SQL: lookup for UUID - sql

I have my user table (pseudo sql, because I use an ORM and I must support several different DB types):
UUID : BINARY(16) (inserted by an update, it's a hash(id) )
I am currently using id for FK in all other tables.
However, in my REST API, I have to serve informations with the UUID, which causes a problem later to query.
Should I:
FK on the UUID instead?
just lookup id(UUID) each time (fast thanks to cache mechanism after a while)?

In general, it is better to use the auto-incremented id for the foreign key reference rather than some other combination of unique columns.
One important reason is that indexes on a single integer are more efficient than indexes on other column types -- if for no other reason than the index being smaller, so it occupies less disk and less memory. Also, there is additional overhead to storing the longer UUID in secondary tables.
This is not the only consideration. Another consideration is that you could change the UUID, if necessary, without changing the foreign key references. For instance, you may wake up one day and say "that id has to start with AAA". You can alter the table and update the table and be done with it -- or you could worry about foreign key references as well. Or, you might add an organization column and decide that the unique key is a combination of the UUID and organization. These operations are much harder/slower if the UUID is being used as a foreign key reference.
When you have composite primary keys (more than one column), using the auto-incremented id is an even better idea. In this case, using the id for joins prevents mistakes where one of the join conditions might be left out.
As you point out, looking up the UUID for a given id should be a fast operation with the correct indexes. There may be some borderline cases where you would not want to have an id, but in general, it is a good idea.


Is it a bad practice to use a single column table with a nominal value as PK?

When dealing with No-SQL databases, this would not be a problem as a relation would not make sense (or at least would be unnecessary), but when the infrastructure does not support No-SQL databases, scenarios such as creating tags for articles would raise some concerns (from the perspective of finding the best practice).
Assuming that I have three tables as Articles, Tags, ArticleTags. In this case, the Tag names must be unique as duplicate tags in the Tags table would not make any sense. Taking this into the account, I can do the following:
And this approach can be considered as a standard practice. However, since the Tags.Name is unique, I can also use the Name column as the primary key and remove the TagId column. The question is that, if I do this and use the Tags.Name as the primary key, even the Tags table would be considered as redundant and I can simply add a new column such as Tag in the ArticleTags table without any relation and this will be ok if we want to allow users to generate new tags when necessary (losing the FK constraint).
However, would this violate the normalization rules? and would this be a better practice in comparison with the standard approach (having both id and name)?
It is a rather bad idea to have a GUID as a primary (there might be exceptions). If you have a table where you are going to be doing frequent inserts, then a GUID as a primary key is definitely a bad idea.
Why? Well, by default, the primary key is clustered in SQL Server. You can override this, but let's stick with the default.
Because the GUID can have a smaller value, this results in inserts going between existing rows. That tends to cause fragmentation and (much) slower inserts.
Note that this even occurs with NEWSEQUENTIALID(). As the documentation explains:
After restarting Windows, the GUID can start again from a lower range,
but is still globally unique.
If you are doing all the inserts at once, then it doesn't matter, much.
However, this seems so much simpler:
[TagId] int identity(1, 1) primary key,
Here are some reasons:
Identity columns take up less space (ints are smaller than GUIDs).
Identity columns are much handier for referring tables (foreign keys take up less space).
Integer ids are easier for people to recognize when looking at the data or typing in an id (say for debugging).
Inserts always go at the end of the table.
I would just avoid the habit of ever using GUIDs (or UUIDs in other databases) as primary keys. The one case where I've had to relax this is when I generate data using SparkSQL or BigQuery. However, I consider it a bug in those tools that they cannot readily do row_number() on a large data set.
As for using Name, I would discourage that. You might want to rename a tag at some point in the future or decide that 50 characters is not large enough. Although you can have cascading foreign key references, I think a unique integer id is a safer approach. In addition, the id gives some inadvertent information -- such as the last tag inserted into the table.

Relational database design question - Surrogate-key or Natural-key?

