Add Column values in sql server query - sql

I have result of two queries like:
Result of query 1
ID Value
1 4
2 0
3 6
4 9
Result of query 2
ID Value
1 6
2 4
3 0
4 1
I want to add values column "Value" and show final result:
Result of Both queries
ID Value
1 10
2 4
3 6
4 10
plz guide me...

select id, sum(value) as value
from (
select id, value from query1
uninon all
select id, value from query2
) x
group by id

Try using a JOIN:
T1.Value + T2.Value AS Value
FROM (...query1...) AS T1
JOIN (...query2...) AS T2
ON T1.Id = T2.Id
You may also need to consider what should happen if there is an Id present in one result but not in the other. The current query will omit it from the results. You may want to investigate OUTER JOIN as an alternative.

A not particularly nice but fairly easy to comprehend way would be:
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableA) t1
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableB) t2
It has the benefits of
a) I don't know your actual table structure so you should be able to work out how to get the two 'SELECT's working from your original queries
b) If ID doesn't appear in either table, that's fine


How does TRANSFORM PIVOT works

FROM TableTest
WHERE Date=#25/10/2021#
The above query give as output:
Expr1002 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
2 2
1 1
0 0
2 2
3 3
How can I do to get it on one single line :
Expr1002 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Result = 2 1 0 2 3
You should list TableTest, as Gustav indicates, and we can then provide better feedback. With the information you provide, I guess that what you want is:
SELECT "Result="
FROM TableTest
WHERE Date=#25/10/2021#
PIVOT Name ;
Notice that this makes sense if for "Date=#25/10/2021#", and for each distinct value of "Name", you only have one value of "NbTest". If for "Date=#25/10/2021#", and for each distinct value of "Name", you have several values of "NbTest", using "First()" will basically produce a random one: in this case may be you prefer to use "Max()" or "Min()" or some other of the available SQL aggregate functions.

how to set a range of defaults in a count query

I have a simple table of values:
and this simple query of number count:
SELECT column1, count(column1) as counter
FROM table
GROUP BY column1
ORDER BY count(column1) DESC
The question how can I add rows with values 0 when I have a number range for example from 1 to 8.
I want to get the result like this:
column1 Counter
-------- -------
5 2
7 2
2 1
8 1
1 0 <-- Row Add
2 0 <-- Row Add
3 0 <-- Row Add
4 0 <-- Row Add
6 0 <-- Row Add
Thanks very much.
If you are willing to use more than 1 query and to put your range of numbers in a table at least temporarily then you can do this with a full outer join. To do a Full outer join in access you combine a left join and a right join using either UNION OR UNION ALL.
copy the sql from the right and left joins into a union query then add the union and the order by statements to the union query.
SELECT SpecialNumbers.Numbers, mytable.Column1, Count(mytable.Column1) AS CountOfColumn1
FROM SpecialNumbers LEFT JOIN mytable ON SpecialNumbers.Numbers = mytable.Column1
GROUP BY SpecialNumbers.Numbers, mytable.Column1
SELECT SpecialNumbers.Numbers, mytable.Column1, Count(mytable.Column1) AS CountOfColumn1
FROM SpecialNumbers RIGHT JOIN mytable ON SpecialNumbers.Numbers = mytable.Column1
GROUP BY SpecialNumbers.Numbers, mytable.Column1
ORDER BY CountOfColumn1 DESC;
Given my special numbers where 1 to 10 This turns
Assuming that you only wish the four missing rows added, this is not that difficult in Access, as it is easy to create a small query generating numbers from a system table:
Count(Table.[Column1]) AS [Counter]
(SELECT DISTINCT Abs([id] Mod 10) AS Column1
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (Abs([id] Mod 10)) Between 1 And 8) As T
ON T.Column1 = Table.Column1
Count(Table.[Column1]) DESC,

