Rust struct can borrow "&'a mut self" twice, so why can't a trait? - iterator

The following Rust code compiles successfully:
struct StructNothing;
impl<'a> StructNothing {
fn nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {
However, if we try to package it in a trait, it fails:
pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
fn nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {
This gives us:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
1 | pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
5 | self.nothing();
| --------------
| |
| first mutable borrow occurs here
| argument requires that `*self` is borrowed for `'a`
6 | self.nothing();
| ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
Why is the first version allowed, but the second version forbidden?
Is there any way to convince the compiler that the second version is OK?
Background and motivation
Libraries like rust-csv would like to support streaming, zero-copy parsing because it's 25 to 50 times faster than allocating memory (according to benchmarks). But Rust's built-in Iterator trait can't be used for this, because there's no way to implement collect(). The goal is to define a StreamingIterator trait which can be shared by rust-csv and several similar libraries, but every attempt to implement it so far has run into the problem above.

The following is an extension of Francis's answer using implicit lifetimes but it allows for the return value to be lifetime bound:
pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
fn change_it(&mut self);
fn nothing(&mut self) -> &Self {
fn bounded_nothing(&'a mut self) -> &'a Self {
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> &'a Self {
// uncomment to show old fail
// self.bounded_nothing();
// self.bounded_nothing()
It's less than perfect, but you can call the methods with implicit lifetimes change_it and nothing multiple times within other methods. I don't know if this will solve your real problem because ultimately self has the generic type &mut Self in the trait methods whereas in the struct it has type &mut StructNothing and the compiler can't guarantee that Self doesn't contain a reference. This workaround does solve the code example.

If you put the lifetime parameters on each method rather than on the trait itself, it compiles:
pub trait TraitNothing {
fn nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) -> () {

Nobody seemed to answer the "why?" so here I am.
Here's the point: In the trait, we're calling methods from the same trait. However, in the free impl, we're not calling methods from the same impl.
What? Surely we call methods from the same impl?
Let's be more precise: we're calling methods from the same impl, but not with the same generic parameters.
Your free impl is essentially equivalent to the following:
impl StructNothing {
fn nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) {}
fn twice_nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) {
Because the impl's generic lifetime is floating, it can be chosen separately for each method. The compiler does not call <Self<'a>>::nothing(self), but rather it calls <Self<'some_shorter_lifetime>>::nothing(&mut *self).
With the trait, on the other hand, the situation is completely different. The only thing we can know for sure is that Self: Trait<'b>. We cannot call nothing() with a shorter lifetime, because maybe Self doesn't implement Trait with the shorter lifetime. Therefore, we are forced to call <Self as Trait<'a>>::nothing(self), and the result is that we're borrowing for overlapping regions.
From this we can infer that if we tell the compiler that Self implements Trait for any lifetime it will work:
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self)
Self: for<'b> TraitNothing<'b>,
(&mut *self).nothing();
(&mut *self).nothing();
...except it fails to compile because of issue #84435, so I don't know whether this would have succeeded :(

Is this really surprising?
The assertion you're making is that &mut self lasts for at least the lifetime 'a.
In the former case, &mut self is a pointer to a struct. No pointer aliasing occurs because the borrow is entirely contained in nothing().
In the latter case, the &mut self is a pointer to a pointer to a struct + a vtable for the trait. You're locking the pointed to struct that implements TraitNothing for the duration of 'a; i.e. the whole function each time.
By removing 'a, you're implicitly using 'static, which says the impl lasts forever, so its fine.
If you want to work around it, transmute the &'a TraitNothing to &'static TraitNothing... but I'm pretty sure that's not what you want to do.
This is why we need block scopes ('b: { .... }) in Rust...
Try using dummy lifetimes perhaps?


Rust define trait interface for any type?

