local variables arent working Xna when assigned - variables

Im needing to use local variables but when i use them for a timer (decreases time until conditions are met) it doesnt work
for (int i = 0; i < Weapons.Count; i++)
if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 6)
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G))
Cannons.Add(new CannonFire(this));
else if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 7)
float Recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
Recharge -= (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds;
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G) && Recharge < 0)
laser.Add(new LaserFire(this, new Vector3(Weapons[i].Laser.range, 1, 1) ));
Recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
other relevant code is where im getting the rate from
public class LaserItem
float Damage;
float Range;
float Last;
float RechargeRate;
public float damage
get { return Damage; }
set { Damage = value; }
public float Rate
get { return RechargeRate; }
set { RechargeRate = value; }
public float Life
get { return Last; }
set { Last = value; }
it works without the timer but i cant have it like that because i dont want 300 lasers to be built every time someone hits the key. as far as i can tell the timer is set to the laser rate every frame so it never reaches 0 (this section it in the update function)
for this piece of code its fine but when i need it in a loop i have to use local variables;

From what I can understand, what you are doing in the code is that you're creating a new local variable with the value set to the recharge rate of the laser every single update, firing it when the time from the last update is longer than the recharge rate - this would occur only on a very slow update.
Taking into account the automatic Update (the main loop one) calling of XNA, what would help you is setting some class variable for the Weapon, e.g. RemainingRecharge and when you fire, set it to the recharge rate and substract the elapsed time every update until it reaches zero or less. The only difference from your code is that the recharge is moved to the class instance and thus preserved between updates.

Recharge isn't a reference or a pointer; it's a copy (as float and double are immutable types). So, assigning a value to Recharge at the end of the if() block does absolutely nothing. (I'd bet that it even gets removed by the compiler).
Try this:
else if (Weapons[i].ItemType == 7)
float recharge = Weapons[i].Laser.Rate;
recharge -= (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds;
if (standard.IsKeyDown(Keys.G) && recharge < 0)
laser.Add(new LaserFire(this, new Vector3(Weapons[i].Laser.range, 1,1)));
/// changed the the next line:
Weapons[i].Laster.Rate = recharge;

i figured it out, XNA has a TimeSpan thing you can use its easier to work with and you can tell it if it reaches a number reset and do what you want


Null pointer Exception at the end of draw processing3

I get a Null Pointer Exception, and the trace tells me it is inside a function that I have. This function runs every frame and does some calculations and stuff. Anyway, the problem is that when I go to debug, stepping through each line, the function runs fine, and the error only comes up at the end of the draw loop.
This error only recently came up, and the changes I made don't have much to do with the function in question so...
The function mentioned in the trace detects if the object touches something, and acts on it.
Also, the trace gives a line number that does not exist, I'm guessing that's because of the Processing compiling.
I am using Processing 4 if that matters.
Here's the trace:
at ants$Ant.sense(ants.java:190)
at ants$Ant.go(ants.java:220)
at ants.draw(ants.java:44)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:2201)
at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT$10.callDraw(PSurfaceAWT.java:1422)
at processing.core.PSurfaceNone$AnimationThread.run(PSurfaceNone.java:354)
More info: This is an ant simulator, and it crashes at food pickup. This used to work and broke while adding (seemingly) unrelated stuff. It crashes at food pickup, which is managed by the sense() function. The Food class only has a position and a render function.
Here is some code:
void sense() { // The problematic function
if (!detectFood && !carryFood) {
float closest = viewRadius;
Food selected = null;
for (Food fd : foods){
float foodDist = position.dist(fd.position);
if(foodDist <= viewRadius) {
if(foodDist < closest) {
selected = fd;
closest = foodDist;
if (selected != null){
detectFood = true;
foodFocused = selected;
} else {
if(position.dist(foodFocused.position) < 2*r) {
detectFood = false;
void draw() { // draw loop
for (Food food : foods) {
for (Ant ant : ants) {
for (int i=0; i < trails.size(); i++) {
Trail trail = trails.get(i);
if (trail.strenght <= 0)
The problem is not the trail, as it still crashes without it,

