Using GUIDs as attributes to substitute in a template - stringtemplate

Is there a way in template ( 4 engine) to use a GUID as an attribute to be substituted or to reduce stringtemplate's expressiveness so it will not evaluate the value between the delimiters as anything other than an attribute lookup?
The following fails with a Antlr4.StringTemplate.Compiler.TemplateException.
Template template = new Template("{AAA04EC0-301F-11D3-BF1B-00C04F79AAAC}", '{', '}');

Yes and no.
Yes: The StringTemplate group syntax was updated to allow - characters to appear as part of an attribute name (but not as the first character). I'm not sure the template lexer was update to allow you to actually use such an attribute. You should file an issue on the issue tracker for the project:
No: An attribute name cannot start with a digit, so only GUID values starting with a letter would work.


URL-parameters input seems inconsistent

I have review multiple instructions on URL-parameters which all suggest 2 approaches:
Parameters can follow / forward slashes or be specified by parameter name and then by parameter value. so either:
For the 2nd one, I provide parameter name and then parameter value by using the ?. I also provide multiple parameters using ampersand.
Now I have see the request below which works fine but does not fit into the rules above:
I understand that the requests sets 42 as a parameter but why is the ? not followed by the parameter name and just by the value. Also the ? seems to be used as an ampersand???
From Wikipedia:
Every HTTP URL conforms to the syntax of a generic URI. The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components:
URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]
where the authority component divides into three subcomponents:
authority = [userinfo#]host[:port]
This is represented in a syntax diagram as:
As you can see, the ? ends the path part of the URL and starts the query part.
The query part is usually a &-separated string of name=value pairs, but it doesn't have to be, so json is a valid value for the query part.
Or, as the Wikipedia articles says it:
An optional query component preceded by a question mark (?), containing a query string of non-hierarchical data. Its syntax is not well defined, but by convention is most often a sequence of attribute–value pairs separated by a delimiter.
It is also fairly common for request processors to treat a name=value pair that is missing the = sign, as if the it was name=.
E.g. if you're writing Servlet code and call servletRequest.getParameter("json"), it would return an empty string ("") for that last URL in the question.

How i get a continuation of a value with Extractor (JMETER)?

I am trying to take the Information from an element from the middle on.
And this value is only displayed this way
see image:
It would be the value "info_se"
You need to escape ? sign (as well as other meta characters) in your regular expression with a back slash so the whole expression would be something like:
a href="#" data-url="Cervello/Release.aspx\?info_s=(.+?)"
JMeter Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
Use regular expression extractor under your sampler that return the full html. Save in reference name as info and then use it later ${info}
Template $1$
Match No. 1
My error was another, this "info_s" field was decoded, so the system needs this coded encoding.
I managed to find several that stored this value, and in the parameters of HTTP request, I was informed to code the extracted value of the Extractor
I get, finding in the html the field that stored this value "info_s", decoded, then using the encoder option of jmeter, I was able to capture the correct value.

Orient-db regex modifiers

I'm working with orient-db database, and I've issues with regex pattern matching. I really need case-insensitive modifier to be present in the request, but somehow it doesn't work as I'm expecting.
select from UserAccounts where email MATCHES '^ther.*'
Returns as expected matches in lowercase.
Whenever I try to add a modifier, outside delimiters i.e.
select from UserAccounts where email MATCHES '\^ther.*\i'
I get an empty collection. Actually the query returns an empty collection whenever delimiters are present.
If there is no way to attach modifiers I could probably replace each 'alpha' char to an expression in square brackets i.e.
select from UserAccounts where email MATCHES "^[tT][hH][eE][rR].*"
But I'm not really happy with this solution.
Using the Java case-insensitive regex modifier (from Pattern's special constructs) works in OrientDB 1.7.9 - for your example:
select from UserAccounts where email MATCHES '(?i)^ther.*'
(See also: Pattern - Special Constructs)
I've added a comment to the corresponding OrientDB issue as well.
Unfortunately there is no way to specify modifiers for regex in matches operator.
For now the good solution would be to create a custom function, where you can use whole power of JS regexps.
But we definitely should add ability to specify modifiers in MATCHES, could you create a feature request?

How to test for blank text field when using robotframework-selenium?

How can I specify blank/empty value for a text field when using the robotframework-seleniumlibrary with a TSV file? For example, I have the following:
Textfield Value Should Be identifier=name1 Chris
Textfield Value Should Be identifier=name2
I want to test that name2 is blank. I have tried leaving it blank (which returns a message about an incorrect number of arguments. I have tried "", which looks for a pair of quotes, and '' which enters a single quote, and selenium seems to look for that
You can use either a single backslash \ or special variable ${EMPTY} to create an empty string in the test data. User guide has the details: Robot Framework User Guide.
Yes, ${EMPTY} is a built in variable.
There are many examples, see an example here
${EMPTY} is good for a blank value but, surprisingly, it didn't work for an empty value.
I found what I was looking for. The field I was verifying had no value in its value attribute and I wanted to verify it. It was returning '' as the value and when using ${EMPTY} it couldn't find '''' instead. Such a minor thing but ended up solving what I needed, so it depends what you're seeking to verify.

Extract terms from query for highlighting

I'm extracting terms from the query calling ExtractTerms() on the Query object that I get as the result of QueryParser.Parse(). I get a HashTable, but each item present as:
Key - term:term
Value - term:term
Why are the key and the value the same? And more why is term value duplicated and separated by colon?
Do highlighters only insert tags or to do anything else? I want not only to get text fragments but to highlight the source text (it's big enough). I try to get terms and by offsets to insert tags by hand. But I worry if this is the right solution.
I think the answer to this question may help.
It is because .Net 2.0 doesnt have an equivalent to java's HashSet. The conversion to .Net uses Hashtables with the same value in key/value. The colon you see is just the result of Term.ToString(), a Term is a fieldname + the term text, your field name is probably "term".
To highlight an entire document using the Highlighter contrib, use the NullFragmenter