In programming, when does it make sense to have 2 references to the same object (name ambiguity) - oop

In programming, the standard practice is to give each object it's own unique name by assigning it's address to only one reference variable.
If we assign one reference variable to another reference variable, it creates two different names for the same thing. I was asked when doing this would be useful.
When would using ambiguous names be useful? The only reason I could see for doing this is if you need to make a copy of an object's value to prevent overwriting.

What you describe is not ambiguity, it's aliasing (specifically pointer aliasing).
You don't usually do it explicitly, but it can be very useful if you pass a reference/pointer to another method. Then at least two variables (the original one and the parameter) will reference the same object, but for different reasons.
If you do it explicitly, then it's usually because two variables take two different roles.
For example if you're writing code that traverses a tree, you usually start at the root. So the beginning of your code might look like this:
TreeNode rootNode = getTreeRootFromSomewhere();
TreeNode currentNode = rootNode;
while (currentNode != null) {
In this case currentNode is obviously an alias for rootNode at this point. Later on we will certainly change what currentNode points to, but the first time you enter the loop they point to the same object.


Differences between Function that returns a string and read only string property [duplicate]

I need to expose the "is mapped?" state of an instance of a class. The outcome is determined by a basic check. It is not simply exposing the value of a field. I am unsure as to whether I should use a read-only property or a method.
Read-only property:
public bool IsMapped
return MappedField != null;
public bool IsMapped()
return MappedField != null;
I have read MSDN's Choosing Between Properties and Methods but I am still unsure.
The C# standard says
§ 8.7.4
A property is a member that provides access to a characteristic of an object or a class. Examples of properties include the length of a string, the size of a font, the caption of a window, the name of a customer, and so on. Properties are a natural extension of fields. Both are named members with associated types, and the syntax for accessing fields and properties is the same. However, unlike fields, properties do not denote storage locations. Instead, properties have accessors that specify the statements to be executed when their values are read or written.
while as methods are defined as
§ 8.7.3
A method is a member that implements a computation or action that can be performed by an object or class. Methods have a (possibly empty) list of formal parameters, a return value (unless the method’s return-type is void ), and are either static or non-static.
Properties and methods are used to realize encapsulation. Properties encapsulate data, methods encapsulate logic. And this is why you should prefer a read-only property if you are exposing data. In your case there is no logic that modifies the internal state of your object. You want to provide access to a characteristic of an object.
Whether an instance of your object IsMapped or not is a characteristic of your object. It contains a check, but that's why you have properties to access it. Properties can be defined using logic, but they should not expose logic. Just like the example mentioned in the first quote: Imagine the String.Length property. Depending on the implementation, it may be that this property loops through the string and counts the characters. It also does perform an operation, but "from the outside" it just give's an statement over the internal state/characteristics of the object.
I would use the property, because there is no real "doing" (action), no side effects and it's not too complex.
I personally believe that a method should do something or perform some action. You are not performing anything inside IsMapped so it should be a property
I'd go for a property. Mostly because the first senctence on the referenced MSDN-article:
In general, methods represent actions and properties represent data.
In this case it seems pretty clear to me that it should be a property. It's a simple check, no logic, no side effects, no performance impact. It doesn't get much simpler than that check.
Please note that if there was any of the above mentioned and you would put it into a method, that method should include a strong verb, not an auxiliary verb like is or has. A method does something. You could name it VerifyMapping or DetermineMappingExistance or something else as long as it starts with a verb.
I think this line in your link is the answer
methods represent actions and properties represent data.
There is no action here, just a piece of data. So it's a Property.
In situations/languages where you have access to both of these constructs, the general divide is as follows:
If the request is for something the object has, use a property (or a field).
If the request is for the result of something the object does, use a method.
A little more specifically, a property is to be used to access, in read and/or write fashion, a data member that is (for consuming purposes) owned by the object exposing the property. Properties are better than fields because the data doesn't have to exist in persistent form all the time (they allow you to be "lazy" about calculation or retrieval of this data value), and they're better than methods for this purpose because you can still use them in code as if they were public fields.
Properties should not, however, result in side effects (with the possible, understandable exception of setting a variable meant to persist the value being returned, avoiding expensive recalculation of a value needed many times); they should, all other things being equal, return a deterministic result (so NextRandomNumber is a bad conceptual choice for a property) and the calculation should not result in the alteration of any state data that would affect other calculations (for instance, getting PropertyA and PropertyB in that order should not return any different result than getting PropertyB and then PropertyA).
A method, OTOH, is conceptually understood as performing some operation and returning the result; in short, it does something, which may extend beyond the scope of computing a return value. Methods, therefore, are to be used when an operation that returns a value has additional side effects. The return value may still be the result of some calculation, but the method may have computed it non-deterministically (GetNextRandomNumber()), or the returned data is in the form of a unique instance of an object, and calling the method again produces a different instance even if it may have the same data (GetCurrentStatus()), or the method may alter state data such that doing exactly the same thing twice in a row produces different results (EncryptDataBlock(); many encryption ciphers work this way by design to ensure encrypting the same data twice in a row produces different ciphertexts).
If at any point you'll need to add parameters in order to get the value, then you need a method. Otherwise you need a property
IMHO , the first read-only property is correct because IsMapped as a Attribute of your object, and you're not performing an action (only an evaluation), but at the end of the day consistancy with your existing codebase probably counts for more than semantics.... unless this is a uni assignment
I'll agree with people here in saying that because it is obtaining data, and has no side-effects, it should be a property.
To expand on that, I'd also accept some side-effects with a setter (but not a getter) if the side-effects made sense to someone "looking at it from the outside".
One way to think about it is that methods are verbs, and properties are adjectives (meanwhile, the objects themselves are nouns, and static objects are abstract nouns).
The only exception to the verb/adjective guideline is that it can make sense to use a method rather than a property when obtaining (or setting) the information in question can be very expensive: Logically, such a feature should probably still be a property, but people are used to thinking of properties as low-impact performance-wise and while there's no real reason why that should always be the case, it could be useful to highlight that GetIsMapped() is relatively heavy perform-wise if it in fact was.
At the level of the running code, there's absolutely no difference between calling a property and calling an equivalent method to get or set; it's all about making life easier for the person writing code that uses it.
I would expect property as it only is returning the detail of a field. On the other hand I would expect
MappedFields[] mf;
public bool IsMapped()
mf.All(x => x != null);
you should use the property because c# has properties for this reason

Smalltallk - How can I get an Array (or Collection) of the all the Instance variables in an Object (the current Instance) of a Class?

Let's say we have a Class and we instantiate it, creating an Instance of that Class. This Instance has a number of (instance)variables, defined by the class, that I need to use. I'd like to get all these (instance)variables in an Array or some Collection so I can iterate through them and set them to some value, not nil.
How can I do this?
I would like to build up on #Uko's answer because there is a more direct way to implement his idea.
The message instSize sent to a Class will answer the number of named instance variables of its instances. This, of course, would include instance variables defined in superclasses.
For instance, RemoteTempVectorNode instSize answers with 17 (wow!). Therefore you could do:
fields := (1 to: anObject class instSize) collect: [:i | anObject instVarAt: i]
and then, change them with:
values withIndexDo: [:v :i | anObject instVarAt: i put: v]
where values is the array of new values you want to inject into the object.
So, why I'm suggesting this instead of instVarNamed:? Because the latter is indirect. If you take a look at its implementation you will see that it has to first find out the name of the i-th ivar by sending instVarIndexFor:ifAbsent: to the object's class. In other words, if you need the ivar names, follow #Uko's suggestion; otherwise don't bring them into the equation because they will only add CPU cycles to your program.
One more thing. As #Sean DeNegris wisely raised in his comment to your question, it would be beneficial if you elaborated a little bit more on why you need such an unusual maneuver.
Now that Pharo has Flexible Object Layouts the mapping between inst var names and the class instSize is no longer valid (in classes that use the new capability.) So, the simpler approach of using just indexes would not work with generality. In fact, under the new "taxonomy" the instSize (number of fields) of an object may be different from the #numberOfInstanceVariables. I guess that the added flexibility has its costs and benefits.
You can send #allInstVarNames to a class (Behavior) to get names of all instance variables defined by it and by superclasses. If you need without superclass variables, you can use #instVarNames
Let's say that var is your variable that you need to work with. Then you can get the collection of instance variable names and iterate them.
You can use #instVarNamed:put: to set instance variable by name, and #instVarNamed: to get the value by name (in case you need).
I think that something like this may help you:
var class allInstVarNames do: [ :instVarName |
var instVarNamed: instVarName put: <yourValue>

Set variables to "Nothing" is a good practice?

If I got
Dim myRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0,0,100,100)
Is it necessary or just fine to later do this:
myRect = Nothing
Or it isn't necessary? Thank you.
IF it is necessary, are there other cases it isn't for my variables?
In general, as Joel said, it's unnecessary.
In your specific example, though, it is actually pointless. Rectangle is a value type, so setting it to Nothing is not even affecting an object's reference count; it's assigning a new value (the default value for Rectangle) to your myRect variable. This is analogous to having an Integer variable and setting it to 0 at the end of a method. Doesn't buy you anything.
I should point out that the claim "Setting any variable to Nothing [or null in C#] never accomplishes anything"* is a myth. It is entirely possible that you may have a field in a class which you might as well set to null if the object referenced is no longer needed but you still have a reference to the class instance itself.
As a simplistic example, suppose you had some container class which wraps a T[] array, and you give this container an Empty method. It might make sense to set the container's internal array to null in this method, which would result in zero references to the array object, qualifying it for garbage collection. (You would then create a new array when external code next tried to add a T to the collection.) If you did not set the field to null on Empty, then there would still be a reference to the array (i.e., the field), and so that would be a small amount of memory being used that you really don't need.
Like I said, that's a simplistic example. And honestly, it's rare that you ever need to consider scenarios like that. I just thought I would mention it so that you don't get the wrong impression that setting a field to Nothing literally never accomplishes anything.
*I'm not actually quoting anyone specific here; this is just an over-generalization I've heard stated more than once.
Don't do it. This was important to do in the vb6 days, but for .Net it's possible (though very unlikely) for it to actually throw the garbage collector off and have other unexpected side effects.

Are there any "gotchas" to watch for in using a Class (object) within itself?

I've got a Registry class and there are a few Registry values that I want to access from within that Registry class. (There is a bit of a calculation with these values so I thought I'd just put all that code right in the Registry Class itself).
So we might have something within our RegistryRoutine.cls like:
Function GetMyValue() as integer
Dim R as new RegistryRoutine
GetMyValue=R.GetRegisetryValue (HKEY, key, value, etc.)
End Function
No, in general you won't see any problems (like member variables being overwritten or anything weird like that).
Where you could run into issues is if you have explicity shared variables that are being written to multiple times. But that's dangerous no matter what you do.
Do watch out for recursive cases - e.g., GetMyValue() should not call R.GetMyValue(), nor should GetRegistryValue() call GetMyValue().
It's rare that you actually want to do this, however.
Since you're not passing any arguments into GetMyValue(), we can assume that the current instance already has all the information it needs.
Since you're only returning an integer, not a RegistryRoutine instance, the client has no need for a new instance.
So, why not just call GetRegistryValue (without the R.)?
It's quite common for classes to work with instances of themselves. Consider, for example, how a tree structure works. Either a Node class has to keep track of its children, or has to keep track of its parent (or both). All the nodes are the same class.

ABAP create object

Below is a code snippet that is creating object.
Form userexit_save_document_prepare.
data: /bks/exitmanager type ref to /bks/exit_manager.
create object /bks/exitmanager
exporting main_prog = 'SAPMV45A'
include /bks/exitman.
I got this from the documentation
For performance reasons, the parameters "main_prog" and "exit_form" should be filled, in the case of userexits, which are performed very often like "user_field_modification" in "SAPMV45A" which is called for every single screen-field.
1) What happened exactly behind when create object /bks/exitmanager is called? memory allocated for the object etc?
2) Why for performance reasons the exporting parameters of create object needs to be filled?
I'm not 100% sure, but here is my best guess:
an object called /bks/exitmanager is constructed (which is an oject of the class /bks/exit_manager or more specific a reference/"pointer" to an object of this class) .. the required memory allocated etc., but also the "constructor" code is called (probably sets some instance variables as passed to the call).
If you're explicitly passing these parameters, they don't have to be "calculated" at run-time (e.g. by looking at the call stack). This should save some time, especially if it would have to be done quite often (as described in the documentation).
It would help to see what /bks/exit_manager actually is, and a brief explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.
Expanding on what IronGoofy wrote:
data: /bks/exitmanager type ref to /bks/exit_manager
This creates a reference pointer in the ABAP memory of your program, much like a field symbol. Also it must be already delared. If it is in the include, you need to move the include.
create object /bks/exitmanager
exporting main_prog = 'SAPMV45A'
This creates an object instance based on the declared class, and assigns it to the referance pointer. It does this by calling the constructor method first.
Only by examing /bks/exit_manager will you find out exactly what you need to export.
It's impossible to tell what's going on and why the parameters should be passed without taking a look at the constructor of /BKS/EXIT_MANAGER. It's a common pattern though to keep a buffer of settings (think of a static hashed table with the key being the parameters and the value holding whatever is complicated and time-consuming to fetch). In this case, I would have expected a protected constructor that cannot be accessed directly, but only using a static factory method that uses a hashed table to keep the references of the exit handler itself - optimally using weak references...