How to run macro when data changes in sheet in Excel - vba

Hi I am using Excel to fetch live data from web into an Excel sheet and pushing it into a SQL Server Database using macro. The macro code is executing manually. The Excel sheet data gets refreshed every minute. I have to run this macro when the data gets refreshed from the web into the sheet. Can somebody please help me to understand how to do this?

how about stopping auto refresh from web and put it as part of the macro?
or try adding the macro for worksheet change, explained here - How to run a macro when certain cells change in Excel

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call MyOtherSub
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
You can drop this in the worksheet module for the sheet being changed. Note the .EnableEvents statements - these are very important in ensuring you don't wind up in an infinite loop if your called procedure changes something.


Shared Excel Document

I've got a Excel documents with macros with input and update forms for information, the document is used as a monthly database where you can run reports from as well.
The issue is that when using the document sometimes the input and update options are used at the same time causing information loss. Both the input and output save at the end of the macro to minimise the losses, but I was wondering if there is anyway of checking at runtime if there is a macro being use by another user and if so delay the next macro run until the other user is finished?
There is one way I can think of. Logically it should work. However I have not tested it.
Create a temp sheet and hide it
When anyone runs a macro, check if cell A1 of that sheet is empty or not
If it is empty then run the macro
Before running the macro, write to that cell and once the macro is run, clear the contents of the other cell
Sandwich your macro code as mentioned below
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HiddenSheetName")
If Len(Trim(ws.Range("A1").Value)) = 0 Then
ws.Range("A1").Value = "Macro Starts"
'~~> Rest of your code goes here
MsgBox "Please try after some time. There is a macro running... Blah Blah"
End If
End Sub
CAUTION: Once the code runs, you cannot undo the changes since the code save the file programatically. The changes are permanent. In a file which is not shared, you can undo by closing the file without saving and re-opening it.

Turn On Automatic Calculations

I am using Excel 2013 and we are coming across random Excel files set to manual calculations and they do not seem to go away after resetting to automatic.
Those files seem to stay as automatic, but on a random day a different Excel file or the same Excel reverts back to manual. I want to auto execute a macro when loading any Excel file or just the program to set Excel to automatic calculations.
I tried the following macro:
Private Sub Auto_Open()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
I received the following error message upon loading Excel:
"Run-time error '1004': Method 'Calculation' of object'_Application'failed
An Auto_Open macro runs before any other workbooks open. Therefore, if you record actions that you want Excel to perform on the default Book1 workbook or on a workbook that is loaded from the XLStart folder, the Auto_Open macro will fail when you restart Excel, because the macro runs before the default and startup workbooks open.
If you encounter these limitations, instead of recording an Auto_Open macro, you must create a VBA procedure for the Open event as described in the next section of this article.
Question: is there a way to create a macro to reset any Excel file back to Automatic? I stored the macro in my personal workbook as I am hoping that the macro will execute on any Excel file I load.
I tried what you wrote and it works.
Just in case, here is my code :)
Private Sub auto_open()
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub

Need to run a VBA Macro on data refresh in excel

I am attempting to prompt a macro to run on a data refresh. I have the macro that needs to be run build, but I am having an issue with the new values not being used since the macros embedded in the sheet are called using ActiveX ComboBoxs.
I am finding several instances where people refer to AfterRefresh and BeforeRefresh, but I think I am misunderstanding how this would take effect and call a macro.
I currently am running ComboBoxs so I have multiple instances of
Private Sub ComboBox22_Change()
'do stuff
End Sub.
but I need the 'do stuff' to occur upon a data refresh, including refreshes that happen automatically and upon sheet open.
I don't want to tie the refresh to a specific box because the items that are refreshed are not dependent on any one instance of data change.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Maybe a worksheet change event would help in this situation.
Right Click the sheet tab, select "View Code", Select "Worksheet" then "Change."
Code will automatically kick in when a specific range of cells has been changed.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub ' this stops code error if more than one cell is changed at once
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A1:C10")) Is Nothing Then ' indicates the Target range
MsgBox "You have changed " & Target.Address & " to " & Target
End If
End Sub
You could also use Worksheet_pivottableupdate event to run the macro. You set it up in a similar way to davesexcel answer above.
The connection in question may not be a pivot table but you can use a small and fast pivot table as a trigger.
Set the pivot table to update at the same time as your connection (e.g. set to self refresh every 5 minutes or on workbook open).

Closing a userform that is in workbook A from workbook B

I'm new to VBA so there might be a simple answer to this question but if there is I sure haven't found it. What I am doing is copying data from several workbooks into one master workbook. I have writen the code for this and it works fine. The only problem is the workbooks where I'm retriving the data have userforms that automatically initiate when the workbook is accesed. This means that when I run my code to copy the data it hangs at each userform and wont continue until I've physically closed each userform. So my question is: Is there a way to remotely close the userforms in the raw data workbooks from my master workbook VBA code? Thanks in advance.
to close all userforms, (if you want a specific one , change my code)
sub Close_Userforms()
Dim Form as VBA.Userform 'if not work change to Object
For each Form in VBA.Userform
'can add a condition, like : if ="Whatever" then
unload Form 'if you don't want to lose the data from the userforms, Form.Hide, and later re-loop and Form.Show
next Form
edit : can also if Typename (Form)="Whatever" then , for the condition
Assuming you mean that the forms pop up when you open the workbooks, disable events before doing so:
Application.Enableevents = False
Workbooks.Open ...
Application.Enableevents = True
for example.
I would suggest trying
Application.EnableEvents = False
Further reading.
Short description: All events (Workbook_Open, Workbook_BeforeSave etc), that usually fires upon opening or closing a workbook, will be ignored.
I have written the following functions to make all macros a bit simpler (and faster). Simply place these functions in a regular module.
Public Function CalcOff()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Function
Public Function CalcOn()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Begin your macro with:
And then end your macro with:
Remember that you need to put "CalcOn" in all places that exits the running macro.
Disabling ScreenUpdating makes the code "run in background" (nothing will be displayed).
Setting Calculation to manual improves the speed of the code, since no calculations will be made when changing data. But it's very important to exit all macros with "CalcOn", otherwise your sheet won't calculate (and that's not funny), and it will look like Excel has frozen (since ScreenUpdating would still be turned off).
However, if you by any chance happen to break a running code without exiting it the proper way (running "CalcOn"), simply close the Excel application and reopen it. Or run a macro that ends with the "CalcOn" code. Or create a new macro with that simple line.

VBA Table Refreshing

I'm creating a worksheet in Excel that is connected to an online database. I made a function that checks if new information has been posted and updates the worksheet accordingly. If there is a new release, I update all the column headings to make room for it using a loop.
My problem is that the function takes forever to run since the table refreshes itself each time I change the column headings.
I'm wondering is there is a way to pause the refresh so the table only refreshes itself once at the end of the vba script.
Thanks. I appreciate your help.
To stop formulas from refreshing whilst the code executes, you can use Application.Calculation like so:
Public Sub SomeProcedure()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Code goes here
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
This will stop the formulas refreshing until the code in the middle has executed.