I recently submitted an app for review and then an emergency change request came in. Generally this is as simple as rejecting the previous binary and submitting a new build. I submitted a new build and went to reject the previously "Waiting for review" build although that build is staying in a "Processing" state while iTunes Connect shows the app in "Waiting for review" state. I submitted a 3rd build and it too changed to Active without issues.
Has anyone come across this issue and if so, how did you resolve it without leave the app in review? I have contacted iTunes Connect and was hoping to resolve the issue prior to the "waiting game".
FYI for other users. If you submit a new build and assign that build to your app update while in the processing state, ie. before the build changes to the "Active" state, save, then upload a newer binary of the same version it will put the 1st binary into a "purgatory" like state of "Processing". I just tested this on another iTunes account and the same behavior happened. Long story short, wait for the binary to change to an "Active" state before assigning the binary to the update and saving.
We have uploaded an update of our existing app (WASFAT) as internal testing build. We can access it successfully.
Now I want to leave from the internal testing and want to access the live build.
There is not leave button the playstore wasfat page. Please have a look at the attached image.
When we have released beta version, we had that leave button. But in the internal release, we don't have it.
How can I get out from this internal testing mode? How can I access the original live build? Also I don't want to remove my id from play console internal testing.
Thanks for any suggestions
As far as I know, you can opt-out of internal testing with the same link you used to enter in the internal testing program. Also, you need to remove your email from internal tester. However, It will take some time to be able to access live mode again
The simplest way I have found is to just switch to a different account within play store.
Open play store afresh
On top right, tap your account icon (or where ever it is located)
Click the drop down and tap "Add another account"
Later on it is just a matter of selecting an account, no password entry needed if done before.
The advantage of this is that you don't have to wait for Googles services to register that you have disabled a testing account. When you need to enable the testing account you will have to wait again. So this is pretty nifty for me.
I'm reliably able to restart my phone, and have changes to beta status reflected immediately.
Pardon all the italic shouting. Just trying to emphasize key points. Please note that the existing post iOS app submission and beta review process does not answer this question.
The following sequence of events does happen and it's what I expect:
Create a new version (number) of app in iTC
Archive and upload app to iTC
Internal testers get notified to download with TestFlight
Submit for Beta Approval (critical for next step)
Now all testers (inside & out) get notified to download
But next:
Create a new build (number) in Xcode
Archive and upload to iTC
Only internal testers are notified. ⬅︎ unexpected
Do I need Beta Approval every time I want the external testers notified? I could swear this has not been the case. But of course things may have changed. Or it's just my bad memory.
Do I need Beta Approval every time I want the external testers notified?
I could swear this has not been the case. But of course things may have changed. Or it's just my bad memory.
It's just that:
1) there's a short delay (5-20 minutes) before you can send to external testers
2) from time to time Apple's servers are screwed, and the 5-20 minute delay becomes "many hours".
Change the version number - you have to wait for a (presumably human) approval: takes 1-2 days
Change the build number - only a short delay for a (presumably) automatic check.
And don't forget you have to manually release to the external testers each time!
You need to approve first build of every new version.As Apple mentioned" A review is only required for the first build of a version. Subsequent builds may not need a full review.."https://help.apple.com/itunes-connect/developer/#/dev3bfa33892
Beta review is only required for the first build and the first build send in after a 90 day period.
Lets say I have a build uploaded to iTunes Connect that has had a status of "Waiting for Review" for 10 days. If I submit a new build will my app go to the back of the line and have to wait another 10+ days or will I still be in line to get reviewed very soon?
Yes, after you Reject Binary then upload a new one, this puts your app to the back of the line again.
Edit: see this answer, this answer, the later answer on this question and Apple's own dev guide.
Removing a build removes your app version from Apple’s review queue and changes its status to Developer Rejected. When you resubmit your app, the review process starts over from the beginning.
I've also experienced it myself, although that was years ago.
If you reject your binary, you will remove your app from the Review queue. If you then submit a new build, you will unfortunately be placed at the end of the line.
We know this from experience, and it's also indicated by Apple (emphasis mine):
Removing a build removes your app version from Apple’s review queue and changes its status to Developer Rejected. When you resubmit your app, the review process starts over from the beginning.
I've updated my iPhone app to support the iPhone 5 screen..
I've done this before for another app and I was forced to upload new screenshots taken with the iPhone 5.
This time however, iTunes Connect just displays the status as "waiting for review" and isn't mentioning anything about the screenshots..
I'm slightly worried something has gone wrong? App works great on iPhone 5 and simulator though.
It turns out Apple can block apps during the review process that have something wrong with metadata. If they decide your metadata is wrong they'll just change your app's status to "Metadata Rejected".
Here's the quote from the rules for this status:
Appears when specific metadata items aside from your binary have not
passed review. To resolve the issue, edit the metadata in iTunes
Connect and your existing binary is then reused for the review
process. You receive a communication from App Review in the Resolution
Center regarding the reason for the metadata rejection.
When things change to the AppStore (Apple adds a device) they might require you to get new screenshots. But if nothing changed in their system, it's normal that they don't ask.
Don't worry!
They copy over the screenshots from your last version of the app (or is your Retina4 screenshot section in itunesconnect empty?). So if you don´t want to update them, it should be okay like this.
Chances are your app has not hit review (and now as of the 21st) and won't be reviewed until after the 29th. Once your app hits review, it will become rejected for the missing screenshots. If you want to save yourself some time and pain, update the screenshots while Apple is on their downtime for the Christmas holiday. You'll thank yourself later.
My app got accepted yesterday, no word about the screenshots.
App works fine on iPhone 5, mailed Apple to complain this probably is a bug (iTUnes Connect does not recognize localized Default.png, which is what is checked to verify it is iPhone 5 optimized I believe.)
I'm uploading the first version of my iOS application for review, Whereas my application has an In-App purchase. I made my app status to Ready for upload while getting in its Binary upload section. But later I got that I have to submit my first In-App purchase along application version.
Now I can't edit In-App purchase section in application version meta data as it states that you can't submit in app purchase with this version as its already submitted for review.
I haven't uploaded binary yet in this version, now two solutions which I think could be
1- I email Apple review team to change my app status from Ready to upload back to Prepare for upload
2- Upload a binary and then reject it but I'm confused that whether rejecting binary would revert my app status to Prepare for upload or Waiting for upload.
I forgot to submit any IAPs with my first binary and got rejected ("can't purchase anything = can't review app"). I also hurried and clicked 'ready to upload binary' without editing IAPs first. I just submitted the same binary again and quickly rejected it. Then, I could edit IAPs, and finally re-submitted the binary one more time. Hope this helps.
1.Upload the current binary.
2.Make it "developer rejected".
3.Upload a new binary of your choice.