Slow Swift Arrays and Strings performance - objective-c

Here is two pretty similar Levenshtein Distance algorithms.
Swift implementation:
And Objective-C implementation:
The swift one is dramatically slower then ObjC implementation
I've send couple of hours to make it faster but... It seems like Swift arrays and Strings manipulation are not as fast as objC.
On 2000 random Strings calculations Swift implementation is about 100(!!!) times slower then ObjC.
Honestly speaking, I've got no idea what could be wrong, coz even this part of swift
func levenshtein(aStr: String, bStr: String) -> Int {
// create character arrays
let a = Array(aStr)
let b = Array(bStr)
is few times slower then whole algorithm in Objective C
Is anyone knows how to speedup swift calculations?
Thank you in advance!
After all suggested improvements swift code looks like this.
And it is 4 times slower then ObjC in release configuration.
import Foundation
class Array2D {
var cols:Int, rows:Int
var matrix:UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>
init(cols:Int, rows:Int) {
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
matrix = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>(malloc(UInt(cols * rows) * UInt(sizeof(Int))))
for i in 0...cols*rows {
matrix[i] = 0
subscript(col:Int, row:Int) -> Int {
get {
return matrix[cols * row + col] as Int
set {
matrix[cols*row+col] = newValue
func colCount() -> Int {
return self.cols
func rowCount() -> Int {
return self.rows
extension String {
func levenshteinDistanceFromStringSwift(comparingString: NSString) -> Int {
let aStr = self
let bStr = comparingString
// let a = Array(aStr.unicodeScalars)
// let b = Array(bStr.unicodeScalars)
let a:NSString = aStr
let b:NSString = bStr
var dist = Array2D(cols: a.length + 1, rows: b.length + 1)
for i in 1...a.length {
dist[i, 0] = i
for j in 1...b.length {
dist[0, j] = j
for i in 1...a.length {
for j in 1...b.length {
if a.characterAtIndex(i-1) == b.characterAtIndex(j-1) {
dist[i, j] = dist[i-1, j-1] // noop
} else {
dist[i, j] = min(
dist[i-1, j] + 1, // deletion
dist[i, j-1] + 1, // insertion
dist[i-1, j-1] + 1 // substitution
return dist[a.length, b.length]
func levenshteinDistanceFromStringObjC(comparingString: String) -> Int {
let aStr = self
let bStr = comparingString
//It is really strange, but I should link Objective-C coz dramatic slow swift performance
return aStr.compareWithWord(bStr, matchGain: 0, missingCost: 1)
malloc?? NSString?? and at the end 4 times speed decrease? Is anybody needs swift anymore?

There are multiple reasons why the Swift code is slower than the Objective-C code.
I made a very simple test case by comparing two fixed strings 100 times.
Objective-C code: 0.026 seconds
Swift code: 3.14 seconds
The first reason is that a Swift Character represents an "extended grapheme cluster",
which can contain several Unicode code points (e.g. "flags"). This makes the
decomposition of a string into characters slow. On the other hand, Objective-C
NSString stores the strings as a sequence of UTF-16 code points.
If you replace
let a = Array(aStr)
let b = Array(bStr)
let a = Array(aStr.utf16)
let b = Array(bStr.utf16)
so that the Swift code works on UTF-16 sequences as well then the time goes down
to 1.88 seconds.
The allocation of the 2-dimensional array is also slow. It is faster to allocate
a single one-dimensional array. I found a simple Array2D class here:
class Array2D {
var cols:Int, rows:Int
var matrix: [Int]
init(cols:Int, rows:Int) {
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
matrix = Array(count:cols*rows, repeatedValue:0)
subscript(col:Int, row:Int) -> Int {
get {
return matrix[cols * row + col]
set {
matrix[cols*row+col] = newValue
func colCount() -> Int {
return self.cols
func rowCount() -> Int {
return self.rows
Using that class in your code
func levenshtein(aStr: String, bStr: String) -> Int {
let a = Array(aStr.utf16)
let b = Array(bStr.utf16)
var dist = Array2D(cols: a.count + 1, rows: b.count + 1)
for i in 1...a.count {
dist[i, 0] = i
for j in 1...b.count {
dist[0, j] = j
for i in 1...a.count {
for j in 1...b.count {
if a[i-1] == b[j-1] {
dist[i, j] = dist[i-1, j-1] // noop
} else {
dist[i, j] = min(
dist[i-1, j] + 1, // deletion
dist[i, j-1] + 1, // insertion
dist[i-1, j-1] + 1 // substitution
return dist[a.count, b.count]
the time in the test case goes down to 0.84 seconds.
The last bottleneck that I found in the Swift code is the min() function.
The Swift library has a built-in min() function which is faster. So just removing
the custom function from the Swift code reduces the time for the test case to
0.04 seconds, which is almost as good as the Objective-C version.
Addendum: Using Unicode scalars seems to be even slightly faster:
let a = Array(aStr.unicodeScalars)
let b = Array(bStr.unicodeScalars)
and has the advantage that it works correctly with surrogate pairs such
as Emojis.


how to increase the size limit of a mutable list in kotlin?

