How we use Public Key in DKIM mail signing to verify the email identity - dkim

i did so much of digging on web with no result.
This is my question. I know what is DKIM and i know where Private key and public keys for DKIM are kept.
When mail server which supports DKIM is sending email, it signs specific parts of the message with Private key and put the HASH of the selected parts into the mail header. I understand here completely.
But when the recipient receives the email, it will query the DNS server of the sending domain for the Public Key of the DKIM.
So how the mail server uses the Public key to validate the identity of the received message?
Could you please explain it to me in details?

The receiving email server does two things:
Computes the hash in the same way the sending server did - it should compute the exact same hash.
Decrypts the signature using the public key it has retrieved from DNS.
Assuming the message is valid, the decrypted signature computed in (2) should match the hash computed in (1).


Securing public APIs for access by intended people Only

I have several endpoints to be accessed by third party. (This are not registered users)
I am looking for the best way to ensure no anonymous requested receive the data.
I have thought of using RSA, i give a public key through another endpoint, that expires after like 10 Minutes to requester, they then use that public key to encrypt the Data like format like {requests:'users'},
but that would mean if an outsider gets to know this format {requests:'users'}, he/she is able to request for private key, encrypt that data with it and still be in position send a successful request.

Is there a way to authenticate a user's wax/EOS wallet on the server side without making any blockchain transactions?

I'm trying to authenticate a user's wax wallet identity on the server. The method I'm trying to follow is this -
The client sends the server the (claimed) WAX wallet address
The server creates a random hash and sends it to the client
The client creates a transaction with the hash and signs it. Instead of pushing it to the chain, the transaction is created with broadcast set to false and it sends the signed transaction to the server
This is the part where I'm having a problem. What I want to do is use the eosjs API to get the actual public key of the wallet address, and then use eosjs-ecc's recover or verify methods to get a public key from the transaction and verify that it is the same. When I try this, it is producing different public keys each time and none of them match the actual one.
Here's the code I have at the moment:
If the method I'm trying isn't possible, is there any other way to authenticate a user without using on chain transactions?

Handle user login using asymmetric cryptography

Is it possible to implement a login protocol with asymetric cryptography instead of the hashed password method?
For example, while creating an account, the client generates a private/public key pair from a hash of the username and password. The public key is then sent to the server with the username, and the server stores the username and the public key. When the user wants to login, he enters his password, the client regenerates the private key, signs a nonce with it, and sends the signed message to the server. The server is then able to authenticate the user as he knows the public key associated with the username.
Is there any flaws in this protocol?
And what would be the advantages over storing the password hash?
There might be a serious flaw with the authentication, yes, depending on the implementation. If Bob is the server and Alice is the client, with Mallory a malicious eavesdropper:
If Alice generates a random number, concatenates this with her username, encrypts with her private key and sends to server. Server decrypts and verifies with Alice's public key. Without the server saving the random number, this is susceptible to replay attacks - Mallory could just listen in, save the blocks that Alice sends to the server and just replay them later. Without saving them, the server would be none the wiser.
To protect the server against this, the server would have to generate the random number. It would also need to be a secure random number, otherwise Mallory could predict, or at least guess what the next number will be.
If Mallory could intercept messages, then he can purport to be Alice - he intercepts all communications and just relays them, even if the server generates the random number.
Alice and Bob both need to be able to prove that it was the other who has cheated. They also need to be able to detect tampering from Mallory - the protocol needs some extra layers to ensure authenticity of the messages.
There is research going into this at the moment, but as far as I know, it is very difficult to authenticate a user without a trusted certificate authority also being used: public keys can be known by all, but any attacker can swap their own public key for that of another without detection, unless there is trust established through a certificate authority.

