Is there a predefined way to compute the modulo of two integers in Clean?
StdOverloaded defines the (mod) typeclass, but StdInt does not contain an instance of it, and StdEnv does not either anywhere else. I have seen a language overview about Clean version 2.0, which mentions StdInt's mod instance, but in 2.4, it is definitely missing.
StdInt delivers another alternative: it's called rem. Works just like the old fashioned mod function, but also works fine with signed integers.
10 rem 7 // 3
10 rem -7 // 3
-10 rem 7 // -3
-10 rem -7 //-3
In the latest stable release (Clean 3.0) , it is possible to use "rem" by just importing StdEnv instance.
Is it possible to do a dry run for snakemake for a single wildcard, in the order of execution?
When I call a dry run, I get the following at the bottom:
Job counts:
count jobs
1 all
1 assembly_eval
5 cat_fastq
1 createGenLogDir
5 createLogDir
5 flye
5 medaka_first
5 medaka_second
5 minimap_first
5 quast_medaka_first
5 quast_medaka_second
5 quast_racon_first
5 racon_first
5 symLinkFQ
This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.
So I guess it would be useful to:
get the dry run commands for a single wildcard (except for the aggregate rules, obviously), after all, the only thing that differs among the commands of any of those rules is the wildcard in the input, output and param directives.
get the workflow printed in the order of execution, for enhanced visualisation.
I did not find a suitable option using snakemake -h, and I'd be looking for something that --rulegraph, does compared --dag, which is to avoid redundancy.
If there is no solution to this, or if the solution is too cumbersome, I guess I will suggest this as enhancement in their github page.
Here are some possible solutions:
You can specify a target file with the specific wildcard you want, e.g. snakemake -nq output_wc1.txt
If your wildcards are stored in a list/dataframe, limit to just the first. I frequently do this while developing, e.g. chroms = range(1,2) # was range(1, 23)
If you have a single job for each rule and dependencies are simple (A -> B -> C), the jobs should be listed in order of execution. This is not true when your workflow has concurrent or branching rules.
Have you also checked --filegraph and --summary?
#!/usr/bin/dyalog -script
⍝ /usr/bin/dyalog is a symlink to /opt/mdyalog/18.0/64/unicode/mapl
factors←{⎕ML ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⍵{ ⍵,(⍺÷×/⍵)~1}∊⍵{(0=(⍵*⍳⌊⍵⍟⍺)|⍺)/⍵}¨⍬{nxt←⊃⍵ ⋄ msk←0≠nxt|⍵ ⋄ ∧/1↓msk:⍺,⍵ ⋄ (⍺,nxt)∇ msk/⍵}⍵{ (0=⍵|⍺)/⍵}2,(1+2×⍳⌊0.5×⍵*÷2),⍵}
factors 20
Copied from
It works exactly as the example apart from the fact I am not able to to type it as separate lines and have to resort to ⋄'s
Using the example it instead results in
factors←{⎕ML ⎕IO←1 ⍝ Prime factors of ⍵.
Another issue is using ] commands like ]display or ]box on
Using them always results in
VALUE ERROR: Undefined name: ⎕SE.UCMD
Try* adding setting DYALOG_LINEEDITOR_MODE to 1:
#!/usr/bin/dyalog -script DYALOG_LINEEDITOR_MODE=1
When running in script mode, SALT, and therefore user commands, are not initialised automatically. As per APLcart, you can enable both with:
However, under program control, you're usually better off using proper functions than user commands. You can copy in the display and disp functions (which take an array and produce character matrices equivalent to what you'd see from ]display and ]box on) with:
'display' 'disp'⎕CY'dfns'
* Both -script and DYALOG_LINEEDITOR_MODE are experimental in version 18.0, while 18.2 (scheduled for release in March 2022) has dedicated #! script support.
I'm doing some optimization using a model whose number of constraints and variables exceeds the cap for the student version of, say, AMPL, so I've found a webpage [] which can solve my type of model.
I've found however that when using a solver where you can provide a commandfile (which I assume is the same as a .run file) the documentation of NEOS server tells that you should see the documentation of the input file. I'm using AMPL input which according to [] should be able to print the decision variables using a command file with the appearance:
display _varname, _var;
The problem is that NEOS claim that you cannot add the:
data datafile;
model modelfile;
commands into the .run file, resulting in that the compiler cannot find the variables.
Does anyone know of a way to work around this?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: If anyone else has this problem (which I believe many people have based on my Internet search). Try to remove any eventual reset; command from the .run file!
You don't need to specify model or data commands in the script file submitted to NEOS. It loads the model and data files automatically, solves the problem, and then executes the script (command file) you provide. For example submitting diet1.mod model diet1.dat data and this trivial command file
display _varname, _var;
produces the output which includes
: _varname _var :=
1 "Buy['Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese']" 0
2 "Buy['McLean Deluxe w/ Cheese']" 0
3 "Buy['Big Mac']" 0
4 "Buy['Filet-O-Fish']" 0
5 "Buy['McGrilled Chicken']" 0
6 "Buy['Fries, small']" 0
7 "Buy['Sausage McMuffin']" 0
8 "Buy['1% Lowfat Milk']" 0
9 "Buy['Orange Juice']" 0
As you can see this is the output from the display command.
I am using Pharo Smalltalk 2.0. I need to convert a float into a ByteArray. There seems to be no method to do this, is there a roundabout way of doing it?
For instance, 1 asFloat asByteArray would be perfect.
Context: I'm trying to send binary data through websocket using the Zinc Websocket package.
A Float already is a variable class, i.e. a little bit similar to an array:
3.14. "=> 3.14"
3.14 size. "=> 2"
3.14 at: 1. "=> 1074339512"
3.14 at: 2. "=> 1374389535"
You can also modify it:
| f |
f := 3.14.
f at: 1 put: 10000.
f. "=> 2.1220636948306e-310"
With that in mind, you now can handle those two integers.
However, Pharo 2.0 typically comes with Fuel pre-installed,
and it already contains means to serialize a float:
ByteArray streamContents: [ :s |
FLEncoder on: s globalEnvironment: Dictionary new do: [ :e |
3.14 serializeOn: e ]] "=> #[64 9 30 184 81 235 133 31]"
Probably, you want to use the Fuel serializing altogether, if you have Pharo or
Squeak on both ends.
If you are on i386 CPU, you can do it with native boost
(ByteArray new: 8) nbFloat64AtOffset: 0 put: Float pi; yourself
Note that byte order is littleEndian in this case.
Otherwise, you have those platform independent access:
(ByteArray new: 8) doubleAt: 1 put: Float pi bigEndian: true ; yourself
Note the difference with 0-based index for first case, and 1-based for second case.
I tried carl function
with 155 Mo it works.
Then I tested with 7 Go it fails without saying the limit.
Why is there a limit I can't see anything in code that puts a limit.
There's no error message
>> copy-file to-rebol-file "D:\#mirror_ftp\cpmove.tar" to-rebol-file "D:\#mirror_ftp\testcopy.tar"
== none
REBOL uses 32-bit signed integers, so it can't read files bigger than 2147483647 bytes (2^31-1) which is roughly 2GB. REBOL3 uses 64-bit integers, so won't have such limitation.