Objective-C iPhone - Playing youtube within an app - objective-c

Is it possible to play youtube using the method described in this url
but with a custom button? (i.e in the picture in the link, it's of a baseball game with the play button overlay on top, I want that to be a custom button that I create)
Thank you,

No, the way that you play YouTube videos is by opening it in the mobile site, which takes you to the embedded QuickTime/YouTube viewer. It doesn't play them in the view of your app like the QTView would on a Mac.


How to automatically play unmuted video when changing slides

I have a video slideshow that is created using Swiper JS. Ideally I'd like to make the videos automatically play without muting them when changing slides. I have a play button on top of the video. I don't want users to keep clicking the play button when they change the slides. Is there a way to achieve this without muting the videos? I see the web-based Tiktok site has been doing it. Not sure how they managed to do it.
Thanks in advance!

Embedding YouTube video into a wall

I have an app, that has a wall, in which there can be text and YouTube links. What I want to do is to detect if that video is from YouTube, that's not hard, but the other part is to play it inside the app, not exiting it. Which I find quite hard to do.
Should I look into UIWebView, or that would only play all the videos?
If you open a youtube link in a uiwebview, this will give you the proper experience.
To do this, create a webview and display it modally (or in a navigationController). Then send the URL request with the youtube link to the webview. You will then have to either manually or automatically dismiss the webview.
Take a look YouTube video in UIWebView and UIWebView modal YouTube player "Done" button action .

Play embeded youtube video on button press

Is it possible to embed a youtube video in your application, but rather than showing the user a preview thumbnail that can be touched, show a standard UIButton that loads the video directly into the actual youtube player when touched. After the user clicks done control would return to my application (as it does with embedded webview) Is this possible?
Use youtube custom URL scheme. Read it from here
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_IDENTIFIER"]];
This approach will take you out of your app and open native Youtube app. I don't think there is any thing available in youtube player options to hide thumbnail. For autoplay without tapping UIWebView please read answers for this this and this

Mimic versatile behaviour of Apple's UIWebView with Sencha Touch

Given a URL to a...
PDF, Apple's UIWebView component will display the PDF in the PDF
video, Apple's UIWebView component will display the video in
the video player.
music file, Apple's UIWebView component will play
the music in the video player.
What is the best way to mimic this functionality in Sencha Touch?
Many thanks
EDIT: Also, how do you display a website in a panel? I've tried using an embed and an iframe, but these aren't scrollable on the device.
I don't understand, this should work just like that? Are you thinking of rendering pdf/video/music inside Sencha Application?
If yes, check out Sencha examples for audio/video. For pdf you will need some new code. I would suggest using pdf.js inside Sencha panel, haven't tried it though.
This was answered in sencha touch :: how to create a panel for website-preview inside iFrame.
Anyway, if you want to get the same effect as a UIWebView in senchatouch, I recommend using PhoneGap as long as your intention is that your webapp is used only on mobile devices. PhoneGap Plugins available to use the native WebViews each mobile OS. The plugin, both for IOS to ChildrenBrowser called Android. Sorry about the other systems can not help more.
Without a lot of hacky code, you can't.

Turning Google Earth plugin animation into a video

I've created an animation which runs inside of the Google Earth plugin (browser) and I'd like to somehow encode this animation into a video format that I can upload to YouTube or a related video site. Are there any tools out there to help me do this?
**EDIT: more detail
This animation changes depending on user input. So it needs to be scalable. The user would click a button: download video after which a server would convert the animation.
You can use FRAPS to record a video of the animation running on your machine.