I was attempting to solve the multiset question ( on codeforces using Fenwick Tree Data structure. I passed the sample test cases but got the memory limit error after submitting, the testcase is mentioned below.
(Basically the testcase is:
1000000 1000000
1.............1 //10^6 times
-1...........-1 //10^6 times).
I tried similar testcase in my IDE and got the below mentioned error.
(Similar to above, the testcase I provided is:
1000000 1
1.............1 //10^6 times
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 524289 out of bounds for length 524289
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckIndex(
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.util.Objects.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.get(
at MultisetKt.main(multiset.kt:47)
at MultisetKt.main(multiset.kt)
Here is my code:
private fun readInt() = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
fun main() {
var (n, q) = readInt()
var list = readInt() //modify the list to store it from index 1
var finalList = listOf(0) + list
val query = readInt()
var bit = MutableList(n+1){0}
fun update(i:Int, value:Int) {
var index = i
while(index < n){
bit.set (index , bit[index] + value)
index += (index and -index)
fun rangefunc(i:Int): Int {
var su = 0
var index = i
while(index > 0){
su += bit[index]
index -= (index and -index)
return su
fun find(x:Int):Int {
var l = 1
var r = n
var ans = n
var mid = 0
while (l <= r) {
mid = (l + r) / 2
if (rangefunc(mid) >= x) {
ans = mid
r = mid - 1
} else {
l = mid + 1
return ans
for (i in 1..n) {
update(finalList[i], 1)
for (j in 0..q - 1) {
if (query[j] > 0) {
update(query[j], 1)
} else {
update(find(-query[j]), -1)
if(rangefunc(n) == 0){
I believe this is because the BITlist is not able to store 10^6 elements but not sure. Please let me know what changes should I make in my code also any additional advice on how to deal with such cases in the future.
Thank you in advance :)
An ArrayList can store over 2 billion items (2 * 10^9). That is not your issue. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is for trying to access an index of an ArrayList that is less than zero or greater than or equal to its size. In other words, an index that it doesn't yet contain.
There's more code there than I have time to debug. But I would start at the line that the stack trace points to and see how it's possible for you to attempt to call bit[index] with an index that equals the size of the ArrayList.
To answer your literal question, you can use LinkedList explicitly as your type of MutableList to avoid the size restriction, but it is heavier and it is slower when accessing elements by index.

Kotlin decomposing numbers into powers of 2

Hi I am writing an app in kotlin and need to decompose a number into powers of 2.
I have already done this in c#, PHP and swift but kotlin works differently somehow.
having researched this I believe it is something to do with the numbers in my code going negative somewhere and that the solution lies in declaring one or more of the variable as "Long" to prevent this from happening but i have not been able to figure out how to do this.
here is my code:
var salads = StringBuilder()
var value = 127
var j=0
while (j < 256) {
var mask = 1 shl j
if(value != 0 && mask != 0) {
j += 1
// salads = (salads.dropLast()) // removes the final ","
println("Salads = $salads")
This shoud output the following:
What I actually get is:
Any ideas?
This works for the one input that you specified, at the very least:
fun powersOfTwo(value :Long): String {
val result = ArrayList<String>()
var i = 0
var lastMask = 0
while (lastMask < value) {
val mask = 1 shl i
if (value != 0.toLong() && mask < value) {
lastMask = mask
i += 1
return result.joinToString(",")
Ran it in a unit test:
fun addition_isCorrect() {
val result = powersOfTwo(127)
assertEquals("1,2,4,8,16,32,64", result)
Test passed.
You can get a list of all powers of two that fit in Int and test each of them for whether the value contains it with the infix function and:
val value = 126
val powersOfTwo = (0 until Int.SIZE_BITS).map { n -> 1 shl n }
println(powersOfTwo.filter { p -> value and p != 0}.joinToString(","))
// prints: 2,4,8,16,32,64
See the entire code in Kotlin playground:
Hi I finally managed to get this working properly:
fun decomposeByTwo(value :Int): String {
val result = ArrayList<String>()
var value = value
var j = 0
while (j < 256) {
var mask = 1 shl j
if ((value and mask) != 0) {
value -= mask
j += 1
return result.toString()
I hope this helps someone trying to get a handle on bitwise options!
Somehow you want to do the "bitwise AND" of "value" and "mask" to determine if the j-th bit of "value" is set. I think you just forgot that test in your kotlin implementation.

