waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished and objectWithID - objective-c

Update I can confirm that objectWithID could potentially need a parent (or grandparent, etc) context's thread to do some fetching so avoid blocking your parent thread using something like waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished.
As a quick test I pointed the children moc's parent to their grandparent instead and left the children threads blocking the original parent. In this setup the deadlock never occurred. This is a poor architecture though so I'll be rearchitecting.
Original Question
I have two layers of NSOperationQueue. The first is an NSOperation graph with operations that have a set of dependencies between them. They all run fine without deadlocking each other. Within one of these operations (a Scheduler for groups of people) I have broken out its work to more discrete chunks that can be run on another NSOperationQueue. However I still will want the Scheduler to finish creating all of its schedules before the larger operation is considered finished. To that end, once I create all Schedule operations and add them to the Scheduler operation queue, I call waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished on the operation queue. This is where I deadlock.
I am using Core Data and have an NSBlockOperation subclass called BlockOperation that handles the routine of taking a parent managed object context, creating a PrivateQueueConcurrencyType child context, calling the provided block using performBlockAndWait and finally waiting on the parent context to merge changes. Here's some code...
init(block: (NSManagedObjectContext?) -> Void, withDependencies dependencies: Array<NSOperation>, andParentManagedObjectContext parentManagedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext?) {
self.privateContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
self.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriority.Normal
if (parentManagedObjectContext != nil) {
self.parentContext = parentManagedObjectContext!
self.privateContext.parentContext = parentManagedObjectContext!
self.privateContext.performBlockAndWait({ () -> Void in
self.parentContext!.performBlockAndWait({ () -> Void in
var error: NSError?
for operation in dependencies {
This is working really well for me already. But now I want to block a calling thread until an operation queue on it has finished all of its operations. Like this...
for group in groups {
let groupId = group.objectID
let scheduleOperation = BlockOperation(
block: { (managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext?) -> Void in
ScheduleOperation.scheduleGroupId(groupId, inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext!)
withDependencies: [],
andParentManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext)
...this thread gets stuck on that last line (obviously). But we never see the other threads make any progress past a certain point. Pausing the debugger I see where the queued operations are stuck. It's in a ScheduleOperation's init method where we fetch the group using the provided id. (ScheduleOperation.scheduleGroupId calls this init)
convenience init(groupId: NSManagedObjectID, inManagedObjectContext managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) {
let group = managedObjectContext.objectWithID(groupId) as Group
Does objectWithID need to execute code on the "parent" thread that its parent moc is associated with and therefore creating a deadlock? Is there anything else about my approach that could be causing this?
Note: Although I am writing this is Swift, I have added Objective-C as a tag because I feel like this is not a language specific issue, but a framework specific one.

In general it's not specified on which thread objectWithID will be called, it's an implementation detail. I had some problems with Core Data deadlocks in the past (although in different circumstances) and I found out that the framework does some locking internally when you invoke methods on NSManagedObjectContext. So yes, I think it might result in a deadlock.
I have no advice other than re-designing your architecture, maybe it can be simplified a little. Keep in mind that you already have a private serial queue associated with a context, which guarantees that the operations will be called in the specified order. You can therefore share the same context between all the ScheduleOperation instances. Set scheduleOperationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationsCount to 1, so that operations will execute one after another. And instead of blocking the calling thread, call a completion handler when the last operation finishes (you can use oepration's completionBlock).


.Net Core API allow only one user to call route at a time

I have a route that needs to make sure that only one user can make that request at a time. How would I enforce that?
Using a static boolean as a field on the controller, you can prevent execution with a guard clause. Static objects are shared across threads within a single application so this should affect all users. The volatile keyword ensures that changes are available to all the threads as soon as they're made. You may have to actually lock though, which isn't done here.
// Controller class field declaration.
static volatile bool executing = false;
// Inside the function that should only run once regardless of the caller.
if(!executing) {
executing = true;
execute(); // this is the code you want only a single execution of, regardless of the number of requests
executing = false:
} else {
throw new Exception ("currently executing");
This is not the best way, depending on your actual needs, but should work for the minimum needs.

How do I handle entry management in a map of lock objects?

