AS2 inventory script - actionscript-2

I'm trying to modify the below script so that it will automatically drop the first instance of "_item" and snap it to the nearest "slot"
The code works great except I cannot find a way to make it drop the item without the user clicking on it first. This is not my script. You can see it in action here-
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks!
* Drag, Drop and Snap Inventory System
* Version: 2.0
* Author: Philip Radvan
* URL:
var slots_array:Array = new Array(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, slot10, slot11, slot12, slot13, slot14, slot15);
var items_array:Array;
var uniqueItemId:Number = 0;
//start dragging
function dragItem(_item:Object):Void
//save position before dragging
_item.nowX = _item._x;
_item.nowY = _item._y;
_item.onMouseMove = updateDrag;
//stop dragging
function dropItem(_item:Object):Void
//stop dragging
//delete mouse event
delete _item.onMouseMove;
//run loop on slots array
for (i=0; i<slots_array.length; i++)
//set temp slot var
currentSlot = eval(slots_array[i]);
//check slot hittest and slot itemID; if item is over slot and slot is empty, drop
if ((eval(_item._droptarget) == currentSlot) && (currentSlot.itemID == "empty"))
//place item in slot
_item._x = currentSlot._x;
_item._y = currentSlot._y;
//update current slot itemID
currentSlot.itemID = this;
//update previous slot itemID
temp = eval(_item.slotID);
temp.itemID = "empty";
//update current item slotID
_item.slotID = currentSlot.myName;
//item moved, end loop
//return item to previous position if: item is NOT over slot or slot is NOT empty
_item._x = _item.nowX;
_item._y = _item.nowY;
* updateAfterEven re-renders the screen
function updateDrag():Void
* Create Slots
for (i=0; i<slots_array.length; i++)
var _currentSlot = slots_array[i];
_currentSlot.itemID = "empty";
_currentSlot.num = i;
_currentSlot.myName = "slot"+i;
* Create Item
function createInventoryItem()
//attach item to stage
var _item = attachMovie("item", "item"+uniqueItemId, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
//set item position
_item._x = 280;
_item._y = 320;
//set item settings
_item.myName = "item"+uniqueItemId;
_item.slotID = "empty";
//make item a button
_item.onPress = function()
_item.onRelease = _item.onReleaseOutside = function()
//add item to array
//update unique Item Id
//button to create a new inventory item
create_item_btn.onRelease = function()

Fixed it. Rather than modifying this one I wrote my own. Thanks everyone : )
By placing the hit test code on the movie clip "_item" itself, a small array loop sorts it's position on clip event load, and snaps it to the slot. Super easy.


Invalid Read of Size 4?

I'm running valgrind on a program, and while the program executes just fine, valgrind reports this:
==6542== Invalid read of size 4
==6542== at 0x8049C6F: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:146)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
==6542== Address 0x43f87d4 is 4 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
==6542== at 0x402B528: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/
==6542== by 0x8049BB0: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:124)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
I'm not entirely sure what is wrong. Here is the code that valgrind is pointing to...
bool Table::removeWebsite(Table& parm)
bool flag = false; //flag to show if an item is removed or not
int OriTableSize = currCapacity;
for (int index = 0; index < OriTableSize; index++) //search through array list, starting at index
Node *current = parm.aTable[index];
Node *prev = nullptr;
while (current != nullptr) //search through linked lists at array[index]
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
delete current;
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
flag = true;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
delete current;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
delete current;
flag = true;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
if (flag == true)//at least one item was removed
return true;
return false;
That "delete current" points to a Node, which has:
struct Node
Node(const SavedWebsites& parm)
data = new SavedWebsites(parm);
next = nullptr;
delete data;
next = nullptr;
SavedWebsites *data;
Node *next;
and the data in SavedWebsites has the destructor:
//Default Destructor
if (this->topic)
delete [] this->topic;
this->topic = nullptr;
if (this->website)
delete [] this->website;
this->website = nullptr;
if (this->summary)
delete [] this->summary;
this->summary = nullptr;
if (this->review)
delete [] this->review;
this->review = nullptr;
rating = 0;
*note the items "topic" "website" "summary" and "review" are all created with
... = new char[strlen(topic)+1] //(We have to use Cstrings)
I'm fairly new to all of this, so any ideas of what may be causing this valgrind invalid read?
You did not indicate which line corresponds to Table.cpp:146, but based on the Valgrind output, it looks like the allocation in question represents a Node instance because the size of 8 bytes matches (assuming a 32-bit system). The invalid read is triggered by the offset 4 of that instance and a size of 4, so this must correspond to the member next.
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
In case of a delete in the iteration, you access the deleted node current afterwards. You also initialize prev based on the invalid pointer, so the next pointer of the last valid node will not be updated correctly in case of deletes.
Your code seems to work fine (but is not) because its behavior depends on the allocator in use and other allocations. If the allocator were to fill the freed memory with a pattern or if that memory was reused immediately and written to, you'd see a segmentation fault.
To address this issue, I'd defer the delete. Before the next iteration, you can then either read the next node and delete the original current or update prev and read the next node.
bool del = false;
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
del = true;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
del = true
flag = true;
if (del)
Node *deletenode = current;
current = current->next;
delete deletenode;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list