Swift 4, reading byte data

so I recently update my IMAC and Xcode, after updating part of my code wasn't running as its supposed to it. Here is where I originally check messages.
func checkForMessages() {
while true {
if inputBuffer.length < 4 {
var msgLength = (inputBuffer.bytes).load(as: UInt32.self)
msgLength = UInt32(bigEndian: msgLength)
print("msgLength = \(msgLength)")
print("inputBuffer Length = \(inputBuffer.length)")
print("inputBuffer = \(inputBuffer)")
if inputBuffer.length < msgLength {
//print("data = \(inputBuffer.subdata(with: NSRange(location: 4, length: Int(msgLength))))")
if inputBuffer.length < msgLength + 4 {
let message: Data? = inputBuffer.subdata(with: NSRange(location: 4, length: Int(msgLength)))
let amtRemaining: Int = inputBuffer.length - Int(msgLength) - 4
if amtRemaining == 0 {
inputBuffer = NSMutableData()
else {
print("Creating input buffer of length \(amtRemaining)")
inputBuffer = NSMutableData(bytes: inputBuffer.bytes + 4 + Int(msgLength), length: amtRemaining)
and then the process message function
func processMessage(_ data: Data) {
let reader = MessageReader(data: data)
print("this is the message data\(data)")
let msgType = reader?.readByte().hashValue
and then the actually MessageReader, its in Objective C, since I pulled it off the internet a while ago. Its been working fine for me ever since. Until now.
#import "MessageReader.h"
#implementation MessageReader
- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_data = data;
_offset = 0;
return self;
- (unsigned char)readByte {
unsigned char retval = *((unsigned char *) (_data.bytes + _offset));
_offset += sizeof(unsigned char);
return retval;
- (int)readInt {
int retval = *((unsigned int *) (_data.bytes + _offset));
retval = ntohl(retval);
_offset += sizeof(unsigned int);
return retval;
- (NSString *)readString {
int strLen = [self readInt];
NSString *retval = [NSString stringWithCString:_data.bytes + _offset encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
_offset += strLen;
return retval;
- (void)dealloc {
Now the issue is that instead of returning the number for say “1” or “2”, “30”, etc. its returning some huge number like 1836718193728. I believe the issue lies in the messageReader, readByte function.
From your comment, reader?.readByte().hasValue is returning a huge number. (I believe hasValue is just a typo and its hashValue.)
That's a possible behavior of hashValue.
Are you using hashValue as if it's a UInt8 to Int conversion tool?
It's wrong. The property hashValue is (and should be) implemented to return some Int value which fulfills one axiom:
where a == b, a.hashValue == b.hashValue
In older versions of Swift, UInt8.hashValue may have returned the same value of type Int, but you should not rely on such an implementation detail that is not documented. A slight change of implementation would lead to different results.
And in fact, Swift 4.2 has changed the implementation of hashValue drastically.
SE-0206 Hashable Enhancements
You may need to fix all parts of your project using hashValue.
Usually, you use Int.init(_:) to convert UInt8 to Int.
In a context like Optional Chaining as shown in your let msgType, you may need to write something like this.
let msgType = (reader?.getByte()).map{Int($0)}
If you have many parts using hashValue wrongly, better write an extension:
extension UInt8 {
var integerValue: Int {
return Int(self)
let msgType = reader?.getByte().integerValue
Generally, you should better not include such wrong hacks in your project.

Appending a pointer to a Slice in Golang

I want to append a pointer to a slice.Is it possible..?In Partentnode.children is a slice I want to append it with X as pointer.
func Tree(Parentnode *Node) {
if IsvisitedNode(Parentnode.currentvalue - 1) {
m := MovesArray[Parentnode.currentvalue-1]
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
if m[j] != 0 {
var X *Node
X.parentnode = Parentnode
X.currentvalue = m[j]
if IsvisitedNode(m[j]) {
Parentnode.children = append(Parentnode.children, *X)
You have a off by one error.
In main you set Y.currentvalue = 1.
Then in Tree currentvalue walks to 64.
X.currentvalue = m[j]
fmt.Printf("cv: %v\n",X.currentvalue) //walks to 64
if IsvisitedNode(m[j]) {
An in IsvisitedNode you test that index against visithistory that has 64 indexes, thus stops at index 63. -> index error
var visithistory [64]bool
func IsvisitedNode(position int) bool {
if visithistory[position] == true {
Things work if you set var visithistory [65]bool but I think you need to rethink you logic here somewhat.

"Binary/Unary operator '++/<' cannot be applied to an operand of type" AND "Use of unresolved identifier '=-'"

I am translating an Obj-C app to Swift and having trouble dealing with some syntax. I believe I have declared the variable types correctly so I don't know why I'm be getting these errors. Maybe some blocks are located incorrectly inside classes/functions when they should be outside or something. I would love it if you could review my code. I'm new to programming so what may be a clear and explicit explanation to you probably will still be vague for me so please show with examples using existing names.
"Unary operator '++' cannot be applied to an operand of type 'Int?'"
"Binary operator '<' cannot be applied to an operand of type 'Int? and Float'"
"Use of unresolved identifier '=-'"
import UIKit
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
let minFramesForFilterToSettle = 10
enum CurrentState {
case statePaused
case stateSampling
class ViewController: UIViewController, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
let session = AVCaptureSession()
var camera : AVCaptureDevice?
var validFrameCounter: Int = 0
var pulseDetector: PulseDetector!
var filter: Filter!
var currentState = CurrentState.stateSampling // Is this initialized correctly?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.pulseDetector = PulseDetector()
self.filter = Filter()
// TO DO startCameraCapture() // call to un-used function.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
let NZEROS = 10
let NPOLES = 10
class Filter {
var xv = [Float](count: NZEROS + 1, repeatedValue: 0)
var yv = [Float](count: NPOLES + 1, repeatedValue: 0)
func processValue(value: Float) -> Float {
let gain: Float = 1.894427025e+01
xv[0] = xv[1]; xv[1] = xv[2]; xv[2] = xv[3]; xv[3] = xv[4]; xv[4] = xv[5]; xv[5] = xv[6]; xv[6] = xv[7]; xv[7] = xv[8]; xv[8] = xv[9]; xv[9] = xv[10]; xv[10] = value / gain;
yv[0] = yv[1]; yv[1] = yv[2]; yv[2] = yv[3]; yv[3] = yv[4]; yv[4] = yv[5]; yv[5] = yv[6]; yv[6] = yv[7]; yv[7] = yv[8]; yv[8] = yv[9]; yv[9] = yv[10];
yv[10] = (xv[10] - xv[0]) + 5 * (xv[2] - xv[8]) + 10 * (xv[6] - xv[4])
+ ( -0.0000000000 * yv[0]) + ( 0.0357796363 * yv[1])
+ ( -0.1476158522 * yv[2]) + ( 0.3992561394 * yv[3])
+ ( -1.1743136181 * yv[4]) + ( 2.4692165842 * yv[5])
+ ( -3.3820859632 * yv[6]) + ( 3.9628972812 * yv[7])
+ ( -4.3832594900 * yv[8]) + ( 3.2101976096 * yv[9]);
return yv[10];
let maxPeriod = 1.5 // float?
let minPeriod = 0.1 // float?
let invalidEntry:Double = -11
let maxPeriodsToStore:Int = 20
let averageSize:Float = 20
class PulseDetector {
var upVals: [Float] = [averageSize]
var downVals: [Float] = [averageSize]
var upValIndex: Int?
var downValIndex: Int?
var lastVal: Float?
var periodStart: Float?
var periods: [Double] = []
var periodTimes: [Double] = []
var periodIndex: Int?
var started: Bool?
var freq: Float?
var average: Float?
var wasDown: Bool?
func reset() {
for var i=0; i < maxPeriodsToStore; i++ {
periods[i] = invalidEntry
for var i=0; i < averageSize; i++ { // why error when PulseDetector.h said averageSize was an Int?
upVals[i] = invalidEntry
downVals[i] = invalidEntry
freq = 0.5
periodIndex = 0
downValIndex = 0
upValIndex = 0
func addNewValue(newVal:Float, atTime:Double) -> Float {
// we keep track of the number of values above and below zero
if newVal > 0 {
upVals[upValIndex!] = newVal
if upValIndex >= averageSize {
upValIndex = 0
if newVal < 0 {
downVals[downValIndex] =- newVal
if downValIndex >= averageSize {
downValIndex = 0
// work out the average value above zero
var count: Float
var total: Float
for var i=0; i < averageSize; i++ {
if upVals[i] != invalidEntry {
var averageUp = total/count
// and the average value below zero
for var i=0; i < averageSize; i++ {
if downVals[i] != invalidEntry {
var averageDown = total/count
// is the new value a down value?
if newVal < (-0.5*averageDown) {
wasDown = true
// original Objective-C code
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#define MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE 20 // is this an Int?
#define AVERAGE_SIZE 20 // is this a Float?
#define INVALID_PULSE_PERIOD -1 // done
#interface PulseDetector : NSObject {
float upVals[AVERAGE_SIZE];
float downVals[AVERAGE_SIZE];
int upValIndex;
int downValIndex;
float lastVal;
float periodStart;
double periods[MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE]; // this is an array!
double periodTimes[MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE]; // this is an rray !!