Apply a Substr to a distinct result in oracle

In Oracle, I need to do the average of a column (timeInmillis) from a join query that shows "duplicated" values (relative to the timeInmillis column from table1). I need to mantain the values from the join, but get the right result for the average.
I'm trying to do something like this:
select AVG(SUBSTR(DISTINCT(concat(id1,timeInMillis)),LENGTH(id1)+1,LENGTH(CONCAT(id1,timeInMillis)))), someColumn, otherColumn
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id1 = t2.id1 group by somestuff,someotherStuff;
If I try to do this, I get:
ORA-00936: missing expression
This would be an example:
id1 timeInMillis otherColumn
1 5 X
2 15 X
id2 id1 otherColumn
1 1 X
2 1 X
3 2 X
From my join I get a resultset like this:
id1 id2 timeInmillis moreColumns
1 1 5 X
1 2 5 X
2 3 15 X
I need to get the average of 5 and 15 (with distinct id1), but I can't modify the where part of the sql (cause of the other values I'm getting)
My result should be:
10 'whatever'
Thanks in advance.
1) Option
select SUBSTR(someColumn,n,m) from (
select DISTINCT someColumn from MYTABLE
2) Option
select DISTINCT SUBSTR(someColumn,n,m) from MYTABLE;
*) Queries can return different result.
Your last edit finally explains clearly what you want. You want one line only, showing the avarage of table1's values, but of course without the duplicates that you got because of joining with table 2.
One solution is to get to the final value in two steps:
select avg(distinct_time), sum(sub_sum)
select max(timeinmillis) as distinct_time, sum(some_other_colum) as sub_sum
from (query)
group by id1
The other solution would be to rewrite the query.
Your syntax is wrong. You can try somthing like this either:-
select avg(TimeInMillis), other_cols_as_well
from(SELECT TAB1.id1, TAB2.id2, avg(TimeInMillis) as TimeInMillis
WHERE TAB1.id1 = TAB2.id1
group by TAB1.id1, TAB2.id2) temp
where temp.id1 <> temp.id2
group by other_cols_as_well
Here is the fiddle!4/1fc017/16

shifting some columns one record back or forward

I have a table with about 8000 rows and 15 columns. After I have inserted the data I saw that my data was wrong after a number of records (let's say 1000) some column values belong to the previous record some thing like this:
A B C (A+B)
1 1 2
2 2 4
3 3 6
4 4 8
5 5
6 6 10
7 7 12
8 8 14
9 9 16
Now I have to either move some column values a record back or forward and I don't actually have much option testing it I'm afraid I may overwrite some data and ruin the whole table
I should do something like this but for about 7000 records:
update table1
set B = (select B from table1 where id = 1000)
where id = 999
Any ideas?
If you know the ids are sequential with no gaps, you can use a join to look up the value you want:
update t1
set c = tt1.c
from table1 t1 join
table1 t2
on = - 1
where > 1000;
If you cannot trust the ids, you can create the appropriate sequential number without gaps using row_number():
with toupdate as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum
from table1
update t1
set c = tt1.c
from toupdate t1 join
toupdate t2
on t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum - 1
where > 1000;
Create another table with the same fields as the table in question. Insert the bad records. Fix the data in the new table. Update the real table from the new one.
First, you should always test your statements before making definate changes to your data. You could start a transaction and only commit when certain it went well or make a copy of your table (select * into x from y) and test on that.
To answer your question, try something like this;
WITH dataToUpdate AS(
FROM dbo.test
UPDATE dataToUpdate
SET data = dataToUpdate.DataFromPreviousRow;

SQL return a default value if a row is not found [PostgreSQL]

I'm wondering if it was doable (in one query if possible) to make the query return a default value if a row is missing ? For example takes these 2 tables and given my query takes 2 parameter (place_id and user_id)
place_id / tag_id
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 4
3 2
4 5
user_id / tag_id / count
100 2 1
100 3 20
200 4 30
200 2 2
300 5 22
As you see, the pair user/tag (100,4) is missing. What I would like to archive is a query that will return me these 3 results
tag_id / count
2 1
3 20
4 0
I know that i can do this with something like this but it doesn't really match the final result as it only works if i know in advance the tag_id... and obviously only return 1 row..:
SELECT T1.tag_id, T2.count
from T1 t1
left join T2 t2 on t1.tagId=t2.tag_id
where t1.place_id=1
select tag_id,0
from T1
where not exist (select 1 from T2 where user_id=100 and tag_id=4)
and tag_id=4;
EDIT: My question was not complete and had missing cases
here is an example (curtesy of #a_horse_with_no_name)!12/67042/4
Thank you!
The outer join will already take care of what you want.
As t1 is the "left table" of the join, all rows from t1 will be returned. Columns from the "right table" (t2 in your example) will then have a null value. So you only need to convert that null to a 0:
select t1.tag_id, coalesce(t2.cnt, 0)
from T1 t1
left join T2 t2 on t1.tag_Id=t2.tag_id
and t1.place_id = 1;
SQLFiddle example:!12/ed7bf/1
Unrelated but:
Using count as a column name is a really bad idea, because it will require you to always enclose the column name in double quotes: t2."count" because it is a reserved word. Plus it doesn't really document the purpose of the column. You should find a better name for that.