adding sqlparameter without name -

I'm trying to create a sub to add as many parameters as I want, I used to do this in vb6 but here in it requires me to provide the parameter name (.add(#parameter, value)). I need to find a way to do it without knowing the parameter name, i used to send the parameters using the parameter order in the stored procedure, here the code:
Public Sub EjecutarSP(ByVal SP As String, ByVal ParamArray Parametros() As Object)
Dim cnn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString").ToString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SP, cnn)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Param As SqlParameter
For i = 0 To UBound(Parametros)
Param = New SqlParameter("str", Parametros(i))
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
If cmd.Connection.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then cmd.Connection.Open()
cmd = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Err.Raise(1000, "EjecutarSP", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub

AFAIK the SqlClient doesn't support nameless parameters
From here:
Nameless, also called ordinal, parameters are not supported by the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server.
However, instead of explicitly creating the parameters, you could fetch the parameters for the Proc with DeriveParameters, once you are connected.
Assuming you wish to blindly wish to trust the order of the parameters to match the parameters of the Proc, simply set the .Value of the parameters at the given index.
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SP, cnn)
For i = 0 To UBound(Parametros)
cmd.Parameters(i).Value = Parametros(i)

Just reset the name to nothing (null) once the parameter has been added, something like this:
For i = 0 To UBound(Parametros)
Param = New SqlParameter("str", Parametros(i))
Param.ParameterName = Nothing

You don't have to explicity name or type parameters. There are actually a couple of ways to execute stored procs without naming each parameter. Here is one way using Microsoft's old EnterpriseLibrary (which I still like in 2019).
NB: in VB.NET the size of the parameter array is one less than the number of parameters in the stored proc.
Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable
Dim arrParameters(6) As Object
arrParameters(0) = "Hello"
arrParameters(1) = "World"
arrParameters(2) = "Lorem"
arrParameters(3) = "Ipsum"
arrParameters(4) = "Dolor"
arrParameters(5) = "Blabla"
arrParameters(6) = 12345
Dim db As Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database = Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("TheNameOfYourConnectionStringInWebConfig")
dt = db.ExecuteDataSet("TheNameOfYourStoredProcedure", arrParameters).Tables(0)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try


How can I add the value of a single Cell from Access database to a string variable

As the title says I have a MS Access database from where I need to find a specific dataset determined by a String Value. the reason for having to do this is so I can find the value of a single cell in this datase which has to be used as a path to find a certain file. my approach so far is the following:
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\ExaptLokal.accdb")
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sql As String
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = sql
da.SelectCommand = cmd
fullpath = dt.ToString
at the end I would like to have the result from my SQL Query as the value of my "fullpath" variable but so far the da.Fill(dt) row is giving me a hard time saying there is a conflict with the datatype.
Is the datatable even needed in this case or might I be able to skip that step and get the result of the query directly in the fullpath variable?
Thanks to everyone in advance
Edit: Thanks for the help (though not the friendliest but who am I to judge) I finally got it to work with the Execute Scalar method. I would just wish newbies to this website would be greeted a little better lol
have a great day
I moved the connection string to a class level variable so you can use it in other methods.
I separated your data access code from your user interface code passing the value from the text box to a function that returns the path.
I changed your select statement to use parameters. Always use parameters to avoid sql injection and avoid errors.
Use Using...End Using blocks to ensure that your database objects are closed and disposed. This Using block covers both the command and the connection.
You can pass the .CommandText and the .Connection directly to the constructor of the command.
When adding parameters to the parameters collection you provide the parameter name, the datatype form the database, and the size of the field. I had to guess at the type and size so, check your database for the actual values.
Since you are expecting a single value you can use .ExecuteScalar.
Private ConStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\ExaptLokal.accdb"
Private Function GetPath(ProgrammNr As String) As String
Dim fullpath As String
Using conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConStr),
cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ProgrmmmNr", OleDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = ProgrammNr
fullpath = cmd.ExecuteScalar.ToString
End Using
Return fullpath
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fullpath = GetPath(ProgrammNr.Text)
End Sub