I am building a rendering engine, one thing I want is to handle mangagement of arbitrary mesh data, regardless of representation.
My idea was, define a trait the enforces a function signature and then serialization can be handled by the user while I handle all the gpu stuff. This was the trait I made:
pub enum GpuAttributeData
OwnedData(Vec<Vec<i8>>, Vec<u32>),
pub trait GpuSerializable
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData;
So very simple, give me a couple of arrays.
When i tested things inside the crate it worked, but I moved my example outside the crate, i.e. I have this snippet in an example:
impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData
let size = size_of::<Vertex>() * self.len();
let data = unsafe {
let mut data = Vec::<i8>::with_capacity(size);
self.as_ptr() as *const i8, data.as_ptr() as *mut i8, size);
// let indices : Vec<usize> = (0..self.len()).into_iter().collect();
let indices = vec![0, 1, 2];
let mut buffers :Vec<Vec<i8>> = Vec::new();
return GpuAttributeData::OwnedData(buffers, indices);
Which gives me this error:
error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types
--> examples/01_spinning_triangle/
41 | impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------
| | |
| | this is not defined in the current crate because arrays are always foreign
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
This utterly breaks my design. The whole point of what I am trying to achieve is, anyone anywhere should be able to implement that trait, inside or outside any crate, to be able to serialize whatever data they have, in whatever esoteric format it is.
Can I somehow bypass this restriction? If not, is there another way I could enforce at runtime "give me an object that has this function signature among its methods"?
Rust has the orphan rule, which says that any implementation of a trait on a type must exist in the same crate as at least one of the trait or the type. In other words, both types can't be foreign. (It's a bit more complex than this -- for example, you can implement a foreign generic trait on a foreign type if a generic type argument to the generic trait is a type declared in the local crate.)
This is why you frequently see so-called "newtypes" in Rust, which are typically unit structs with a single member, whose sole purpose is to implement a foreign trait on a foreign type. The newtype lives in the same crate as the implementation, so the compiler accepts the implementation.
This could be realized in your example with a newtype around the array type:
struct VertexArray<const N: usize>(pub [Vertex; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Deref for VertexArray<N> {
type Target = [Vertex; N];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<const N: usize> DerefMut for VertexArray<N> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl<const N: usize> GpuSerializable for VertexArray<N> {
// ...
Note that because of #[repr(transparent)], the layout of both VertexArray<N> and [Vertex; N] are guaranteed to be identical, meaning you can transmute between them, or references to them. This allows you to, for example, reborrow a &[Vertex; N] as a &VertexArray<N> safely, which means you can store all of your data as [Vertex; N] and borrow it as the newtype at zero cost whenever you need to interact with something expecting an implementation of GpuSerializable.
impl<const N: usize> AsRef<VertexArray<N>> for [Vertex; N] {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &VertexArray<N> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }

How do I use rust traits to abstract HTTP call for tests?

