MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer play advertisements(ads) in the middle of a video iOS - ios7

We are trying to play ads while playing a video using MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer in our iOS app. What is the best way to achieve this functionality? Can anyone suggest the right way to make it work as YOUTUBE Player which plays ads in the middle of video. is the wonderful example for merging multiple videos in iOS.
Here is apple WWDC video for editing videos in iOS


MPMoviePlayer video quality is not the same as original video quality on Youtube

I am trying to play YouTube videos in IOS App and it working fine. But the issue is in quality, Quality is not same in MPMoviePlayer as video's are on YouTube.
I have tried different approaches but did not get any solutions.
like : YTPlayerView,LBYouTube etc...
Please help me if anyone have a solution for that.
Thanks in advance.
I read this working fine...
Try it by using
It is a subclass of MPMoviePlayerViewController.
LBYouTubeView is a small view that is able to display YouTube videos in a MPMoviePlayerController.
you have choice to select between high-quality and standard quality.
LBYouTubeView doesn't use UIWebView which makes it faster .

play sound of youtube video when app is in background

I am using RMYouTubeExtractor to play youtube video inside my app in a MPMoviePlayerController.
I need to play the sound of the video (and show the thumbnail of the video on the lock screen) if the phone is locked or the app is in the background.
Is there any way to do that ?
Please help.
Thank you.

AVPlayer Video Playback No Sound

I'm using AVPlayer to play back some embedded (.mov) video clips in the bundle and I can't get the audio to playback. Any advice on how to get the audio to play? All I see is the video playing with no audio.
Make sure that the audio in the movie is using one of the support audio codecs. These are listed in the Multimedia Programming Guide if you're using iOS. If you're using OS X, then this list might be more appropriate.

Play video files on iPad

I am on the lookout for some sample code to help me learn how to play movie files (.mp4) on the iPad.
Can anyone help? I can only find a iPhone sample which doesn't work.
See the AVFoundation framework, particularly AVPlayer. There’s also a higher-level class called MPMoviePlayerController that offers simple video playback (it’s easier to use but cannot be customized).

Objective-C iPhone - Playing youtube within an app

Is it possible to play youtube using the method described in this url
but with a custom button? (i.e in the picture in the link, it's of a baseball game with the play button overlay on top, I want that to be a custom button that I create)
Thank you,
No, the way that you play YouTube videos is by opening it in the mobile site, which takes you to the embedded QuickTime/YouTube viewer. It doesn't play them in the view of your app like the QTView would on a Mac.