Why can't I reinstall Module Magento? - sql

I have a module in magento, and the script setup module. Now I want to re-run this script and this module. I deleted the setup of this module in core_resource, and access magento. But the module is not reinstalled. The database of this module isn't deleted, althought I have DROP TABLE IF EXIST in scripts. And in the core_resource, the setup of this module not exists, it is really deleted. So I think the setup not run. But this module still work normally with old sql and no setup field in core_resource.
Thank you in advance.

You need to clear your Magento configuration cache to trigger an re-run of an setup resource migration script. This cache clearing lets Magento see the version of a module has changed.
Also, you might consider using the n98-magerun command line tool -- it has a number of commands for manually running setup resource migration scripts.

manually drop table,
and then remove core_resource row record,
and then run any page again


With Julia, is there a way to create a test/temporary/throwaway environement?

I would like to test the installation of a certain combination of packages without polluting my primary environment and without needing to create a folder. Is there a way to do this interactively/in the REPL?
For this specific purpose, there is also
(#v1.5) pkg> activate --temp
Activating new environment at `/tmp/jl_r7woaE/Project.toml`
Yes, navigate to into a specific folder (this will be where the throw away env. files are) and then run activate . in the package manager.

Prestashop: How to update themes and modules manually?

Some modules can be auto-updated in backoffice by clicking the update button. However if the module is from an other source than prestashop itself (e.g. github) the module needs - afaik - to be updated manually.
So how should one handle updates?
Download ZIP and
unzip it over the corresponding modules folder (/modules/acme/)
unzip and rsync it to /modules/acme (rsync -trv /tmp/acme /modules)
Same as 2 but with --delete
Delete the folder completely and unzip the new one in place like rm -rf /modules/acme and cp -a /tmp/acme /modules/acme
Others ...
Side note: what about the config.xml and possibly other generated files?
Same applies for theme updates, how to handle these?
Concerning current version Prestashop 1.7+.
If the module upgrade is made correctly (you can check if module version is updated in main module class constructor and uses upgrade scripts in upgrades folder and files inside the module) you can unzip over it. Then visit the modules list page in backend and module upgrade will run. config.xml is auto (re)generated and used only for optimizing module list loading in the same backend page - it has no effect on module behaviour itself.
For themes you can also just unzip over the last one.
When I am in doubt with any upgrades I make a development copy of the store and do upgrades there first and see if everything is ok then do upgrades on live instance.
You can perform the upgrade automatically with this free module
Hope it helps

A Module For Installing Modules in Yii

I am wondering if there is a module that gives the ability to install modules via an interface instead of copy a module files and create database tables manually and add it to config/main.php .
Is there any ? I mean something like what is in Joomla or Drupal?
As of now, I don't think there is something like this on Yii.
What we did for our projects, is this.
We created our module, that will automatically create / copy the files and the same time, add the configuration files.

Sitefinity module install failure

I created a new module by following the testimonials example in the SDK. But, it won't install. There are no error messages to help direct me in a certain direction.
I've fired up the project in debug mode setting a break point on the install method, but it never gits hit.
Anyone know why that would be?
If it's not installing it might not be properly registered in the system. What version of Sitefinity is this? If one of the more recent ones there is a section under Administration > Modules where you can install the module. Otherwise you need to do it in the Administration > Settings > Advanced > System > Application Modules and create a new entry there manually
Either way, make sure that the full name of your module is correct (including the namespace) as the Type, and that the startupType is set to "OnApplicationStart" so it initializes when the website starts.
Then force your website to restart (easiest way is to just save the web.config file) and it should fire up.
I hope this is helpful!
If you have done all this and it's still not firing, can you tell me if the module is listed in the systemConfig.Config file under app_data folder?

How to get RavenDB to recognize a plugin?

I'm trying setup the Versioning bundle in RavenDB: http://ravendb.net/bundles/versioning
The installation instructions are pretty straight forward:
Simply place the Raven.Bundles.Versioning.dll in the Plugins
I've tried this do this by creating a "Plugins" directory under the Server directory (the Server directory contains the Raven.Server.exe), and dropping Raven.Client.Versioning.dll into that Plugins directory.
However, when I run RavenDB after that (either from the command line or as a service), it doesn't give me any indication that it has recognized the plugin, and when I save/edit new documents no versioning is being applied.
I've tried running with the default plugin directory settings (which supposedly automatically looks in the Plugins directory), and I've tried manually adding the PluginsDirectory setting to Raven.Server.exe.config, to no avail.
Has anyone been able to get plugins working, specifically the versioning bundle? Do you hae to do anything special?
It is supposed to just work. Take a look at the statistics, you should see the versioning trigger registered there.
It is important to ensure that:
You are using the same version of the dlls
You restarts RavenDB after copying the directory
You don't reference another Raven/PluginsDirectory in the configuration
It is probably better to follow this up in the mailing list.
For Raven v2, you'll also add the bundle name to the the Raven/ActiveBundles property on a database document. The names should be semicolon-delimited.
For example, I have a database called MidwestAnimalRescue. To enable the Periodic Backup bundle and the Versioning bundle, my document will look like this: