
I tried to add these folders as a content root and exclude them - it didn't help. And I can't remove them, since they actually don't show up as files in the refactor preview (they are not referenced anywhere in the project view either), only {m} functions/method do with no option to remove them.
So the refactor rightfully fails because it can't edit RO files. So how would I solve this?

How to create a file in a specific directory in Rubymine/PHPStorm/other JetBrains IDEs without leaving the home row

Currently, I am doing the following:
cmd-1 to go to the project structure view
Move to the arrow keys (not on the home row - I want to avoid this step), or, (horrors!) the mouse to navigate to the folder I want to create the file in
ctrl-alt-n to open the new file dialogue, which always created the file in the selected directory
Is there a better way to specify/move to the directory without having to use the arrow keys/mouse so that I can stay on the home row?
I have tried:
Moving to the root of the project structure pane using pageupand typing the name of the directory - this is good, but pageup is way off the home row. Also it often selects the wrong folder (e.g. the one in /spec, not the one in /app) and I can only get to the right one with the arrow keys again. There seems to be no way to type app/controllers as it doesn't process the slash as a directory separator for some reason.
Using the navigation bar via option-pageup, moving all the way left with the left arrow, then either navigating to the right directory with other arrow keys, or using ctrl-alt-n from the roor and typing the full path, but this is also way off the home row and no faster.
Type ⌘+SHIFT+O (or CTRL+SHIFT+N if you are using Linux/Windows keymap) to open the Navigate to file dialog (or hit SHIFT+SHIFT to open the Search Everywhere dialog).
Type the name of the directory you want to create the file in. Note that the directory name must end with / in order for IntelliJ to know that you want to open a directory not a file.
You can type just part of the path, such as webapp/resources/
Hit Enter and the selected directory will be opened in Project view.
Then you can use ⌘+N (ALT+Insert) to create new file as usual.

where to configure phpstorm 7 less compile directory

I'm using Phpstorm7 on mac. When I open one less file, Phpstorm tells me that it can be watched, so I just allow it to be watched. However, I want to compile this less file to another directory, instead of the same directory.
Saying, I need compile sites/all/themes/bic/less/style.less to sites/all/themes/css/style.css.
After a long research, it seems I need to edit some file watcher, but I can't find such file watcher stuff anywehre in Phpstorm7. There's no such 'File watcher' setting when I go to 'File' => 'Default Settings' in Phpstorm7. Now I can't stop this less from compiling either.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
File | Default Settings is for settings that will be applied to the brand new projects.
All settings (both IDE-wide as well as project specific) are located in the same place as every other Mac program does -- it's called "Preferences" (which you should now where to find, since you are a Mac user).
PhpStorm v7.x has a feature called Search Everywhere (Shift 2 times or by clicking on corresponding icon in toolbar) -- it searches trough settings/preferences as well.

Why does a deleted file reappear in Vista?

I have an automated test running on my program that generates some large MPG files along with other files. After running the test, I have the script clean up after itself. The other files (a mix of binary and text files) are removed with no problems. The MPG files, however, don't get deleted. If I try and manually delete the MPG files from explorer after the test has run, they are removed from the explorer window only to reappear a few seconds later. Process explorer shows that they are being used by explorer.exe. Eventually, I am able to remove these files. Any idea why this is happening?
Is it possible that Explorer is holding onto the files to generate thumbs.db and perform its other work? I ask that because I've noticed considerable lag as Explorer evaluates every movie file in my media directories, even when in Details view. (You can tell, because the address bar of that Explorer window will become a progress bar, slowly -- ever so slowly on my box at home -- turning green.)
Is this behavior still exhibited if no Explorer windows are open to the appropriate directory?
It sounds like something is still hanging on to a reference to the file. Is it possilbe that you have shadow copy set up and it is trying to archive the file?