How to make refresh function in VBA - vba

I am using Access Database to make a program.
Here is the problem:
After I enter the data in textbox, which is in a blue boxes, and click 'Add Data' button, data move to the ListBox, which is marked with orange box. But I should press 'F5' button(refresh) to see the data. I want to see the data immediately after I click 'Add Data' button. Is there any way to do that?
Any comments would be greatly thankful(It would be nice if you can share your code)

Add ListBox.Requery to the button's click event right after new data has been added to the ListBox.
Private Sub YourButtonName_Click()
'Add data
End Sub

requerying the form is the simplest way probably, but with no idea of what the button does, how your data is structured, how the form is structured, i.e. is the listbox bound or unbound, so cant really say, if F5, is doing it, then just look for the VBA method for refreshing the form.


Show on-screen keyboard when textbox clicked

I've built a on-screen keyboard for a surveillance system made in VBA. I need it so that when the user clicks on the textbox to enter the data, the on-screen keyboard I've made, shows up. Thanks!
Check out the _Enter() event that fires when a user clicks inside the textbox control.
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
End Sub
For a more complete solution, you may want to wrap the keyboard showing/hiding events in a VBA class so you can more easily apply it to the different text boxes on your form. That way you don't have to repeat all of your code for each text box on your form. Just something to explore for down the road. :-)

Click/DoubleClick to open a Userform on Word

I was just creating a template on Word which uses content controls and I have a userform to help auto fill the data which is activated via a command key. You know how on excel VBA you can click a cell to make it refresh or open up a userform, or perform a series of tasks. On Word, can you double or single click a Content Control per say and have a userform pop up?
I think it would be pretty neat to be able to do that, open for any ideas that I should try out.
Unlike Content Controls, ActiveX controls have Click and DoubleClick events. You can add an ActiveX control (e.g., a button or a label) and use its Click event to do whatever you want:
And then simply, use something like this:
Private Sub lblTest_Click()
MsgBox "You clicked on a label."
End Sub
Private Sub btnTest_Click()
MsgBox "You clicked on a button."
End Sub
Hope that helps.

Run macro by clicking away from any ActiveX textbox in a document

I'm looking for a VBA script that will run whenever I click away from any of ActiveX textboxes in the document. Another alternative would be to have it run whenever I click on any textbox (without clicking away).
How can it be done without assigning subs to each textbox individually?
Double click on your textbox and it will bring up the default method for that textbox, which in my testing is Textbox1_Change(). This method will run every time you type anything into the textbox.
You see two dropdown boxes at the top of the vba editor. Drop down on the one on the right and you'll see all the other available methods for the textbox, one of which is LostFocus which I reckon will suit your purposes. Clicking on that creates a sub that will execute every time the textbox loses focus. See how you go with that. Cheers

Transferring data between two forms?

Okay so I've been searching for a solution for a while but can't seem to find any answers tailored to what I need to do. Also this is my first post here so I'm sorry if I'm being to vague with what I need. Basically I'm creating a program that has a few text boxes on one form and I need to display the data in those text boxes into a list box on another form. There's a button at the bottom of the first form that allows me to switch to form 2 and also display the data in the list box. I can switch to form 2 but nothing shows up in the list box. I also have a few radio buttons and check boxes on form 1 that will affect which constant values will need to show up in form 2's list box as well. One other thing is that I can't just use a form load option for getting data in the list box, it has to happen with the button press because I will be switching between forms and from my understanding the form load option only works once when the form is loaded for the first time. Anyway here is part of my code for form 1 that shows the button click:
Dim strCustomer As String
Private Sub btnPlaceOrder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPlaceOrder.Click
strCustomer = txtCustomer.Text
End Sub
My first form is frmMain and my second form is frmInvoice. Can anyone please help me with what I need to do differently with this code and what exactly I need to have for my code for form 2 to make this work. Again I am somewhat new to this so I'm sorry if any of this seems vague or if I'm not quite posting this is the right way. Also I'm using VB.
The code you provided should work fine but you are modifying the ListBox after you show the invoice Form. Since you are using showDialog(), the code that follows this statement will only be executed once the dialog form is dealt with (for example if you close it). This means that if you click the button a 2nd time, the ListBox should contain one item. If you switch the two lines so it looks like this, it should do what you expect it to:

How do you add a help button to Excel userform

I have a few different userforms in Excel 2007 right now and was wondering if I could add a "?" button next to the close symbol in the userform.
Alternatively, is there a way to display some text when I hover over a specific label
The form property "WhatsThisButton" displays the question mark icon next to the close button, but this does nothing without creating an actual help file and assigning it to your form, this is not an easy thing to do. Far easier is to display text as you have described, each control has a "controlTipText" property that will display whatever text you enter in there, when your user hovers their mouse over the control