My application creates an index which is saved in thousands of files on the disk. I want to access the index files with multiple instances of the application. Therefore I use the java FileLock to lock the files I am reading between the different JVMs.
If I try to acquire a FileLock twice with the same application, I get an OverlappingFileLockException (that is how FileLock is supposed to work). To prevent multiple acquires on the same file within one instance, I create a Map. If the app can acquire the semaphore for the specific file, it can also acquire a FileLock. If not, the file is currently in use by the application.
With a ConcurrentHashMap, it works like a charm. I use computeIfAbsent to add Semaphores to the map if needed.
The problem is: The more files I create, the more semaphores I store in the map. Running the application for several days can cause the map to explode. To prevent this, I want to remove unused entries, when they are released.
I can't just remove the semaphore like in the 2nd version of the function. If the Semaphore has queued Threads, the next thread in the queue will acquire the FileLock. A new thread won't find the semaphore in the map and will create a new one, acquiring the FileLock again. I have to check if semaphore.hasQueuedThreads() and only remove it, if there is no queued thread. But this is not an atomic operation.
I tried to lock the acquire/release functions for the Semaphore with a single semaphore to make both functions synchronized (bad practice), just to see if it could work. This ended in a deadlock.
val lockMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, Semaphore>()
fun accessFile(fileName: String) {
acquireSemaphore(fileName: String)
acquireFileLock(fileName: String)
doSomethingWithFile(fileName: String)
releaseFileLock(fileName: String)
releaseSemaphore(fileName: String)
fun acquireSemaphore(fileName: String) {
(lockMap.computeIfAbsent(fileName){Semaphore(1, true)}).acquire()
fun releaseSemaphore(fileName: String) {
lockMap[fileName]?.release() // works, but the map keeps every semaphore
fun releaseSemaphore(fileName: String) {
lockMap.remove(filename)?.release() // removes the semaphore, but causes OverlappingFileLockExceptions
I want to remove a semaphore from the map when it is released and there are no threads waiting for the semaphore. This should be an atomic operation so no 2nd semaphore is created for the same file.

Does Perl 6 automatically call any special methods when it cleans up an object?

I thought that Rakudo got finalizer support several years ago but I couldn't find the documentation for it (maybe it goes in Classes and Objects). Listing all the methods in a class didn't seem like the thing I was looking for.
class Butterfly {
method DESTROY { put "Destroyed" }
# submethod DESTROY { put "Destroyed" }
Maybe the problem is #127243: [RFC] DESTROY is not called on interpreter exit
Ah, and marked as "to do" in roast/S12-construction/destruction.t.
There is no reliable object finalization in Perl 6. There is support for DESTROY, but it will only get called when the object is actually garbage collected. Garbage collection does not happen on global shutdown, but when it is needed (from whatever heuristics it decides that).
The following code shows that when objects get garbage collected, they call DESTROY:
my int $destroyed;
class A {
method DESTROY { ++$seen }
A.new for ^50000;
say "DESTROY called $destroyed times";
Which will typically output something like: "DESTROY called 31095 times".
If you want reliable destruction, you could use LEAVE phasers, or the will leave trait:
my $dbh = DBI.connect(....);
LEAVE $dbh.disconnect;
or shorter:
my $foo will leave { say "left with $_" } = 42;
# left with 42
One should realize that reference counting, which allows for reliable destruction, has its problems (circular references, so you need weak references, unsharing of shared memory because it needs to update counters, XS code getting it wrong, etc. etc.). In a purely threaded environment, this becomes untenable, because you would need to do all ref counting atomically (either by using hardware features, or by locking). Which, apart from generally slowing down things, opens up a whole new pool of possible deadlocks.

GPARs async functions and passing references that are being updated by another thread

I am using GPARs asynchronous functions to fire off a process as each line in a file is parsed.
I am seeing some strange behavior that makes me wonder if I have an issue with thread safety.
Let's say I have a current object that is being loaded up with values from the current row in an input spreadsheet, like so:
Uploader {
MyRowObject currentRowObject
Once it has all the values from the current row, I fire off an async closure that looks a bit like this:
Closure processCurrentRowObject = { ->
myService.processCurrentRowObject (currentRowObject)
It is defined in the same class, so it has access to the currentRowObject.
While that is off and running, I parse the next row, and start by creating a new object:
MyObject currentObject = new MyObject()
and start loading it up with values.
I assumed that this would be safe, that the asynchronous function would be pointing to the previous object. However, I wonder if because I am letting the closure bind to the reference, if somehow the reference is getting updated in the async function, and I am pulling the object instance out from under it, so to speak - changing it while it's trying to work on the previous instance.
If so, any suggestions for fixing? Or am I safe?
I'm not sure I fully understand your case, however, here's a quick tip.
Since it is always dangerous to share a single mutable object among threads, I'd recommend to completely separate the row objects used for different rows:
final localRowObject = currentRowObject
currentRowObject = null
Closure processCurrentRowObject = { ->
myService.processCurrentRowObject (localRowObject)

