Xcode Playground Framework import - objective-c

While I was working with the Xcode Playground I realized sometimes I have to import Foundation although I already imported Cocoa.
Without it functions like sin, cos or lowercaseString refuse to work.
As I noticed this morning NSCharacterSet is also not available.
Why it this so?
Doesn't the Cocoa Framework already include the Foundation Framework?
At least this is what I learned during Objective-C development.
My Xcode is Version 6.1 (6A1052d)
import Cocoa
import Foundation // Does not work without this line
var resultSin = sin(M_PI)

It works just fine, see picture below.


Trouble with imports in IntelliJ IDEA CE for and FTC Robotics Simulator

I am trying to use the virtual robot simulator designed by team Beta#8397 and got the simulator working. Now I am trying to put my teams code in so that we can test it. I am getting a bunch of errors that I'm pretty sure all stem from one error that some of the imports aren't importing. Also, my teams code builds fine when not combined with the simulator. I'm not amazing a java, but do know how most of my teams code works. Here is the code for the imports
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Robovines;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.robot.Robot;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Hardware;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Range;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DigitalChannel;
The errors are on lines 4,5 and 13 with the package being the first line. On line 4 the error is that com.qualcomm.robotcore.robot.Robot does not exist. On lines 5 and 13 the error is that symbol "Hardware" and "DigitalChannel" respectively cannot be found.
Here is the whole project
#BookNinja S : The link you provided doesn't take me to your code.
The virtual robot simulator provides a subset of the functionality of the FTC SDK.
That subset has increased over time, but as commented by #CrazyCoder, the Controller module does not include the com.qualcomm.robotcore.robot.Robot, com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Hardware, or com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DigitalChannel classes.
With regard to DigitalChannel, this type of sensor is not part of the virtual robot functionality. But, it would be easy to add a dummy DigitalChannel class to the controller (so, getState would always return false, and setState would do nothing).
Dummy classes could probably be used for Hardware and Robot as well, but that would depend upon how you are using those classes in your op modes.
If you submit this as an issue on the virtual_robot github repository, with a link to your project or an explanation of how you are using the Hardware and Robot classes, we (ftc team Beta 8397) can probably add the needed functionality to the virtual_robot project.

How to include WebView in Objective C without crashing

When I include a WebView component on a form in my Objective C project in XCode7 for a Cocoa application on OSX and try to compile, it compiles and then has a runtime error of:
NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (WebView) for key (NS.objects); the class may be defined in source code or a library that is not linked
What's the fix?
In XCode7, if you use a WebView widget, you have to add the framework. Go to the Project Navigator and click the first icon, which is your project icon. In the middle of your screen on that IDE then, you'll see General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries. Click the + and add WebKit.framework. Now when you compile, the linkage will be there and it will work.
The drawback I think is that it says it's a 10.11 component, and so if I want to deploy my app to a 10.9 system or 10.10 system, it won't work. I'm not 100% certain of this without testing, however, but do have this hunch.
I set my project to be 10.8 compliant and then found I can run just fine on 10.8 all the way to the latest OSX.

why Xcode can not find finder.h

I'm trying to use FinderApplication and so I want to import Finder.h in my code, but Xcode tell me it can not find the Finer.h.
can anybody tell me how to use FinderApplication ? my platform is mountain lion and Xcode 5.0
I don't know what a "FinderApplication" is. You may want to explain that a bit further.
Nonetheless, in order to use Finder.h, you need to ensure that the CoreServices framework is included in your Xcode project.
Don't worry about trying to import the Finder.h file directly, though. It's imported by CarbonCore, which in turn is imported by CoreServices. If you need an #import statement, just use
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
and you should be good to go.

can't import AssetsLibrary.h

I want to use AssetsLibrary framework to use picture from users photo library. But i have a very strange issue. I see that everybody is importing this framework like this
#import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h>
But i can't and the compiler is showing errors. I even can't find it when adding frameworks in "Link Binaries With Libraries". As if this framework doesn't exist.
Maybe anybody has some similar issues and knows the solution?
Apparently the framework is missing, I've looked for it in the framework dir and it wasn't there, so i chose to redownload new xcode. If anybody has some similar problems I recommend to first look if the framework is not missing in /System/Library/Frameworks/.

Xcode 4 'QuartzCore/CIColor.h' file not found

I'm running Xcode 4 and trying to follow the steps in Apple's Image Kit Programming Guide (which is written for Xcode 3) on how to work with an Image View and the IKImageView class. I just imported the Quartz and Quartz Core frameworks (from /System/Frameworks directory) to my blank Cocoa Application project using File > Add Files to... menu, but when I try to Run my application I get this error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'QuartzCore/CIColor.h' file not found
Does anyone know what could be a reason?
Peter Hosey replied:
You're not supposed to import specific headers directly, and especially not from sub-frameworks (such as Core Image, sub-framework of QuartzCore). Only import a framework's overall header, which usually has the same name as the framework.
I didn't import any specific headers directly, I just choose File>Add Files to... then choose /system/Frameworks and choose two folders which contain those frameworks, after that they appeared in my project navigator view as they should, but the code wouldn't compile any more. It shows me NSColor.h file which is found in the AppKit framework, points at this line: #import and says Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'QuartzCore/CIColor.h' file not found. I have no clue why it wouldn't compile. CI stands for Core Image. I'm now reading a guide on Core Image, maybe this will help. I'd like to post a screenshot but I can't (not enough rights yet).
I just imported the Quartz and Quartz Core frameworks (from /System/Frameworks directory) to my blank Cocoa Application project using File > Add Files to... menu, …
That's not importing; that's just adding it to the project (and hopefully the target). Importing is what you do with the #import directive.
… but when I try to Run my application I get this error: Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'QuartzCore/CIColor.h' file not found
You're not supposed to import specific headers directly, and especially not from sub-frameworks (such as Core Image, sub-framework of QuartzCore). Only import a framework's overall header, which usually has the same name as the framework.
The problem was that the Guide I used was written for Xcode 3 so when I tried to import/add some frameworks to my project using "File>Add files" menu as described, it did add those frameworks and I could see them in the project navigator, but something went wrong. In Xcode 4 you should use a different way to add/import Frameworks by using the Project Editor> Summary tab> Linked Frameworks and Libraries> Click "+" and then choose the Frameworks you need. That fixed the issue.