Coming from Go there are a lot of interfaces you can use to do something like the below:
async fn get_servers(client: &dyn std::marker::Send) -> Result<String, impl std::error::Error> {
let servers_str = client.send().await?.text()
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(servers_str)?;
println!("{:?}", v);
// ...
I could pass in something that just implemented the send and return the text. That way makes the code testable. I thought maybe the send auto trait would do that but apparently not. Says send not found. Maybe some kind of impl requestbuilder?
In general, this is absolutely possible and (correct me if I'm wrong) even advised. It's a programming paradigm called dependency injection.
Simplified, this means in your case, pass in the dependent object via an interface (or in Rust: trait) so you can replace it at test time with an object of a different type.
Your mistake here is that the std::marker::Send trait does not what you think it does; it marks objects for being transferrable between threads. It's closely linked to std::marker::Sync, meaning, it can be accessed by multiple threads without causing race conditions.
While many libraries already have traits you can use for that purpose, in a lot of cases you will have to set up your own trait. Here, for example, we have a hello world function, that gets tested by replacing its printer with a different one, specialized for testing. We achieve that by passing the printer into the hello world function through the abstraction of a trait, as already mentioned.
trait HelloWorldPrinter {
fn print_text(&mut self, msg: &str);
struct ConsolePrinter;
impl HelloWorldPrinter for ConsolePrinter {
fn print_text(&mut self, msg: &str) {
println!("{}", msg);
// This is the function we want to test.
// Note that we are using a trait here so we can replace the actual
// printer with a test mock when testing.
fn print_hello_world(printer: &mut impl HelloWorldPrinter) {
printer.print_text("Hello world!");
fn main() {
let mut printer = ConsolePrinter;
print_hello_world(&mut printer);
mod tests {
use super::*;
struct TestPrinter {
messages: Vec<String>,
impl TestPrinter {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { messages: vec![] }
impl HelloWorldPrinter for TestPrinter {
fn print_text(&mut self, msg: &str) {
fn prints_hello_world() {
let mut printer = TestPrinter::new();
print_hello_world(&mut printer);
assert_eq!(printer.messages, ["Hello world!"]);
When doing cargo run:
Hello world!
When doing cargo test:
Running unittests src/
running 1 test
test tests::prints_hello_world ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
As a little explanation, if that code doesn't explain itself:
we create a trait HelloWorldPrinter whic his the only thing our print_hello_world() function knows about.
we define a ConsolePrinter struct that we use at runtime to print the message. The ConsolePrinter of course has to implement HelloWorldPrinter to be usable with the print_hello_world() function.
for testing, we write the TestPrinter struct that we use instead of the ConsolePrinter. Instead of printing, it stores what it received so we can test whether it got passed the correct message. Of course, the ConsolePrinter also has to implement the HelloWorldPrinter trait to be usable with print_hello_world().
I hope that goes into the direction of your question. If you have any questions, feel free to discuss further.
I can't directly tell you what you should write to solve your problem, as your question is quite vague, but this should be the toolset you need to solve your problem. I hope.

Rust `From` trait, errors, reference vs Box and `?` operator [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am pretty confused on the ? operator in functions that return Result<T, E>.
I have the following snippet of code:
use std::error;
use std::fs;
fn foo(s: &str) -> Result<&str, Box<error::Error>> {
let result = fs::read_to_string(s)?;
return Ok(&result);
fn bar(s: &str) -> Result<&str, &dyn error::Error> {
// the trait `std::convert::From<std::io::Error>` is not implemented for `&dyn std::error::Error` (1)
let result = fs::read_to_string(s)?;
return Ok(&result);
fn main() {
println!("{}", foo("foo.txt").unwrap());
println!("{}", bar("bar.txt").unwrap());
As you might see from the above snippet, the ? operator works pretty well with the returned boxed error, but not with dynamic error references (error at (1)).
Is there any specific reason why it does not work? In my limited knowledge of Rust, it is more natural to return an error reference, rather than a boxed object: in the end, after returning rom the foo function, I expect deref coercion to work with it, so why not returning the error reference itself?
Look at this function signature:
fn bar(s: &str) -> Result<&str, &dyn error::Error> {
The error type is a reference, but a reference to what? Who owns the value being referenced? The value cannot be owned by the function itself because it would go out of scope and Rust, quite rightly, won't allow you to return the dangling reference. So the only alternative is that the error is the input string slice s, or some sub-slice of it. This is definitely not what you wanted.
Now, the error:
the trait `std::convert::From<std::io::Error>` is not implemented for `&dyn std::error::Error`
The trait isn't implemented, and it can't be. To see why, try to implement it by hand:
impl<'a> From<io::Error> for &'a dyn error::Error {
fn from(e: io::Error) -> &'a dyn error::Error {
// what can go here?
This method is impossible to implement, for exactly the same reason.
Why does it work for Box<dyn Error>? A Box allocates its data on the heap, but also owns that data and deallocates it when the box goes out of scope. This is completely different from references, where the owner is separate, and the reference is prevented from outliving the data by lifetime parameters in the types.
See also:
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
Although it is possible to cast the concrete type std::io::Error into dyn Error, it is not possible to return it as a reference because the "owned" value is being dropped/erased/removed at the end of the function, same goes to your String -> &str. The Box<error::Error> example works because an owned Error is created in the heap (Box<std::io::Error>) and the std has an implementation of Error for Box<T> (impl<T: Error> Error for Box<T>).
If you want to erase the concrete type and only work with the available methods of a trait, it is possible to use impl Trait.
use std::{error, fs};
fn foo(s: &str) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let result = fs::read_to_string(s)?;
fn bar(s: &str) -> Result<String, impl error::Error> {
let result = match fs::read_to_string(s) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => return Err(x),
fn main() {
println!("{}", foo("foo.txt").unwrap());
println!("{}", bar("bar.txt").unwrap());

How to implement an iterator giving struct with lifetimes?

