Jmeter deviation vs throughput - testing

can you give some.explanation on how to interpret deviation vs.throughput?
Is 1000++ deviation result means a poor performance of web under test?
And how can you also say that the web under test performs good? Is it base on.throughput result? How?
And what listener is the best for tracing the load/performance of a thousand users
Lastly is that possible to check the cpu/ram usage of the server while pwrforming the test

Standard deviation quantifies how much response time varies around its mean, or average. It is not advisable to judge the system performance based on Standard Deviation. In reality this gives how much system is fluctuating. Deviations should be minimum i.e. less than 5%.
Thoughput is defined as number of requests processed per second.
It is better to use Throughput as a factor to judge system/application performance. Higher throughput means good system performance but again this depends on your choice. For some critical systems low response time is more required than high throughput. Throughput simply states that how much concurrent transactions your system can process per second which might mean high response time. if response time increases beyond a certain limit then that system is considered for performance tuning.
some systems Throughput means
You can either use Summary Report or Aggregate Report listeners.
cpu/ram usage, you can use "jp#gc - Perfmon Metrics collector" from Jmeter Plugin.
Hope this will help.


InfluxDB max available expiration and performance concerns

I develop my metrics based on influxdb. I want to keep the data forever therefore my retention policy is set to inf and my shard retention policy is set to 100 years (the max I could set).
My main concern has to do with degrading performance by keeping this data. My series will not be more than 100000 (as adviced for the low server specs).
Is there gonna be an impact on the memory used indexing wise? More specific memory used by influxdb regardless of issuing any actions such as queries/continoues queries
Also in case there is a problem with performance, is it possible to backup only the data that are bound to be deleted?
Based on InfluxDB Hardware sizing guidelines, in moderate load situation with a single node InfluxDB deployed on a server with these specifications: CPU:6 cores and RAM:8-32 GB; you can have 250k writes per second and about 25 queries per second. These numbers will definitely meet your requirements. Also by increasing CPU and RAM you can achieve better performance.
Note, If the scale of your work grew in the future, you can also use "continues query" for down-sampling old data; or export a part of data to a backup file.

What is the expected performance gap switching from SQL to TSDB for handling time series?

We are in the case of using a SQL database for a single node storage of roughly 1 hour of high frequency metrics (several k inserts a second). We quickly ran into I/O issues which proper buffering would not simply handle, and we are willing to put time into solving the performance issue.
I suggested to switch to a specialised database for handling time series, but my colleague stayed pretty skeptical. His argument is that the gain "out of the box" is not guaranteed as he knows SQL well and already spent time optimizing the storage, and we in comparison do not have any kind of TSDB experience to properly optimize it.
My intuition is that using a TSDB would be much more efficient even with an out of box configuration but I don't have any data to measure this, and internet benchs such as InfluxDB's are nowhere near trustable. We should run our own, except we can't affoard to loose time in a dead end or a mediocre improvement.
What would be, in my use case but very roughly, the performance gap between relational storage and TSDB, when it comes to single node throughput ?
This question may be bordering on a software recommendation. I just want to point one important thing out: You have an existing code base so switching to another data store is expensive in terms of development costs and time. If you have someone experienced with the current technology, you are probably better off with a good-faith effort to make that technology work.
Whether you switch or not depends on the actual requirements of your application. For instance, if you don't need the data immediately, perhaps writing batches to a file is the most efficient mechanism.
Your infrastructure has ample opportunity for in-place growth -- more memory, more processors, solid-state disk (for example). These might meet your performance needs with a minimal amount of effort.
If you cannot make the solution work (and 10k inserts per second should be quite feasible), then there are numerous solutions. Some NOSQL databases relax some of the strict ACID requirements of traditional RDBMSs, providing faster throughout.

Designing a service for scale. Number of servers needed

Suppose that I need to design a web service. To keep it simple, assume that I use LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP).
I know that I will serve exactly N user requests per second. The requests are basically simple CRUD operations to the database, no file uploads or complex calculations.
Suppose that each request executes M ms and takes K Mb of memory on my server, having G Gb of RAM.
How many such servers do I need? Is it just N * K / G?
The reasonable value for M is 200ms. What is the reasonable value for K?
Do we need to take CPU power into account in this question?
Any additional considerations?
What you're doing is a good back of the envelope approximation but by no means should you use your thought exercise as a definitive guide for scaling your service.
That is because no service will exhibit that type of constant behavior as you describe (blame if on unpredictable peripheral i/o, garbage collection, external factors, user input, etc)
The correct approach is to perform scale and load testing. After you've written your service, start to load test your service and note the performance characteristics of your service. If you do things right you should reach a point where your configuration maxes out: either the CPU, the network throughput, the memory, or disk I/O. If neither are maxed out and you hit a limit then it's one of your upstream dependencies (your database etc.)
Once you've reached your peak it will tell you how many requests per second you can handle at peak.
You will also notice that in most cases peak performance is not sustainable: your setup may be able to burst for short periods of time handling many more requests per second than under sustained load.
After you get the numbers for a single server, you can start to vary in two ways:
test with different hardware configurations (add more RAM if you're memory bound, add a better CPU if you're CPU bound, etc)
test with multiple servers; start adding servers and see how your service scales horizontally
Ideally your service should scale linearly as you add servers but you will likely find that the performance curve is not linear.
Get your numbers, tweak your design. Rinse. Repeat.
There is no substitute, magic formula.

