Worklight: send client logs to server - ibm-mobilefirst

I am using worklight 6.1 and I'm trying to send logs that are created in my client to the server in order to be able to view the logs in case the application crashes. What I have done is (based on this link
Set the below in wlInitOptions.js
logger : {
enabled: true,
level: 'debug',
stringify: true,
pretty: false,
tag: {
level: false,
pkg: true
whitelist: [],
blacklist: [],
nativeOptions: {
capture: true
In the client I have set the below where I want to send a log:
Implemented the necessary adapter WLClientLogReceiver-impl.js with the log function based on the link
Unfortunately I can't see the log in the messages.log. Anyone have any ideas?
I have also tried to send the log in the analytics DB based on this link
What I did is:
WL.Analytics.log( { "_activity" : "myCustomActivity" }, "My log" );
however no new entry is added in the app_Activity_Report table. Is there something I am missing?

Couple of things:
Follow Idan's advice in his comments and be sure you're looking at the correct docs. He's right; this feature has changed quite a bit between versions.
You got 90% of the configuration, but you're missing the last little bit. Simply sending logs to your adapter is not enough for them to show in your messages.log. You need to do one of the following to get it into messages.log:
set audit="true" attribute in the <procedure> tag of the WLClientLogReceiver.xml file, or
log the uploaded data explicitly in your adapter implementation. Beware, however, that the WL.Logger API on the server is subject to the application server level configuration.
Also, WL.Analytics.log data does not go into the reports database. The only public API that populates the database is WL.Client.logActivity. I recommend sticking with the WL.Logger and WL.Analytics APIs.

Related throws exception when using the "to" field

I have two flat Feed Groups, main, the primary news feed, and main_topics.
I can make a post to either one successfully.
But when I try to 'cc' the other using the to field, like, to: ["main_topics:donuts"] I get:
code: 17
detail: "You do not have permission to do this, you got this error because there are no policies allowing this request on this application. Please consult the documentation"
duration: "0.16ms"
exception: "NotAllowedException"
status_code: 403
The request didn't have the right permissions or autorization. Please check our docs about how to sign requests.
We're generating user tokens server-side, and the token works to read and write to both groups without to.
// on server
username: user.username,
Post body:
actor: "SU:5f40650ad9b60a00370686d7"
attachments: {images: [], files: []}
foreign_id: "post:1598391531232"
object: "Newsfeed"
text: "Yum #donuts"
time: "2020-08-25T14:38:51.232"
to: ["main_topics:donuts", "main_topics:all"]
verb: "post"
The docs show an example with to: ['team:barcelona', 'match:1'], and say you need to create the feed groups in the panel, but mention nothing about setting up specific permissions to use this feature.
Any idea why this would happen? Note that I'm trying to create the new topics (donuts, all) which don't exist when this post is made. However, the docs don't specify that feeds need to be explicitly created first - maybe that's the missing piece?
If you haven’t already tried creating the feed first, then try that. Besides that, the default permissions restrict a user from posting on another’s feed. I think it’s acceptable to do this if it’s a notification feed but not user or timeline.
You can email the getstream support to change the default permissions because these are not manageable from the dashboard.
Or you can do this call server side as an admin permissions.

How to Modify Logging Fields on Pino express Log

I am using express-pino-logger for logging system. It is all working fine but it is logging lot of unwanted data all Request data. So how can i restrict specific Fields while logging.
var expressPino = require('express-pino-logger')({ prettyPrint: { colorize: true } });
app.get('/test',function(req, res) {"Something");
Above Code Logging Lot of Unwanted Result like below Json.
{"level":30,"time":1559044530446,"pid":2462,"hostname":"PATRALTOP-46","prettyPrint":{"colorize":true},"req":{"id":10,"method":"GET","url":"/user/profile","headers":{"host":"localhost:3011","connection":"keep-alive","user-agent":"Mozilla36","accept":"*/*","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9,ta;q=0.8","cookie":"menubShQ","if-none-match":"W2b7bpE08jO8lVNTEV/tg9OIRMd3fI"},"remoteAddress":"::1","remotePort":58260},"res":{"statusCode":304,"headers":{"x-powered-by":"Express","etag":"W2b7b-OpE08jO8lVNTEV/tg9OIRMd3fI"}},"responseTime":106,"msg":"something","v":1}
So How can we specify or remove fields while logging.
Set base: undefined in the options you are passing to the Pino instance. It will remove pid and hostname from each log.
There are more options available to manipulate the logs.
For more details checkout the API specs:
Latest version supports redact feature

