Populate combobox with a class - data from a sql query - vb.net

Iam frustrated to accomplish a simply population of a combobox, below I have added one new item to the combobox everything seems to be fine.
Question 1 : But how could I get there the information's from the sql query, without having to add it all manually. [ I suppose by simply adding Items.Add line to the while loop ], but here is another thing - The start data is a database record previewer, So it is Simple Name Simple Surname [/] with a dropdown menu with all customers,
Question 2. The data I get from the mysql result is id,name,surname how to point it as the current displayed name/surname and for later purposes - like a update get the selected id of another customer from the dropdown? I don't need the insert command or code just need the information how can I get the id from a selection. If something is unclear don't hesitate to ask.
'Select the first item ( the selection would be a ID of the customer which isn't the index at all)
ComboBoxEdit.SelectedIndex = 0
Dim properties As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemComboBox = _
properties.Items.Add(New Customers(1, "Ta", "t").ToString)
'Select the first item ( the selection would be a ID of the customer which isn't the index at all)
ComboBoxEdit.SelectedIndex = 0
Getting customers into Class Customers ( I guess its that way I need to do it )
Public Function init_customers()
' Create a list of strings.
Dim sql As String
Dim myReader As MySqlDataReader
sql = "select * from customers"
'bind the connection and query
With cmd
.Connection = con
.CommandText = sql
End With
myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While myReader.Read()
list.Add(New Customers(myReader.GetInt64(0), myReader.GetString(1), myReader.GetString(2)))
End While
'Return list
End Function
The class customers
Public Class Customers
Public Sub New(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal name As String, ByVal surname As String)
Me.ID = id
Me.Imie = name
Me.Nazwisko = surname
End Sub
#Region "Get/Set"
Public Property ID() As Integer
Return Me._id
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
Me._id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Imie() As String
Return Me._imie
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Me._imie = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Nazwisko() As String
Return Me._nazwisko
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Me._nazwisko = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Surname() As Decimal
Return Me._nazwisko
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return _imie + " " + _nazwisko
End Function
#End Region
Private _id As Integer
Private _imie As String
Private _nazwisko As String
End Class
=========== Edit 2 =====================
Ok my dropdown is populated
As I said this is a record preview form so how can I get now the default selection of the combobox.
The thing is I pass there a string
Form1.GridView1.GetRowCellValue(Form1.GridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "Wystawione_na").ToString()
This code returns me SimpleName SimpleSurname - as a one string
Same method is applied to combobox display.
How can I get now the Id of the item, it has to somehow compared and returning a id so it could be set cmbx.SelectedIndex = 0 as the id of customer selection

I take a simpler route, not sure if it's the most efficient though:
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection
Conn.ConnectionString = sYourConnectionString
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from customers", Conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, sSql)
cmbxCustomers.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
cmbxCustomers.ValueMember = "ID" 'or whatever column you want
Of course, I normally use a wrapper class to do almost all of the above code, but the last two lines apply to part of your question.
As far as retrieving that data later based on the ID selected: well you can simply use a DataSet (or DataTable, my preference) class member variable so the data is stored the from the initial load and iterate through the table looking for the row that matches the ID you're wanting information from.


Retrieve list that is saved in a datatable

I created a datatable containing the list of notes for songs:
Private Table As New DataTable
Public Sub New()
With Table
.Rows.Add("GOT", GOT)
.Rows.Add("Yesterday", Yesterday)
End With
End Sub
GOT and Yesterday are lists of notes (notes is a class containing note, duration etc..)
On the form I then assign the datatable to a combobox:
ComboSongs.DisplayMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(0).ColumnName
ComboSongs.ValueMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
ComboSongs.DataSource = Songs.DataTable
I try to get the list of notes like this:
Dim songToPlay As List(Of Note) = CType(ComboSongs.SelectedValue, List(Of Note))
When I try to get the list I get the error:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[test.Note]'.'
Now I am unsure where I am getting it wrong. What would be the correct way to do this?
Your ValueMember is what is returned through the ComboBox.SelectedValue. So since you set the ValueMember like this
ComboSongs.ValueMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
you only get the ColumnName. I assume that's a string and, well, the error message tells you it is one
... Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' ...
I guess that should be "NoteList", since that would be returned by Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
But this all doesn't make much sense, as I guess you are selecting a song there, either "Yesterday" or "GOT". At the point you're at it's so convoluted to return the DataTable rows, and index them. You will need to find the row by name and that is just too complicated when you could just create a class with strong names. I'll give you a class based solution but I'm not sure if you can make that change.
Private Class Song
Public Property Name As String
Public Property NoteList As List(Of Note)
End Class
Private Class Note
' your implementation
End Class
Dim songs As New List(Of Song)()
songs.Add(New Song() With {.Name = "GOT", .NoteList = New List(Of Note)})
songs.Add(New Song() With {.Name = "Yesterday", .NoteList = New List(Of Note)})
' need to populate those NoteLists first
ComboSongs.DisplayMember = "Name"
ComboSongs.DataSource = songs
Dim songToPlay = songs.SingleOrDefault(Function(s) s.Name = ComboSongs.SelectedValue)
Dim noteList = songToPlay.NoteList

