How to run iOS .app package within Simulator? - objective-c

Dev guys from other company, sent me iOS app package that is build with Xcode, but I don't have its Xcode project, just built app package file. How to run that on simulator or on iphone?
UDPATE: I'v tried Simulator launcher but the solution is not working when using Xcode 4.2.1.
UPDATE2: Also tried to use this solution but with no luck (getting black simulator screen and errors shown in terminal after launch). IMHO these problems might be related to iOS 5
UPDATE3: Also, unsuccessfully, tried to use this solution

normally you should be able to install it with itunes, a detailed step-by step guide can be found here:

If it is built for device, you can install it to your device using iTunes or Xcode Organizer. However, you cannot run it on any device. They should also give you a provisioning profile for letting you install that app on your device.

Found the solution. I'v asked the guys to send me "ipa" package instead of raw .app package. Then added it to my iPhone device.


React Native, build for iOS

I have an app made with React Native that is already working on for Android.
I'm working on Debian 10.
For Android I build my app-release.aab file with this command:
bash android/gradlew --project-dir android --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE=my-key.keystore --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_KEY_ALIAS=my-key --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_PASSWORD=mypassword --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_KEY_PASSWORD=mypassword clean bundleRelease
I've been creating this bundle for like a year with no problems, but now I have a task that is "now we want the iOS version"
What do I need to create this iOS version? I'm pretty lost, I have never created nothing for iOS, I just have this React Native app that works ok on Android.
I've been reading some mediums, youtube videos, and some questions here in Stackoverflow but they talk about that it's possible to create the app for both Android and iOS but I can't find a source of clear information about what I need for.
Do I need a Mac?
How should I create the bundle for iOS?
First, if you want to publish to the iOS app store, you need to buy a paid Apple Developer Program, regardless if you have a Mac or not.
Okay, if you have a Mac there is a good amount of documentation: and more. The below is if you do not have a Mac, or do not want to develop on it.
No Mac
You cannot build macOS apps locally without a Mac.
That being said, you could look at CI/CD, for example, Github Actions or Travis CI, as running macOS on them is possible. If you are already pushing your code to Github, I recommend Github Actions. If you do not want to use CI/CD, you can use Expo. With Expo, you can build your app on their servers, and all you need is a paid Apple Developer Program (no Mac).
With vanilla react-native for local development/builds you will need a Mac as Xcode (free) is required for iOS builds. It's propriety software to macOS. You will also need an Apple Developer account to setup development/distribution certificates for deployments.
You can then use Xcode and the iOS certificates/provisions to generate a bundle for iOS.

unable to connect ios 9.1 device to xcode 7.1

I am trying to run application in a device with iOS 9.1 from xcode 7.1. xcode is keep crashing. I am unable to install the application in any ios 9.1 devices. I have tried 3 different devices and getting the same problem. My code is in objective-c.
I have uninstalled the xcode and then installed xcode 7.2 again. It solved my issue.
I think you should do something for fix it, maybe it's just some stupid errors from xcode.
Try to clean then build again.
Add a devices for development then test again.
Report to Apple.
Check your iOS Target Deployment first.
Also try following steps
Also try reinstalling Xcode 7 and while installing close Xcode.
Check in Xcode Preferences whether Simulator for iOS9 is installed or not.
also check whether your itunes open when plugin device.

Where can I find an iPhone simulator for Xcode 3.1.4

My kids want to learn to write apps on their MacBook which currently runs OS version 10.5.8.
I have downloaded Xcode 3.1.4 but it doesn't seem to have the iPhone Simulator.
Does anyone know where I can find this?
(And are their better tags I should use for this question?)
(UPDATE: I down loaded the " xcode 3.2.6 & ios sdk 4.3" dmg file from Apple in the hopes of accessing just the "iPhone simulator" but repeated attempts to open the .dmg file on my OS10.5.8 Macbook result in a complete, "blackscreen" crash.)
I am really very sorry because this is not straight to your question. But if I were you, I'd like to encourage them to start with Android. To me, an open-platform is more preferred. Beside that, Java is a strong/ dynamic language when comparing to C/C++.
Android developer site
Eclipse IDE
Android SDK
ADT plugin for Eclipse
API guides
Training videos
Hope they will like :-)
Are you sure the simulator was not included? One thing to remember is it won't be shown with xcode in your applications folder.
To use the simulator you have to launch it from xcode by pressing the play button in the top left corner of the interface. If you have already used xcode with an iPhone/iPod/iPad make sure you select simulator from the drop down next the play and stop buttons(press and hold to change what is selected).
If you want to make sure you can access the simulator without xcode, launch the simulator as described above and then right click(or ctrl click) the icon for the simulator and select keep in dock from the options menu.
Hopefully the above helps you with your problem. If xcode truly did not come with the simulator your best option is to uninstall xcode(after backing up any projects) and trying a fresh install. Also try checking Apples dev center ( for information about xcode and the simulator.

Install an IPA through USB?

After using the "iPhone Configuration Utility" program to install IPA applications to my iPhone on the go, I wondered how this process worked. Within a few Google searches, I found out about "MobileDevice.framework" and the "MobileDevice Library" connected to it. After reading an article of all the Known Functions in the library, I found one called "AMDeviceInstallApplication". I thought this would work once I saw install, but I'm currently perplexed on how to use it.
TL;DR I have IPA files and I want to make an Xcode program (for Mac) that installs the IPA's application to a connected iOS device when a button is pressed.
Also, don't worry about the application not being signed correctly. It is signed with a provisioning profile installed on devices [the application] will be used with.
If you're still interested in this problem I've written a blog entry on how to install apps on a connected iPad / iPhone without using Xcode or iTunes.
This method allows you to run a Terminal command to install an iPA file.
I suppose you could bundle up the terminal commands in your application and use it that way?
I found a simple way to install iPa file to real iPhone or iPad:
Connect iPhone to Mac via USB and follow the below steps:
Steps to follow:
Open Xcode
Click on Window
Select Devices and Simulators
Drag and drop the IPA files into it
App got installed on the iPad

Can I build and compile an app built for jail broken iOS and run as a development app on my device?

Just a quick q about iOS development..
I'd love to be able to run a certain game emulator on my iPad..
If it's released under open source is there any thing stopping me from compiling it and running it in an emulator or getting a provisioning profile and running it on my device?
Do jailbroken apps tend to use libraries that wont run on a vanilla copy of iOS?
I.e. Do they patch the kernel to get full control of the video controller etc..
I think the jailbroken apps can utilize eglibc or glibc, as when I jailbroke me iPod Touch, I remember looking over the installed packages, and remember seeing something along the lines of glibc.
In short, I think if the app is self-sufficient, you probably could package it with XCode, but if it requires some low-level APIs and libraries, you're out of luck.