SoftLayer API: Does VSI flavor based order support specifying image_id

We want to programatically order VSI using the flavor (for example. Balanced type), however instead of using the standard os_code, we want the VSI to be created from a public image template (ie. CentOS7-ChangeStable). From the following doc it seems to be possible.
However I tried but got the following error:
SoftLayer.exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError: SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_InvalidValue): Invalid value provided for 'blockDevices'. Block devices may not be provided when using an image template.
Using slcli is failing as well with a different error:
# slcli vs create --hostname testvsi --domain vmonic.local --flavor BL2_4X8X100 --image 1cc8be72-f230-4ab9-b4b2-329c3e747853 --datacenter tok02 --private
This action will incur charges on your account. Continue? [y/N]: y
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Order is missing the following category: Operating System.
Please advice whether using "image_id" with "flavor" is supported in SL API / python API. Thanks!
this is an issue with the API, the python client uses the method to create the VSI using RESTFul the same request would be something like this:
POST: https://$
"parameters": [{
"datacenter": {
"name": "tok02"
"domain": "softlayer.local",
"hourlyBillingFlag": true,
"blockDeviceTemplateGroup": {
"globalIdentifier": "1cc8be72-f230-4ab9-b4b2-329c3e747853"
"hostname": "rcabflav",
"privateNetworkOnlyFlag": true,
"supplementalCreateObjectOptions": {
"flavorKeyName": "BL2_4X8X100"
and you will get the same error, I reported this error in Softlayer, if you want you can submit a ticket in softlayer and report it as well.

How to get AWS API Gateway to validate JSON Body against Model

The newly released "x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator" (in April I believe) is supposed to be able to run a JSON schema validation against the POST/PUT payload of an API.
I've tried to implement this in several different ways now but I can't make it work...
I have added the validators:
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators": {
"ValidateBody": {
"validateRequestParameters": false,
"validateRequestBody": true
"ValidateHeaders": {
"validateRequestParameters": true,
"validateRequestBody": false
For any methind I will look for specific headers so I also have the parameters in the "root" of the Swagger:
"x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator": "ValidateHeaders"
In the POST I have a x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator: ValidateBody and then a Model with the JSON schema where several elements are required.
I can however POST anything as long as it is JSON... There is no validation against the JSON schema done...
What am I missing?
It is working!
There is a time lag between the deploy and the actual usage of the new code even though I am not doing any caching it seems.
Went out for lunch and came back to a working solution!
"message": "Invalid request body"
It would be nice to be able to modify the response message though...

SoftLayer API: - How to get the ID of a bare metal server on create

I'm using 'SoftLayer_Hardware', 'createObject' to deploy new servers, however this call returns no id, as on the example on
So if I have no id how can I query info for that server? I noticed there's a globalIdentifier variable but no mention at all on what it is and how to use it
you can use the goblal identifier instead the ID in your request
Note: replace the $GloblalIdentifier
The reason why the id is not displayed is because the server was not created yet, your order has to be approved and when the provisioning is ended the id will show up, meanwhile you can use the global identifier when the provisioning ends you will be able to see the id
Here SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject says:
To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via
checking the provisionDate property. When provisionDate is not null,
the server will be ready. Be sure to use the globalIdentifier as your
initialization parameter.
Please see this example:
Method: GET
Also, you can get Bare Metal information using SoftLayer_Account::getHardware with some filters:
https://[username]:[apikey]{"hardware":{"hostname":{"operation": "myhostname"}, "domain":{"operation": "mydomain"}}}&objectMask=mask[id,fullyQualifiedDomainName,provisionDate]
Method: GET
Note: You can add some masks in order to get more information than by default, i.e. In the previous request you can see the provisionDate(When provisionDate is not null, the server will be ready).
List Bare metal servers filtering by username who created them:
https://[username]:[apikey]{ "hardware": { "billingItem": { "orderItem": { "order": { "userRecord": { "username": { "operation": "myusername" } } } } } } }&objectMask=mask[id,fullyQualifiedDomainName,billingItem.orderItem.order.userRecord.username,provisionDate]
Method: GET
Also you can review:
Softlayer API to get virtual guest owner
thank you for your answers. Unfortunately this is a chicken/egg problem. Once the API call is sent, I get an GloblalIdentifier but not an id.
If I ask for this GloblalIdentifier I get a response with id as null
If I get the listing of the hardware servers, I see the new machine is there, has an id, but the GloblalIdentifier is None.
Makes no sense.