use ListObject column name in VBA - vba

I have the need to execute some VBA code when a sheet changes. For this I have an If-then-else situation.
In any particular row (I have a variable number of rows (i.e. line items)):
if column "Type" = Range("A") then
column "Amount" needs to be unlocked
set to the value of Range("B") and locked
else if column "Type" = Range("C") then
column "Amount" needs to be unlocked
set to the value of Range("C") and locked
the column "Amount" needs to unlocked.
In the worksheet change event, I unlock/lock using ActiveSheet.Protect and .Unprotect with a password from a range.
I am now trying to figure out how to do this. Specifically, how do I use the column names - like in formula's?

=== for Excel 2007+ ===
If you are using Excel 2007+, I recommend using ListObject, ListColumns and ListRows (study the object model).
Philosophy behind my approach:
Forms, Data and Reports should always be separated, so...
Gather all your data into a Table, in a dedicated sheet. Select your data and Ctrl+(T or L). Make sure every sheet has only 1 table of data.
Using Tables, you'll be able to make use of the ListObject, ListColumns and ListRows objects.
Here's the finished code for the entire thing.
Public Sub test()
IntersectColumnRows ActiveSheet, "", "Type", "Amount", Range("A1"), Range("B1"), Range("C1")
End Sub
Public Sub IntersectColumnRows(currentSheet As Worksheet, sheetPassword As String, columnTitle_Type As String, columnTitle_Amount As String, rangeA As Range, rangeB As Range, rangeC As Range)
'variable declaration
Dim listO As ListObject
Set listO = currentSheet.ListObjects(1)
'Takes care of sheet protection
Dim isSheetProtected As Boolean
isSheetProtected = currentSheet.ProtectionMode
If isSheetProtected Then _
currentSheet.Unprotect (sheetPassword)
'store your type column
Dim columnRangeType As Range
Set columnRangeType = listO.ListColumns(columnTitle_Type).Range
'store your 2nd column
Dim columnRangeAmount As Range
Set columnRangeAmount = listO.ListColumns(columnTitle_Amount).Range
'the actual routine you are asking for
Dim listR As ListRow
For Each listR In listO.ListRows
'intersect the TYPE column with the current row
Dim typeRangeIntersection As Range
Set typeRangeIntersection = Application.Intersect(listR.Range, columnRangeType)
'intersect the AMOUNT column with the current row
Dim amountRangeIntersection As Range
Set amountRangeIntersection = Application.Intersect(listR.Range, columnRangeAmount)
'the logic you required
If typeRangeIntersection.Value = rangeA.Value Then
amountRangeIntersection.Locked = False
amountRangeIntersection.Value = rangeB.Value
amountRangeIntersection.Locked = True
ElseIf typeRangeIntersection.Value = rangeC.Value Then
amountRangeIntersection.Locked = False
amountRangeIntersection.Value = rangeC.Value
amountRangeIntersection.Locked = True
amountRangeIntersection.Locked = False
End If
'Cleans up sheet protection
If isSheetProtected Then _
currentSheet.Protect (sheetPassword)
End Sub
Here's the "how-I-did-it":
Store the ListColumn.Range for all required columns (Type, Amount)
For-loop with every ListRow...
I intersect the ListRow.Range with the ListColumn.Range
Apply your desired logic
Beyond the code, study how...
I included the PROTECT/PASSWORD logic in there, so you can remove it if you want to.
Each variable has a very explicit name
I didn't include any hard-coded value so it remains parametric, if you need to adapt some stuff for different sheets


