Just wondering does UCWA support for function to create a robot and join a chat room?
Since I have searched through the UCWA resource, I find it no where.
Yes, it's possible. Look here Communication Tasks for UCWA, communication resource and addParticipant resource
This question is about finding some ideas in order to implement a sort of publisher-subscriber service via a Telegram bot. Have a look here:
Let's say I have an API in a self hosted Raspberry PI, and I want to add a modern interface in order to present that API produced data via a Telegram Bot. In this way, people can subscribe to my bot and receiving real-time updates (for instance if the API is about weather, clients can know updated weather forecast).
I have some experience with Python programming, so let me know if it is possible to implement this kind of service with the tools I have at my disposal.
Thank you.
i have few questions that are very related to each other.
The general task in to record audio in conference in Skype for Business, ideally having audios separated for each of participants.
So the question consists of:
1) Does ms bot framework support Skype for Business, if not out of the box, maybe there some workarounds? I've also found some 3rd party libs: https://www.mindlinksoft.com/blog/mindlink-api-bot-framework and https://github.com/tahazayed/BotConnectorSkypeForBusiness but its not yet clear if they can do audio recording.
2)Does Skype for business \ Ms Bot framework supports processing of audio in group calls? From docs it seems like it only support audio in 1:1 call and also seems like bots process messages when only bot mentioned as a target, it doesn process all conversation in group chat.
Thank you
Skype for Business is not a supported channel for MS Bot Framework.
I want to build an application where it is possible for one client to call another client using webRTC. I've started to look into webRTC providers and I've found Toxbox among others.
Is it possible, using TokBox OpenTok, for a client to actually make a call to another client (similar as a regular phone call)? From their docs and specifications it seems that it is only possible to create a "session" (a room in which participants meet and chat).
Am I missing something, or are they only providing sessions that people join/leave?
Twilio seem to offer what I need here,
but I find it strange that I cannot find something similar at Tokbox.
Yes it is possible.
You need to make the distinction between the type of API the platform exposes to what you can do with it.
While the OpenTok API is built around the concept of a room/session - you can easily use that concept to create a call. There are many openTok developers who do just that.
Twilio indeed offers the same capability - as are many others (a partial list can be found in this report - https://bloggeek.me/webrtc-paas-report/ - while the report is a paid one, the list is available on that page
I want to access UCWA API in android code. Is it possible?.
If possible, pls give me an idea and hello world program.
does UCWA API support for Video Chat and Screen Sharing?
Yes, UCWA is a REST based API, so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to access it from an Android app. Your best bet is to look through the samples on http://ucwa.lync.com/
There are no known Java libraries available, so you have to do all of that on your own. Paul's link is a good place to start, however you might also find the MS pages on a C# implementation useful(1), they certainly are cleaner than the Javascript based samples at http://ucwa.lync.com/
As for supporting video chat and screen sharing, the answer for now seems to be no. UCWA may be able to initiate these on the users Lync client though.
(1) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn551186%28v=office.15%29.aspx
I am new to WebRTC and vLine API. I need to implement a Group Video Chat just like Google Hangout using vLine API and PHP. Please suggest if any example or solution available or how to go about it?
We have a PHP example on GitHub: https://github.com/vline/vline-php-example (More examples available here).
With the current API you can implement group chat with a mesh topology where each user establishes a connection with the other users (using person.startMedia() on each person you want to include in the conference). Due to both bandwidth and CPU, this won't scale well beyond four people or so.
We have a better conferencing solution in development (that won the Best Conferencing Award at the WebRTC Expo), but it's currently only available to a select group of beta testers.