Adding aging to boids simulation

I am working on expanding this sketch: http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/11045
Trying to add aging to boids agents using frameCount.
I initialise ArrayList with age inbuilt:
boids = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < boidNum; i++) {
Agent boid = new Agent(random(width), random(height), 1, round(frameCount + random(300, 400)));
Then retrieve it :
Agent(float posX, float posY, int t, int a) {
mass = 5.0;
location = new PVector(posX, posY);
vel = new PVector(random(-5,5), random(-5, 5));
acc = new PVector();
type = t;
wdelta = 0.0;
action = 0;
age = a;
I want to use something like this for the living cycle :
if (frameCount != age) {
age = age - 1;
if (frameCount == age) {
But I'm not sure where in the code I should put it.
Also is this the best way to do it, or am I overcomplicating things?
I wrote a new method:
void boid(ArrayList boids) {
for (int i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++) {
if (frameCount >= age) {
which is being called from:
void steer(ArrayList boids, ArrayList predators, ArrayList landscape) {
if (type == 1) boid(boids); ...
It sounds like you would want to put that code in the Agent class, after you do the updating and drawing of the Agent- taking a quick look at the code, that's probably the run() function in the Agent class.
But I'm not totally sure why you're comparing each Agent's age with the frameCount. The frameCount variable just tells you how long the sketch has been running. You if statement kills any birds that have the same age as the sketch, which doesn't make any sense.
Instead, you need to have two variables in your Agent class: the age variable that starts at 0 and increments by one each frame, and a maxAge variable that stores the age at which the Agent should be removed.
If you want some friendly advice though, I'd really recommend starting over from scratch with your own code instead of trying to modify an existing one, especially if you aren't really sure how the code works yet. It might seem like you're saving time by using existing code, but if you don't really know how code works yet, you'll definitely save yourself a bunch of headaches by writing it yourself. Up to you though.

How can i change background color in a while loop - processing

I'm new to processing and trying to make a very simple program where i have an arduino that produces a seriel input (according to an analogue read value). The idea is a Processing window will open with a block color shown for 30 seconds. In this time all the readings from the arduino will be summed and averaged - creating an average for that color.
After 30 seconds the colour will change and a new average (for the next color) will start being calculated. This is the code i have started to write (for now focusing on just one 30 second period of green).
I realise there are likely problems with the reading/summing and averaging (i havent researched these yet so i'll put that to one side) - but my main question is why isn't the background green? When i run this program i expect the background to be green for 30 seconds - where as what happens is it is white for 30 seconds then changes to green. Can't figure out why! Thanks for any help!
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
float gsrAverage;
float greenAverage;
int gsrValue;
int greenTotal = 0;
int greenCount = 1;
int timeSinceStart = 0;
int timeAtStart;
int count=0;
color green = color(118,236,0);
void setup () {
size(900, 450);
// List all the available serial ports
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw () {
while (timeSinceStart < 30000) {
greenTotal = greenTotal + gsrValue;
greenCount = greenCount + 1;
timeSinceStart = millis()-timeAtStart;
//println(timeSinceStart); for de bugging
greenAverage = greenTotal/greenCount;
//println(greenAverage); for de bugging
void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
int inByte=myPort.read();
What I like to do for timers, is use IF statements and use millis() or a constantly updated variable 'm' right inside the condition:
int timeSinceStart;
int m;
void setup(){
timeSinceStart = millis(); // initialize here so it only happens once
void draw(){
m = millis(); // constantly update the variable
if(timeSinceStart + 30000 < m){
greenAverage = greenTotal/greenCount; // or whatever is outside while loop
timeSinceStart = millis();
//Anything that went inside the while loop can go here, or above the IF
This makes it so around every 30 seconds, the background will change once, and you just re-update the timeSinceStart variable in there too. This way, it will only update when you want it to update and not constantly update and break the code.
I tend not to use while loops in processing as they usually cause headaches. Hope my example helps.
May have found a way round this using an IF statement. I perhaps looked over the fact the draw function is itself a loop, so i was able to use a variation of
if (timeSinceStart < 5000) {
within draw.
When dealing with timed events in Processing you should not use while loops inside the draw() function. The draw() function itself is a while loop which updates the "screen" each frame.
So, what you should do is create a timer and let it do a switch for you inside the draw() function. In your case, if you want to start with a green screen, you do that in the setup() function, and then create a method for altering according to a timer in your draw() function.
This is a suggestion on how you could solve your particular problem. Just change the cycle variable according to your need. In your case it would be 30000.
boolean isGreen = true;
int startTime = 0;
int lastTime = 0;
int cycle = 1000; //the cycle you need
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
background(0, 255, 0); //green
void draw() {
startTime = millis();
if (startTime > lastTime + cycle) {
if (isGreen) {
background(255); //white
isGreen = !isGreen;
} else {
background(0, 255, 0); //green
isGreen = !isGreen;
lastTime = millis();

