AMPL, selecting data from two sets - ampl

I have two sets which are:
set s1 := 0 1 5 6 ;
set s2 := 3 4 8 9 ;
I need to have a constraint which selects the data from these sets like the following line:
subject to sym1{i in 0..3 , j in 0..3 : i=j } : x[0,s1[i],0] = x[1,s1[j],0];
It means selecting data from s1 and s2 should be like:
x[0,0,0] = x[1,3,0];
x[0,1,0] = x[1,4,0];
x[0,5,0] = x[1,8,0];
x[0,6,0] = x[1,9,0];
But the code I wrote has a syntax error.
Would you please help me

One way to do this is by declaring sets as ordered and using the member function to an element of a set by its index:
set s1 ordered := {0, 1, 5, 6};
set s2 ordered := {3, 4, 8, 9};
subject to sym1{i in 1..4}: x[0, member(i, s1), 0] = x[1, member(i, s2), 0];
Alternatively, you can replace sets with parameters:
param s1{1..4};
param s2{1..4};
subject to sym1{i in 1..4}: x[0, s1[i], 0] = x[1, s2[i], 0];
param s1 :=
1 0
2 1
3 5
4 6;
param s2 :=
1 3
2 4
3 8
4 9;


I want to use values from dataframeA as upper and lower bounds to filter dataframeB

I have two dataframes A and B.
Dataframe A has 4 columns with 2 sets of maximum and minimums that I want to use as upper and lower bounds for 2 columns in dataframe B.
latitude = data['y']
longitude = data['x']
upper_lat = coords['lat_max']
lower_lat = coords['lat_min']
upper_lon = coords['long_max']
lower_lon = coords['long_min']
def filter_data_2(filter, upper_lat, lower_lat, upper_lon, lower_lon, lat, lon):
v = filter[(lower_lat <= lat <= upper_lat ) & (lower_lon <= lon <= upper_lon)]
return v
newdata = filter_data_2(data, upper_lat, lower_lat, upper_lon, lower_lon, latitude, longitude)
ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects
import pandas as pd
a = {'lower_lon': [2,4,6], 'upper_lon': [4,6,10], 'lower_lat': [1,3,5], 'upper_lat': [3,5,7]}
constraints = pd.DataFrame(data=a)
lower_lon upper_lon lower_lat upper_lat
0 2 4 1 3
1 4 6 3 5
2 6 10 5 7
b = {'lon' : [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15], 'lat': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]}
to_filter = pd.DataFrame(data=b)
lon lat
0 3 2
1 5 4
2 7 6
3 9 8
4 11 10
5 13 12
6 15 14
lat = to_filter['lat']
lon = to_filter['lon']
lower_lon = constraints['lower_lon']
upper_lon = constraints['upper_lon']
lower_lat = constraints['lower_lat']
upper_lat = constraints['upper_lat']
v = to_filter[(lower_lat <= lat) & (lat <= upper_lat) & (lower_lon <= lon) & (lon <= upper_lon)]
Expected Results
lon lat
0 3 2
1 5 4
2 7 6
The global filter will be the union of the sets of all the contraints, in pandas you could:
v = pd.DataFrame()
for i in constraints.index:
# Current constraints
min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat = constraints.loc[i, :]
# Apply filter
df = to_filter[ (to_filter.lon>= min_lon & to_filter.lon<= max_lon) & (>= min_lat &<= max_lat) ]
# Join in a single df previous and current filter outcome
v= pd.concat( [v, df] )
# Remove duplicates, if any
v = v.drop_duplicates()

Pandas create row number - but not as an index

I want to create a row number series - but not override my date index.
I can do it with a loop but I think there must be an easier way?
_cnt = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( df ) ):
_cnt.append ( i )
df[ 'row' ] = _cnt
Probably the easiest way:
df['row'] = range(len(df))
>>> df
0 1
0 0.444965 0.993382
1 0.001578 0.174628
2 0.663239 0.072992
3 0.664612 0.291361
4 0.486449 0.528354
>>> df['row'] = range(len(df))
>>> df
0 1 row
0 0.444965 0.993382 0
1 0.001578 0.174628 1
2 0.663239 0.072992 2
3 0.664612 0.291361 3
4 0.486449 0.528354 4

Apply function on a two dataframe rows

Given a pandas dataframe like this:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [4, 5, 6]})
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 6
I would like to do something equivalent to this using a function but without passing "by value" or as a global variable the whole dataframe (it could be huge and then it would give me a memory error):
i = -1
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if i < 0:
i = index
c1 = df.loc[i][0] + df.loc[index][0]
c2 = df.loc[i][1] + df.loc[index][1]
df.ix[index, 0] = c1
df.ix[index, 1] = c2
i = index
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 3 9
2 6 15
i.e., I would like to have a function which will give me the previous output:
def my_function(two_rows):
row1 = two_rows[0]
row2 = two_rows[1]
c1 = row1[0] + row2[0]
c2 = row1[1] + row2[1]
row2[0] = c1
row2[1] = c2
return row2
df.apply(my_function, axis=1)
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 3 9
2 6 15
Is there a way of doing this?
What you've demonstrated is a cumsum
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 3 9
2 6 15
def f(df):
n = len(df)
r = range(1, n)
for j in df.columns:
for i in r:
df[j].values[i] += df[j].values[i - 1]
return df
To define a function as a loop that does this in place
Slow cell by cell
def f(df):
n = len(df)
r = range(1, n)
for j in df.columns:
for i in r:
df[j].values[i] += df[j].values[i - 1]
return df
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 3 9
2 6 15
Compromise between memory and efficiency
def f(df):
for j in df.columns:
df[j].values[:] = df[j].values.cumsum()
return df
col1 col2
0 1 4
1 3 9
2 6 15
Note that you don't need to return df. I chose to for convenience.

Lua: What is the difference in these variable assignments?

what is the difference between the variable assignment
local newpos = {}
newpos.x = 1 ----- or --------- newpos[x] = 1
i know not what i speak but to me these seem to be the same thing if not similar?
newpos.x = 1 is the same as newpos["x"] = 1 that is they both set the value stored at key string "x" to 1.
newpos[x] = 1 is different. This is set the value stored at key contents of variable x to 1.
Try it and see.
local newpos = {}
newpos.x = 1
print(newpos.x, newpos["x"], x, newpos[x])
newpos["x"] = 2
print(newpos.x, newpos["x"], x, newpos[x])
local x = "var"
print(newpos.x, newpos["x"], x, newpos[x])
newpos[x] = 3
print(newpos.x, newpos["x"], x, newpos[x])
Results for the above:
1 1 nil nil
2 2 nil nil
2 2 var nil
2 2 var 3

what to do with fraction as index number

given these inputs x = 4, S = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10], and n = 10
search (x,S,n) {
i = 1
j = n
while i < j {
m = [(i+j)/2]
if x > Sm then i=n+1
else j = m
if x = Si then location = i
else location = 0
This code is not from any particular language its just from my discrete math hw, but I'm confused as to what Sm would equal on the first iteration because m would be 11/2. If i use a fraction as the index do I round down? Is there a general rule for this? Am I making any sense? Help pls