How to extract data from database access from a form and display on another form as receipt when button print is clicked in [duplicate]

I've heard that "everyone" is using parameterized SQL queries to protect against SQL injection attacks without having to vailidate every piece of user input.
How do you do this? Do you get this automatically when using stored procedures?
So my understanding this is non-parameterized:
cmdText = String.Format("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = '{0}'", fuz)
Would this be parameterized?
cmdText = String.Format("EXEC foo_from_baz '{0}'", fuz)
Or do I need to do somethng more extensive like this in order to protect myself from SQL injection?
With command
.Parameters.Count = 1
.Parameters.Item(0).ParameterName = "#baz"
.Parameters.Item(0).Value = fuz
End With
Are there other advantages to using parameterized queries besides the security considerations?
Update: This great article was linked in one of the questions references by Grotok.
The EXEC example in the question would NOT be parameterized. You need parameterized queries (prepared statements in some circles) to prevent input like this from causing damage:
';DROP TABLE bar;--
Try putting that in your fuz variable (or don't, if you value the bar table). More subtle and damaging queries are possible as well.
Here's an example of how you do parameters with Sql Server:
Public Function GetBarFooByBaz(ByVal Baz As String) As String
Dim sql As String = "SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz= #Baz"
Using cn As New SqlConnection("Your connection string here"), _
cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Baz", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = Baz
Return cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()
End Using
End Function
Stored procedures are sometimes credited with preventing SQL injection. However, most of the time you still have to call them using query parameters or they don't help. If you use stored procedures exclusively, then you can turn off permissions for SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, etc (just about everything but EXEC) for the application user account and get some protection that way.
Definitely the last one, i.e.
Or do I need to do somethng more extensive ...? (Yes, cmd.Parameters.Add())
Parametrized queries have two main advantages:
Security: It is a good way to avoid SQL Injection vulnerabilities
Performance: If you regularly invoke the same query just with different parameters a parametrized query might allow the database to cache your queries which is a considerable source of performance gain.
Extra: You won't have to worry about date and time formatting issues in your database code. Similarly, if your code will ever run on machines with a non-English locale, you will not have problems with decimal points / decimal commas.
You want to go with your last example as this is the only one that is truly parametrized. Besides security concerns (which are much more prevalent then you might think) it is best to let ADO.NET handle the parametrization as you cannot be sure if the value you are passing in requires single quotes around it or not without inspecting the Type of each parameter.
[Edit] Here is an example:
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"select foo from bar where baz = #baz",
SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = "#baz";
parameter.Value = "xyz";
Most people would do this through a server side programming language library, like PHP's PDO or Perl DBI.
For instance, in PDO:
$dbh=pdo_connect(); //you need a connection function, returns a pdo db connection
$sql='insert into squip values(null,?,?)';
$data=array('my user supplied data','more stuff');
if($statement->rowCount()==1){/*it worked*/}
This takes care of escaping your data for database insertion.
One advantage is that you can repeat an insert many times with one prepared statement, gaining a speed advantage.
For instance, in the above query I could prepare the statement once, and then loop over creating the data array from a bunch of data and repeat the ->execute as many times as needed.
Your command text need to be like:
cmdText = "SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = ?"
cmdText = "EXEC foo_from_baz ?"
Then add parameter values. This way ensures that the value con only end up being used as a value, whereas with the other method if variable fuz is set to
"x'; delete from foo where 'a' = 'a"
can you see what might happen?
Here's a short class to start with SQL and you can build from there and add to the class.
Public Class mysql
'Connection string for mysql
Public SQLSource As String = "Server=123.456.789.123;userid=someuser;password=somesecurepassword;database=somedefaultdatabase;"
'database connection classes
Private DBcon As New MySqlConnection
Private SQLcmd As MySqlCommand
Public DBDA As New MySqlDataAdapter
Public DBDT As New DataTable
Public BindSource As New BindingSource
' parameters
Public Params As New List(Of MySqlParameter)
' some stats
Public RecordCount As Integer
Public Exception As String
Function ExecScalar(SQLQuery As String) As Long
Dim theID As Long
DBcon.ConnectionString = SQLSource
SQLcmd = New MySqlCommand(SQLQuery, DBcon)
'loads params into the query
Params.ForEach(Sub(p) SQLcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value))
'or like this is also good
'For Each p As MySqlParameter In Params
' SQLcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value)
' Next
' clears params
'return the Id of the last insert or result of other query
theID = Convert.ToInt32(SQLcmd.ExecuteScalar())
Catch ex As MySqlException
Exception = ex.Message
theID = -1
End Try
ExecScalar = theID
End Function
Sub ExecQuery(SQLQuery As String)
DBcon.ConnectionString = SQLSource
SQLcmd = New MySqlCommand(SQLQuery, DBcon)
'loads params into the query
Params.ForEach(Sub(p) SQLcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value))
'or like this is also good
'For Each p As MySqlParameter In Params
' SQLcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value)
' Next
' clears params
DBDA.SelectCommand = SQLcmd
BindSource.DataSource = DBDT ' DBDT will contain your database table with your records
Catch ex As MySqlException
Exception = ex.Message
End Try
End Sub
' add parameters to the list
Public Sub AddParam(Name As String, Value As Object)
Dim NewParam As New MySqlParameter(Name, Value)
End Sub
End Class
MS SQL/Express
Public Class MSSQLDB
'Change the datasource
Public SQLSource As String = "Data Source=someserver\sqlexpress;Integrated Security=True"
Private DBCon As New SqlConnection(SQLSource)
Private DBCmd As SqlCommand
Public DBDA As SqlDataAdapter
Public DBDT As DataTable
Public Params As New List(Of SqlParameter)
Public RecordCount As Integer
Public Exception As String
Public Sub ExecQuery(Query As String, Optional ByVal RunScalar As Boolean = False, Optional ByRef NewID As Long = -1)
RecordCount = 0
Exception = ""
Dim RunScalar As Boolean = False
DBCmd = New SqlCommand(Query, DBCon)
Params.ForEach(Sub(p) DBCmd.Parameters.Add(p))
If RunScalar = True Then
NewID = DBCmd.ExecuteScalar()
End If
DBDT = New DataTable
DBDA = New SqlDataAdapter(DBCmd)
RecordCount = DBDA.Fill(DBDT)
Catch ex As Exception
Exception = ex.Message
End Try
If DBCon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then DBCon.Close()
End Sub
Public Sub AddParam(Name As String, Value As Object)
Dim NewParam As New SqlParameter(Name, Value)
End Sub
End Class