What is database throughput?

Well, not much to ask apart from the question. What do you mean when you say a OLTP DB must have a high throughput.
Going to the wiki.
"In communication networks, such as
Ethernet or packet radio, throughput
or network throughput is the average
rate of successful message delivery
over a communication channel. This
data may be delivered over a physical
or logical link, or pass through a
certain network node. The throughput
is usually measured in bits per second
(bit/s or bps), and sometimes in data
packets per second or data packets per
time slot."
So does this mean , OLTP databases need to have a high/quick insertion rate ( i.e. avoiding deadlocks etc)??
I was always under an impression if we take a database for say an airline industry, it must have quick insertion , but at the same time quick response time since it is critical to it's operation. And in many ways this shouldn't this be limited to the protocol involved in delivering the message/data to the database?
I am not trying to single out the "only" characteristic of OLTP systems. In general I would like to understand, what characteristics are inherent to a OLTP system.
In general, when you're talking about the "throughput" of an OLTP database, you're talking about the number of transactions per second. How many orders can the system take a second, how many web page requests can it service, how many customer inquiries can it handle. That tends to go hand-in-hand with discussions about how the OLTP system scales-- if you double the number of customers hitting your site every month because the business is taking off, for example, will the OLTP systems be able to handle the increased throughput.
That is in contrast to OLAP/ DSS systems which are designed to run a relatively small number of transactions over much larger data volumes. There, you're worried far less about the number of transactions you can do than about how those transactions slow down as you add more data. If you're that wildly successful company, you probably want the same number and frequency of product sales by region reports out of your OLAP system as you generate exponentially more sales. But you now have exponentially more data to crunch which requires that you tune the database just to keep report performance constant.
Throughput doesn't have a single, fixed meaning in this context. Loosely, it means the number of transactions per second, but "write" transactions are different than "read" transactions, and sustained rates are different than peak rates. (And, of course, a 10-byte row is different than a 1000-byte row.)
I stumbled on Performance Metrics & Benchmarks: Berkeley DB the other day when I was looking for something else. It's not a bad introduction to the different ways of measuring "how fast". Also, this article on database benchmarks is an entertaining read.

Algorithmically suggest best node to perform demanding computation

At work we perform demanding numerical computations.
We have a network of several Linux boxes with different processing capabilities. At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box.
I created a script to measure the MFLOPS (Million of Floating Point Operations per Second) using the Linpack Benchmark; it also provides number of cores and memory.
I would like to use this information together with the load average (obtained using the uptime command) to suggest the best computer for performing a demanding computation. In other words, its 3:00pm; I have a meeting in two hours; I need to run a demanding process: what node will get me the answer fastest?
I envision a script which will output a suggestion along the lines of:
Such suggestion should favor fast computers (high MFLOPS) if the load average is low and, as load average increases for a given node, it should favor available nodes instead (i.e., I'd rather run in a slower computer with no users than in an eight-core with forty dudes logged in).
How should I prioritize? What algorithm (rationale) would you use? Again, what I have is:
Load Average (1min, 5min, 15min)
MFLOPS measure
Number of users logged in
RAM (installed and available)
Number of cores (important to normalize the load average)
Any thoughts? Thanks!
You don't have enough data to make an well-informed decision. It sounds as though the scheduling is very volatile: "At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box." So the current load does not necessarily reflect the future load of the machines.
To properly asses what hosts someone should use to minimize computation time would require knowing when the current jobs will terminate. If a powerful machine is about to be done doing most of its jobs, it would be a good candidate even though it currently has a high load.
If you want to guess purely on the current situation, you can do a weighed calculation to find out which hosts have the most MFLOPS available.
MFLOPS available = host's MFLOPS + (number of logical processors - load average)
Sort the hosts by MFLOPS available and suggest them in a descending order.
This formula assumes that the MFLOPS of a host is linearly related to its load average. This might not be exactly true, but it's probably fairly close.
I would favor the most recent load average since it's closer to the current/future situation, whereas, jobs from 15 minutes ago might have completed by now.
Have you considered a distributed approach to computation? Not all computations can be broken up such that more than one cpu can work on them. But perhaps your problem space can benefit from some parallelization. Have a look at Hadoop.
You don't need to know FLOPS. beowulf modules paralell computing center has I go to has the script for sure
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