SQL server how to do string comparison with left join - sql

I have two tables: the entry table (one nvarchar column called entry) and the disease table (one nvarchar column called disease).
I would like to produce another table that has all the entry-disease combos where entry.entry is contained completely in disease.disease. However, I want all entries that do not have a disease that is completely contained inside of them to still appear in the results table as {entry, blank}.
I know it should probably be something like:
select entry disease from
entry, disease
where ...
not really sure how to write this, thanks in advance
Ok, I figured out this much:
select entry.entry, disease.disease
into new_table
from entry, disease
where CHARINDEX(entry, disease) > 0
how do I include the entries that have no match?

You can use left join in this case.
It will show all entries and provide null value for the column disease.disease if an entry is not contained in any cell of disease.disease.
SELECT entry.entry, disease.disease
FROM entry LEFT JOIN disease
ON CHARINDEX(entry.entry, disease.disease) > 0

An alternative solution is to use LIKE keyword. Please see the example below:
create table #t (st varchar(20))
insert into #t values ('johnalexmichael'), ('johnmichael'),('alex'),('michael')
create table #t2 (st varchar(20))
insert into #t2 values ('alex'),('john')
SELECT t.st, t2.st
FROM #t t
LEFT JOIN #t2 t2 on t.st like '%'+t2.st+'%'


Create New SQL Table w/o duplicates

I'm learning how to create tables in SQL pulling data from existing tables from two different databases. I am trying to create a table combining two tables without duplicates. I've seen some say using UNION but I could not get that to work.
Say TABLE 1 has 2 COLUMNS (IdNumber, Material) and TABLE 2 has 3 COLUMNS (IdNumber, Size, Description)
How can I create a new table (named TABLE3) that combines those two but only shows the columns (PartDescription, Weight, Color) but without duplicates.
What I have done so far is as follows:
CREATE TABLE #Materialsearch (IdNumber varchar(30), Material varchar(30))
CREATE TABLE #Sizesearch (idnumber varchar(30), Size varchar(30), Description varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #Materialsearch (IdNumber, Material)
SELECT [IdNumber],[Material]
FROM [datalist].[dbo].[Table1]
WHERE Material LIKE 'Steel' AND IdNumber NOT LIKE 'Steel'
INSERT INTO #Sizesearch (idnumber, Size, Description)
SELECT [idNumber],[itemSize], [ShortDesc]
FROM [515dap].[dbo].[Table2]
WHERE itemSize LIKE '1' AND idnumber NOT LIKE 'Steel'
SELECT DISTINCT #Materialsearch.IdNumber, #Materialsearch.Material,
#Sizesearch.Size, #Sizesearch.Description
FROM #Materialsearch
INNER JOIN #Sizesearch
ON #Materialsearch.IdNumber = #Sizesearch.idnumber
ORDER BY #Materialsearch.IdNumber
DROP TABLE #Materialsearch
DROP TABLE #Sizesearch
This would show all items that are made from steel but do not have steel as their itemid's.
Thanks for your help
I'm not 100% sure what you're after - but you may find this useful.
You could use a FULL OUTER JOIN which takes takes all rows from both tables, matches the ones it can, then reports all rows.
I'd suggest (for your understanding) running
FROM #Materialsearch AS A
FULL OUTER JOIN #Sizesearch AS B ON A.[IdNumber] = B.[IdNumber]
Then to get the relevant data, you just need some tweaks on that e.g.,
ISNULL(A.[IdNumber], B.[IdNumber]) AS [IdNumber],
FROM #Materialsearch AS A
FULL OUTER JOIN #Sizesearch AS B ON A.[IdNumber] = B.[IdNumber]
Edit: Changed typoed INNER JOINs to FULL OUTER JOINs. Oops :( Thankyou very much #Thorsten for finding it!

