Remove JavaDoc Tag Intellij - intellij-idea

I'm looking for a way to delete an added JavaDoc tag.
The only solution on StackOverflow was from 2010 and did not help me because Intellij has updated and the menu settings are no longer the same.
If anyone could tell me how to remove it, that would be great.
Edit: This was the question from '10.
Edit 2: When you add a JavaDoc tag, and Intellij doesn't detect it as a valid tag, you can right click to add it to your saved JavaDoc tags.
I am looking for a way to remove my saved tags.

The answer from the linked issue is still valid, only the path to that settings has changed slightly.
Anyway, it is easiest if you just use the provided search: Use "File -> Settings", then type "javadoc problems" in the search field in the upper left.
You will then easily find "Editor -> Inspections", with the inspection "Java -> Javadoc issues -> Declaration has Javadoc problems" at the right.


IntelliJ - working with features

I have 2 simple questions that I cannot find answer to.
First is in NetBeans when I type . operator behind a variable or method or whatever, small window with documentation will show up like on the picture. On the other hand I can't achieve the same result in IntelliJ. I followed steps on official website and this is what I get in IntelliJ after I press CTRL+Q. All I want is full documentation so for a begginer like me it would be easier to use and learn stuff.
[EDIT]: I tried it once again and I saw little yellow message "download missing driver" and it is working just fine.. this one is solved.
Second question is about MySQL database driver (or connector). In NetBeans, I just press right click on project and add the library I want. But I can't find solution for this in IntelliJ.
Thanks for every advice!
For the first question, I'm thinking what you mean is the suggestions after you type a '.'. In IntelliJ, the suggestions show only if you have config a right dependency in the File > Project Structure, and the Libraries tab.
And for the second question, also you should find File > Project Structure, in the Modules tab, Add new Database support(Hibernate such as) for you project.
Hope it helps you.
Ok, so I finally found the solution.
I went to Project Structure -> SDKs -> Documentation Paths and I added in there so now when I press CTRL+Q for quick documentation it shows exactly what I needed.

Search by text through the attached sources in IntelliJ

Is it possible to search through the attached sources in IntelliJIDEA 13?
If it is, how to enable that feature?
Thanks in advance.
Hitting the shift key twice should bring up the "search everywhere" dialog.
This reference is for version 14, but I believe it is still valid for version 13.
I found the solution for my problem:
In the search dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F) click on custom scope and click on ellipsis button.
Then use the following pattern:
All the sources will be included in your search.

Intellisense issue with intelliJIDEA

I'm switching from Flash Builder to IDEA, and I've find that there is something I don't have, that is the ability to see the method annotations (/** **/) when you hover over it. I didn't find a way to do it, I just can't see any info regarding that.
Any IDEAs?
My bad, this is not really insellisense related, anyway the solution is this:
"File -> Settings -> Editor, there is a check box called "show quick doc on mouse move""
Found it here: IntelliJ IDEA mouse over method show Java Doc

Disable apostrophe t space Intellij IDEA

When I type in a comment (JavaDoc or line comment) IntelliJ automatically inserts a tag when I type something like // don't and I hit the spacebar after the 't I see // don'< ></> with my cursor ready to type in the first tag. Does anyone know how to disable this behavior? I've tried google searching and searching through the settings with no avail. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.0.1 community edition.
It sounds like a live template is being activated via the sequence tspace, although to the best of my knowledge this is not a default one. Go to File > Settings > [IDE Settings] > Live Templates. Search for a template that has t as its shortcut and inserts tags. Either delete it, or change its activation from space to tab (in the lower right). You may also want to check (and possibly change) the "default expand with" setting at the top.

IntelliJ missing all inspections

I'm having an issue with IntelliJ, that I cannot seem to find a solution for myself. I have not changed any settings, yet when I started my IDE this morning, all Inspections and other highlighting has disappeared.
By highlighting, I mean stuff like variable names becoming purple, static finals shown with italic text, etc.
Inheritance seems to be broken as well, in that an implementing method links to the implemented interface method, but interface methods do not link to the implementing method.
My search for this tells me that there is an icon for this in the bottom right. That's set to "Inspections", and under configuration, it seems like everything is set to default.
Is there some way to un-break my IDE?
Another solution:
File -> Power Save mode
It needs to be disabled.
The (or at least one) answer to this is:
File -> Invalidate Caches
Make sure the folder the code is in is marked as the sources root. If it's not marked as the sources root, syntax highlighting will be very limited.
To mark a directory as the sources root, right click the directory, then navigate down to "Mark directory as" and select "Sources root."