Looping through columns to get column numbers based on headers

I have a template with a set number of columns (170) and title headers (row 1 cell name's). This is always the same, until users add columns in between (they're instructed not to change headers). The idea is to make it tamperproof as far as the adding of columns is involved.
I'd like to make variables to hold some of the headers (with the capacity to hold all) and check these with the template to find out the column number (in a loop I reckon). It's probably wisest to make a function to call upon it?
Dim ColHeader1Str as string 'literal row 1, column 1 value (which is always
'the same string and position in the template)
Dim iColHeader1 as integer 'holds the (to be set) value of the column number
Set ColHeader1Str = "ColHeader1"
Now I'd like a loop where it loops trough all the columns (last column = 200) and checks to see what the column number is that matches the ColHeader1Str and store this in the iColHeader1
So something like:
Function find_columnNmbr
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 200 Step 1
If 'ColHeader1Str matches actual column header name
'set found integer as iColHeader1 and so forth
Exit For
End If
End Function`
I know I'm missing a few steps and I'm hoping you guys can help me out.
Update: The template has set column headers. When users interact with it a result could be that columns shift position, or they add more. I have a workbook that needs to load data out of the user's altered template.
I.E. The template has columns 1, 2, 3, 4 and the names are column1, column 2 etc. A user ads a random column so now there are 5. The loop needs to loop through the names of the column headers and identify the column number of the original template columns 1, 2 etc based on a string variable with the original names, which I've hard coded beforehand. These are public constants.
What function LookForHeaders do: input a string, then search for the string in usersheet.range(1:1). If it is found, return the column number of that cell, otherwise it returns 0.
Private Function LookForHeaders(ByVal headerName As String) As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim userSheet As WorkSheet
Set userSheet = 'userSheet here'
On Error GoTo NotFound
LookForHeaders = userSheet.Range("1:1").Find(headerName).Column
Exit Function
LookForHeaders = 0
End Function
Private Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim template As WorkSheet
Set template = 'template here'
For Each rng In template.Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(1,200))
iColHeader1 = LookForHeaders(rng.Value)
'Do something with iColHeader1
Next rng
End Sub
Not sure what your looking for but here is example
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim i As Long
LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
For i = 1 To LastCol
If Cells(i) = "Name" Then
Debug.Print Cells(i).Address
End If
End Sub

How to get multiple results with one vlookup in VBA, Where vlookup is the part of the whole string (vlookup value)

I have 3 sheets, in sheet one I have a column "Register Codes" and I have extracted the unique codes in next column. Please check the below image.
Based on these unique codes, sub-codes are allocated in sheet 2. please check the below image.
Now what I am trying here is that in sheet 3 I need every "Register code" with the relevant "sub-code" which is allocated in sheet2 based on the "unique ID" given in Sheet1. please check the below image for expected output.
I have been using various combinations of formulas but could not get a proper solution. What is the best way to do it in VBA as I just started learning in this field.
Subject to a few conditions the following code will do what you want. Install it in a standard code module (by default "Module1", but you can name it as you like) in the workbook where you have your data.
Option Explicit
Enum Nws ' Worksheet navigation
NwsFirstDataRow = 2 ' presumed the same for all worksheets
NwsCode = 1 ' 1 = column A (change as required)
NwsSubCode ' No value means previous + 1
End Enum
Sub NumerList()
' 05 Apr 2017
Dim Wb As Workbook ' all sheets are in the same workbook
Dim WsCodes As Worksheet ' Register codes
Dim WsNum As Worksheet ' Sub-code values
Dim WsOut As Worksheet ' Output worksheet
Dim RegName As String, RegCode As String
Dim Sp() As String
Dim Rs As Long ' Source row in WsNum
Dim Rt As Long ' Target row in WsOut
Dim R As Long, Rl As Long ' rows / Last row in WsCodes
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Make sure it is active!
Set WsCodes = Wb.Worksheets("Reg Codes") ' Change name to your liking
Set WsNum = Wb.Worksheets("Code Values") ' Change name to your liking
On Error Resume Next
Set WsOut = Wb.Worksheets("Output") ' Change name to your liking
If Err Then
Set WsOut = Wb.Worksheets.Add(After:=WsNum)
WsOut.Name = "Output" ' create the worksheet if it doesn't exist
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Rt = NwsFirstDataRow
With WsCodes
Rl = .Cells(.Rows.Count, NwsCode).End(xlUp).Row
For R = NwsFirstDataRow To Rl
RegName = .Cells(R, NwsCode).Value
Sp = Split(RegName, "-")
If UBound(Sp) > 1 Then ' must find at least 2 dashes
RegCode = Trim(Sp(1))
RegCode = ""
End If
If Len(RegCode) Then
On Error Resume Next
Rs = WorksheetFunction.Match(RegCode, WsNum.Columns(NwsCode), 0)
If Err Then Rs = 0
On Error GoTo 0
If Rs Then
WsOut.Cells(Rt, NwsCode).Value = RegName
WsOut.Cells(Rt, NwsSubCode).Value = WsNum.Cells(Rs, NwsSubCode).Value
WsOut.Cells(Rt, NwsNumer).Value = WsNum.Cells(Rs, NwsNumer).Value
Rt = Rt + 1
Rs = Rs + 1
Loop While WsNum.Cells(Rs, NwsCode).Value = RegCode
RegCode = ""
End If
End If
If Len(RegCode) = 0 Then
WsOut.Cells(Rt, NwsCode).Value = RegName
WsOut.Cells(Rt, NwsSubCode).Value = "No sub-code found"
Rt = Rt + 1
End If
Next R
End With
End Sub
And here are the conditions.
All 3 sheets must be in the same workbook. If you have them in different workbooks the code must be adapted to handle more than one workbook.
The two worksheets with data must exist. They must be named as the code prescribes or the code must be modified to match the names they have. The same goes for the Output worksheet, but that sheet will be created by the code if it doesn't exist. You can change its name in the code.
The enumeration at the top of the code presumes that all 3 sheets are identically formatted with no data in row 1 (captions) and data in columns A, B and C. Changes aren't difficult but must be made if you want a different input or output. You can change the columns in the existing code by assigning other values to the columns in the enum, but the code requires the same arrangement in all sheets.
The extracted codes in the Codes sheet aren't used. The code does its own extraction. It will mark an error in the output list if a code can't be extracted or if it isn't found in the Sub-code list.
The sub-codes in the Numer sheet must be sorted like the picture you posted. The code will look for the first occurrence of "image" and find the subcodes in the following rows while the code is "image" in column A. It will not find further occurrences of "image" that might follow after an intermission.
The code doesn't do any colouring. Adding it wouldn't be difficult, but you would have to specify some rules, such as "20 different colours for the first 20 codes and then repeat the same sequence".
Other cell formatting could be added without much effort because each cell is already individually named. More properties can be added easily.

Knowing the assigned name of a cell instead of the "A1" name

I have several lists in my sheet (1 column wide, 1-10 rows long). When I right click a cell in these lists, I can do several options, that all work well. I have given a name to the cell at the top of each of these lists (ex. Cell A1 has been given the name cell_1, B10 is names cell_2, etc).
I would like to know if the cell I am right clicking on is the one at the top of the list; is it named "cell_(number)"? If it is not, it checks the cell on top of that one. Does it have a name that starts with "cell_"? If not, check the one on top, etc. Until I can figure out the user clicked on an element of WHICH list.
TL;DR The actual question
I can use ActiveCell.Address, which gives me something like "A1" whether or not I have assigned a name to that cell. ActiveCell.Name gives "Sheet1!A1", so it's not much better. Any idea how to get it to return the name I have assigned instead?
Create a UDF to test the application names, it's less efficient but contains error handling within the function itself:
Sub SO()
'// Example how to call function
Debug.Print GetCellName(Range("A1"))
End Sub
Function GetCellName(myCell As Excel.Range) As Variant
Dim nameCheck As Variant
For Each nameCheck In Application.Names
If Replace(Replace(Replace(nameCheck, "=", ""), "'", ""), "!", "") = _
CStr(myCell.Parent.Name & myCell.Address) Then
GetCellName = CStr(nameCheck.Name)
Exit Function
End If
GetCellName = CVErr(Excel.xlErrName)
End Function
Note you can also use this function in a worksheet cell like so:
Perhaps this would work. This function returns the names assigned to a cell (or bigger range for that matter). If there's more than one name, it returns it as an array for array formula...or the user can supply an index to return only the desired name position
Public Function CellIsInRangeNames(sheetname As String, checkRange As Range, Optional itemNumber As Variant) As Variant
Dim oNM As Name
Dim oSht As Worksheet
Dim isect As Range
Dim namesCollection() As Variant
Set oSht = Worksheets(sheetname)
Dim i As Integer
i = -1
For Each oNM In oSht.Names
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range(oNM.Name), checkRange)
If Not isect Is Nothing Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve namesCollection(0 To i)
namesCollection(i) = CStr(oNM.Name)
End If
Next oNM
If i = -1 Then
'didn't find any
CellIsInRangeNames = xlErrName
ElseIf Not IsMissing(itemNumber) Then
'user wanted this instance only
If (itemNumber - 1 > UBound(namesCollection)) Or (itemNumber - 1 < LBound(namesCollection)) Then
CellIsInRangeNames = xlErrValue
CellIsInRangeNames = namesCollection(itemNumber - 1)
End If
Else 'here's the list as an array
CellIsInRangeNames = namesCollection
End If
End Function

