I've been trying to do some programming with Xcode 5, but I've been having some problems. I'm trying to create a new Objective-C Class from File > New File. I can create the class, but a few seconds after it's been created, Xcode crashes and gives me an error. I tried this 3 times, and got the same error. I put the error as well as my console log for it here:
Error: http://www.pastebin.com/PmdZaDag
Console Log: http://www.pastebin.com/5sCmcurW
I don't really know much about programming in Xcode, so I'm not sure what the problem is at all. Thanks!
Xcode 5.0.2
MacBook Pro Retina with OS X 10.10.1
The issue seems like in your Xcode 5.0.2. Tried with higher version or install the same version of Xcode again.
I got this problem too .
Here is my solution:
create a new .storyboard file
right click these two .storyboard file respectively Open As >> Source Code
According to the new .storyboard file , change the version and toolsVersion Tag
Strange error happening on Xcode 8 with iOS 10. An app uses MapKit. I was working with simulator and all was fine. And I wanted to run on a device.
And I was getting these errors. After that, I restarted my Mac, and now I'm unable to run even on simulator.
OSX: El Capitan,
Xcode 8,
iOS 10
Check your Project's Capabilities and turn Map - ON.
Check Your Build Phases if you have MapKit framework imported.
If you already have the framework try to remove and re add .
Good luck :)
I am using Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra which I just updated yesterday.
Since I updated, I can't upload any more builds to Testflight; I always get this error message.
ERROR ITMS - 90167 No. app bundles found in the package
I see from research that this problem only happens in the macOS Sierra beta, but I worry it's going to continue through the final release
After a deep search and investigation, I finally decided that there is nothing wrong with our build. There was a problem when uploading our build with Apple iTunes Connect, which is that server denied uploading our build on Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra. But, uploading with Xcode 8 is working just fine. Just use the Application Loader from Xcode 8 if you are not ready for Migration to Xcode 8, or if some of your project's third party libraries don't support Swift 2.3.
So, how do I pass this?
Simply, just install two version on Xcode: one to continue your development.And one for uploading the submit.
Here is how : https://blogs.oracle.com/mobile/entry/how_to_install_multiple_xcodes
Create an archive from your Xcode 7.3.1 and export an .ipa with with your production profile. Then upload that .ipa via the Xcode 8 Application Loader. This is inside the Xcode app bundle: Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app
You can also get to it inside of Xcode:
Xcode menu > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
This is the only solution until Apple fixes it, believe me.
Xcode is giving me an error when I'm trying to test my app on my iPhone 5. It works perfectly on the iPhone 6 plus. Both are running the same OS and are registered to my developer account.
The specific error is: "can't link with a main executable file" from my derived data folder "for architecture armv7".
I tried updating the last version of X-Code 6, restarting, and cleaning the file with no success.
Any ideas?
I found this suggestion: can't link with a main executable file.
When I selected a app name, I now get this error.
I created a tabbed application with xCode 5.01, recently downloaded from Apple, and put nothing else in it. It runs fine on the simulator, but when I try to run it on my iPhone 4S, which has OS6 on it, the build fails with these errors:
UIKit/UIKit.h is not found.
The Prefix.pch file is not found.
I looked everywhere and changed the deployment target to 6.0, but it doesn't solve the issue. What's going on?
EDIT: also, following an advice, I deleted the UIKit framework, but when I tried to re-add it (as per the advice) it turns out it's not there.
EDIT 2: Reinstalling xCode solved the issue. Go figure.
Reinstall XCode 5, it is still quite buggy, also when renaming folders, this can cause corrupt data structure inside the project file.
I got a application from my teammate, and it is for both iphone and ipad devices (which it is developed under iPhone SDK 3.2).
I have iPhone SDK 3.1.3 installed in my mac book. When i tried to compile the application for iphone simulator i got the following error.
Interface builder is unable to open documents of type iPad XIB.
The above error is for interface builder created for ipad.
My Question is we can't compile the application on iPhone SDK 3.1.3 which the application developed under iPhone SDK 3.2?
Please shed some light of this?
Go to your project settings, and delete the line that says Interface Builder Plugin search path or something similar.
the exact line in project.pbxproj is: IBC_PLUGIN_SEARCH_PATHS = "${PROJECT_DIR}/**";
Short answer
Temporarily remove the iPad xib when working with the 3.1.3 SDK. Put them back when you go back to 3.2 and above.
Longer answer
This cropped up for me when compiling against 3.1.3. You can use conditional compiling to get code user newer features to build successfully (see Matt Gallagher's helpful post on conditional compiling).
There may be a smarter way to tell the compiler not to look at the iPad xibs. For testing on the 3.1.3 simulator I simply made a copy all my iPad xibs and then removed them from the xcode project. When going back to my current development set up, you have to put them back. It's a bit of pain, but not that fiddly.
To fix this:
Press Command-1 to go to the project tree
Select your project
The in the right panel select your project, and then click on "Build Settings"
In search field just below the "Build Settings" enter: "Overriding Plug-In"
Now, the only visible setting left should say "Overriding Plug-In and Framework Directory"
Double-click the value and remove all entries using "-" button
Click somewhere else so settings are saved
That should fix it