Must declare the scalar variable "#SSTGroupID"

Private Function GetSvcType(ByVal oCommand As OleDbCommand, ByVal SSTGroupID As Integer) As DataTable
Dim sSQL As New StringBuilder
sSQL.AppendLine(" Select SSTServiceTypeID AS ID, SSTServiceTypeName AS Name ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" from fgen_SSTServiceType (nolock) ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" Where 1=1 AND Disabled = 0 ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" AND fgen_SSTServiceType.SSTGroupID = #SSTGroupID ")
oCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SSTGroupID", SSTGroupID)
Return GetDataTable(sSQL.ToString)
End Function
Private Function GetDataTable(ByVal SQL As String) As DataTable
Dim oConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(_strConnection)
Dim oCommand As New OleDbCommand("", oConn)
oCommand.CommandText = SQL
Dim oDataTable As New DataTable
Dim oDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(oCommand)
If oDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
GetDataTable = oDataTable
GetDataTable = Nothing
End If
End Function
I've been searching for hours on end and can't seem to find a solution. I need your help please thanks
I've updated my question include the GetDataTable function. Please take a look thanks.
Your command never gets the text from the StringBuilder. So I think the missing link is that you should assign the string you've built to the command text
oCommand.CommandText = sSQL.ToString()
then add the parameter after that
Private Function GetSvcType(ByVal oCommand As OleDbCommand, ByVal SSTGroupID As Integer) As DataTable
Dim sSQL As New StringBuilder()
sSQL.AppendLine(" Select SSTServiceTypeID AS ID, SSTServiceTypeName AS Name ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" from fgen_SSTServiceType (nolock) ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" Where 1=1 AND Disabled = 0 ")
sSQL.AppendLine(" AND fgen_SSTServiceType.SSTGroupID = #SSTGroupID ")
oCommand.CommandText = sSQL.ToString()
oCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#SSTGroupID", SSTGroupID)
Return GetDataTable(oCommand.CommandText)
End Function
Alternatively, you may want to use a Using to create a command and dispose it. I'd write it but I don't see your connection so you should look into this answer for an example.
I wasn't sure what the Where 1 = 1 and the (no lock) were doing so I removed them.
The function FillDataTable contains all your database access code which keeps it separate from the User Interface code. Your database objects should be locale so you can control that they are closed and disposed. The Using...End Using block takes care of this even if there is an error. Get rid of any class level variables for commands and connections. Both the command and connection are included; note the comma at the end if the first line of the Using.
You can pass your connection string directly to the constructor of the connection and pass the command text and connection directly to the constructor of the command. Saves having to set these properties individually.
OleDb pays no attention to the name of the parameter, so, the order that the parameter is added to the Parameters collection must match the order that the parameter appears in the command text. In this case, you have only one but just for future reference. It is better to use the Parameters.Add() which includes the database datatype. See
and another one:
Here is another
Note: I had to guess at the datatype of your parameter. Check your database for the actual type.
Always open your connection at the last possible moment (the line before the .Execute...) and close it as soon as possible (the End Using)
Private Function FillDataTable(GroupID As Long) As DataTable
Dim strSQL = "Select SSTServiceTypeID AS ID, SSTServiceTypeName As Name
From fgen_SSTServiceType
Where Disabled = 0
And SSTGroupID = #SSTGroupID "
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New OleDbConnection("Your connection string"),
cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#SSTGroupID", OleDbType.BigInt).Value = GroupID
