How can i change background color in a while loop - processing - background

I'm new to processing and trying to make a very simple program where i have an arduino that produces a seriel input (according to an analogue read value). The idea is a Processing window will open with a block color shown for 30 seconds. In this time all the readings from the arduino will be summed and averaged - creating an average for that color.
After 30 seconds the colour will change and a new average (for the next color) will start being calculated. This is the code i have started to write (for now focusing on just one 30 second period of green).
I realise there are likely problems with the reading/summing and averaging (i havent researched these yet so i'll put that to one side) - but my main question is why isn't the background green? When i run this program i expect the background to be green for 30 seconds - where as what happens is it is white for 30 seconds then changes to green. Can't figure out why! Thanks for any help!
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
float gsrAverage;
float greenAverage;
int gsrValue;
int greenTotal = 0;
int greenCount = 1;
int timeSinceStart = 0;
int timeAtStart;
int count=0;
color green = color(118,236,0);
void setup () {
size(900, 450);
// List all the available serial ports
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw () {
while (timeSinceStart < 30000) {
greenTotal = greenTotal + gsrValue;
greenCount = greenCount + 1;
timeSinceStart = millis()-timeAtStart;
//println(timeSinceStart); for de bugging
greenAverage = greenTotal/greenCount;
//println(greenAverage); for de bugging
void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {

What I like to do for timers, is use IF statements and use millis() or a constantly updated variable 'm' right inside the condition:
int timeSinceStart;
int m;
void setup(){
timeSinceStart = millis(); // initialize here so it only happens once
void draw(){
m = millis(); // constantly update the variable
if(timeSinceStart + 30000 < m){
greenAverage = greenTotal/greenCount; // or whatever is outside while loop
timeSinceStart = millis();
//Anything that went inside the while loop can go here, or above the IF
This makes it so around every 30 seconds, the background will change once, and you just re-update the timeSinceStart variable in there too. This way, it will only update when you want it to update and not constantly update and break the code.
I tend not to use while loops in processing as they usually cause headaches. Hope my example helps.

May have found a way round this using an IF statement. I perhaps looked over the fact the draw function is itself a loop, so i was able to use a variation of
if (timeSinceStart < 5000) {
within draw.

When dealing with timed events in Processing you should not use while loops inside the draw() function. The draw() function itself is a while loop which updates the "screen" each frame.
So, what you should do is create a timer and let it do a switch for you inside the draw() function. In your case, if you want to start with a green screen, you do that in the setup() function, and then create a method for altering according to a timer in your draw() function.
This is a suggestion on how you could solve your particular problem. Just change the cycle variable according to your need. In your case it would be 30000.
boolean isGreen = true;
int startTime = 0;
int lastTime = 0;
int cycle = 1000; //the cycle you need
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
background(0, 255, 0); //green
void draw() {
startTime = millis();
if (startTime > lastTime + cycle) {
if (isGreen) {
background(255); //white
isGreen = !isGreen;
} else {
background(0, 255, 0); //green
isGreen = !isGreen;
lastTime = millis();


Sprite Smooth movement and facing position according to movement

i'm trying to make this interaction with keyboard for movement using some sprites and i got stuck with two situations.
1) The character movement is not going acording to the animation itself (it only begin moving after one second or so while it's already being animated). What i really want it to do is, to move without a "initial acceleration feeling" that i get because of this problem
2) I can't think of a way to make the character face the position it should be facing when the key is released. I'll post the code here, but since it need images to work correctly and is not so small i made a skecth available at this link if you want to check it out:
PImage[] reverseRun = new PImage [16];
PImage[] zeroArray = new PImage [16];
void setup(){
//Right Facing
for(int i = 0; i < zeroArray.length; i++){
zeroArray[i] = loadImage (i + ".png");
//Left Facing
for( int z = 0; z < reverseRun.length; z++){
reverseRun[z] = loadImage ( "mirror" + z + ".png");
void draw(){
if(x > width+10){
x = 0;
} else if (x < - 10){
x = width;}
if (i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 3;} //looping to generate constant motiion
if ( z >= reverseRun.length){
z = 3;} //looping to generate constant motiion
if (isRight) {
image(zeroArray[i], x, 300);
} //going through the images at the array
else if (isLeft) {
} going through the images at the array
else if(!isRight){
image(zeroArray[i], x, 300);
i = 0; } //"stoped" sprite
float x = 300;
float y = 300;
float i = 0;
float z = 0;
float speed = 25;
boolean isLeft, isRight, isUp, isDown;
void keyPressed() {
setMove(keyCode, true);
if (isLeft ){
x -= speed;
x += speed;
void keyReleased() {
setMove(keyCode, false);
boolean setMove(int k, boolean b) {
switch (k) {
case UP:
return isUp = b;
case DOWN:
return isDown = b;
case LEFT:
return isLeft = b;
case RIGHT:
return isRight = b;
return b; }
The movement problem is caused by your operating system setting a delay between key presses. Try this out by going to a text editor and holding down a key. You'll notice that a character shows up immediately, followed by a delay, followed by the character repeating until you release the key.
That delay is also happening between calls to the keyPressed() function. And since you're moving the character (by modifying the x variable) inside the keyPressed() function, you're seeing a delay in the movement.
The solution to this problem is to check which key is pressed instead of relying solely on the keyPressed() function. You could use the keyCode variable inside the draw() function, or you could keep track of which key is pressed using a set of boolean variables.
Note that you're actually already doing that with the isLeft and isRight variables. But you're only checking them in the keyPressed() function, which defeats the purpose of them because of the problem I outlined above.
In other words, move this block from the keyPressed() function so it's inside the draw() function instead:
if (isLeft ){
x -= speed;
x += speed;
As for knowing which way to face when the character is not moving, you could do that using another boolean value that keeps track of which direction you're facing.
Side note: you should really try to properly indent your code, as right now it's pretty hard to read.
Shameless self-promotion: I wrote a tutorial on user input in Processing available here.

How to intentionally consume portion of CPU [duplicate]

How could I generate steady CPU load in C#, lower than 100% for a certain time? I would also like to be able to change the load amount after a certain period of time. How do you recommend to generate usage spikes for a very short time?
First off, you have to understand that CPU usage is always an average over a certain time. At any given time, the CPU is either working or it is not. The CPU is never 40% working.
We can, however, simulate a 40% load over say a second by having the CPU work for 0.4 seconds and sleep 0.6 seconds. That gives an average utilization of 40% over that second.
Cutting it down to smaller than one second, say 100 millisecond chunks should give even more stable utilization.
The following method will take an argument that is desired utilization and then utilize a single CPU/core to that degree:
public static void ConsumeCPU(int percentage)
if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100)
throw new ArgumentException("percentage");
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
while (true)
// Make the loop go on for "percentage" milliseconds then sleep the
// remaining percentage milliseconds. So 40% utilization means work 40ms and sleep 60ms
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > percentage)
Thread.Sleep(100 - percentage);
I'm using a stopwatch here because it is more accurate than the the TickCount property, but you could likewise use that and use subtraction to check if you've run long enough.
Two things to keep in mind:
on multi core systems, you will have to spawn one thread for each core. Otherwise, you'll see only one CPU/core being exercised giving roughly "percentage/number-of-cores" utilization.
Thread.Sleep is not very accurate. It will never guarantee times exactly to the millisecond so you will see some variations in your results
To answer your second question, about changing the utilization after a certain time, I suggest you run this method on one or more threads (depending on number of cores) and then when you want to change utilization you just stop those threads and spawn new ones with the new percentage values. That way, you don't have to implement thread communication to change percentage of a running thread.
Just in add of the Isak response, I let here a simple implementation for multicore:
public static void CPUKill(object cpuUsage)
Parallel.For(0, 1, new Action<int>((int i) =>
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
while (true)
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > (int)cpuUsage)
Thread.Sleep(100 - (int)cpuUsage);
static void Main(string[] args)
int cpuUsage = 50;
int time = 10000;
List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(CPUKill));
foreach (var t in threads)
For a uniform stressing: Isak Savo's answer with a slight tweak. The problem is interesting. In reality there are workloads that far exceed it in terms of wattage used, thermal output, lane saturation, etc. and perhaps the use of a loop as the workload is poor and almost unrealistic.
int percentage = 80;
for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
(new Thread(() =>
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
while (true)
// Make the loop go on for "percentage" milliseconds then sleep the
// remaining percentage milliseconds. So 40% utilization means work 40ms and sleep 60ms
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > percentage)
Thread.Sleep(100 - percentage);
Each time you have to set cpuUsageIncreaseby variable.
for example:
1- Cpu % increase by > cpuUsageIncreaseby % for one minute.
2- Go down to 0% for 20 seconds.
3- Goto step 1.
private void test()
int cpuUsageIncreaseby = 10;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
//Console.WriteLine("am running ");
//DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
int cpuUsage = cpuUsageIncreaseby;
int time = 60000; // duration for cpu must increase for process...
List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread>();
for (int j = 0; j < Environment.ProcessorCount; j++)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(CPUKill));
foreach (var t in threads)
//DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
//TimeSpan span = end.Subtract(start);
//Console.WriteLine("Time Difference (seconds): " + span.Seconds);
//Console.WriteLine("10 sec wait... for another.");
cpuUsageIncreaseby = cpuUsageIncreaseby + 10;