int periodIndex;
bool started;
float freq;
float average;
bool wasDown;
#property (nonatomic, assign) float periodStart; // var periodStart = float?
-(float) addNewValue:(float) newVal atTime:(double) time; // declaring a method called addNewValue with 2 arguments called atTime and time that returns a float
-(float) getAverage; // declaring a method called getAverage that returns a float
-(void) reset; // declaring a method that returns nothing
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import "PulseDetector.h"
#import <vector>
#import <algorithm>
#define MAX_PERIOD 1.5
#define MIN_PERIOD 0.1
#define INVALID_ENTRY -100 // is this a double?
#implementation PulseDetector
#synthesize periodStart;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
// set everything to invalid
[self reset];
return self;
-(void) reset {
for(int i=0; i<MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE; i++) {
for(int i=0; i<AVERAGE_SIZE; i++) {
-(float) addNewValue:(float) newVal atTime:(double) time {
// we keep track of the number of values above and below zero
if(newVal>0) {
if(upValIndex>=AVERAGE_SIZE) {
if(newVal<0) {
if(downValIndex>=AVERAGE_SIZE) {
// work out the average value above zero
float count=0;
float total=0;
for(int i=0; i<AVERAGE_SIZE; i++) {
if(upVals[i]!=INVALID_ENTRY) {
float averageUp=total/count;
// and the average value below zero
for(int i=0; i<AVERAGE_SIZE; i++) {
if(downVals[i]!=INVALID_ENTRY) {
float averageDown=total/count;
// is the new value a down value?
if(newVal<-0.5*averageDown) {
// is the new value an up value and were we previously in the down state?
if(newVal>=0.5*averageUp && wasDown) {
// work out the difference between now and the last time this happenned
if(time-periodStart<MAX_PERIOD && time-periodStart>MIN_PERIOD) {
if(periodIndex>=MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE) {
// track when the transition happened
// return up or down
if(newVal<-0.5*averageDown) {
return -1;
} else if(newVal>0.5*averageUp) {
return 1;
return 0;
-(float) getAverage {
double time=CACurrentMediaTime();
double total=0;
double count=0;
for(int i=0; i<MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE; i++) {
// only use upto 10 seconds worth of data
if(periods[i]!=INVALID_ENTRY && time-periodTimes[i]<10) {
// do we have enough values?
if(count>2) {
return total/count;
Your problem is that you didn't copied the defines:
#define MAX_PERIODS_TO_STORE 20 // is this an Int?
#define AVERAGE_SIZE 20 // is this a Float?
#define INVALID_PULSE_PERIOD -1 // done
You have to change your defines so they work in your Swift code.
Check this answer how to replace the Objective-C #define to make Swift-Workable.
Also you could just change the defines to variables and initialize your variables with them.
First, a bit on optionals. Variables that end with a '?' are Optional, meaning that they are allowed to be nil (basically not exist). The compiler will not know at compile time whether this variable exists or not, because you are allowed to set it to nil.
"Unary operator '++' cannot be applied to an operand of type 'Int?'"
You seem to have read that last word as Int, but it is Int? which is significant. Basically, since it is an optional (as indicated by the question mark), the compiler knows it can be nil. You cannot use ++ on nil, and since optionals can be nil, you cannot use ++ on optionals. You must forcibly unwrap it first:
downValIndex!++ //note the exclamation point for unwrapping
"Use of unresolved identifier '=-'"
=- isnt a thing. -= is a thing. So
downVals[downValIndex] -= newVal
downVals[downValIndex] = downVals[downValIndex]-newVal //equivalent to above
"Binary operator '>=' cannot be applied to an operand of type 'Int? and Float'"
The compiler thinks you have an optional int on the left of the < and a Float on the right. Assuming you want two Ints, you must unwrap the left and make sure the right is cast to be an int (something like this). If you want two floats instead, cast or define as floats instead of ints.
if downValIndex! >= averageSize as! Int { //casting to Int
You should just be defining averageSize as an int though
var averageSize:Int = 10 //or whatever number
Also, you have lots of optionals. If any of them can be defined to something at compile time, it will make your life easier as you won't need to unwrap them everywhere. Alternately you could implicitly unwrap them (only do this if you are absolutely sure they will never be nil).
var implicitlyUnwrappedOptional:Int!