Copy unique records from one workbook to another master workbook

I need some help with copying unique records from one workbook to a master workbook please.
Each month I receive a new workbook with data and I want to be able to copy all new records in that new workbook to one master workbook which will have all the amalgamted records. There is one unique reference field which can be used for the lookup to identify a new record.
In addition to this what I want to do is update values which are in 3 columns for ALL existing records on the master workbook which might be on the new workbook.
Master workbook
Ref Name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Description
123 TR 100 50 200 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
111 WE 90 45 400 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
New workbook
Ref Name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Description
123 TR 300 200 200 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
456 MA 100 500 700 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Update master workbook
Ref Name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Description
123 TR 300 200 200 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
111 WE 90 45 400 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
456 MA 100 500 700 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'd appreciate any help with this please. Thanks
I wrote a small module that does what you want (and even more). I tried to make it as generic as possible, but I had to assert a few things and limit it somehow - otherwise it would get quickly out of hand (as I think it already did.. kind of).
The limitations/assertions are the following:
1. the records are considered to be laid out only in rows (as per your example).
2. there is no column checking during the update or insertion of values. The program assumes that both master and new workbooks contain the same columns and laid in the exact same order.
3. There is no validation check for duplicate reference values. The "ref" column that you indicate as your primary key in each data range, is assumed to contain unique values (for that data range).
Apart from those assumptions, my solution is enhanced with flexible arguments (optional or autoconfigurable - see how dataRange is determined) to allow for several types of operation.
optional colorAlertOption flag: allows updated or inserted entries to be colored in order to be more distinguisable (true by default)
optional rangeWithHeaders flag: helps to determine if the supplied dataRange argument needs to be resized (remove headers) or not (true by default)
optional refColIndex integer: the relative to the dataRange - not the whole worksheet - column number pinpointing the column containing the unique references. (1 by default)
required dataRangeNew, dataRangeMaster (Range) arguments: flexible representations of the data-ranges for the new and master datasets respectively. You can either provide them explicitly (e.g. "$A$1:$D$10") or by giving only a single cell contained anywhere within the data-range. The only predicates are that the data-range should be isolated from other possible data coexisting on the same sheet (by means of blank rows or columns) and that it contains at least 1 row.
You can call the updateMasterDataRange procedure like this:
call updateMasterDataRange (Workbooks(2).Sheets("new").Range("a1"), Workbooks(1).Worksheets("master").Range("a1"))
Notice the fully qualified data ranges, including the workbooks and the worksheets in the mix. If you don't prepend these identifiers, VBA will try to associate the unqualified Range with ActiveWorkbook or/and ActiveWorksheet, with unpredictable results.
Here goes the body of the module:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Public Sub updateMasterDataRange( _
ByRef dataRangeNew As Range, ByRef dataRangeMaster As Range, _
Optional refColIndexNew As Integer = 1, Optional refColIndexMaster As Integer = 1, _
Optional colorAlertOption = True, Optional rangeWithHeaders = True)
' Sanitize the supplied data ranges based on various criteria (see procedure's documentation)
If sanitizeDataRange(dataRangeMaster, rangeWithHeaders) = False Then GoTo rangeError
If sanitizeDataRange(dataRangeNew, rangeWithHeaders) = False Then GoTo rangeError
' Declaring counters for the final report's updated and appended records respectively
Dim updatedRecords As Integer: updatedRecords = 0
Dim appendedRecords As Integer: appendedRecords = 0
' Declaring the temporary variables which hold intermediate results during the for-loop
Dim updatableMasterRefCell As Range, currentRowIndex As Integer, updatableRowMaster As Range
For currentRowIndex = 1 To dataRangeNew.Rows.Count
' search the master's unique references (refColMaster range) for the current reference
' from dataRangeNew (refcolNew range)
Set updatableMasterRefCell = dataRangeMaster.Columns(refColIndexMaster).Find( _
what:=dataRangeNew.Cells(currentRowIndex, refColIndexNew).Value, _
lookat:=xlWhole, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchDirection:=xlNext)
' perform a check to see if the search has returned a valid range reference in updatableMasterRefCell
' if it is found empty (the reference value in refCellNew is unique to masterDataRange)
If updatableMasterRefCell Is Nothing Then
Call appendRecord(dataRangeNew.Rows(currentRowIndex), dataRangeMaster, colorAlertOption)
appendedRecords = appendedRecords + 1
'ReDim Preserve appendableRowIndices(appendedRecords)
'appendableRowIndices(appendedRecords) = currentRowIndex
Set updatableRowMaster = Intersect(dataRangeMaster, updatableMasterRefCell.EntireRow)
Call updateRecord(dataRangeNew.Rows(currentRowIndex), updatableRowMaster, colorAlertOption)
updatedRecords = updatedRecords + 1
End If
Next currentRowIndex
' output an informative dialog to the user
Dim msg As String
msg = _
"sheet name: " & dataRangeMaster.Parent.Name & vbCrLf & _
"records updated: " & updatedRecords & vbCrLf & _
"records appended: " & appendedRecords
MsgBox msg, vbOKOnly, "--+ Update report +--"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Either range argument is too small to operate on!", vbExclamation, "Argument Error"
End Sub
Sub appendRecord(ByVal recordRowSource As Range, ByRef dataRangeTarget As Range, Optional ByVal colorAlertOption As Boolean = True)
Dim appendedRowTarget As Range
Set dataRangeTarget = dataRangeTarget.Resize(Rowsize:=dataRangeTarget.Rows.Count + 1)
Set appendedRowTarget = dataRangeTarget.Rows(dataRangeTarget.Rows.Count)
appendedRowTarget.Insert shift:=xlDown, copyorigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Set appendedRowTarget = appendedRowTarget.Offset(-1, 0)
' resize datarangetarget to -1 row (because cells' shifting incurred a +1 row to dataRangeTarget)
Set dataRangeTarget = dataRangeTarget.Resize(Rowsize:=dataRangeTarget.Rows.Count - 1)
recordRowSource.Copy appendedRowTarget
If colorAlertOption = True Then
' fills the cells of the newly appended row with lightgreen color
appendedRowTarget.Interior.color = RGB(156, 244, 164)
End If
End Sub
Sub updateRecord(ByVal recordRowSource As Range, ByVal updatableRowTarget As Range, Optional ByVal colorAlertOption As Boolean = True)
recordRowSource.Copy updatableRowTarget
If colorAlertOption = True Then
' fills the cells of the updated row with lightblue color
updatableRowTarget.Interior.color = RGB(164, 189, 249)
End If
End Sub
Private Function sanitizeDataRange(ByRef target As Range, ByVal rangeWithHeaders As Boolean) As Boolean
' if data range comprises only 1 cell then try to expand the range to currentRegion
' (all neighbouring cells until the selection reaches boundaries of blank rows or columns)
If target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
Set target = target.CurrentRegion
End If
' remove headers from data ranges if flag RangeWithHeaders is true
If (rangeWithHeaders) Then
If (target.Rows.Count >= 2) Then
Set target = target.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Rowsize:=(target.Rows.Count - 1))
sanitizeDataRange = False
End If
End If
sanitizeDataRange = IIf((target.Rows.Count >= 1), True, False)
End Function
The results of a simple execution on your example gave the expected results, as you can see in the attached picture. There is even a dialogue with a brief report on the accomplished operations.
You haven't got much of a start. Will this outline get you started?
open all 3 workbooks
for masterrow = beginrow to endrow
if match in newsheet then
updaterow = newrow
updaterow = masterrow
end if
next masterrow
' now pick up unmatched newrows
for newrow = beginrow to endrow
if not match in updatesheet then
updaterow = newrow
end if
next newrow
EDIT: CodeVortex did the whole thing. My outline was flawed.
open both workbooks
appendrow = endrow of mastersheet
for newrow = beginrow to endrow
if match in mastersheet then
update masterrow
append into appendrow
appendrow = appendrow + 1
end if
next newrow