Changes reflecting in payload but is not getting applied on target widget in workdetails page in casemanager 5.2.1

In Workdetails page, under ‘Documents’ tab, when I set the alignment to ‘center’ from ‘right’ for the column value, its getting updated in payload but is not actually getting applied on target widget.
I have tried thru controller/Grid as well but its not getting set. Attached snap of same. A pointer in this regard would be of immense help.
Here is the snip:
var callbackFolderContent = function (resultset)
var classText = 'Abc';
var found = 0;
for (var i=0; i < resultset.length; i++)
var items = resultset[i].resultSet.items;
for (var j=0; j < items.length; j++)
var pos = id.indexOf(classText);
if(pos !== -1)
var PC= items[j].resultSet.structure.cells[0][3];
var NEWpc=PC.styles; //Its reflecting in payload.
alert("Changed aligning to: "+NEWpc);
found ++;
} //end f if loop
} //end of inner for loop
} //end of for loop
if (found < 1)
payload.stateCode = 4;
}; //end of callback function

How to curve the navtitle along the path using wheelnav js

How can I make the navtitle curve along the path of the slice and wrap the text if it's long.
Image of the wheel above
In long text, use '\n' in the title for wrap.
Currently, the navtitle curve along the path is an RC feature, so please use the source code instead of the last release.
You can find the new properties in this CodePen:
var piemenu = new wheelnav("wheelDiv");
// New properties in wheelnav.js v1.8.0
piemenu.titleCurved = true;
piemenu.titleCurvedClockwise = false;
piemenu.titleCurvedByRotateAngle = false;
Unfortunately, the two above properties don't work together. :(
UPDATE: There is a way to achieve your needs. You can use two wheels on each other.
var piemenu = new wheelnav("wheelDiv");
setMenu(piemenu); // Set common properties
piemenu.titleRadiusPercent = 0.65; // Positioning first title
piemenu.markerEnable = true;
piemenu.slicePathFunction = slicePath().DonutSlice;
piemenu.sliceClickablePathFunction = slicePath().DonutSlice;
piemenu.titleHoverAttr = { fill: "#333" };
piemenu.createWheel(["Hello", "world!", "-------"]);
var piemenu2 = new wheelnav("wheelDiv2", piemenu.raphael);
setMenu(piemenu2); // Set common properties
piemenu2.wheelRadius = 520; // Positioning second title
piemenu2.slicePathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice; // There is no slice, only title
piemenu2.createWheel(["Bello", "space!", "*******"]);
// Link navigateFunctions to each other
for (var i = 0; i < piemenu.navItems.length; i++) {
piemenu.navItems[i].navigateFunction = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < piemenu2.navItems.length; i++) {
piemenu2.navItems[i].navigateFunction = function () {
Here is a new CodePen for wrapped and curved text:

