Datagrid textbox cell -

I am having a datagrid. In the First Row, First Column of the datagrid, I am trying to get employees code using "Autocompletionsearch string" method ("Edit control event"). When i leave the current cell, it must validate the value selected. I having the problem, the value of the current cell is empty. Kindly help
Which datagrid event should i use here in

You can validate using the CellEndEdit event. You can find more info here...


Can't get textboxes to autofill from a listbox

I have a form called frmReferrals that has three text boxes bound to fields on a table called tblReferrals. I’m trying to use a listbox called List_HRPO to autofill the three textboxes. The source for the listbox is three columns from a table called tblStudies. I want the user to click on a row in the listbox and auto fill the three text boxes. I also need those values to be written to frmReferrals. Simple, right?
Here’s my code:
Private Sub List_HRPO_Click()
Me.hrpo_number = Me.List_HRPO.Column(0)
Me.hrpo_short_title = Me.List_HRPO.Column(1)
Me.ccir_number = Me.List_HRPO.Column(2)
End Sub
Here’s my problem:
With the textboxes bound to the table, when I click on a listbox row I get:
“Run-time error '-2147353567 (80020009)': Cannot enter value into
blank field on 'one' side of outer join”
I’m not basing anything off a query, so I don’t understand where this “outer join” is. I can avoid the error by unbinding the textboxes. The textboxes auto fill as expected, but the values in the textboxes aren’t being written to the table.
I’d greatly appreciate any help. I'm missing a deadline because of this! Thanks.

pass value within one form in ms-access

hey i am a total noob and only found ways to pass a value between two forms.
this is the form i am working with: form.
in this form (event.form) there is a subform (Fundort_kurz-Subform) which lists data. when i click one row inside the subform the value for "objid" appears in textbox "text501" by "=[Fundort_kurz-Subform].[Form]![Objid]". I automatically want the value from field "text501" to be passed to field "Objid_3" which is meant to write the value into the table.
Not sure what you are doing, but use the OnCurrent event of the subform:
Me.Parent!Objid_3.Value = Me!text501.Value
And do rename your controls to something meaningful.

Detect when user has finished editing a cell in a datagridview

I am using DataGridView1.CellEndEdit to detect when the user finishes to edit a cell.
In my program i am doing this:
Filling a Datagridview with a binding source
Filtering with the bindingsource filter
order by the first column alphabetically
edit a cell
Write edited values in the database
The problem is: When I finish CellEndEdit is fired and the cell does this:
write new values to Datagridview
Refresh row order based on the new value of the cell and update the bindingsource filter
Fire CellEndEdit
For me this is a problem because I need to read the content of every cell of the row, in order to update the database and once it gets the new values it is moved to a unknown position OR hidden because it does not meet the filter criteria anymore and thus if I read the row it was before I get the values of a row that has nothing to do with the one I am looking for.
Is there a way to get the values of the entire row containing the cell i just edited from within the CellEndEdit sub?
Solved by adding a KeyUp event handler and storing each cell of the row in a variable on every keyup event.
The CellEndEdit event provides DataGridViewCellEventArgs arguments which contains the RowIndex.

DataGridView Cell Value Change Not Happening

I have retrieved data from access database into a DataGridView. Let us suppose I am in Row 0. When I change the contents of Row 0, Cell 1 and press a button, the Update query should modify that row, but I am unable to modify the value of the cell. The cell maintains its previous value and the database is not modified. For example, if I change the contents of a cell from "David" to "Jhon", how can I change the value of the cell from "David" to "Jhon"? I am using VB.NET 2008.
You most likely need to pick up the EditedFormattedValue of the cell, which has the new value. FormattedValue and Value have the original value.
I presume you are checking the formatted value of the cell for getting the value.
Also if you are changing the values, please check if the cell value changed event is triggered or not. Coz the editing control needs to pass the changed value back to the grid cell. If you can post your code then it might be more clear and helpful.

How to make custom Combo box control which have contain datagrid in

I want to make custom combo box which have contain datagrid and textbox too.
On clicks into combo box datagridview should be appear and selecting any row particular cell value of the datagridview added on the combo.
thanks in advance..
As your question is written I have no idea how to answer it, I can't figure out how you could sensibly show a DataGridView inside a ComboBox. I'm writing this answer with the assumption that you mean that the form should have a ComboBox that are "linked" to a DataGridView rather than actually contain it.
If so, all you need to do is to add the ComboBox and DataGridView to the form, make the DataGridView invisible. Then you handle the SelectedIndexChanged event for the ComboBox, in the handler, make the grid visibile, find the index of the row and column you want to show and write code like (code not tested so might not be correct):
grid.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rowIndex
grid.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(colIndex).Selected = True