Adding aging to boids simulation

I am working on expanding this sketch:
Trying to add aging to boids agents using frameCount.
I initialise ArrayList with age inbuilt:
boids = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < boidNum; i++) {
Agent boid = new Agent(random(width), random(height), 1, round(frameCount + random(300, 400)));
Then retrieve it :
Agent(float posX, float posY, int t, int a) {
mass = 5.0;
location = new PVector(posX, posY);
vel = new PVector(random(-5,5), random(-5, 5));
acc = new PVector();
type = t;
wdelta = 0.0;
action = 0;
age = a;
I want to use something like this for the living cycle :
if (frameCount != age) {
age = age - 1;
if (frameCount == age) {
But I'm not sure where in the code I should put it.
Also is this the best way to do it, or am I overcomplicating things?
I wrote a new method:
void boid(ArrayList boids) {
for (int i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++) {
if (frameCount >= age) {
which is being called from:
void steer(ArrayList boids, ArrayList predators, ArrayList landscape) {
if (type == 1) boid(boids); ...
It sounds like you would want to put that code in the Agent class, after you do the updating and drawing of the Agent- taking a quick look at the code, that's probably the run() function in the Agent class.
But I'm not totally sure why you're comparing each Agent's age with the frameCount. The frameCount variable just tells you how long the sketch has been running. You if statement kills any birds that have the same age as the sketch, which doesn't make any sense.
Instead, you need to have two variables in your Agent class: the age variable that starts at 0 and increments by one each frame, and a maxAge variable that stores the age at which the Agent should be removed.
If you want some friendly advice though, I'd really recommend starting over from scratch with your own code instead of trying to modify an existing one, especially if you aren't really sure how the code works yet. It might seem like you're saving time by using existing code, but if you don't really know how code works yet, you'll definitely save yourself a bunch of headaches by writing it yourself. Up to you though.

