How to measure code coverage with Selenium - selenium

My project is composed by a EJB module and a Web module.
The EJB module uses Arquillian with Persistence extension to run integration tests. Arquillian starts up a managed Jboss7, setup the database, run the tests and then shuts down Jboss. I have JaCoCo Maven Plugin configured to generated code coverage reports for those tests and everything is working perfectly - reports are created and exported to a sonar server.
The Web module uses Arquillian with Drone/Graphene extensions to run Selenium tests. So, during my CI build, Arquillian starts a Jboss7, starts firefox and run the Selenium test suites automatically. Here is where I'm having troubles... All the tests run just fine, however JaCoCo reports are not being generated for this module.
Both modules share a common root pom, here is the relevant bit of this pom:
<!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->
<!-- copy-dependency plugin -->
<execute />


xvfb parallel run on same node inside Jenkins [duplicate]

looking for help to execute cucumber 7 in parallel. My project is serenity with cucumber and java. In this link it is showing that it is possible to run but tried different combination and looks like I missed something.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To execute:
I add same tag to multiple feature files and run through command line: mvn clean verify -Dtags="#regression"
Expected: Open multiple browsers at the same time to execute test faster
Find the solution for parallel execution with cucumber 7 and serenity junit 4. Below pom.xml is tested and working to execute parallel. According to this pom.xml to execute two ways:
locally - add to your runner in tags tag you want to run and then execute this command mvn clean verify
mvn clean verify -Dtags="#yourtagHere"
Working pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- <forkCount>${parallel.tests}</forkCount>-->
#Yuri I had similar issue and it required to use the 3.0.0-M3 failsafe plugin version. After that the tests started to run in parallel.
Did you run the tests remotely in parallel? Eg. Jenkins? I had issue to run them in parallel on Jenkins. The tests are randomly failing... I use xvfb plugin...
The issue was focus related. The tests lose focus in the browser window in case multiple tests are running on the same machine.
I moved the tests to run in headless mode and this it fixed the issue. I can now run 6 threads in parallel on the same machine without any random failure issue.

Parallel execution is not happening with Cucumber Junit

I made this configuration in POM.xml file to run the test in parallel. But when I call mvn verify using cmd only one browser is running with one feature and after completing execution of one feature file another feature is running.
I am using cucumber & cucumber-junit 7.3.2 and particular junit version 4.13.2
Here is my pom.xml code:
I solved it the following way:
Added Junit-Jupiter dependency 5.8.2
Added surefire-junit47 dependency 2.22.2 inside maven-surefire-plugin itself.
This is the latest configuration which I am doing on 13-june-2022.
Below is my complete configuration:
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW LINE - To execute feature files with single runner -->
<!-- UNCOMMENT BELOW 3 LINES - To execute using parallel or combination option -->

kotlin getparameters function not working

I get constantly:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resource not found in classpath: kotlin/coroutines/coroutines.kotlin_builtins
while I try to get parameters of any object as pointet in example below:
I've added following dependencies to my maven:
Since you are using version 1.3.0 I would recommend the following dependency
Got the same error, working on a Spring Boot app, with IntelliJ 2019.1, kotlin 1.3.30.
The following configuration (in pom.xml) fixed it:
... (your other dependencies)
<goals> <goal>compile</goal> </goals>
<goals> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals>
Also, I originally had the kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 artifact as a dependency as well, but if the kotlin-stdlib artifact is included, the jdk8 one is not needed. See for more details.

Xvfb and thucydides/Selenium default path to run Firefox

CI Jenkins is running on CentOS headless machine under non-root user.
Xvfb packege is installed, when I try the hint from How can I specify a display?, i.e. manually set in the console
export DISPLAY=
Xvfb :0
firefox &
and it works - the Xvfb output displays some firefox requests, Firefox output to the console.
When I run the same thing from maven, nothing happens. Please review my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
</dependency> -->
XMInd plugin is not needed right now; it will be added after it will be improved
</plugin> -->
</compilerArguments> -->
The firefox and Xvfb utilities are chowned for the jenkins linux user and chmoded 777, so the permissions are not the root of the problem.
export DISPLAY=
Is set to pre-build actions. Xvfb should be started by the maven selenium plugin and it is started according to the mavn output and own Xvfb log.
I'd like to know how Thucydides/Selenium defines how to find the Firefox binaries to run? May be they should be explicitly configured in jenkins profile somehow?
Actually, I couldn't resolve the problem in the way I liked, because despite of any combinations of DISPLAY variables, attributing files and binaries to the jenkins user and back to root, it was impossible to run Xvfb from the maven plugin config. However, the Xvfb Jenkins plugin worked fine! And if was more perfect for me, since I no longer need different mvn profiles to run on the local machine and on the CI (Xvfb run for the plugin was stored as jenkins profile),

aar file not added into war axis2-aar-maven-plugin

I am trying to careate a sample webservice with Axis2 and Maven, while the aar file is generating but in aar, as war file get generated first and aar file afterwordds. can someone provide some help here.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>test.webservice Maven Webapp</name>
<!-- Set true if you want Depending Jar to be included into AAR file-->
Issue resolved. I have done following changes into pom.xml
<!-- Set true if you want Depending Jar to be included into AAR file-->