Public key fingerprint vs Digital Signature

How do the Public key fingerprint and Digital Signature differs ? Or both are same ?
if they are different, what is the application of public key fingerprint ?
a public key fingerprint is a short sequence of bytes used to authenticate or look up a longer public key. Fingerprints are created by applying a cryptographic hash function to a public key. Since fingerprints are shorter than the keys they refer to, they can be used to simplify certain key management tasks
A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender, and that it was not altered in transit. Digital signatures are commonly used for software distribution, financial transactions, and in other cases where it is important to detect forgery or tampering
A public key fingerprint is a short version of a public key which is used to authenticate a longer public key, if they do not match that means that the longer public key has been tampered with. So basically a digital signature is something that is signed by a user which only that user can sign so you can be sure that it is coming from that user.
So a public key fingerprint is used by a client and the digital signature is used by the server
The fingerprint is the hash of a key. A digital signature is tied to some message, and is typically a one-way encrypted hash of the message.
The two serve different purposes: You can put the public key fingerprint on your card or, if you recognize the other person on the phone, use it to verify you got the right public key(s). It doesn't say anything by itself. The digital signature, on the other hand, says that the message was signed with that key over there, and you don't need any other channel for verification of that fact.

how does public key cryptography work [duplicate]

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Whose key is used to encrypt a HTTPS response?
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What I understand about RSA is that Alice can create a public and a private key combination, and then send the public key over to Bob. And then afterward Bob can encrypt something using the public key and Alice will use the public and private key combo to decrypt it.
However, how can Alice encrypt something to be sent over to Bob? How would Bob decrypt it? I ask because I'm curious how when I log onto my banking site, my bank sends me data such as my online statements. How does my browser decrypt that information? I don't have the private key.
Basically, the procedure is:
The client connects to the server and asks for the server's certificate. The certificate contains the public key and information about the server's identity.
Assuming the client is happy with the server's identity, it generates a random number P and encrypts it with the server's public key.
Only the server can decrypt P (with it's private key - not shared with anybody) so when the client sends the encrypted random number to the server, the server decrypts it.
The client and server both use P to generate a symmetric key for use in a symmetric encryption algorithm, safe in the knowledge that only the client and server know the value of P used to generate the key.
Alice will use the public and private key combo to decrypt it
Alice would just decrypt it with her private key.
However, how can Alice encrypt something to be sent over to Bob? How would Bob decrypt it?
Alice would need Bob's public key to send something to him.
Typically, public key encryption is used for authentication, non-repudiation (like signing), and distribution of symmetric keys (which are faster for encrypting/ decrypting long messages).
Simple, you need a key.
SSL/TLS solves this problem by creating a symmetric session key during the connection setup. The public key cryptography is used to establish this session key, which is then used for bi-directional data communication. Read more about TLS
I didn't create this, but someone shared this video with me and it helped the theory make much more sense. As always the devil's in the details (implementation).
On a general note I struggled to understand Public Key Cryptography for quite a while along with the other elements of PKI such as Digital Signatures and Certificates whilst preparing for Microsoft C# certification.
I came across an explanation in the form of a concise and detailed PDF at I know it's back to good old Alice and Bob! but it really cleared things up for me with its diagrams and notes and also has some thought provoking questions at the end. Definitely recommend it.
However, how can Alice encrypt something to be sent over to Bob? How would Bob decrypt it? I ask because I'm curious how when I log onto my banking site, my bank sends me data such as my online statements. How does my browser decrypt that information? I don't have the private key.
This is where you're wrong; you do have a private key. As part of the handshaking process, each side generates two keys: a public key and a private key. The client sends its public key to the server, who will use it to encrypt all data sent to the client. Likewise, the server generates both keys and sends its public key to the client, which will use it to encrypt all data sent to the server.
In many scenarios, the asymmetric key algorithm is used only to exchange another key, which is for a symmetric algorithm.
In this situation, Alice would use Bob's public key to encrypt the data and Bob would then decrypt it with his private key.
Essentially, a public key encrypts data and a private key decrypts that data. Since every user has both a public and private key, you can securely send data to any other user.
If you connect to the site of your bank it works a lot of cryptographic things. The most important is that you use public key of the bank to send a piece of information to the bank, because in every SSL (https) connection server send to client it's public key packed as a certificate.
Usage of certificate and world wide PKI is important. You want be sure, that if you gives to the bank your bank pin, that on the other side is really your bank and not an other person. This will be solved, because on every computers there are a small number of public keys of well known organisations (like VeriSign) and bank send you not only his server public key, but a certificate. certificate is a message signed by VeriSign for example, which say "this public key is really from the bank XYZ". So because you have public key of VeriSign you can first verify, that server certificate of the bank is correct. So you can be sure, that you communicate really with your bank.