YouTrack issues list Detail Level manipulation - youtrack

Question: is it possible to manipulate with issues list detail level some way other than button?
Story: there is a button in issue list where you can choose the presentation of issues in the list: TreeView, One-Line View, Compact View, Detailed View. I would like to give a link or query that specifies the view. Something like:
http://link/issues?q=in:Pro_LG view:DetailedView
http://link/issues?q=in:Documentation view:TreeView
Because if I present (share link, show people) some hierarchical task, I would like it to look like TreeView. And when I present the subset of issues (issues for build) I would like them to be in DetailedView.
And it is not very convenient to tell people "And don't forget to switch to tree view, after you open my link" =)

It's not possible now. Here's the respective request:


Odoo - How to show multi list or form in one view at same time?

With Odoo10, I want to make a department-managed view. The left side of the view is a department hierarchical tree, the right side is a list of employees according to the choice of the left. So it looks like two tree view in one view. How to implement this in odoo? Is there some code examples can reference?Or if anyone can give me some advice. Thanks very much.
The view should be like this.
you can adapt the code model from the odoo custom addon in community MUK.
Please have a look here

How to add description as part of schema metadata in BigQuery Views

I am looking a way how we can add description of fields to the views. In BQ UI there is no way to add description, its only for tables.
Is there way to do it programmatically using api's.
It is not possible for views to have field descriptions at present. There's an open feature request on our public issue tracker to implement this. You can star the issue to let us know it's something you're interested in and we'll prioritize accordingly.
indirect way to provide description for fields in view is to provide good comments in View's Query. So then, when you go to View's Details Panel (vs Schema) you will see those comments/description in Query Box (below) View Info section.
Another option so far is to reuse View's Description - this one is available in both UI and API.
Rather than that there is no support that I know of to individual filed's description for view

Custom odoo module - how to make a table

I am creating a custom module with additional part numbers on a separate tab in the products screen. I have built the module, but am having trouble figuring out how to display the information so it matches the layout in the attached image. I have tried tree view but have not been able to get the fields on the same line. Can this only be accomplished through css or is there a table view that I am not aware of?
I also need to make sure that all of the information in row 1 stays tethered together for additional forms, etc. My plan is to make the field names for each row end with a different number (i.e. x_mfrname1,x_mfrpn1,x_mfrname2,x_mfrpn2, etc.). Can somebody please just tell me if I am on the right track. This is the initial Odoo setup for a client of mine and I don't want them to come back to me down the line and find out I forgot something. I have been scouring the internet and reading a few books but I am not completely confident.
Here is a link to a layout of what I am talking about:
MFG Part Number Tab
class sub_part_details(models.Model)
primary_pn=fields.Boolean('Primary P/N')
class part_details(models.Model)
main_ass=fields.Char('Main Assembly')
It might be helpful

Flag module - link's position change (Drupal)

I've just installed Flags module and it looks awful when on the bottom I see "Flag this item" link. The only thing I've found in configuration is enabling it to show as normal link. Still I haven't found how to change position of this link. Is it even possible to change link's place? I have installed CCK Blocks but it doesn't give me any option to get rid of it. If someone know or suspect what's possible - please help me.
Try the Display Suite module, this module is integrated with many modules like flag, title etc...
Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface. Arrange your
nodes, views, comments, user data etc. the way you want without having
to work your way through dozens of template files. A predefined list
of layouts (D7 only) is available for even more drag and drop fun!
You can move and generate custom layouts for the fields/properties on the entity display formatter: teaser, full...

Creating an interactive events scheduler

I'm attempting to create something with a similar layout to this schedule page.
See attached screenshot also.
So what I need is:
- "Categories" across the top of the scheduler (Vertical dividers).
- "Timeslots (07:00 07:30, etc..)" down the left of the scheduler.
User's can then add events via modal screens and assign them "Timeslots" and "Categories".
They should then appear in the Schedule in the appropriate locations.
The above mentioned example appears to be using Dojo.
I found this calendar widget but am unsure of how to get it to represent "Categories" across the top when using the "Day" view.
Is this possible with the dojo calendar widget? (I've never worked with Dojo before)
Any suggestions as to other frameworks or example's that would provide me with this functionality would be very welcome also.
I've looked at JQuery's fullCalendar plugin and it doesn't seem to provide this functionality (Would be great if someone could prove me wrong!).
After looking at Dojo's widget documentation I think the Sub-Column display is what you are looking for. So each Calendar in this case will represent a category.
I don't think FullCalendar is capable of the category layout, but I think its cool enough to request:
Hope that helps!