Turning Motor on Lego NXT returns error 0002EA Type 2

I a writing a program using RobotC for the Lego NXT to imitate the behaviour of a puppy. This section of code is supposed to rotate the head which is connected to motor port 3 and read the value on the ultra sonic sensor. If while the head is turned, the dog is called, it will turn in the direction it was already facing. The following function is called when the ultrasonic sensor reads a value (meaning the robot has come close to a wall):
void SonarSensor()
int sensorValleft;
int sensorValright;
bool alreadyTurned = false;
int i,j;
i = 0;
j = 0;
motor[1] = 0;
motor[2] = 0;
motor[3] = -SPEED/2;
motor[3] = 0;
sensorValleft = SensorValue[3];
if(SensorValue[4] > 40)//calibrate sound sensor
//turn left
motor[2] = -SPEED;
i = 1000;
j = 1000;
alreadyTurned = true;
motor[3] = SPEED/2;
motor[3] = 0;
sensorValright = SensorValue[3];
if(SensorValue[3] > 1)//calibrate sound sensor
//turn right
motor[2] = SPEED;
j = 1000;
alreadyTurned = true;
if(alreadyTurned == false)
if(sensorValleft > sensorValright)
//turn left
motor[2] = -SPEED;
//turn right
motor[2] = SPEED;
When the head (motor[3]) rotates the first time the error 0002EA Type2 appears on the NXT screen. At first we thought it was because we were over-rotating the motor causing it to be obstructed so we tried to play around with the wait times but it made no difference.
Any ideas on what causes this error or how to fix it would be appreciated.
The answer as to why only motor[3] causes an error is actually quite simple. The motorA, motorB, and motorC values are defined in an enum, where motorA=0, motorB=1, and motorC=2. So, motor[1] and motor[2] are equivalent to calling motor[motorB] and motor[motorC]. However, motor[3] isn't equivalent to anything. It's trying to set the power of a motor that doesn't exist. motor[0] would be ok, however, and would correspond to motor[motorA].
While debugging, I started putting break points in to see where the error was and it alwas occurred on the line motor[3] = -SPEED/2; it turns out that with the third motor the proper syntax is to use motor[motorA]=-SPEED/2;. I am not sure why only this motor returns this error as I am using two other motors which I set new speeds using
However, this was the way to abolish the error.

local variables arent working Xna when assigned

Im needing to use local variables but when i use them for a timer (decreases time until conditions are met) it doesnt work
for (int i = 0; i < Weapons.Count; i++)
if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 6)
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G))
Cannons.Add(new CannonFire(this));
else if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 7)
float Recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
Recharge -= (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds;
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G) && Recharge < 0)
laser.Add(new LaserFire(this, new Vector3(Weapons[i].Laser.range, 1, 1) ));
Recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
other relevant code is where im getting the rate from
public class LaserItem
float Damage;
float Range;
float Last;
float RechargeRate;
public float damage
get { return Damage; }
set { Damage = value; }
public float Rate
get { return RechargeRate; }
set { RechargeRate = value; }
public float Life
get { return Last; }
set { Last = value; }
it works without the timer but i cant have it like that because i dont want 300 lasers to be built every time someone hits the key. as far as i can tell the timer is set to the laser rate every frame so it never reaches 0 (this section it in the update function)
for this piece of code its fine but when i need it in a loop i have to use local variables;
From what I can understand, what you are doing in the code is that you're creating a new local variable with the value set to the recharge rate of the laser every single update, firing it when the time from the last update is longer than the recharge rate - this would occur only on a very slow update.
Taking into account the automatic Update (the main loop one) calling of XNA, what would help you is setting some class variable for the Weapon, e.g. RemainingRecharge and when you fire, set it to the recharge rate and substract the elapsed time every update until it reaches zero or less. The only difference from your code is that the recharge is moved to the class instance and thus preserved between updates.
Recharge isn't a reference or a pointer; it's a copy (as float and double are immutable types). So, assigning a value to Recharge at the end of the if() block does absolutely nothing. (I'd bet that it even gets removed by the compiler).
Try this:
else if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 7)
float recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
recharge -= (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds;
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G) && recharge < 0)
laser.Add(new LaserFire(this, new Vector3(Weapons[i].Laser.range, 1,1)));
/// changed the the next line:
Weapons[i].Laster.Rate = recharge;
i figured it out, XNA has a TimeSpan thing you can use its easier to work with and you can tell it if it reaches a number reset and do what you want