Suggestion to make a massive insert

I have the tables below:
tb_profile tb_mbx tb_profile_mbx tb_profile_cd
id id id_profile id_perfil
cod_mat mbx id_mbx id_cd (matches id_mbx)
concil bp
I need to create a query that when validating that the id_cd 1,2,4,5
and 6 exists in tb_profile_cd, perform an insert in the
tb_profile_mbx table with the cod_matrix parameters of the tb_profile
Remembering that each concil has its ID in the tb_mbx table and a
concil has many cod_mat.
Another point is that the concil id_mbx represents the id_cd of the
tb_profile_cd table.
One more point is that as I said above, that a concil has many
cod_mat. I have around 20 thousand records for each concil.
For my need, try to consult the query below, but Oracle returned an error:
insert into tb_profile_mbx values (seq_profile_mbx.nextval,
(select id from tb_profile where concil like '%NEXXERA%')
,(select id from tb_mbx where mbx like '%NEXXERA%')
ORA-01427: single line subquery returns more than one line
Would there be another way to do this query?
Thanks in advance!
You can insert all matching combinations of matches using:
insert into tb_profile_mbx (id_profile, id_mbx)
select p.id, m.id
from tb_profile p join
tb_mbx m
on p.concil like '%NEXXERA%' and m.mbx like '%NEXXERA%';
I would recommend running the select to see if it returns the values you want.
You only show two columns for tb_profile_mbx, so I've only included two columns in the insert.

update one table by inserting values from another table SQL server

I have two tables bottle and case that are filled out. They both have a column labeled case_id however in bottle table all the values are 0 while in case table they have the correct id.
How can I update the first table bottle values 0 with the new values from other table case? I believe I will need to use an UPDATE or INSERT or INNER JOIN.
If you give more detail for table struct will be better
UPDATE b SET b.case_id=c.case_id
FROM bottle AS b INNER JOIN [Case] AS c ON b.some_coloumn=c.some_cloumn

SQL query with pivot tables?