I want to create a mutable iterator that control modifications, for this I create a struct named FitnessIterMut that impl the Iterator trait.
The next() method gives a struct that can do things on the container itself when a modification is done. (Is it a good way to do this sort of things ?)
pub struct FitnessModifier<'a, T: 'a> {
wheel: &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>,
value: &'a mut (f32, T)
impl<'a, T> FitnessModifier<'a, T> {
pub fn read(&'a self) -> &'a (f32, T) {
pub fn set_fitness(&'a self, new: f32) {
let &mut (ref mut fitness, _) = self.value;
self.wheel.proba_sum -= *fitness;
self.wheel.proba_sum += new;
*fitness = new;
pub struct FitnessIterMut<'a, T: 'a> {
wheel: &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>,
iterator: &'a mut IterMut<'a, (f32, T)>
impl<'a, T> Iterator for FitnessIterMut<'a, T> {
type Item = FitnessModifier<'a, T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(value) = {
Some(FitnessModifier { wheel: self.wheel, value: value })
else {
This gives me this error, I think I have to do a 'b lifetime but I'm a little lost.
error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for automatic coercion due to conflicting requirements [E0495]
Some(FitnessModifier { wheel: self.wheel, value: value })
help: consider using an explicit lifetime parameter as shown: fn next(&'a mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(value) = {
Some(FitnessModifier { wheel: self.wheel, value: value })
else {
You won't be able to get this to work with simple mutable references, unless you're OK with not implementing the standard Iterator trait. That's because it's not legal in Rust to have more than one usable mutable alias to a particular value at the same time (because it can lead to memory unsafety). Let's see why your code violates this restriction.
First, I can instantiate a FitnessIterMut object. From this object, I can call next to obtain a FitnessModifier. At this point, both the FitnessIterMut and the FitnessModifier contain a mutable reference to a RouletteWheel object, and both the FitnessIterMut and the FitnessModifier are still usable – that's not legal! I could call next again on the FitnessIterMut to obtain another FitnessModifier, and now I'd have 3 mutable aliases to the RouletteWheel.
Your code fails to compile because you assumed that mutable references can be copied, which is not the case. Immutable references (&'a T) implement Copy, but mutable references (&'a mut T) do not, so they cannot be copied.
What could we do to fix this? Rust lets us temporarily make a mutable reference unusable (i.e. you'll get a compiler error if you try to use it) by reborrowing from it. Normally, for types that don't implement Copy, the compiler will move a value instead of copying it, but for mutable references, the compiler will reborrow instead of moving. Reborrowing can be seen as "flattening" or "collapsing" references to references, while keeping the shortest lifetime.
Let's see how this works in practice. Here's a valid implementation of next. Note that this doesn't conform to the contract of the standard Iterator trait, so I made this an inherent method instead.
impl<'a, T> FitnessIterMut<'a, T> {
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<FitnessModifier<'b, T>> {
if let Some(value) = {
Some(FitnessModifier { wheel: self.wheel, value: value })
else {
Instead of returning an Option<FitnessModifier<'a, T>>, we now return an Option<FitnessModifier<'b, T>>, where 'b is linked to the lifetime of the self argument. When initializing the wheel field of the result FitnessModifier, the compiler will automatically reborrow from self.wheel (we could make this explicit by writing &mut *self.wheel instead of self.wheel).
Since this expression references a &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>, you thought the type of this expression would also be &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>. However, because this expression borrows from self, which is a &'b mut FitnessIterMut<'a, T>, the type of this expression is actually &'b mut RouletteWheel<T>. In your code, you tried to assign a &'b mut RouletteWheel<T> to a field expecting a &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>, but 'a is longer than 'b, which is why you got a compiler error.
If Rust didn't allow reborrowing, then instead of storing a &'b mut RouletteWheel<T> in FitnessModifier, you'd have to store a &'b &'a mut RouletteWheel<T>, where 'a is the lifetime of the RouletteWheel<T> and 'b is the lifetime of the &'a mut RouletteWheel<T> in the FitnessIterMut<'a, T>. However, Rust lets us "collapse" this reference to a reference and we can just store a &'b mut RouletteWheel<T> instead (the lifetime is 'b, not 'a, because 'b is the shorter lifetime).
The net effect of this change is that, after you call next, you can't use the FitnessIterMut at all until the resulting Option<FitnessModifier<'b, T>> goes out of scope. That's because the FitnessModifier is borrowing from self, and since the method passed self by mutable reference, the compiler assumes that the FitnessModifier keeps a mutable reference to the FitnessIterMut or to one of its fields (which is true here, not is not always true in general). Thus, while there's a FitnessModifier in scope, there's only one usable mutable alias to the RouletteWheel, which is the one in the FitnessModifier object. When the FitnessModifier<'b, T> goes out of scope, the FitnessIterMut object will become usable again.
If you absolutely need to conform to the Iterator trait, then I suggest you replace your mutable references with Rc<RefCell<T>> instead. Rc doesn't implement Copy, but it implements Clone (which only clones the pointer, not the underlying data), so you need to call .clone() explicitly to clone an Rc. RefCell does dynamic borrow checking at runtime, which has a bit of runtime overhead, but gives you more freedom in how you pass mutable objects around.