Blackberry - systemLock() not working

I'm trying to use the systemLock() to lock the device when the getSpeed() returns a value greater than 20 m/s.
public void locationUpdated(LocationProvider provider, Location location)
float speed = location.getSpeed();
// Information to be displayed on the device
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("Speed : ");
sb.append(" m/s");
if(speed < 20){
appMan = ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager();
I have a RichTextField and I can use the .settext() successfully in the if/else statement to change the RichTextField's text so I must be using the lockSystem() wrong.
if(speed > 20 || Double.isNaN(speed)){
appMan = ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager();
The first thing that comes to the eyes is:
to lock the device when the getSpeed() returns a value greater than 20 m/s.
if (speed < 20) {
appMan = ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager();
From the docs on Location
public float getSpeed()
the current ground speed in m/s for
the terminal or Float.NaN if the speed is not known
In Java, any comparison against Float.NaN will return false, so your lock screen code block won't execute if your device is returning NaN as the speed. You might want to add Double.isNaN(speed) to your condition.

.Net Parallel.For strange behavior

I brute-forced summing of all primes under 2000000. After that, just for fun I tried to parallel my for, but I was a little bit surprised when I saw that Parallel.For gives me an incorrect sum!
Here's my code : (C#)
static class Problem
public static long Solution()
long sum = 0;
//Correct result is 142913828922
//Parallel.For(2, 2000000, i =>
// {
// if (IsPrime(i)) sum += i;
// });
for (int i = 2; i < 2000000; i++)
if (IsPrime(i)) sum += i;
return sum;
private static bool IsPrime(int value)
for (int i = 2; i <= (int)Math.Sqrt(value); i++)
if (value % i == 0) return false;
return true;
I know that brute-force is pretty bad solution here but that is not a question about that. I think I've made some very stupid mistake, but I just can't locate it. So, for is calculating correctly, but Parallel.For is not.
You are accessing the variable sum from multiple threads without locking it, so it is possible that the read / write operations become overlapped.
Adding a lock will correct the result (but you will be effectively serializing the computation, losing the benefit you were aiming for).
You should instead calculate a subtotal on each thread and add the sub-totals at the end. See the article How to: Write a Parallel.For Loop That Has Thread-Local Variables on MSDN for more details.
long total = 0;
// Use type parameter to make subtotal a long, not an int
Parallel.For<long>(0, nums.Length, () => 0, (j, loop, subtotal) =>
subtotal += nums[j];
return subtotal;
(x) => Interlocked.Add(ref total, x)
Many thanks to all of you for your quick answers
i changed
sum += i;
Interlocked.Add(ref sum,i);
and now it works great.