Xvfb and thucydides/Selenium default path to run Firefox - selenium

CI Jenkins is running on CentOS headless machine under non-root user.
Xvfb packege is installed, when I try the hint from How can I specify a display?, i.e. manually set in the console
export DISPLAY=
Xvfb :0
firefox &
and it works - the Xvfb output displays some firefox requests, Firefox output to the console.
When I run the same thing from maven, nothing happens. Please review my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
</dependency> -->
XMInd plugin is not needed right now; it will be added after it will be improved
</plugin> -->
</compilerArguments> -->
The firefox and Xvfb utilities are chowned for the jenkins linux user and chmoded 777, so the permissions are not the root of the problem.
export DISPLAY=
Is set to pre-build actions. Xvfb should be started by the maven selenium plugin and it is started according to the mavn output and own Xvfb log.
I'd like to know how Thucydides/Selenium defines how to find the Firefox binaries to run? May be they should be explicitly configured in jenkins profile somehow?

Actually, I couldn't resolve the problem in the way I liked, because despite of any combinations of DISPLAY variables, attributing files and binaries to the jenkins user and back to root, it was impossible to run Xvfb from the maven plugin config. However, the Xvfb Jenkins plugin worked fine! And if was more perfect for me, since I no longer need different mvn profiles to run on the local machine and on the CI (Xvfb run for the plugin was stored as jenkins profile),


Configuring kapt to process lombok annotations

This is a followup for these questions:
Kotlin doesn't see Java Lombok accessors?
Is kapt supported in maven?
It seems that the kapt has evolved since and now it is even supported in Maven. I am trying this (note the Lombok annotation processor in the config):
But it still seems to have no effect and the Lombok #Getter is still ignored as described in the related issues.
Is there anything that can be done?
So, if you wish to use Lombok annotations on Kotlin classes, this should work:
If you need to use Lombok classes in Kotlin code, you need to use delombok:
In this case you don't need kapt at all. Works like a charm for me.
after lots of googling, i came up with this solution which allows lombok-enhanced java and kotlin code in the same module to call each other:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>com.ericytsang playground</name>
after implementing this solution, i revised it multiple times.
i want to keep my source code in src/main/java instead of src/main/lombok, so i added the <sourceDirectory>src/main/java</sourceDirectory> elements in the lombok configurations.
adding the above configurations caused duplicate class compile errors because the compiler was compiling the delomboked code as well as the code in src/main/java...i only want it to compile the delomboked code...but i also want the IDE to ignore the delomboked code....so i added <addOutputDirectory>false</addOutputDirectory> to lombok plugin, and <sourceDirs>${project.build.directory}/delombok-main</sourceDirs> to the kotlin plugin.
helpful discussion on delomboking code

How to measure code coverage with Selenium

My project is composed by a EJB module and a Web module.
The EJB module uses Arquillian with Persistence extension to run integration tests. Arquillian starts up a managed Jboss7, setup the database, run the tests and then shuts down Jboss. I have JaCoCo Maven Plugin configured to generated code coverage reports for those tests and everything is working perfectly - reports are created and exported to a sonar server.
The Web module uses Arquillian with Drone/Graphene extensions to run Selenium tests. So, during my CI build, Arquillian starts a Jboss7, starts firefox and run the Selenium test suites automatically. Here is where I'm having troubles... All the tests run just fine, however JaCoCo reports are not being generated for this module.
Both modules share a common root pom, here is the relevant bit of this pom:
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->
<!-- copy-dependency plugin -->
<execute />

How to specify the JAXB version in maven-jaxb2-plugin?

I need to use the latest version jaxb: 2.2.4-1, but maven or maven-jaxb2-plugin seems to pick up the one from the JDK.
I tried specifying the version like this:
but the logs read:
[INFO] [jaxb2:generate {execution: common}]
[INFO] Started execution.
[INFO] JAXB API is loaded from the [jar:file:/opt/jdk1.6.0_24/jre/lib/rt.jar!].
[INFO] Detected JAXB API version [2.1].
I tried to add dependencies to the correct versions of javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api and com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl, but that didn't help.
I also tried using maven-jaxb22-plugin but it also didn't work.
The following code is adapted from the default webapp that netbeans generates. It uses the dependency plugin to copy the jars to a temporary folder and specifies this folder as the endorsed directory to the compiler so it overrides the implementation in the jdk.
I attempted to use Jörn's solution, but it looks like maven-jaxb2-plugin went ahead and used the rt.jar version anyway, as I got the telling message from the plugin: [INFO] JAXB API is loaded from the [jar:file:/C:/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/lib/rt.jar!].
My unsuccessful version of the solution is slightly different in how it uses the dependency plugin, but that's the one part of the build that succeeds...
hey just I want to save time of the people.
for the people who work on jaxb-impl, the version jaxb-impl 2.2.4-1 that meant to fix a bug of the version 2.2.4, the pom of istack-commons-runtime under the META-INF Folder contain a reference to its parent pom 2.4-SNAPSHOT when it should be jsut 2.4, due this version isn't a snapshot.
so if you don't want to work with snapshot you will smash with this error, unless you want to add everything on your local repository you may have to update manually this version into the pom on the jar.

Unzip dependency in maven

I have the following dependency in maven
This creates sigar-dist- in my repository.
I have seen this question here, however I still can't make it work.
How can I unzip the sigar-dist.zip and place the content in a directory in my project? What is the mvn call I have to do to make it work?
You can do it with dependencies:unpack-dependencies:
<phase>package<!-- or any other valid maven phase --></phase>
<!-- or: ${project.basedir}/wherever/you/want/it -->
Unpacking project dependencies
just a follow up on answer from #Sean Patrick Floyd
this is my final pom.xml to download and unpack tomcat
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<!-- or: ${project.basedir}/wherever/you/want/it -->

Share test resources between maven projects

There is a clear solution for sharing the common test code between maven projects using test-jar goal of maven-jar-plugin plugin (see here).
I need to do the similar thing with test resources, in particular, I want test resources of project A be available in the classpath of project B during testing.
For project A one need to declare:
<!-- Package and attach test resources to the list of artifacts: -->
<jar destfile="${project.build.directory}/test-resources.jar">
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}/test-resources" />
And in project B it will be normal dependency:
Question: Should it work in all cases? Is it possible to pack resources without maven-antrun-plugin (using more 'lightweight' plugin)?
Just use jar:test-jar and declare the resulting JAR as a dependency (refer to this guide for more details). And while I don't understand the problem of having resources and classes in this jar, you can always exclude all .class files:
And to use it:
Accepted answer helped me, but it's not quite accurate in case you need regular jar of same project as well. It will delete *.class files from both jars.
Settings below translates to something like:
create me 2 jars: 1 regular, 1 test;
remove *.class files, but only from test jar
Using maven-dependency-plugin we can put the resource needed in the right directory, only modifying the pom on dependent project is needed:
type is used to get test resource
outputDirectory is used to put the resource usable in tests
Documentation here: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-mojo.html
There is already a goal to build a test jar from maven.
Assuming you need something a little more flexible, you can use the jar plugin to package your test resources and run that goal with the main package goal with something like this.
Whatever you want bundled would be added to the project-name-version-test-resources.jar when the jar goal is run.
You could then include it in a project via the same dependency you use above.