Working around the limitations of extension traits

The pattern of having an object-safe trait Foo and a (potentially unsafe) extension trait FooExt implemented for all instances of Foo seems to become standard now.
This is a problem for me in the case of Iterator<A>, as I have a library that overrides the default method IteratorExt#last() of the old iterator trait (the underlying library has an efficient implementation of last()). This in now impossible, because for any A, there will always be a conflicting trait implementation of IteratorExt, the one that libcore already provides for all Iterator<A>. 306:2 error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119] impl<'a, K: Key> iter::IteratorExt<Vec<u8>> for ValueIterator<'a,K,Vec<u8>> { fn last(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> { self.seek_last(); Some(self.value()) } }
Now, as far as I see, I have two options:
have my own trait and my own last() implementation. That would mean it conflicts if IteratorExt is imported unless carefully used. This also has the danger accidentally using an inefficient version of last() if the version from IteratorExt is used. I'd loose convenient access to IteratorExt.
have my own trait and name the method differently (seek_last()). Disadvantage: I ask the user to learn vocabulary and to always favor my method over that provided by IteratorExt. Same problem: I'd like to avoid accidental usage of last().
Is there any other, better, solution I am missing?
As of rustc 0.13.0-nightly (8bca470c5 2014-12-08 00:12:30 +0000) defining last() as an inherent method on your type should work.
struct Foo<T> {t: T}
impl<T> Iterator<T> for Foo<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// this does not work
// error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119]
// impl<T> IteratorExt<T> for Foo<T> {
// fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// but this currently does
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { Some(self.t) }
fn main() {
let mut t = Foo{ t: 3u };
println!("{}", t.last()) // last has been "shadowed" by our impl
println!("{}", t.nth(3)) // other IteratorExt methods are still available
Since you're not supposed to use Extension traits as generic bounds (but just to provide additional methods), this should theoretically work for your scenario, as you can have your own type and its impl in the same crate.
Users of your type will use the inherent last method instead of the one on IteratorExt but still be able to use the other methods on IteratorExt.
last should be moved to Iterator, rather than IteratorExt.
IteratorExt is needed when using Box<Iterator> objects, to allow calling generic methods on them (e.g. map), because you can't put a generic method in a vtable. However, last isn't generic, so it can be put in Iterator.