Hide a layer until a key is pressed as2 - actionscript-2

How would you hide a layer in as2 until a key is pressed by the user? I'm trying to create a titan fall like game where you can press E to jump to another layer and out of the 'mech' layer

You can't hide a layer with ActionScript. You must put all your objects in a MovieClip, and do like that:
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function():Void {
if (Key.getCode() == 69) myMovieClip._visible = false;


Adding effects by scripting in After Effects

Here I want to write a script that can stabilize the time lapse sequence by adding Warp Stabilizer VFX, then followed by deflicker using DEFlicker Time Lapse, and finally render and export the video, which runs before sleeping so that it does not slow down my computer at working time. However, I cannot find the API that adds effects to a layer in AE scripting documentation, does anyone knows how to do this? thanks in advance!
You can add effects to the layers like this:
if (!theLayer.Effects.property("Warp Stabilizer")){ //add only if no such effect applied
var theEffect = theLayer.property("Effects").addProperty("Warp Stabilizer"); // the regular way to add an effect
To test it you can add it to selected layer, full code to apply it to the selected layer can look like this:
var activeItem = app.project.activeItem;
if (activeItem != null && activeItem instanceof CompItem) { // only proceeds if one comp is active
if (activeItem.selectedLayers.length == 1) { // only proceeds if one layer is selected
var theLayer = activeItem.selectedLayers[0];
if (!theLayer.Effects.property("Warp Stabilizer")){
var theEffect = theLayer.property("Effects").addProperty("Warp Stabilizer"); // the regular way to add an effect
Solution is based on adobe forum: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1204115

how to add arcgis button in a windows form

I am new in ArcGis. I came across a requirement that I need a command on the ArcGis Toolbar. On click the command, a Windows Form will open and there one region selector button is there. upon clicking on the button, the current Form UI must be minimized and the user will be allowed to draw a polygon. Can you please help on how to do that. Here is the code. I took normal windows button and wrote the below code in the click event.
_application = ((IApplication)_hookHelper.Hook);
IMxDocument pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)_application.Document;
IMap pMap = (IMap)pMxDoc.FocusMap;
IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)pMap;
if (pActiveView == null)
//// Changing the state of the Window.
if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal || this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized)
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
// this.Hide();
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IScreenDisplay screenDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
// Constant
screenDisplay.StartDrawing(screenDisplay.hDC, (System.Int16)ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache); // Explicit Cast
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor rgbColor = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.RgbColorClass();
rgbColor.Blue = 111;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IColor color = rgbColor; // Implicit Cast
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.SimpleFillSymbolClass();
simpleFillSymbol.Color = color;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISymbol symbol = simpleFillSymbol as ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISymbol; // Dynamic Cast
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRubberBand rubberBand = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.RubberRectangularPolygonClass();
// ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRubberBand rubberBand = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.RubberPolygonClass();
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry geometry = rubberBand.TrackNew(screenDisplay, symbol);
I am also not getting any mouse event and the UI is not minimized while starting drawing the polygon. Can anyone please help.
Have we check the white paper for ArcGIS runtime SDK for .Net?

Function to show/hide layer with Photoshop script (JSX)

I am writing a script that will loop through layers, trim them and export. So far I have most of all the element I need to complete this script. The only thing I can't find is how to show/hide an individual layer. I've found functions to show/hide all layers but nothing for one single layer.
// selectAllLayers - select all layers (Select > All Layers)
function selectAllLayers() {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(cTID('Lyr '), cTID('Ordn'), cTID('Trgt'));
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putReference(cTID('null'), ref);
executeAction(sTID('selectAllLayers'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
// hideLayers - hide all selected layers (Layer > Hide Layers)
function hideLayers() {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(cTID('Lyr '), cTID('Ordn'), cTID('Trgt'));
var list = new ActionList();
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putList(cTID('null'), list);
executeAction(cTID('Hd '), desc, DialogModes.NO);
function cTID(s) {return app.charIDToTypeID(s);}
function sTID(s) {return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);}
Any ideas?
The Layer object has a .visible boolean property which you can use to control visibility for each layer individually:
// make active layer invisible
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = false;
// make active layer visible
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = true;
or even toggle visibility for the selected/active layer:
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible = !app.activeDocument.activeLayer.visible;
or loop through what layers you need and toggle their visibility:
//example hides odd layers while showing even layers, based on their index
var doc = app.activeDocument;
for(var i = 0 ; i < doc.layers.length;i++){
doc.layers[i].visible = (i % 2 == 0);
I suggest having a looks either in the Photoshop CS5 Javascript Reference (PDF link) or in ExtendScript Toolkit's Object Model Viewer.
You can access it via Help > Object Model Viewer and select the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library from the browser combobox/list to the list of classes available in the Photoshop DOM.

how to keep a form on top of another

Say I have 3 forms , Form A , Form B , Form C.
I want Form B to be on top of Form A
and Form C to be on top of Form B.
how do I accomplish this ?
When you call ShowDialog pass the form that you want it to be in front of as a parameter to ShowDialog.
Use the Show(owner) overload to get form B on top of A. You'll need to set the size and location in the Load event so you can be sure it is exactly the right size even after scaling. And listen for the LocationChanged event so you can move the bottom form as well. This works well, other than a few interesting minimizing effects on Win7.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var frmB = new Form2();
frmB.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
frmB.Load += delegate {
frmB.Location = this.Location;
frmB.Size = this.Size;
frmB.LocationChanged += delegate {
this.Location = frmB.Location;

Eclipse RCP: Is it possible to shift the fields up without redrawing?

In my editor, I have a composite containing a label control right at the top which flashes informative message in red colour whenever the user enters erroneous inputs in any of the below lying fields. The text keeps changing dynamically depending on user's input. I am able to achieve the effect of displaying red coloured text on erroneous inputs and displaying nothing in the label for correct inputs.
But, I want that when there is no error to display in the label composite, the rest of the below fields shift up in display. And when there is error to display, the error should appear in it's place(at the top of all other fields) pushing the other fields down.
Is there a way to achieve this effect without redrawing all the controls again?
Yes, call layout (true) on the parent.
For example I have a view that has a search bar at the top who's visibility can be toggled. I have a method to create the search composite and one to remove it:
private void createNameSearchBar () {
mySearchControl = new CardSearchControl (myViewComposite, SWT.NONE);
mySearchControl.setSearchListener (this);
private void disposeNameSearchBar () {
mySearchControl.dispose ();
mySearchControl = null;
private CardSearchControl mySearchControl = null;
private Composite myViewComposite;
private boolean mySearchBarState;
To hide or show the search bar control I call this method (myViewComposite is the top level control that owns the search bar and all the other contorls):
public void setSearchBarState (boolean show) {
mySearchBarState = show;
if (myViewComposite == null || myViewComposite.isDisposed ())
return; // no work to do
if (mySearchBarState && mySearchControl == null) {
createNameSearchBar ();
mySearchControl.moveAbove (null);
myViewComposite.layout (true);
} else if (!mySearchBarState && mySearchControl != null) {
disposeNameSearchBar ();
myViewComposite.layout (true);