Outlook DASL results to datagridview

I am trying to populate the DASL query results (Outlook Table) to a DataGridView in VB.NET Form using below code. Although Outlook table has results, data is not getting populated in the form - no error appears too. Any help please.
Dim oT As Outlook.Table = eFolder.GetTable(strFilter)
oT.Sort("[SentOn]", True)
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = oT
DataGridView.DataSource has no knowledge of the Outlook.Table COM object. It is your responsibility to convert it into something that the control understands.
Outlook's tables and DataSource instances are entirely different entities. You need to create a binding object in the code on your own extracting the required fields from the Items collection.
The DataGridView class supports the standard Windows Forms data-binding model. This means the data source can be of any type that implements one of the following interfaces:
The IList interface, including one-dimensional arrays.
The IListSource interface, such as the DataTable and DataSet classes.
The IBindingList interface, such as the BindingList class.
The IBindingListView interface, such as the BindingSource class.
As you can see, Outlook doesn't provide anything for that.
For anyone looking for the answer, below is the code
Dim RowCount As Integer = oT.GetRowCount
Dim DtaSet(RowCount, 6) As String
Dim VarArray As Array
VarArray = oT.GetArray(RowCount)
Dim myarr(RowCount) As mystructure
For ix As Integer = 0 To RowCount - 1
myarr(ix) = New mystructure With
.From = VarArray(ix, 0).ToString,
.EmailTo = VarArray(ix, 1).ToString,
.CC = VarArray(ix, 2).ToString,
DataGridView1.DataSource = myarr
Continues as below:
Structure mystructure
Private mFrom As String
Private mEmailTo As String
Private mCC As String
Public Property From() As String
Return mFrom
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mFrom = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EmailTo() As String
Return mEmailTo
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mEmailTo = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CC() As String
Return mCC
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mCC = value
End Set
End Property

Display DataGridView values in text boxes based on matching values - vb.net

I have an SQL query that returns 2 columns of values:
country | number
NA | 1
IN | 2
CN | 3
DE | 4
And so on.
I am trying to do one of the following:
Assign these values to variables I can copy to an excel workbook
Or just use the DGV as a medium to copy values to text boxes.
For example, I have a form with country labels and textboxes next to them. I would want to click a button and have the data copied to the matching text box.
DGV number value where DGV row value = CN would be 3 and that value would be copied to the CN value text box.
If you are only using the DGV as a medium, but not actually displaying it, use a dictionary instead. Output the SQLDataReader using the SQLcommand(cmd) with the country code being the key and the number being the value. Then its as simple as:
Dim dc As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = "your query string"
cmd.Connection.ConnectionString = "your con string"
Using sqlrdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While (sqlrdr.Read())
dc.Add(sqlrdr(0), sqlrdr(1))
End While
End Using
Then just output to the textbox:
txtNA.Text = dc.Item("NA")
If the countries are fixed as your question refers, then you could use something like this:
First, use the names of the countries to name the TextBoxes (txtNA, txtIN, txtCN,...)
Then you can put this code:
For i = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
Me.Controls("txt" & DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString).Text = _
End Try
The following will not work 'as is' if using classes via dragging tables from the data source window in the ide. We would need to cast objects not to a DataTable but to the class definition in a TableAdapter, DataSet and BindingSource.
Here is a method which reads from SQL-Server database table, places data into a DataTable, data table become the data source for a BindingSource which becomes the data source for the DataGridView. Using a BindingSource we now use the BindingSource to access row data rather than the DataGridView and it's always best to go to the data source rather than the user interface.
BindingSource.Current is a DataRowView, drill down to Row property then field language extension method to get strongly typed data for the current row if there is a current row as you will note I am using two forms of assertions, first, do we have a data source and is the data source populated then we see if there is indeed a current row.
From here we can set variable, properties or control text to the field values of the current row.
Note in form load I seek a specific country (totally optional) and then if found go to that row.
Least but not last, I like using xml literals when doing SQL in code so there is no string concatenation and we can format the statement nicely.
Public Class Form1
''' <summary>
''' Permits obtaining row data in DataGridView
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Dim bsCountries As New BindingSource
Public Property Country As String
Public Property CountryNumber As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection With
.ConnectionString = My.Settings.KarenDevConnectionString
Using cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand With {.Connection = cn}
' xml literal to make command text
cmd.CommandText =
SELECT [ID],[Country],[Number]
FROM [Countries]
dt.Columns("ID").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
bsCountries.DataSource = dt
DataGridView1.DataSource = bsCountries
' let's try and move to a country
Dim index As Integer = bsCountries.Find("Country", "CN")
If index > -1 Then
bsCountries.Position = index
End If
End Using
End Using
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Put field values into TextBoxes
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub DoWork()
If bsCountries.DataSource IsNot Nothing Then
If bsCountries.Current IsNot Nothing Then
Dim row As DataRow = CType(bsCountries.Current, DataRowView).Row
TextBox1.Text = row.Field(Of String)("Country")
TextBox2.Text = row.Field(Of Integer)("Number").ToString
' we can also do this
Me.Country = row.Field(Of String)("Country")
Me.CountryNumber = row.Field(Of Integer)("Number")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

LongListSelector selecteditem

I have a LongListSelector in an .xaml and I am able to fill it by binding to a an ItemSource when the source is filled by a DataContext using a single table from my SQL Server CE database like this:
Dim row = (From rows In db.Hub
Order By rows.HubID Descending
Select rows).ToList()
Me.MainLongListSelector.ItemsSource = row
I am thus able to get the ID of the selected item as follows:
HubID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, Hub).HubID
I am also able to bind to a 'query' DataSource as follows:
Dim row = (From ac In db.Activity
Join at In db.ActivityType On ac.ActivityTypeID Equals at.ActivityTypeID
Select New With {.ID = ac.ActivityID,
.Title = ac.Activity1}).ToList()
Me.MainLongListSelector.ItemsSource = row
however, since this is not referring to a specific table in the DataContext, I cannot get the ID using the above code, ie:
Dim ActID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, Activity).ActivityID '- returns nothing
How should I get the value(s) of selectedItem in this case?
NB: I have created the anonymous fields (.ID and .Title) because those are the names I have bound in the xaml, so the LongListSelected gets populated without writing extra code.
I discovered that two things:
this HubID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, Hub).HubID is calling a List (Of DataContext), while in the second scenario above I am using a List (Of Anonymous). So I searched for List (Of Anonymous) and this came up!
I now know I can create a class for List (Of Anonymous) and properly name its properties, thus make it available outside its methods, like in my 'query' question above.
So the answer is I created the class for my anonymous list, declared its properties
Public Class AnonList
Private _id As Integer
Public Property ID() As Integer
Return _id
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_id = value
End Set
End Property
Private _title As String
Public Property Title() As String
Return _title
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_title = value
End Set
End Property
Private _desc As String
Public Property Desc() As String
Return _desc
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_desc = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
and therefore assigned them to the ItemSource values,
Select New AnonList With {.ID = ac.ActivityID,
thus being able to get the SelectedItem values as required:
ActivityID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, AnonList).ID
Took a bit of determination to figure that out!

List (Of T) as DataGridView.DataSource makes sorting fail

I have read some threads about this "error" but I can't figure out how to solve my problem.
I have a class that looks something like this:
Public Class Person
Public Property Name As String
Public Property PhoneNumber As string
Public Property Age As Integer
Public sub New(ByVal Values As String())
Me.Name = Values(0)
Me.PhoneNumber = Values(1)
Me.Age = Convert.ToInt32(Values(2))
End Sub
End Class
I get my data from a semicolon separated file, and i create a list of Person objects by looping this file and split on semicolon. Like this
Dim PersonsList As New List(Of Person)
For Each line in textfile..........
PersonsList.Add(New Person(line.Split(";")))
When the list is complete, I tell my DataGridView that DataSource is PersonsList.
This works like a charm, but I'm not able to sort the columns.
I found this post amongst many (where the class values are not properties, which mine are) and tried that converting function which did'nt really work in my case. The right amount of rows were created, but all of the columns were blank.
What am I missing?
If you use a datatable as the data source, column sorting is automatically enabled and you can sort the data by any column:
Dim dt As New DataTable
New DataColumn("Name"),
New DataColumn("Phone"),
New DataColumn("Age")
For Each s As String In IO.File.ReadAllLines("textfile1.txt")
Dim temprow As DataRow = dt.NewRow
temprow.ItemArray = s.Split(";"c)
DataGridView1.DataSource = dt