End Using
Return dt
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dt = FillDataTable(7L) 'the L indicates that this is a long,pass the GroupID to the function
DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
Dim dt = FillDataTable(7L) 'In the button code
And in the Data Access code change Oledb to Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Class DataAccess
Private Function FillDataTable(GroupID As Long) As DataTable
Dim strSQL = "Select SSTServiceTypeID AS ID, SSTServiceTypeName As Name
From fgen_SSTServiceType
Where Disabled = 0
And SSTGroupID = #SSTGroupID "
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New SqlConnection("Your connection string"),
cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#SSTGroupID", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = GroupID
End Using
Return dt
End Function
End Class

Converting VBA function to to get sql data

I am trying to convert VBA code into and I have made it to a point but I can't convert resultset into RS was 'dim as resultset' in VBA, thought i could just change it to dataset but am getting errors with the '.fields' and other options?
Function GetG(sDB As String, sServ As String, sJob As String) As String
'sDB = Database name, sServ = Server\Instance, path = job.path
Dim conString As String = ("driver={SQL Server};server = " &
TextBox1.Text & " ; uid = username;pwd=password:database = " &
Dim RS As DataSet
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
'This is where my problems are occuring
cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM dbo.PropertyTypes")
Do While Not RS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0
If RS.Fields(1).Value = sJob Then
GetG = RS.Fields(0).Value
GetG = Mid(GetG, 2, 36)
Exit Do
End If
End Function
Based on my understanding and some guesswork, here is what I came up with for what I think you're wanting.
As I stated in my comment above, it appears you can just use a WHERE clause to get the exact record you want (assuming a single instance of sJob appears in the name column).
Build the connectionstring off the input arguments, not controls on your form. That is after all why you allow for arguments to be passed along. Also note that there is a SqlCommandBuilder object that may be of interest. But for now
Function GetG(sDB As String, sServ As String, sJob As String) As String
'we'll pretend your connectionstring is correct based off of the sDB and sServ arguments
Dim conStr As String = ("driver={SQL Server};server = " & sServ & " ; uid = username;pwd=password:database = " & sDB)
'Create a connection and pass it your conStr
Using con As New SqlConnection(conStr)
con.Open() 'open the connection
'create your sql statement and add the WHERE clause with a parameter for the input argument 'sJob'
Dim sql As String = "SELECT [ID], [Name] FROM dbo.PropertyTypes WHERE [Name] = #job"
'create the sqlCommand (cmd) and pass it your sql statement and connection
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)
'add a parameter so the command knows what #job holds
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("#job", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = sJob
'Now that have the command built, we can pass it to a reader object
Using rdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
'i admin i'm a little confused here on what you are
'trying to achieve so ID may not be what you are
'really wanting to get a substring of.
Return rdr("ID").ToString.Substring(2, 36)
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Function
An example to see if this is working could be to call a messagebox do display the result. For this example, I'm going to pretend that TextBox3 holds the sJob you're wanting. With that knowledge, you could simply do:
MessageBox.Show(GetG(TextBox2.Text, TextBox1.Text, TextBox3.Text))
This should then produce the result in a messagebox.
It seems that you're not filling your DataSet. So, when you try to loop through it, it's uninitialized or empty.
Check this answer to see an example: Get Dataset from DataBase