Background Over-riding MousePressed() Ellipse in Draw Function

I've made a particle system in P5.js that explodes particles on mousepressed(). However, I'd also like expanding circles to output on mousepressed(). I was able to draw a circle on mousepressed(), however it seems to be under the background. I am having a brain fart on this. Why isn't the circle appearing along with the particles, above the black background? Thanks for help!
var lifeConstant = 50000;
var startVelMin = -10;
var startVelMax = 7;
var drag = -50;
var planetArray = [];
var planet;
var planet0;
var planet1;
var planet3;
//var planets = ['planet1.gif', 'planet2.gif', 'planet3.gif', 'planet4.gif']// for loop to loop through image files
//for (var i = 0; i < planets.length; i++) { //
function preload(){
//for (var i = 0; i < planetArray.length; i++) {
planet = loadImage('Assets/planet2.gif');
append(planetArray, planet);
planet3 = loadImage('Assets/planet3.gif');
append(planetArray, planet3);
planet0 = loadImage('Assets/planet4.gif');
append(planetArray, planet0);
planet1 = loadImage('Assets/planet1.gif');
append(planetArray, planet1);
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
systems = [];
function draw() {
for (i = 0; i < systems.length; i++) {
if (systems.length==0) {
text("Click mouse to create Big Bangs", width/2, height/2);
function mousePressed() {
this.p = new ParticleSystem(createVector(mouseX, mouseY));
fill(230,120, 0);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 100, 100);
// A simple Particle class
var Particle = function(position) {
this.acceleration = createVector(0, .1);
this.velocity = createVector(random(startVelMin,startVelMax), random(startVelMin,startVelMax));
this.position = position.copy();
this.lifespan = lifeConstant;
}; = function() {
// Method to update position
Particle.prototype.update = function(){
this.lifespan -= 150;
// Method to display
Particle.prototype.display = function () {
//fill(random(255), random(255), random(200));
//stroke(20, this.lifespan);
//ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, 15, 15);
image(planetArray[floor(random(4))], this.position.x, this.position.y, 15, 15);
// Is the particle still useful?
Particle.prototype.isDead = function () {
if (this.lifespan < 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var ParticleSystem = function (position) {
this.origin = position.copy();
this.particles = [];
ParticleSystem.prototype.addParticle = function () {
// Add either a Particle or CrazyParticle to the system
if (int(random(0, 2)) == 0) {
p = new Particle(this.origin);
else {
p = new
}; = function () {
for (var i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var p = this.particles[i];;
if (p.isDead()) {
this.particles.splice(i, 1);
// A subclass of Particle
function CrazyParticle(origin) {
// Call the parent constructor, making sure (using Function#call)
// that "this" is set correctly during the call, origin);
// Initialize our added properties
this.theta = 0.0;
// Create a Crazy.prototype object that inherits from Particle.prototype.
// Note: A common error here is to use "new Particle()" to create the
// Crazy.prototype. That's incorrect for several reasons, not least
// that we don't have anything to give Particle for the "origin"
// argument. The correct place to call Particle is above, where we call
// it from Crazy.
CrazyParticle.prototype = Object.create(Particle.prototype); // See note below
// Set the "constructor" property to refer to CrazyParticle
CrazyParticle.prototype.constructor = CrazyParticle;
// Notice we don't have the method run() here; it is inherited from Particle
// This update() method overrides the parent class update() method
CrazyParticle.prototype.update=function() {;
// Increment rotation based on horizontal velocity
this.theta += (this.velocity.x * this.velocity.mag()) / 10.0;
// This display() method overrides the parent class display() method
CrazyParticle.prototype.display=function() {
// Render the ellipse just like in a regular particle
The mousePressed() function is called whenever the mouse button is pressed down. The draw() function is called 60 times per second. So anything you draw in the mousePressed() function will almost immediately be drawn over with whatever you draw in the draw() function.
You need to have all of your drawing code called from your draw() function. You could do this by using a variable that keeps track of whether the mouse is pressed. Luckily, p5.js already has a variable that does exactly that: mouseIsPressed

EXTJS Grid row colour change dynamically with getting colour code from database

I am working on an EXTJS grid whose row-color will be set according to a field(status field) value from the table.
User can edit the fields of the row and after clicking update, the color of the row will change according to status field value set for that row.
I need the row background color should be set fetching from a table in db.
Currently I am setting different css class with checking the status field value using following code.
getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, rp, ds)
if( record.get('status') == 'xxxxx' )
return 'status-xxxxx';
else if( record.get('status') == 'yyyyy' )
return 'status-yyyyy';
return 'status-zzzzzz';
I have the color in the store with the status value for each row.
But I need the color should be fetched from db and set as row background.
Can any one help me to achieve this.
If you want to use as row background-color color from row record you will have to set background color of each row td elements after row is rendered.
You can do this in refresh event of gridView. So in grid config you should define something like this:
viewConfig: {
listeners: {
refresh: function(view) {
// get all grid view nodes
var nodes = view.getNodes();
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
// get node record
var record = view.getRecord(node);
// get color from record data
var color = record.get('color');
// get all td elements
var cells = Ext.get(node).query('td');
// set bacground color to all row td elements
for(var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
console.log(cells[j]);[j]).setStyle('background-color', color);
Fiddle with live example: