Dynamic rendering of controls - What to use Custom ASP.NET MVC HTML Helper or Partial View? - asp.net-mvc-4

I have all the controls (such as TextBox, Dropdown) saved in the Database which I have to render on the screen dynamically using some kind of loop. So, please suggest me the pros and cons of using Custom ASP.NET MVC 4 HTML Helper or Partial View. My DB Data model would be something like below.
Control Table
ControlID, ControlType, Value, LabelText.
Note: I can't change the architecture of having control data in the Database. So, please refrain from suggesting that :).
Thanks in Adavance!!


Razor page change image within form by setting a checkbox

On a razor form submit page I would like to change a picture when a checkbox is set, before the form is posted though not trough JavaScript, but by pure razor code handled client side.
Not knowing the terms for it im unable to create sample code for this question, I believe though this should be possible with razor.

Best Practice to display text label on a .NetCore Razor page

Is it best practice for ALL text on a .Net Core Razor webpage to be injected with Model Binding (Even on a static page), or should I only inject text which may need to change dynamically at runtime?
E.g. My Index.cshtml page has a h1 title as per below. Is this considered bad practice or is it ok?
<h1 class="block-title-text" localize-content>A Fun Title</h1>
Thanks. Just trying to get my head around Razor and .Net Core.
This if fine, in general you should keep user interface elements in the view (or the .cshtml file for Razor Pages). See benefits of using views for more details, which among other things includes:
The parts of the app are loosely coupled. You can build and update the app's views separately from the business logic and data access components. You can modify the views of the app without necessarily having to update other parts of the app.
Just realised something which is obvious in hindsight. By injecting the strings using Model Binding instead of placing them into the HTML as above, it allows the incorporation of unit tests around those strings.

How to create dynamic controls based on value in database using mvc 4

In my database, i have a field called controls which contains text box, dropdownlist, radiobuttonlist etc.
My goal is to create controls dynamically based on value of control-field in table.
Anybody please help me how to create the controls dynamically in MVC 4 for this scenario.
I used steps as mentioned in the below link and got an answer. Hope this will help someone.
Control creation based on model value in MVC4
-Create a template in Views/Shared/EditorTemplates for each control (textbox template below).
#model object
-Pass the template name into the Html.EditorFor helper method.

Where is the equivalent of WebForms' Master Page codebehind files in ASP.NET MVC?

Today is my first day working with MVC and I am trying to convert my existing Web Forms website into an MVC 4 site.
I have done some reading and am starting to understand how things work but one thing I can not figure out is for the new Layouts (replacing MasterPages) where is the equivalent to the codebehind file? In my current site I have a Master Page that defines the general look and feel but also runs some code in the codebehind to changes a few things dynamically (for localization and DB generated menu system).
So now that I am using MVC and Layouts I can not figure out where I would code all that at, can anyone please point me in the right direction?
(I know MVC does not have code behinds it uses controllers for it.)
As you Know MVC is three layer architecture.
Model is the data entities. You need to store, or show the data.
Views are the html or presentation layer which would be rendered to users.
Controller are the code behind file all of your code would go in controller. It gets data from Models and apply business logic and then pass to views to show or get updated data from view and pass to models and then save to database.
_layout.cshtml file is present at path of ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml. It is master-page in mvc. You would see your partial-views contains
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
this line at top of page. You can change master-page for any views and you can have multiple Layouts.
Layout contains many partial-views like left-navigation, Top-Navigation and content. each of which can be customized from controller.
Here are some links might help you:
MVC Tutorials
Introduction to MVC
Create a Base Controller class and make all your controllers inherit from it.
The MVC equivalent of WebForms' Master Page codebehind is then this Base Controller, where you can put code you need for multiple controllers.
How can I execute common code for every request?
You can't find any examples of what you're trying to do, because that's not how it's done in MVC. There is no equivalent to code behinds.
You're "trying to do" the wrong thing. MVC layouts are simply template files. They have no code behind, and they should have no functionality besides simple display logic.
MVC is a different paradigm from WebForms. You don't use have server-side controls like WebForms. Therefore the idea that you have content in the layout that does it's own thing violates the MVC principles.
You're basically stuck in what's known as the XY problem. That's where you are trying to achieve certain functionality X, and you believe to do that you need to do Y, so all you ask about is Y... when X is what you really need to be asking about.
Please explain the actual thing you are trying to do, and don't assume that it must be done in the way you've always done it. For instance, if you want to localize something, then ask how to localize something. If you want dynamic content somewhere, ask how to do that, but you need to be more specific about these individual problems, and not just gloss over them as you have done here.

What should I prefer to use widget or renderPartial in Yii's view?

I am confused when I should use a custom widget or renderPartial in my view files. Sometimes I use widget and sometimes I use renderPartial.
You use widget when your application logic is defined in a separate CLASS file and the logic is somehow separated and standalone.
Widget's are chosen when the functionality is repeatedly used elsewhere, on lot of pages.
You use renderPartial for VIEW files that you want to embed into something bigger, or when you want to print something without using the application layouts.
renderPartial is chosen when all the variables it need to access are already prepared in the current action.
You can use widget when your site has some common part like header and footer or sometime some kind filter which require on every page of site.
Take example of search form of yii crude which is called by using renderPartial because that serach form is changing according to requirement of pages.
Sorry for english.