Syntax error in update statement using an MS Access database

I have inserted my record successfully with the OleDbCommand and parameters, but if I update the record I get the following error:
Syntax Error!
I have tried put the square brackets around the Field Name, and it still does not work. But if I copy the command to update with Access query, it works.
Public Function update() As Boolean
Dim STATE As Boolean = False
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = cn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Return STATE
End Function
'the parameters
Private Sub AssignParams(cmd As OleDbCommand)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", ID)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#USD", USD)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RIEL", RIEL)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#BAHT", BAHT)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EURO", EURO)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AUSD", AUSD)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#GIFT", GIFT)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MEMO", MEMO)
End Sub
First it's good to see that you are already using parameters but with MS Access, the order of the parameters is important not the names. I use the ? placeholder within my SQL command when using parameters. I also specify the data type so consider using the OleDbParameter Constructor (String, OleDbType) to add your parameters.
I would also consider implementing Using:
Managed resources are disposed of by the .NET Framework garbage collector (GC) without any extra coding on your part. You do not need a Using block for managed resources. However, you can still use a Using block to force the disposal of a managed resource instead of waiting for the garbage collector.
You could implement a check for the value returned by ExecuteNonQuery() to see how many rows were effected.
Lastly, with VB.NET by not specifying a modifier here; Private Sub AssignParams(cmd As OleDbCommand), the compiler by default will use ByVal:
Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure or property cannot change the value of a variable underlying the argument in the calling code.
You should be using ByRef:
Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure can change the value of a variable underlying the argument in the calling code.
Your code would look something like this:
Public Function update() As Boolean
Dim STATE As Boolean = False
Using con As OleDbConnection = cn,
cmd As New OleDbCommand("UPDATE [GUEST_DATA_TBL] SET [USD]=?, [RIEL]=?, [EURO]=?, [BAHT]=?, [AUSD]=?, [GIFT]=?, [MEMO]=? WHERE [ID]=?", con)
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
If rowsAffected > 0 Then
STATE = True
End If
End Using
Return STATE
End Function
Private Sub AssignParams(ByRef cmd As OleDbCommand)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#USD", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = USD
cmd.Parameters.Add("#RIEL", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = RIEL
cmd.Parameters.Add("#EURO", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = EURO
cmd.Parameters.Add("#BAHT", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = BAHT
cmd.Parameters.Add("#AUSD", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = AUSD
cmd.Parameters.Add("#GIFT", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = GIFT
cmd.Parameters.Add("#MEMO", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = MEMO
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ID", OleDbType.[Type]).Value = ID
End Sub
Note that I have used OleDbType.[Type]. You will want to replace [Type] with the data type you've used on your database.
Private Sub AssignParams(cmd As OleDbCommand)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#USD", USD)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RIEL", RIEL)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EURO", EURO)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#BAHT", BAHT)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AUSD", AUSD)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#GIFT", GIFT)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MEMO", MEMO)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", ID)
End Sub