SQL return a default value if a row is not found [PostgreSQL] - sql

I'm wondering if it was doable (in one query if possible) to make the query return a default value if a row is missing ? For example takes these 2 tables and given my query takes 2 parameter (place_id and user_id)
place_id / tag_id
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 4
3 2
4 5
user_id / tag_id / count
100 2 1
100 3 20
200 4 30
200 2 2
300 5 22
As you see, the pair user/tag (100,4) is missing. What I would like to archive is a query that will return me these 3 results
tag_id / count
2 1
3 20
4 0
I know that i can do this with something like this but it doesn't really match the final result as it only works if i know in advance the tag_id... and obviously only return 1 row..:
SELECT T1.tag_id, T2.count
from T1 t1
left join T2 t2 on t1.tagId=t2.tag_id
where t1.place_id=1
select tag_id,0
from T1
where not exist (select 1 from T2 where user_id=100 and tag_id=4)
and tag_id=4;
EDIT: My question was not complete and had missing cases
here is an example (curtesy of #a_horse_with_no_name) http://sqlfiddle.com/#!12/67042/4
Thank you!

The outer join will already take care of what you want.
As t1 is the "left table" of the join, all rows from t1 will be returned. Columns from the "right table" (t2 in your example) will then have a null value. So you only need to convert that null to a 0:
select t1.tag_id, coalesce(t2.cnt, 0)
from T1 t1
left join T2 t2 on t1.tag_Id=t2.tag_id
and t1.place_id = 1;
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!12/ed7bf/1
Unrelated but:
Using count as a column name is a really bad idea, because it will require you to always enclose the column name in double quotes: t2."count" because it is a reserved word. Plus it doesn't really document the purpose of the column. You should find a better name for that.


result table description

I want to write a query in SQL. Can someone help me for writing oracle sql query for below result table
Table 1 Data
prodno description
1 Laptop
2 Charger
3 Mouse
Table 2 Data
prodno prodset_no
1 1
2 1
3 1
1 2
3 2
1 3
2 3
Result Table
prodset_no prodset_desc
1 Laptop,Charger,Mouse
2 Laptop,Mouse
3 Laptop,Charger
JOIN the two table and then use listagg to produce comma separated output:
select t2.prodset_no,
listagg(t1.description, ',') within group (
order by t1.prodno
) prodset_desc
from table2 t2
join table1 t1 on t2.prodno = t1.prodno
group by t2.prodset_no;
Also, worth a note that the listagg has a limit of 4000 bytes. If you hit that limit, you can either use XMLAGG or rethink the problem and not do it in SQL at all but rather handle it in your application code.

Count number of repeats in SQL

I tried to solve one problem but without success.
I have two list of number
And I have table
ID Number
1 1
1 2
1 7
1 2
1 6
2 8
2 7
2 3
2 9
Now I need to count how many times number from second list come after number from first list but I should count only one by one id
in example table above result should be 2
three matched pars but because we have only two different IDs result is 2 instead 3
1 2
1 7
1 2
1 6
2 3
2 9
note. I work with MSSQL
Edit. There is one more column Date which determined order
Edit2 - Solution
i write this query
SELECT * FROM table t
left JOIN table tt ON tt.ID = t.ID
AND tt.Date > t.Date
AND t.Number IN (1,2,3,4)
AND tt.Number IN (6,7,8,9)
And after this I had a plan to group by id and use only one match for each id but execution take a lot time
Here is a query that would do it:
select a.id, min(a.number) as a, min(b.number) as b
from mytable a
inner join mytable b
on a.id = b.id
and a.date < b.date
and b.number in (5,6,7,8,9)
where a.number in (1,2,3,4)
group by a.id
Output is:
id a b
1 1 6
2 3 9
So the two pairs are output each on one line, with the value a belonging to the first group of numbers, and the value of column b to the second group.
Here is a fiddle
Comments on attempt (edit 2 to question)
Later you added a query attempt to your question. Some comments about that attempt:
You don't need a left join because you really want to have a match for both values. inner join has in general better performance, so use that.
The condition t.Number IN (1,2,3,4) does not belong in the on clause. In combination with a left join the result will include t records that violate this condition. It should be put in the where clause.
Your concern about performance may be warranted, but can be resolved by adding a useful index on your table, i.e. on (id, number, date) or (id, date, number)

How do I compare two values in SQLite from different tables?

I'm trying to make a where clause from a different table with 2 values in match for example in SQLite.
Table 1:
1/1/90 22:22:22 1 hi
1/1/90 21:22:30 1 How are you
1/1/90 03:22:22 3 hey
Table 2:
100 1/1/89 11:22:11 1 hello
200 1/1/90 22:22:22 1 hi
300 1/1/90 21:22:30 1 How are you
400 1/1/90 03:22:22 3 hey
500 1/1/85 02:22:22 3 hey
600 1/1/90 03:22:22 80 hey
How to make the query give me the ID from table 2 matching the CID and date from table 1?
Note: If I use where in the result and some date matches in the case of ID 600 and 400, the result will be on the query and I'm not looking that.
Just matching CID and date from table 1 should be listed in the result.
If I understand correctly, you can want a join with two conditions
select t1.*, t2.id
from table1 t1 join
table2 t2
on t1.id = t2.cid and t1.date = t2.date;
If you want to keep all rows in table1, even those with no matches, then use a left join instead.

Returning several rows from a single query, based on a value of a column

Let's say I have this table:
|Fld | Number|
1 5
2 2
And I want to make a select that retrieves as many Fld as the Number field has:
|Fld |
How can I achieve this? I was thinking about making a temporary table and instert data based on the Number, but I was wondering if this could be done with a single Select statement.
PS: I'm new to SQL
You can join with a numbers table:
FROM yourtable
JOIN Numbers
ON yourtable.Number <= Numbers.Number
A numbers table is just a table with a list of numbers:
Not an great solution (since you still query your table twice, but maybe you can work from it)
SELECT t1.fld, t1.number
FROM table t1, (
WHERE t2.number<=t1.number
It generates maximum amount of rows needed and then filters it by each row.
I don't know if your RDBMS version supports it (although I rather suspect it does), but here is a recursive version:
WITH remaining (fld, times) as (SELECT fld, 1
FROM <table>
SELECT a.fld, a.times + 1
FROM remaining as a
JOIN <table> as b
ON b.fld = a.fld
AND b.number > a.times)
FROM remaining
Given your source data table, it outputs this (count included for verification):
fld times
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 1
2 2

Add Column values in sql server query

I have result of two queries like:
Result of query 1
ID Value
1 4
2 0
3 6
4 9
Result of query 2
ID Value
1 6
2 4
3 0
4 1
I want to add values column "Value" and show final result:
Result of Both queries
ID Value
1 10
2 4
3 6
4 10
plz guide me...
select id, sum(value) as value
from (
select id, value from query1
uninon all
select id, value from query2
) x
group by id
Try using a JOIN:
T1.Value + T2.Value AS Value
FROM (...query1...) AS T1
JOIN (...query2...) AS T2
ON T1.Id = T2.Id
You may also need to consider what should happen if there is an Id present in one result but not in the other. The current query will omit it from the results. You may want to investigate OUTER JOIN as an alternative.
A not particularly nice but fairly easy to comprehend way would be:
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableA) t1
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableB) t2
It has the benefits of
a) I don't know your actual table structure so you should be able to work out how to get the two 'SELECT's working from your original queries
b) If ID doesn't appear in either table, that's fine