WebRtcNs_Process input buffer changed from int16* to float* - webrtc

I have been using an earlier version of webrtc code. Today, I fetched the latest code and it broke my build:-(. It appears that WebRtcNs_Process now takes a "float" type buffer instead of "int16" type buffer. There may be a good reason to do so. However, this also seems to have broken the chain of operations.
Typically, you first call WebRtcNs_Process and feed the output of this method to WebRtcAecm_Process. In the latest version, the output of WebRtcNs_Process is a float type buffer but the input to WebRtcAecm_Process is a int16 buffer. Seems like now I have to write extra code to convert float buffer to int16 buffer.
Also, on most platforms, the output from the mic is int16 type buffer. There is additional code I have to write to convert this int16 value to float so that I can pass it to WebRtcNs_Process.
I am wondering if I missed something. Regards.


To deploy a Tiny ML model that I created via Colab Google

When I compile the code (on arduino) I get the following error:
8 bytes lost due to alignment. To avoid this loss, please make sure the tensor_arena is 16 bytes aligned.
constexpr int tensorArenaSize = 8 * 1024;
byte tensorArena[tensorArenaSize];
Someone can help me to fix this problem?
For reasons unbeknownst to me, the compiler wants to make sure your large byte array is 16-byte-aligned. Because of variables already declared above the two lines you included, it needs to "move forward" the Large Array by 8 bytes, to make it start at an address that is on a 16-byte boundary. To fix the error (to me this should just be a warning) either add a dummy 8-byte variable before your Large Array, or move 8-byte worth of variables from before your Large Array to after it. In the first case you just lose 8 bytes of variable space.

How to read byte data from a StorageFile in cppwinrt?

A 2012 answer at StackOverflow (“How do I read a binary file in a Windows Store app”) suggests this method of reading byte data from a StorageFile in a Windows Store app:
IBuffer buffer = await FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(theStorageFile);
byte[] bytes = buffer.ToArray();
That looks simple enough. As I am working in cppwinrt I have translated that to the following, within the same IAsyncAction that produced a vector of StorageFiles. First I obtain a StorageFile from the VectorView using theFilesVector.GetAt(index);
//Then this line compiles without error:
IBuffer buffer = co_await FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(theStorageFile);
//But I can’t find a way to make the buffer call work.
byte[] bytes = buffer.ToArray();
“byte[]” can’t work, to begin with, so I change that to byte*, but then
the error is “class ‘winrt::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer’ has no member ‘ToArray’”
And indeed Intellisense lists no such member for IBuffer. Yet IBuffer was specified as the return type for ReadBufferAsync. It appears the above sample code cannot function as it stands.
In the documentation for FileIO I find it recommended to use DataReader to read from the buffer, which in cppwinrt should look like
DataReader dataReader = DataReader::FromBuffer(buffer);
That compiles. It should then be possible to read bytes with the following DataReader method, which is fortunately supplied in the UWP docs in cppwinrt form:
void ReadBytes(Byte[] value) const;
However, that does not compile because the type Byte is not recognized in cppwinrt. If I create a byte array instead:
byte* fileBytes = new byte(buffer.Length());
that is not accepted. The error is
‘No suitable constructor exists to convert from “byte*” to “winrt::arrayView::<uint8_t>”’
uint8_t is of course a byte, so let’s try
uint8_t fileBytes = new uint8_t(buffer.Length());
That is wrong - clearly we really need to create a winrt::array_view. Yet a 2015 Reddit post says that array_view “died” and I’m not sure how to declare one, or if it will help. That original one-line method for reading bytes from a buffer is looking so beautiful in retrospect. This is a long post, but can anyone suggest the best current method for simply reading raw bytes from a StorageFile reference in cppwinrt? It would be so fine if there were simply GetFileBytes() and GetFileBytesAsync() methods on StorageFile.
---Update: here's a step forward. I found a comment from Kenny Kerr last year explaining that array_view should not be declared directly, but that std::vector or std::array can be used instead. And that is accepted as an argument for the ReadBytes method of DataReader:
std::vector<unsigned char>fileBytes;
Only trouble now is that the std::vector is receiving no bytes, even though the size of the referenced file is correctly returned in buffer.Length() as 167,513 bytes. That seems to suggest the buffer is good, so I'm not sure why the ReadBytes method applied to that buffer would produce no data.
Update #2: Kenny suggests reserving space in the vector, which is something I had tried, this way:
But it didn't make a difference. Here is a sample of the code as it now stands, using DataReader.
buffer = co_await FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(nextFile);
dataReader = DataReader::FromBuffer(buffer);
//The following line may be needed, but crashes
//co_await dataReader.LoadAsync(buffer.Length());
if (buffer.Length())
The crash, btw, is
throw hresult_error(result, hresult_error::from_abi);
Is it confirmed, then, that the original 2012 solution quoted above cannot work in today's world? But of course there must be some way to read bytes from a file, so I'm just missing something that may be obvious to another.
Final (I think) update: Kenny's suggestion that the vector needs a size has hit the mark. If the vector is first prepared with m_file_bytes.assign(buffer.Length(),0) then it does get filled with file data. Now my only worry is that I don't really understand the way IAsyncAction is working and maybe could have trouble looping this asynchronously, but we'll see.
The array_view bridges the gap between Windows APIs and C++ array types. In this example, the ReadBytes method expects the caller to provide some array that it can copy bytes into. The array_view forwards a pointer to the caller's array as well as its size. In this case, you're passing an empty vector. Try resizing the vector before calling ReadBytes.
When you know how many bytes to expect (in this case 2 bytes), this worked for me:
std::vector<unsigned char>fileBytes;
DataReader reader = DataReader::FromBuffer(buffer);
cout<< fileBytes[0] << endl;
cout<< fileBytes[1] << endl;