Another ConcurrentModificationException question

I've searched StackOverflow and there are many ConcurrentModificationException questions. After reading them, I'm still confused. I'm getting a lot of these exceptions. I'm using a "Registry" setup to keep track of Objects:
public class Registry {
public static ArrayList<Messages> messages = new ArrayList<Messages>();
public static ArrayList<Effect> effects = new ArrayList<Effect>();
public static ArrayList<Projectile> proj = new ArrayList<Projectile>();
/** Clears all arrays */
public static void recycle(){
I'm adding and removing objects to these lists by accessing the ArrayLists like this: Registry.effects.add(obj) and Registry.effects.remove(obj)
I managed to get around some errors by using a retry loop:
//somewhere in my game..
boolean retry = true;
while (retry){
try {
retry = false;
catch (ConcurrentModificationException c){}
private void removeEffectsWithSource(String src) throws ConcurrentModificationException {
ListIterator<Effect> it = Registry.effects.listIterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ){
Effect f = it.next();
if ( f.Source.equals(src) ) {
But in other cases this is not practical. I keep getting ConcurrentModificationExceptions in my drawProjectiles() method, even though it doesn't modify anything. I suppose the culprit is if I touched the screen, which creates a new Projectile object and adds it to Registry.proj while the draw method is still iterating.
I can't very well do a retry loop with the draw method, or it will re-draw some of the objects. So now I'm forced to find a new solution.. Is there a more stable way of accomplishing what I'm doing?
Oh and part 2 of my question: Many people suggest using ListIterators (as I have been using), but I don't understand.. if I call ListIterator.remove() does it remove that object from the ArrayList it's iterating through, or just remove it from the Iterator itself?
Top line, three recommendations:
Don't do the "wrap an exception in a loop" thing. Exceptions are for exceptional conditions, not control flow. (Effective Java #57 or Exceptions and Control Flow or Example of "using exceptions for control flow")
If you're going to use a Registry object, expose thread-safe behavioral, not accessor methods on that object and contain the concurrency reasoning within that single class. Your life will get better. No exposing collections in public fields. (ew, and why are those fields static?)
To solve the actual concurrency issues, do one of the following:
Use synchronized collections (potential performance hit)
Use concurrent collections (sometimes complicated logic, but probably efficient)
Use snapshots (probably with synchronized or a ReadWriteLock under the covers)
Part 1 of your question
You should use a concurrent data structure for the multi-threaded scenario, or use a synchronizer and make a defensive copy. Probably directly exposing the collections as public fields is wrong: your registry should expose thread-safe behavioral accessors to those collections. For instance, maybe you want a Registry.safeRemoveEffectBySource(String src) method. Keep the threading specifics internal to the registry, which seems to be the "owner" of this aggregate information in your design.
Since you probably don't really need List semantics, I suggest replacing these with ConcurrentHashMaps wrapped into Set using Collections.newSetFromMap().
Your draw() method could either a) use a Registry.getEffectsSnapshot() method that returns a snapshot of the set; or b) use an Iterable<Effect> Registry.getEffects() method that returns a safe iterable version (maybe just backed by the ConcurrentHashMap, which won't throw CME under any circumstances). I think (b) is preferable here, as long as the draw loop doesn't need to modify the collection. This provides a very weak synchronization guarantee between the mutator thread(s) and the draw() thread, but assuming the draw() thread runs often enough, missing an update or something probably isn't a big deal.
Part 2 of your question
As another answer notes, in the single-thread case, you should just make sure you use the Iterator.remove() to remove the item, but again, you should wrap this logic inside the Registry class if at all possible. In some cases, you'll need to lock a collection, iterate over it collecting some aggregate information, and make structural modifications after the iteration completes. You ask if the remove() method just removes it from the Iterator or from the backing collection... see the API contract for Iterator.remove() which tells you it removes the object from the underlying collection. Also see this SO question.
You cannot directly remove an item from a collection while you are still iterating over it, otherwise you will get a ConcurrentModificationException.
The solution is, as you hint, to call the remove method on the Iterator instead. This will remove it from the underlying collection as well, but it will do it in such a way that the Iterator knows what's going on and so doesn't throw an exception when it finds the collection has been modified.