Copy cells in a row to another sheet considering a unique reference number

I an trying to extract data from sheet "Record" by matching an entered reference number in sheet "Form" with those numbers in column B of "Record." I was able to come up with the VB code below through command button click. However, it will only return a single value from sheet "Record" column i and coding for each will really be time consuming.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Application.WorksheetFunction
Sheets("Form").Range("b:b") = _
.Index(Sheets("Record").Range("h:h"), .Match(Sheets("Form").Range("i13"), Sheets("Record").Range("b:b"), 0), 1)
End With
End Sub
I'm wondering if is it possible to copy values from sheet "Record" columns H-Q to sheet "Form" columns B-K if the reference number in cell I13 of sheet "Form" matches any value on column B of sheet "Record?" Because what i encounter most of the time is returning the entire row.
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks
It might be brute force, but I think the best way is to loop through the data like this:
'Find the last row of data
Public Function Get_Last_Row_Find(ByVal rngToCheck As Range) As Long
Dim rngLast As Range
Set rngLast = rngToCheck.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
If rngLast Is Nothing Then
Get_Last_Row_Find = rngToCheck.Row
Get_Last_Row_Find = rngLast.Row
End If
If Get_Last_Row_Find <= 1 Then
Get_Last_Row_Find = 2
End If
End Function
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click
x = Get_Last_Row_Find(Sheets("Record").Range("B:B")
for i = 1 to x
if Sheets("Form").Range("I13").Value = Sheets("Record").Range("B:B").Offset(i-1,0).Value then 'match
Worksheets("Record").Range("H"&i&":Q"&i).Copy _
next i
Note the two methods of "offsetting": you can use the .Offset method or you can use a variable and concatenate it within the Range("") text.
Code not tested.