DataGridView Cell Value Change Not Happening -

I have retrieved data from access database into a DataGridView. Let us suppose I am in Row 0. When I change the contents of Row 0, Cell 1 and press a button, the Update query should modify that row, but I am unable to modify the value of the cell. The cell maintains its previous value and the database is not modified. For example, if I change the contents of a cell from "David" to "Jhon", how can I change the value of the cell from "David" to "Jhon"? I am using VB.NET 2008.

You most likely need to pick up the EditedFormattedValue of the cell, which has the new value. FormattedValue and Value have the original value.

I presume you are checking the formatted value of the cell for getting the value.
Also if you are changing the values, please check if the cell value changed event is triggered or not. Coz the editing control needs to pass the changed value back to the grid cell. If you can post your code then it might be more clear and helpful.


Datagridview add row form behind don't increment CurrentRowIndex

I have found a bug on datagridview (, if I add a row from code, the value of DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index is always 0.
If I add row manualy (with mouse) the value of DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index is right.
I have a function that add some rows from code and I have implement DataGridView1_CellValueChanged and I check if the first cell in selected row is empty or not, but this check always first row.
I've found this bug in this link, and microsoft don't want to fix it.
I can use a simple variable boolean for fix this bug, but maybe someone can help me for resolve definitly this error?
That's not a bug. Microsoft even stated as much in the report you linked to. "By design" means not a bug.
The CurrentRow is the row that contains the CurrentCell and that is the cell that contains the caret. When the user adds a row in the UI, it is assumed that they will want to edit that row, so the grid moves the caret to the first cell in that row. When you add a row in code, there's no specific expectation that the user is going to want to edit that row because it wasn't the user who added it, so the caret stays where it is.
If you want a newly added row to be the CurrentRow then you need to assign a cell in that row to the CurrentCell property of the grid, e.g.
Dim newRowIndex = myDataGridView.Rows.Add()
Dim newRow = myDataGridView.Rows(newRowIndex)
Dim firstNewCell = newRow.Cells(0)
myDataGridView.CurrentCell = firstNewCell
You would probably put code like that into a method and then call that method whenever you wanted to add a row.

Access VBA Combobox Store Value in Column

I have an MS ACCESS Combo Box and I wish to change the value of one of the columns in a particular row. I get error "object required" when I run this line:
Me.ComboName.Column(12, intUseRow) = myVar
(If I am unable to use the above syntax then you should also know that the row I am trying to change is always going to be the "current" visible row so there may be another way of solving the problem due to this fact).
If you have a recordset that is bound to a Table/Query, you will need to change the underlying data then requery the combobox to see changes.
If you load it manually (like in the form load event) and have the comboBox Row Source Type to "Value List" - you should be able to update it like this:
Copy all the data from the selected row into variables.
Combobox.RemoveItem (selected index)
change the required variable to the new value.
construct the semicolon separated string for the value list entry
combobox.AddItem new-string.
a bit messy, but it works correctly!

Datagrid textbox cell

I am having a datagrid. In the First Row, First Column of the datagrid, I am trying to get employees code using "Autocompletionsearch string" method ("Edit control event"). When i leave the current cell, it must validate the value selected. I having the problem, the value of the current cell is empty. Kindly help
Which datagrid event should i use here in
You can validate using the CellEndEdit event. You can find more info here...

set cell focus in data grid view .NET

In my datagridview (Mydgv1),I want to set fourth cell into focus and edit it, after i leave the first cell.
On first cell's leave event , i have written the code to focus the 4th cell, it comes into focus, but there is no cursor in it, and then the focus shifts to second cell and second cell becomes blue(by default highlighted cell in datagridviews). Please post some code for it. So far I have tried this.
Mydgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Selected = True
BeginEdit will only have effect on the current cell (marked by the CurrentCell property of the DataGridView object). Selecting it won't help (especially since you can select multiple cells in some DataGridView configurations). Instead try this:
Dim ColumnIndex As Integer = 3
Mydgv1.CurrentCell = Mydgv1.CurrentRow.Cells(ColumnIndex)

Detect when user has finished editing a cell in a datagridview

I am using DataGridView1.CellEndEdit to detect when the user finishes to edit a cell.
In my program i am doing this:
Filling a Datagridview with a binding source
Filtering with the bindingsource filter
order by the first column alphabetically
edit a cell
Write edited values in the database
The problem is: When I finish CellEndEdit is fired and the cell does this:
write new values to Datagridview
Refresh row order based on the new value of the cell and update the bindingsource filter
Fire CellEndEdit
For me this is a problem because I need to read the content of every cell of the row, in order to update the database and once it gets the new values it is moved to a unknown position OR hidden because it does not meet the filter criteria anymore and thus if I read the row it was before I get the values of a row that has nothing to do with the one I am looking for.
Is there a way to get the values of the entire row containing the cell i just edited from within the CellEndEdit sub?
Solved by adding a KeyUp event handler and storing each cell of the row in a variable on every keyup event.
The CellEndEdit event provides DataGridViewCellEventArgs arguments which contains the RowIndex.