Which one is the best practice and Why?
a) Type Table, Surrogate/Artificial Key
Foreign key is from user.type to type.id:
b) Type Table, Natural Key
Foreign key is from user.type to type.typeName:
I believe that in practice, using a natural key is rarely the best option. I would probably go for the surrogate key approach as in your first example.
The following are the main disadvantages of the natural key approach:
You might have an incorrect type name, or you may simply want to rename the type. To edit it, you would have to update all the tables that would be using it as a foreign key.
An index on an int field will be much more compact than one on a varchar field.
In some cases, it might be difficult to have a unique natural key, and this is necessary since it will be used as a primary key. This might not apply in your case.
The first one is more future proof, because it allows you to change the string representing the type without updating the whole user table. In other words you use a surrogate key, an additional immutable identifier introduced for the sake of flexibility.
A good reason to use a surrogate key (instead of a natural key like name) is when the natural key isn't really a good choice in terms of uniqueness. In my lifetime i've known no fewer than 4 "Chris Smith"s. Person names are not unique.
I prefer to use the surrogate key. It is often people will identity and use the natural key which will be fine for a while, until they decide they want to change the value. Then problems start.
You should probably always use an ID number (that way if you change the type name, you don't need to update the user table) it also allows you to keep your datasize down, as a table full of INTs is much smaller than one full of 45 character varchars.
If typeName is a natural key, then it's probably the preferable option, because it won't require a join to get the value.
You should only really use a surrogate key (id) when the name is likely to change.
Surrogate key for me too, please.
The other might be easier when you need to bang out some code, but it will eventually be harder. Back in the day, my tech boss decided using an email addr as a primary key was a good idea. Needless to say, when people wanted to change their addresses it really sucked.
Use natural keys whenever they work. Names usually don't work. They are too mutable.
If you are inventing your own data, you might as well invent a syntheic key. If you are building a database of data provided by other people or their software, analyze the source data to see how they identify things that need identification.
If they are managing data at all well, they will have natural keys that work for the important stuff. For the unimportant stuff, suit yourself.
well i think surrgote key is helpful when you don't have any uniquely identified key whose value is related and meaningful as is to be its primary key... moreover surrgote key is easier to implement and less overhead to maintain.
but on the other hand surrgote key is sometimes make extra cost by joining tables.
think about 'User' ... I have
UserId varchar(20), ID int, Name varchar(200)
as the table structure.
now consider that i want to take a track on many tables as who is inserting records... if i use Id as a primary key, then [1,2,3,4,5..] etc will be in foreign tables and whenever i need to know who is inserting data i've to join User Table with it because 1,2,3,4,5,6 is meaningless. but if i use UserId as a primary key which is uniquely identified then on other foreign tables [john, annie, nadia, linda123] etc will be saved which is sometimes easily distinguishable and meaningful . so i need not to join user table everytime when i do query.
but mind it, it takes some extra physical space as varchar is saved in foreign tables which takes extra bytes.. and ofcourse indexing has a significant performance issue where int performs better rather than varchar
Surrogate key is a substitution for the natural primary key.
It is just a unique identifier or number for each row that can be used for the primary key to the table.
The only requirement for a surrogate primary key is that it is unique for each row in the table.
It is useful because the natural primary key (i.e. Customer Number in Customer table) can change and this makes updates more difficult.

SQL primary key - complex primary or string with concatenation?

I have a table with 16 columns. It will be most frequently used table in web aplication and it will contain about few hundred tousand rows. Database is created on sql server 2008.
My question is choice for primary key. What is quicker? I can use complex primary key with two bigint-s or i can use one varchar value but i will need to concatenate it after?
There are many more factors you must consider:
data access prevalent pattern, how are you going to access the table?
how many non-clustered indexes?
frequency of updates
pattern of updates (sequential inserts, random)
pattern of deletes
All these factors, and specially the first two, should drive your choice of the clustered key. Note that the primary key and clustered key are different concepts, often confused. Read up my answer on Should I design a table with a primary key of varchar or int? for a lengthier discussion on the criteria that drive a clustered key choice.
Without any information on your access patterns I can answer very briefly and concise, and actually correct: the narrower key is always quicker (for reasons of IO). However, this response bares absolutely no value. The only thing that will make your application faster is to choose a key that is going to be used by the query execution plans.
A primary key which does not rely on any underlying values (called a surrogate key) is a good choice. That way if the row changes, the ID doesn't have to, and any tables referring to it (Foriegn Keys) will not need to change. I would choose an autonumber (i.e. IDENTITY) column for the primary key column.
In terms of performance, a shorter, integer based primary key is best.
You can still create your clustered index on multiple columns.
Why not just a single INT auto-generated primary key? INT is 32-bit, so it can handle over 4 billion records.
A surrogate key might be a fine idea if there are foreign key relationships on this table. Using a surrogate will save tables that refer to it from having to duplicate all those columns in their tables.
Another important consideration is indexes on columns that you'll be using in WHERE clauses. Your performance will suffer if you don't. Make sure that you add appropriate indexes, over and above the primary key, to avoid table scans.
What do you mean quicker? if you need to search quicker, you can create index for any column or create full text search. the primary key just make sure you do not have duplicated records.
The decision relies upon its use. If you are using the table to save data mostly and not retrieve it, then a simple key. If you are mostly querying the data and it is mostly static data where the key values will not change, your index strategy needs to optimize the data to the most frequent query that will be used. Personally, I like the idea of using GUIDs for the primary key and an int for the clustered index. That allows for easy data imports. But, it really depends upon your needs.
Lot’s of variables you haven’t mentioned; whether the data in the two columns is “natural” and there is a benefit in identifying records by a logical ID, if disclosure of the key via a UI poses a risk, how important performance is (a few hundred thousand rows is pretty minimal).
If you’re not too fussy, go the auto number path for speed and simplicity. Also take a look at all the posts on the site about SQL primary key types. Heaps of info here.
Is it a ER Model or Dimensional Model. In ER Model, they should be separate and should not be surrogated. The entire record could have a single surrogate for easy references in URLs etc. This could be a hash of all parts of the composite key or an Identity.
In Dimensional Model, also they must be separate and they all should be surrogated.