I'm trying to wrap by brain around how to use pivot tables for a query I need. I have 3 database tables. Showing relevant columns:
TableA: Columns = pName
TableB: Columns = GroupName, GroupID
TableC: Columns = pName, GroupID
TableA contains a list of names (John, Joe, Jack, Jane)
TableB contains a list of groups with an ID#. (Soccer|1, Hockey|2, Basketball|3)
TableC contains a list of the names and the group they belong to (John|1, John|3, Joe|2, Jack|1, Jack|2, Jack|3, Jane|3)
I need to create a matrix like grid view using a SQL query that would return a list of all the names from TableA (Y-axis) and a list of all the possible groups (X-axis). The cell values would be either true or false if they belong to the group.
Any help would be appreciated. I couldn't quite find an existing answer that helped.
You might try it like this
Here I set up a MCVE, please try to create this in your next question yourself...
INSERT INTO #Name VALUES('John'),('Joe'),('Jack'),('Jane');
INSERT INTO #Group VALUES ('Soccer',1),('Hockey',2),('Basketball',3);
This quer will collect the values and perform PIVOT
SELECT n.pName
,'x' AS IsInGroup
FROM #map AS m
INNER JOIN #Name AS n ON m.pName=n.pName
INNER JOIN #Group AS g ON m.gID=g.gID
) AS x
MAX(IsInGroup) FOR gName IN(Soccer,Hockey,Basketball)
) as p
This is the result.
pName Soccer Hockey Basketball
Jack x x x
John x NULL x
Some hints:
You might use 1 and 0 instead of x as SQL Server does not know a real boolean
You should add a pID to your names. Never join tables on real data (unless it is something unique and unchangeable [which means never acutally!!!])
UPDATE dynamic SQL (thx to #djlauk)
If you want a query which deals with any amount of groups you have to to this dynamically. But please be aware, that you loose the chance to use this in ad-hoc-SQL like in VIEW or inline TVF, which is quite a big backdraw...
INSERT INTO #Name VALUES('John'),('Joe'),('Jack'),('Jane');
INSERT INTO #Group VALUES ('Soccer',1),('Hockey',2),('Basketball',3);
FROM #Group
SELECT n.pName
,''x'' AS IsInGroup
FROM #map AS m
INNER JOIN #Name AS n ON m.pName=n.pName
INNER JOIN #Group AS g ON m.gID=g.gID
) AS x
MAX(IsInGroup) FOR gName IN(' + #ListOfGroups + ')
) as p');
I suspect it may be laborious to keep the pivot up to date if categories are added. Or maybe I just prefer Excel (if you ignore one major advantage). The following approach could be helpful too, assuming you do have Office 365.
I added the three tables using 3 CREATE TABLE statements and 3 INSERT statements based on the code I saw above. (The solutions make use of temporary tables to insert specific values, but I believe you already have the data in your three tables, called TableA, TableB, TableC).
CREATE TABLE TestName (pName VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO TestName VALUES('John'),('Joe'),('Jack'),('Jane');
CREATE TABLE TestGroup (gName VARCHAR(100),gID INT);
INSERT INTO TestGroup VALUES ('Soccer',1),('Hockey',2),('Basketball',3);
CREATE TABLE Testmap (pName VARCHAR(100),gID INT);
Then, in MS Excel, I added (there may be a shorter sequence but I'm still exploring) the three tables as queries from database > sql server database. After adding them, I added all three to the Data Model (I can elaborate if you ask).
I then inserted PivotTable from the ribbon, chose External data source, but opened the Tables tab (instead of Connections tab), to find my data model (mine was top of the list) and I clicked Open. At some point Excel prompted me to create relationships between tables and it did a good job of auto generating them for me.
After minor tweaks my PivotTable came out like this (I could also ask Excel to show the data as a PivotChart).
Pivot showing groups as columns and names as rows.
The advantage is that you don't have to revisit the PIVOT code in SQL if the list (of groups) changes. As I think someone else mentioned, consider using ids for pName as well, or another way to ensure that you are not stuck the next day if you have two persons named John or Jack.
In Excel you can choose when to refresh the data (or the pivot) and, after refresh, any additional categories will be added and counted.

SQL Server where condition on column with separated values

I have a table with a column that can have values separated by ",".
Example column group:
id column group:
1 10,20,30
2 280
3 20
I want to create a SELECT with where condition on column group where I can search for example 20 ad It should return 1 and 3 rows or search by 20,280 and it should return 1 and 2 rows.
Can you help me please?
As pointed out in comments,storing mutiple values in a single row is not a good idea..
coming to your question,you can use one of the split string functions from here to split comma separated values into a table and then query them..
create table #temp
id int,
columnss varchar(100)
insert into #temp
(2, '280'),
(3, '20')
select *
from #temp
cross apply
select * from dbo.SplitStrings_Numbers(columnss,',')
where item in (20)
id columnss Item
1 10,20,30 20
3 20 20
The short answer is: don't do it.
Instead normalize your tables to at least 3NF. If you don't know what database normalization is, you need to do some reading.
If you absolutely have to do it (e.g. this is a legacy system and you cannot change the table structure), there are several articles on string splitting with TSQL and at least a couple that have done extensive benchmarks on various methods available (e.g. see: http://sqlperformance.com/2012/07/t-sql-queries/split-strings)
Since you only want to search, you don't really need to split the strings, so you can write something like:
SELECT id, list
WHERE ','+list+',' LIKE '%,'+#searchValue+',%'
Where t(id int, list varchar(max)) is the table to search and #searchValue is the value you are looking for. If you need to search for more than one value you have to add those in a table and use a join or subquery.
E.g. if s(searchValue varchar(max)) is the table of values to search then:
SELECT distinct t.id, t.list
ON ','+t.list+',' LIKE '%,'+s.searchValue+',%'
If you need to pass those search values from ADO.Net consider table parameters.