Matplotlib scatter plot with density histograms on the sides - matplotlib

I don't know any way to describe this plot, but I need to do it preferably with matplotlib. If there is a name for this plot, I would love to know it.
It can be found on page 10 of this PLOS ONE paper (Figure 6):
Basically, each section is made up of three plots. One scatter plot, and two histograms that show the density of points in each region, one for each axis.
Any help would be great. Thanks.


Can the TeeChart for blazor do scatter plot and kernal density estimation contour

I would like to know if the TeeChart can do a scatter and\or kde contour for a series with downsampling of the data. I also need to be able to click on the chart and get the x and y point value.
I have looked at the documentation and the few examples but have not been able to determine if it can do it or how specifically to set it up. I would like to know before I purchase a license.

Plotting a 2d heatmap as the surface of a cube in 3D

I am struggling with how to plot a cube with each face shaded as a 2D heatmap.
See the following image for what I am trying to do:
I couldn't figure out how to do it with meshgrid since I don't have any data for the inside of the cube just the surfaces. To make a contour plot for one of the surfaces I use two axes to make the meshgrid and then calculate the z data but that is just one face. So I have to do that process individually for each face.
I thought I could manually add patches and rotate them to position colored with their value but that didn't seem like the best way. I was wondering if I was missing something easier.

Matplotlib: align axes across different figures

I'm having two different figures with identical figsize which I embed in an latex ducment (picture).
How can I make that it does not missalign slightly in the way it currently is? (the right figure has larger axis)

How can I output a matplotlib figure to a shapefile?

I want to create a contour plot with matlibplot and generate a shapefile from it so that I can use it in QGIS to display it.
Though it is possible to plot a map with matplotlib and then overlay with my contour plot, the choices of map sources are limited. It would be easier to export the contour plot in a shapefile and loaded in QGIS with a customized map.
There is a contour plugin available in QGIS, and it is based on the contouring functions of matplotlib. It's still a little bit buggy but hopefully that will be corrected in the future.

matplotlib, how change plot size without affecting axis label

I want to make a plot in matplotlib that is wide and short. I can manipulate the size of a plot as answered on this question.
However, the x-axis label disappears if the plot is not tall enough. I want to squeeze the plot more while keeping the axis label visible.
Is there a way to manipulate the size of the plot without getting rid of the axis label?
After you change the plot size, run tight_layout(). Note that this requires matplotlib v1.1 or newer. If you have an older version of matplotlib, you can run subplot_tool() or subplots_adjust to adjust the plot manually.