SQL: what exactly do Primary Keys and Indexes do?

I've recently started developing my first serious application which uses a SQL database, and I'm using phpMyAdmin to set up the tables. There are a couple optional "features" I can give various columns, and I'm not entirely sure what they do:
Primary Key
I know what a PK is for and how to use it, but I guess my question with regards to that is why does one need one - how is it different from merely setting a column to "Unique", other than the fact that you can only have one PK? Is it just to let the programmer know that this value uniquely identifies the record? Or does it have some special properties too?
I have no idea what "Index" does - in fact, the only times I've ever seen it in use are (1) that my primary keys seem to be indexed, and (2) I heard that indexing is somehow related to performance; that you want indexed columns, but not too many. How does one decide which columns to index, and what exactly does it do?
edit: should one index colums one is likely to want to ORDER BY?
Thanks a lot,
Primary key is usually used to create a numerical 'id' for your records, and this id column is automatically incremented.
For example, if you have a books table with an id field, where the id is the primary key and is also set to auto_increment (Under 'Extra in phpmyadmin), then when you first add a book to the table, the id for that will become 1'. The next book's id would automatically be '2', and so on. Normally, every table should have at least one primary key to help identifying and finding records easily.
Indexes are used when you need to retrieve certain information from a table regularly. For example, if you have a users table, and you will need to access the email column a lot, then you can add an index on email, and this will cause queries accessing the email to be faster.
However there are also downsides for adding unnecessary indexes, so add this only on the columns that really do need to be accessed more than the others. For example, UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT queries will be a little slower the more indexes you have, as MySQL needs to store extra information for each indexed column. More info can be found at this page.
Edit: Yes, columns that need to be used in ORDER BY a lot should have indexes, as well as those used in WHERE.
The primary key is basically a unique, indexed column that acts as the "official" ID of rows in that table. Most importantly, it is generally used for foreign key relationships, i.e. if another table refers to a row in the first, it will contain a copy of that row's primary key.
Note that it's possible to have a composite primary key, i.e. one that consists of more than one column.
Indexes improve lookup times. They're usually tree-based, so that looking up a certain row via an index takes O(log(n)) time rather than scanning through the full table.
Generally, any column in a large table that is frequently used in WHERE, ORDER BY or (especially) JOIN clauses should have an index. Since the index needs to be updated for evey INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, it slows down those operations. If you have few writes and lots of reads, then index to your hear's content. If you have both lots of writes and lots of queries that would require indexes on many columns, then you have a big problem.
The difference between a primary key and a unique key is best explained through an example.
We have a table of users:
USER_ID number
NAME varchar(30)
EMAIL varchar(50)
In that table the USER_ID is the primary key. The NAME is not unique - there are a lot of John Smiths and Muhammed Khans in the world. The EMAIL is necessarily unique, otherwise the worldwide email system wouldn't work. So we put a unique constraint on EMAIL.
Why then do we need a separate primary key? Three reasons:
the numeric key is more efficient
when used in foreign key
relationships as it takes less space
the email can change (for example
swapping provider) but the user is
still the same; rippling a change of
a primary key value throughout a schema
is always a nightmare
it is always a bad idea to use
sensitive or private information as
a foreign key
In the relational model, any column or set of columns that is guaranteed to be both present and unique in the table can be called a candidate key to the table. "Present" means "NOT NULL". It's common practice in database design to designate one of the candidate keys as the primary key, and to use references to the primary key to refer to the entire row, or to the subject matter item that the row describes.
In SQL, a PRIMARY KEY constraint amounts to a NOT NULL constraint for each primary key column, and a UNIQUE constraint for all the primary key columns taken together. In practice many primary keys turn out to be single columns.
For most DBMS products, a PRIMARY KEY constraint will also result in an index being built on the primary key columns automatically. This speeds up the systems checking activity when new entries are made for the primary key, to make sure the new value doesn't duplicate an existing value. It also speeds up lookups based on the primary key value and joins between the primary key and a foreign key that references it. How much speed up occurs depends on how the query optimizer works.
Originally, relational database designers looked for natural keys in the data as given. In recent years, the tendency has been to always create a column called ID, an integer as the first column and the primary key of every table. The autogenerate feature of the DBMS is used to ensure that this key will be unique. This tendency is documented in the "Oslo design standards". It isn't necessarily relational design, but it serves some immediate needs of the people who follow it. I do not recommend this practice, but I recognize that it is the prevalent practice.
An index is a data structure that allows for rapid access to a few rows in a table, based on a description of the columns of the table that are indexed. The index consists of copies of certain table columns, called index keys, interspersed with pointers to the table rows. The pointers are generally hidden from the DBMS users. Indexes work in tandem with the query optimizer. The user specifies in SQL what data is being sought, and the optimizer comes up with index strategies and other strategies for translating what is being sought into a stategy for finding it. There is some kind of organizing principle, such as sorting or hashing, that enables an index to be used for fast lookups, and certain other uses. This is all internal to the DBMS, once the database builder has created the index or declared the primary key.
Indexes can be built that have nothing to do with the primary key. A primary key can exist without an index, although this is generally a very bad idea.

