Unsigned ipa crashes on launch - objective-c

I followed this tutorial (Generating an unsigned IPA iOS application) for an application I created. I installed it onto my iphone5s with ifunbox. The problem is when it goes to launch it shows the new launch screen with Xcode 6, where it says the app and that it's copywrited and stuff, and them immediately crashes. In the iOS simulator it runs perfectly. I don't know if I'm missing a step or what. Thanks in advance.
I'm running iOS 8.1, built with Xcode 6, installed on a jailbroken iPhone 5s, written with objective-c on Yosemite. Incase that information helps.

Unsigned apps will be terminated despite iOS being jailbroken. The fix is, you can still sign with a certificate created by yourself or just fake sign with ldid.
The following link explains it in detail.
Link 2

I had the same problem, to fix it I followed this guide, making sure to follow the steps at the bottom (to add SHA1 Hashes, and to put it in my device.) From this guide.
Add Required SHA1 Hashes To Application Binary:
In the Xcode Project Navigator, expand the section "Products".
Right-click the application binary (HelloWorld.app) and select "Show In Finder".
Copy the application binary to the desktop.
Open Terminal on the OSX system where the application was built.
Add the SHA1 hashes to the application binary:
# cd ~/Desktop/
# ldid -S HelloWorld.app/HelloWorld


Crash while running old project on iOS 11

I have code which was initially developed on Xcode 3.2. It was then later update to become compatible with ios 7. But now when I run that code with Xcode 9 GM, it run alright on any iOS 10.x device.
But crash on iOS 11 device with following error detail:
Plus: When i open this project with Xcode 9 GM, Xcode doesn't show iPhone X simulator.
I think you have some old static libraries. iOS 11 supports only 64-bit libraries.
And also you can check Deployment target of your app. Maybe it's too low (I think ios7 deployment target is not supported now).
I think your app is running on 32-bit
As a reminder, new iOS apps and updates submitted to the App Store must support 64-bit. Support for 32-bit apps is not available in iOS 11 and all 32-bit apps previously installed on a user’s device will not launch
64-bit Apps on iOS 11
I don't know what is you exact scenario but possibilities of crash with payload could be following. Hope anyone of below all will work for you.
Please Try Following.
Disable "Enable guard Malloc" from diagnostics.
You Can do Following:
delete all certificates from keychain.
Quit xcode
Delete xcode derivedData and delete all provison profiles
Restart mechine
Download latest certifcates and provison profile from Member Center
Click on certifcate i will install in keychain access.your key chain access should like this
if you are using custom framworks, you need to put it inside the Embedded Binaries section located in the Xcode project under the tab Target / General.

How to test my app on ios 7 using Xcode 6 simulator

I'm trying to test my app with ios7 using Xcode 6's simulator but I can't find the option to change it. Currently it only loads ios8 while my deployment target is set to 7.
Also according to this message from Apple:
Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
Does this mean that new apps cannot run on ios7 anymore?
Thank you for your help.
First, Change Deployment Target to 7.You can change Deployment target from target under Deployment Info.
Go to Xcode Preferences, Select Downloads tab and download iOS7 Simulator.
Now go to Xcode, you can find iOS7 Simulator on target device list, if not than quit and restart Xcode.
Hope it will help.
The deployment target is the minimum version of iOS that your application will be expected to run on. It effects how your app is BUILT and not where you run it. You need to choose an iOS 7 device from the run destinations menu and then do a Build&Run to build, install, and run the app on the iOS 7 device.
If you don't have an iOS 7 simulator device in the run destinations menu, go download the iOS 7 runtime from Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
Yes you can, go to xcode(7) preferences>select Components here you can download Simulater and Documents also.

Titanium can't create valid IPA

I have used Appcelerators Titanium to create an App, and was about to deploy it to my iPad for testing when i ran into some issues. When i try to install the IPA thats been generated through Titanium and Xcode, i get this error:
Can't install application
The Info.plist for application at /Users/User/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/myapp.ipa specifies a CFBundleExecutable of myapp, which does not exist
I've spent a couple of hours messing with the certificates, but Xcode says that the certificates are fine, and the target iPad is in the provisioning profile. The provisioning profile is also installed onto the iPad. This is driving me nuts, and i can't seem to figure it out.

How to run iOS .app package within Simulator?

Dev guys from other company, sent me iOS app package that is build with Xcode, but I don't have its Xcode project, just built app package file. How to run that on simulator or on iphone?
UDPATE: I'v tried Simulator launcher but the solution is not working when using Xcode 4.2.1.
UPDATE2: Also tried to use this solution but with no luck (getting black simulator screen and errors shown in terminal after launch). IMHO these problems might be related to iOS 5
UPDATE3: Also, unsuccessfully, tried to use this solution
normally you should be able to install it with itunes, a detailed step-by step guide can be found here: http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Ad-hoc-iPhone-OS-Apps
If it is built for device, you can install it to your device using iTunes or Xcode Organizer. However, you cannot run it on any device. They should also give you a provisioning profile for letting you install that app on your device.
Found the solution. I'v asked the guys to send me "ipa" package instead of raw .app package. Then added it to my iPhone device.

Install an IPA through USB?

After using the "iPhone Configuration Utility" program to install IPA applications to my iPhone on the go, I wondered how this process worked. Within a few Google searches, I found out about "MobileDevice.framework" and the "MobileDevice Library" connected to it. After reading an article of all the Known Functions in the library, I found one called "AMDeviceInstallApplication". I thought this would work once I saw install, but I'm currently perplexed on how to use it.
TL;DR I have IPA files and I want to make an Xcode program (for Mac) that installs the IPA's application to a connected iOS device when a button is pressed.
Also, don't worry about the application not being signed correctly. It is signed with a provisioning profile installed on devices [the application] will be used with.
If you're still interested in this problem I've written a blog entry on how to install apps on a connected iPad / iPhone without using Xcode or iTunes.
This method allows you to run a Terminal command to install an iPA file.
I suppose you could bundle up the terminal commands in your application and use it that way?
I found a simple way to install iPa file to real iPhone or iPad:
Connect iPhone to Mac via USB and follow the below steps:
Steps to follow:
Open Xcode
Click on Window
Select Devices and Simulators
Drag and drop the IPA files into it
App got installed on the iPad