Convert audio doubles to bytes

I am dealing with raw PCM audio data (the audio data of a PCM file without the header).
This data is provided to me in the form of a vector of double.
I would like to pass this data to another function, and this function expects the audio data in the form of a byte vector.
I tried
Dim nBytes() As Byte = nDoubles.SelectMany(Function(d) BitConverter.GetBytes(d)).ToArray()
but that wouldn't give the expected results.
I guess I have to deal with the conversion manually, but I am unsure how this should be done.
Can anybody help?
Thank you.
Since the required format for the other function is 16-bit, 48 kHz, which is the same as your source data, it's a simple case of converting the source to an array of Short, then serializing this as a Byte array.
The problem with the code you suggest for this is that the first step is missed, so it basically serializes the Double array. However, you can re-use this for the second step. So, you can do something like:
Dim nShorts() As Short = New Short(nDoubles.Length - 1) {}
For i = 0 To nDoubles.Length - 1
nShorts(i) = Convert.ToInt16(nDoubles(i))
Dim nBytes() As Byte = nShorts.SelectMany(Function(s) BitConverter.GetBytes(s)).ToArray()

RenderScript Variable types and Element types, simple example

I clearly see the need to deepen my knowledge in RenderScript memory allocation and data types (I'm still confused about the sheer number of data types and finding the correct corresponding types on either side - allocations and elements. (or when to refer the forEach to input, to output or to both, etc.) Therefore I will read and re-read the documentation, which is really not bad - but it needs some time to get the necessary "intuition" how to use it correctly. But for now, please help me with this basic one (and I will return later with hopefully less stupid questions...). I need a very simple kernel that takes an ARGB Color Bitmap and returns an integer Array of gray-values. My attempt was the following:
#pragma version(1)
#pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.xxxx)
#pragma rs_fp_relaxed
uint __attribute__((kernel)) grauInt(uchar4 in) {
uint gr= (uint) (0.2125*in.r + 0.7154*in.g + 0.0721*in.b);
return gr;
and Java side:
int[] data1 = new int[width*height];
ScriptC_gray graysc;
graysc=new ScriptC_gray(rs);
Type.Builder TypeOut = new Type.Builder(rs, Element.U8(rs));
Allocation outAlloc = Allocation.createTyped(rs, TypeOut.create());
Allocation inAlloc = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, bmpfoto1,
Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
graysc.forEach_grauInt(inAlloc, outAlloc);
This crashed with the message cannot locate symbol "convert_uint". What's wrong with this conversion? Is the code otherwise correct?
UPDATE: isn't that ridiculous? I don't get this "easy one" run, even after 2 hours trying. I still struggle with the different Element- and variable-types. Let's recap: Input is a Bitmap. Output is an int[] Array. So, why doesnt it work when I use U8 in the Java-side Out-allocation, createFromBitmap in the Java-side In-allocation, uchar4 as kernel Input and uint as the kernel Output (RSRuntimeException: Type mismatch with U32) ?
There is no convert_uint() function. How about simple casting? Other than that, the code looks alright (assuming width and height have correct values).
UPDATE: I have just noticed that you allocate Element.I32 (i.e. signed integer type), but return uint from the kernel. These should match. And in any case, unless you need more than 8-bit precision, you should be able to fit your result in U8.
UPDATE: If you are changing the output type, make sure you change it in all places, e.g. if the kernel returns an uint, the allocation should use U32. If the kernel returns a char, the allocation should use I8. And so on...
You can't use a Uint[] directly because the input Bitmap is actually 2-dimensional. Can you create the output Allocation with a proper width/height and try that? You should still be able to extract the values into a Java array when you are finished.

Converting in Smalltalk VisualWorks 7.9.1

I need to convert a ByteString to a Float32 (Exactly a 32-bit big-endian IEEE 754 floating point number). The ByteString is a part of an open sound control stream, received via UDP client.
I've spent a lot of time researching, so I'd like of someone handy with Smalltalk could give me a solution.
Thanks, in advance.
Since you seem to be receiving binary data, and not a decimal number in formatted ASCII, I would not recommend to call it ByteString, but rather ByteArray, Strings are an abstraction for containing characters, not bits.
In the case of VisualWorks, there is a class called UninterpretedBytes specialized in storing raw data (bits or rather bytes) for later interpretation.
This class has all the message you need to interpret the bytes, like for example #floatAt:bigEndian:
| yourBinaryStream buffer |
yourBinaryStream := ... insert some code to create your stream here...
buffer:= UninterpretedBytes from: (yourBinaryStream next: 4).
nextFloat := buffer floatAt: 1 bigEndian: true
In Pharo Smalltalk you can do:
(Float readFrom: '4.2') asIEEE32BitWord
readFrom: just reads a float from a string, and then you convert it to IEEE 754...
In VisualWorks you need to use the superclass method readFrom: as implemented in class Number.
First create a readstream on the string, for example:
Number readFrom: '192843.887' readStream