in general, should every table in a database have an identity field to use as a PK?

I'm running into an issue with a join: getting back too many records. I added a table to the set of joins and the number of rows expanded. Usually when this happens I add a select of all the ID fields that are involved in the join. That way it's pretty obvious where the expansion is happening and I can change the ON of the join to fix it. Except in this case, the table that I added doesn't have an ID field. This is a problem. But perhaps I'm wrong.
Should every table in a database have an IDENTITY field that's used as the PK? Are there any drawbacks to having an ID field in every table? What if you're reasonably sure this table will never be used in a PK/FK relationship?
When having an identity column is not a good idea?
Surrogate vs. natural/business keys
Wikipedia Surrogate Key article
There are two concepts that are close but should not be confused: IDENTITY and PRIMARY KEY
Every table (except for the rare conditions) should have a PRIMARY KEY, that is a value or a set of values that uniquely identify a row.
See here for discussion why.
IDENTITY is a property of a column in SQL Server which means that the column will be filled automatically with incrementing values.
Due to the nature of this property, the values of this column are inherently UNIQUE.
However, no UNIQUE constraint or UNIQUE index is automatically created on IDENTITY column, and after issuing SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON it's possible to insert duplicate values into an IDENTITY column, unless it had been explicity UNIQUE constrained.
The IDENTITY column should not necessarily be a PRIMARY KEY, but most often it's used to fill the surrogate PRIMARY KEYs
It may or may not be useful in any particular case.
Therefore, the answer to your question:
The question: should every table in a database have an IDENTITY field that's used as the PK?
is this:
No. There are cases when a database table should NOT have an IDENTITY field as a PRIMARY KEY.
Three cases come into my mind when it's not the best idea to have an IDENTITY as a PRIMARY KEY:
If your PRIMARY KEY is composite (like in many-to-many link tables)
If your PRIMARY KEY is natural (like, a state code)
If your PRIMARY KEY should be unique across databases (in this case you use GUID / UUID / NEWID)
All these cases imply the following condition:
You shouldn't have IDENTITY when you care for the values of your PRIMARY KEY and explicitly insert them into your table.
Many-to-many link tables should have the pair of id's to the table they link as the composite key.
It's a natural composite key which you already have to use (and make UNIQUE), so there is no point to generate a surrogate key for this.
I don't see why would you want to reference a many-to-many link table from any other table except the tables they link, but let's assume you have such a need.
In this case, you just reference the link table by the composite key.
This query:
CREATE TABLE a (id, data)
CREATE TABLE b (id, data)
CREATE TABLE ab (a_id, b_id, PRIMARY KEY (a_id, b_id))
CREATE TABLE business_rule (id, a_id, b_id, FOREIGN KEY (a_id, b_id) REFERENCES ab)
FROM business_rule br
ON a.id = br.a_id
is much more efficient than this one:
CREATE TABLE a (id, data)
CREATE TABLE b (id, data)
CREATE TABLE ab (id, a_id, b_id, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (a_id, b_id))
CREATE TABLE business_rule (id, ab_id, FOREIGN KEY (ab_id) REFERENCES ab)
FROM business_rule br
JOIN a_to_b ab
ON br.ab_id = ab.id
ON a.id = ab.a_id
, for obvious reasons.
Almost always yes. I generally default to including an identity field unless there's a compelling reason not to. I rarely encounter such reasons, and the cost of the identity field is minimal, so generally I include.
Only thing I can think of off the top of my head where I didn't was a highly specialized database that was being used more as a datastore than a relational database where the DBMS was being used for nearly every feature except significant relational modelling. (It was a high volume, high turnover data buffer thing.)
I'm a firm believer that natural keys are often far worse than artificial keys because you often have no control over whether they will change which can cause horrendous data integrity or performance problems.
However, there are some (very few) natural keys that make sense without being an identity field (two-letter state abbreviation comes to mind, it is extremely rare for these official type abbreviations to change.)
Any table which is a join table to model a many to many relationship probably also does not need an additional identity field. Making the two key fields together the primary key will work just fine.
Other than that I would, in general, add an identity field to most other tables unless given a compelling reason in that particular case not to. It is a bad practice to fail to create a primary key on a table or if you are using surrogate keys to fail to place a unique index on the other fields needed to guarantee uniqueness where possible (unless you really enjoy resolving duplicates).
Every table should have some set of field(s) that uniquely identify it. Whether or not there is a numeric identifier field separate from the data fields will depend on the domain you are attempting to model. Not all data easily falls into the 'single numeric id' paradigm, and as such it would be inappropriate to force it. Given that, a lot of data does easily fit in this paradigm and as such would call for such an identifier. There is no one answer to always do X in any programming environment, and this is another example.
If you have modelled, designed, normalised etc, then you will have no identity columns.
You will have identified natural and candidate keys for your tables.
You may decide on a surrogate key because of the physical architecture (eg narrow, numeric, strictly monotonically increasing), say, because using a nvarchar(100) column is not a good idea (still need unique constraint).
Or because of ideology: they appeal to OO developers I've found.
Ok, assume ID columns. As your db gets more complex, say several layers, how can you jon parent and grand-.child tables directly. You can't: you always need intermediate tables and well indexed PK-FL columns. With a composite key, it's all there for you...
Don't get me wrong: I use them. But I know why I use them...
I'd be interested to collate "always ID"+"no stored procs" matches on one hand, with "use stored procs"+"IDs when they benefit" on the other...
No. Whenever you have a table with an artificial identity column, you also need to identify the natural primary key for the table and ensure that there is a unique constraint on that set of columns too so that you don't get two rows that are identical apart from the meaningless identity column by accident.
Adding an identity column is not cost free. There is an overhead in adding an unnecessary identity column to a table - typically 4 bytes per row of storage for the identity value, plus a whole extra index (which will probably weigh in at 8-12 bytes per row plus overhead). It also takes slightly to work out the most cost-effective query plan because there is an extra index per table. Granted, if the table is small and the machine is big, this overhead is not critical - but for the biggest systems, it matters.
Yes, for the vast majority of cases.
Edge cases or exceptions might be things like:
two-way join tables to model m:n relationships
temporary tables used for bulk-inserting huge amounts of data
But other than that, I think there is no good reason against having a primary key to uniquely identify each row in a table, and in my opinion, using an IDENTITY field is one of the best choices (I prefer surrogate keys over natural keys - they're more reliable, stable, never changing etc.).
I can't think of any drawback about having an ID field in each table. Providing your the type of your ID field provides enough space for your table to grow.
However, you don't necessarily need a single field to ensure the identity of your rows.
So no, a single ID field is not mandatory.
Primary and Foreign Keys can consist not only of one field, but of multiple fields. This is typical for tables implementing a N-N relationship.
You can perfectly have PRIMARY KEY (fa, fb) on your table:
Recognize the distinction between an Identity field and a key... Every table should have a key, to eliminate the data corruption of inadvertently entering multiple rows that represent the same 'entity'. If the only key a table has is a meaningless surrogate key, then this function is effectively missing.
otoh, No table 'needs' an identity, and certainly not every table benefits from one... Examples are: A table with a short and functional key, a table which does not have any other table referencing it through a foreign Key, or a table which is in a one to zero-or-one relationship with another table... none of these need an Identity
I'd say, if you can find a simple, natural key in your table (i.e. one column), use that as a key instead of an identity column.
I generally give every table some kind of unique identifier, whether it is natural or generated, because then I am guaranteed that every row is uniquely identified somehow.
Personally, I avoid IDENTITY (incrementing identity columns, like 1, 2, 3, 4) columns like the plague. They cause a lot of hassle, especially if you delete rows from that table. I use generated uniqueidentifiers instead if there is no natural key in the table.
Anyway, no idea if this is the accepted practice, just seems right to me. YMMV.